webcolor19 and honeywell sensor

blakadder 2019-11-02 20:23:26 +01:00
parent 5dd7b11a24
commit 220fc778a0
2 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ IPAddress3<a id="IPAddress3"></a>|`XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX` = set subnet mask
IPAddress4<a id="IPAddress4"></a>|`XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX` = set DNS server IP address<BR>*follow IPAddress commands with `restart 1` to apply changes*
Password\<x\><a id="Password"></a>|`1` = reset AP\<x\> Wi-Fi password to firmware default (`STA_PASS1`) and restart<BR>`<value>` = set AP\<x\> Wi-Fi password (64 char limit, **do not use special characters or white spaces in the password**) and restart. **Note that `Password` and `Password1` are equivalent commands.**
Ssid\<x\><a id="Ssid"></a>|`1` = reset AP\<x\> Wi-Fi SSID to firmware default (`STA_SSID1` or `STA_SSID2`) and restart<BR>`<value>` = set AP\<x\> Wi-Fi SSID (32 char limit, **do not use special characters or white spaces in the SSID**) and restart
WebColor\<x\><a id="WebColor"></a>|Configure Web GUI colors&emsp; »6.6.0<BR>`#RRGGBB` = Set web GUI color (x = `1..18`):<BR>`1` = Global text (Black)<BR>`2` = Global background (White)<BR>`3` = Form background (Greyish)<BR>`4` = Input text (Black)<BR>`5` = Input background (White)<BR>`6` = Console text (Black)<BR>`7` = Console background (White)<BR>`8` = Warning text (Red)<BR>`9` = Success text (Green)<BR>`10` = Button text (White)<BR>`11` = Button (Blueish)<BR>`12` = Button hovered over (Darker blueish)<BR>`13` = Restart/Reset/Delete button (Redish)<BR>`14` = Restart/Reset/Delete button hover (Darker reddish)<BR>`15` = Save button (Greenish)<BR>`16` = Save button hover (Darker greenish)<BR>`17` = Config timer tab text (White)<BR>`18` = Config timer tab background (Light grey)<br>[User themes](webui#themes)
WebColor\<x\><a id="WebColor"></a>|Configure Web GUI colors (x = `1..19`)&emsp; »6.6.0<BR>`#RRGGBB` = Set color for `WebColor<x>`<BR>`1` = Global text (Black)<BR>`2` = Global background (White)<BR>`3` = Form background (Greyish)<BR>`4` = Input text (Black)<BR>`5` = Input background (White)<BR>`6` = Console text (Black)<BR>`7` = Console background (White)<BR>`8` = Warning text (Red)<BR>`9` = Success text (Green)<BR>`10` = Button text (White)<BR>`11` = Button (Blueish)<BR>`12` = Button hovered over (Darker blueish)<BR>`13` = Restart/Reset/Delete button (Redish)<BR>`14` = Restart/Reset/Delete button hover (Darker reddish)<BR>`15` = Save button (Greenish)<BR>`16` = Save button hover (Darker greenish)<BR>`17` = Config timer tab text (White)<BR>`18` = Config timer tab background (Light grey)<br>`19` = Module title and FriendlyName text (Whiteish)<br>[User themes](webui#themes)
WebPassword<a id="WebPassword"></a>|Show current web server password<BR>`0` = disable use of password for web UI<BR>`1` = reset password to firmware default (`WEB_PASSWORD`)<BR>`<value>` = set web UI password (32 char limit) for user `WEB_USERNAME` *(Default WEB_USERNAME = `admin`)*
WebRefresh<a id="WebRefresh"></a>|Web page refresh&emsp; »6.3.0<BR>`1000..10000` = set refresh time in milliseconds *(default = `2345`)*
WebSend<a id="WebSend"></a>|Send a command to Tasmota host over http. If a command starts with a `\` it will be used as a link.&emsp; »6.1.0<BR>`[<host>:<port>,<user>:<password>] <command>`<BR>`<host>` = hostname or IP address.<BR>`<port>` = port for the device if not the default `80`<BR>`<user>` = enter username of the device you're sending the command to<BR>`<password>` = enter password of the device you're sending the command to<BR>`<command>` = command and payload<BR>*example: `[<ip>] POWER1 ON` sends `http://<ip>/cm?cmnd=POWER1 ON`*

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
You can connect peripherals (sensors, displays, switches, LED lights, ...) to available pins of the device. [Read here](Expanding-Tasmota) for more.
### Supported peripherals
More about [general configuration](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/wiki/Sensor-Configuration).
More about [general configuration](Sensor-Configuration).
*Some of the articles were written originally for D1 mini but the information still applies except the wiring instructions*
- [**ADC**](ADC) - Analog input over A0 pin
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ More about [general configuration](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/wiki/Senso
- **HR-E** - Water Meter Encoder interface (Serial)
- [**HC-SR04 (SR04+, SR04T)**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR04-Ultrasonic-Sensor) - Ultrasonic Sensor
- [**HC-SR501**](PIR-Motion-Sensors#HC-SR501) - PIR Motion Sensor<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5904370/53279530-8c571600-3711-11e9-85c0-27d35be2df48.png" width="200" align="right" />
- **Honeywell HIH** - Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **HTU21** - Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **HX711** - Load Cell sensor (GPIO)
- **INA219** - High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)