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blakadder 2019-11-02 02:09:05 +01:00
parent 909d91ebc2
commit 2feaffd456
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ More about [general configuration](
- [**CC2530**](Zigbee) - Zigbee Adapter (Serial)
- **CCS811** - Gas and Air Quality sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**Chirp! Soil Moisture Sensor**](Moisture-Sensor-and-Chirp!-Sensor) - Moisture Sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**DHT11**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-DHT11-Shield-Humidity-&-Temperature) - Humidity & Temperature Sensor<img src="" width="250" align="right">
- [**DHT11**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-DHT11-Shield-Humidity-&-Temperature) - Humidity & Temperature Sensor<img src="" width="200" align="right">
- [Sonoff Basic wiring](DHT11-Wiring---Sonoff-Basic)
- [**DHT22 (DHT21, AM2301, AM2302, AM2321)**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-DHT22-(DHT21,-AM2301,-AM2302,-AM2321)-Shield-Humidity-&-Temperature) - Humidity & Temperature Sensor
- **DS18x20** - Temperature sensor (GPIO)
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ More about [general configuration](
- [**HM16/HM17**](iBeacon-driver) - Bluetooth iBeacon reader (Serial)
- **HR-E** - Water Meter Encoder interface (Serial)
- [**HC-SR04 (SR04+, SR04T)**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR04-Ultrasonic-Sensor) - Ultrasonic Sensor
- [**HC-SR501**](PIR-Motion-Sensors#HC-SR501) - PIR Motion Sensor<img src="" width="250" align="right" />
- [**HC-SR501**](PIR-Motion-Sensors#HC-SR501) - PIR Motion Sensor<img src="" width="200" align="right" />
- **HTU21** - Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **HX711** - Load Cell sensor (GPIO)
- **INA219** - High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ More about [general configuration](
- **MAX44009** - Ambient Light Sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**MCP23008 / MCP23017**](MCP23008-MCP23017) - I/O Expander (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**MGC3130**](MGC3130) - 3D Tracking and Gesture Controller
- [**MH-Z19B**](MH-Z19B) - CO<sub>2</sub> Sensor<img src="" width="250" align="right" />
- [**MH-Z19B**](MH-Z19B) - CO<sub>2</sub> Sensor<img src="" width="200" align="right" />
- **MLX90614** - MLX IR Temperature sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**MPR121**](MPR121) - Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **MPU6050** - 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ More about [general configuration](
- **PCF8574** 8-port I\/O Expander (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **PMS3003-5003-7003** - Particle Concentration sensor (Serial)
- [**PN532**](PN532) - NFC/RFID controller
- [**PZEM-0XX**](PZEM-0XX) - Energy Monitor (Serial)<img src="" width="250" align="right" />
- [**PZEM-0XX**](PZEM-0XX) - Energy Monitor (Serial)<img src="" width="200" align="right" />
- [**RCWL 0516**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-RCWL-0516-Microwave-Radar-Sensor) - Microwave Radar Presence detection
- [**RDM6300**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-RDM6300) - 125Khz RFID Module
- **RX-4M50RR30SF / RX-AM8SF** - RF Sensor receiver (GPIO)