Created SonOTA + Espressif2Arduino + Tasmota without compiling (markdown)

Andres Meyer 2017-08-18 14:18:08 +02:00
parent 49a2a8c654
commit 470936c641
1 changed files with 28 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
This is for the lazy people that don't want to open the device, don't want to install SDKs and don't want to compile stuff ;-). You need
* A standard WiFi
* A different WiFi (which I created with a smartphone hotspot)
* A PC or similar with python3 that can run SonOTA
It worked for me with these devices:
* TH10
* TH16
* T1 (use the left button to set the device to config mode)
* configure Sonoff using ewlink for local wifi and update the firmware. It does not work with old firmware.
* create wifi hotspot on smartphone for default indebuurt1/VnsqrtnrsddbrN
* on PC, extract somwhere from the SonOTA project
* extract in same dir, should create ssl and static dir (contains just a snakeoil ssl cert and the default compiled e2a binaries directly from the unmodified Espressif2Arduino source)
* start with your standard wifi SSID/PW and PC IP (eg ./ --wifi-ssid asdfasdf --wifi-password fidjfidfjidjf
* connect Sonoff, press button for 5s or so until it blinks in blocks of 3, then again 5s or so until it blinks continuously
* connect to ITEAD-xxxx with PC
* sonota should send some stuff
* switch PC to standard Wifi
* sonota should send more stuff
* wait for a while, eg 2min, while the device is connecting to the standard wifi and downloading e2a (second part) / Tasmota
* connect the pc to the hotspot indebuurt1 wifi
* use `nmap -p 80` or similar to find the IP of Tasmota minimal running on the device
* use a web browser to connect, update to Tasmota standard and configure WiFi / MQTT etc
If there is a problem with hosting the compiled binaries of the unmodified e2a source, just tell me and I will take it down.