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Updated Supported sensors (markdown)
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## Adding sensors
*(written for D1 mini but majority of information applies to other devices)*<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5904370/53279530-8c571600-3711-11e9-85c0-27d35be2df48.png" width="250" align="right" />
- [A4988 Stepper Motor Controller](A4988-Stepper-Motor-Controller)
- ADS1x15 A/D Converter (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**A4988**](A4988-Stepper-Motor-Controller) Stepper Motor Controller
- **ADS1x15** A/D Converter (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**AM312**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-AM312-PIR-Motion-Sensor) PIR Motion Sensor
- [**Broadcom Avago APDS-9960**](APDS-9960) Ambient Light, RGB Color and Proximity Sensor with Gesture Detection
- [**AZ Instrument 7798**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-AZ-Instrument-7798-CO2-Meter-Datalogger) CO<sub>2</sub> Meter Datalogger
@ -17,55 +17,55 @@
- [**DHT11**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-DHT11-Shield-Humidity-&-Temperature) Humidity & Temperature Sensor
- [Sonoff Basic wiring](DHT11-Wiring---Sonoff-Basic)
- [**DHT22 (DHT21, AM2301, AM2302, AM2321)**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-DHT22-(DHT21,-AM2301,-AM2302,-AM2321)-Shield-Humidity-&-Temperature) Humidity & Temperature Sensor<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5904370/53279561-cfb18480-3711-11e9-9889-76ab1d6eafcb.png" width="250" align="right" />
- DS18x20 Temperature sensor (GPIO)
- **DS18x20** Temperature sensor (GPIO)
- [**DS3231**](DS3231---External-RTC) Real-Time-Clock (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**HM16/HM17**](iBeacon-driver) Bluetooth iBeacon reader (Serial)
- HR-E Water Meter Encoder interface (Serial)
- **HR-E** Water Meter Encoder interface (Serial)
- [**HC-SR04 (SR04+, SR04T)**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR04-Ultrasonic-Sensor) Ultrasonic Sensor
- [**HC-SR501**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-HC-SR501-PIR-Motion-Sensor) PIR Motion Sensor
- HTU21 Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- HX711 Load Cell sensor (GPIO)
- INA219 High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **HTU21** Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **HX711** Load Cell sensor (GPIO)
- **INA219** High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**IR Remote Control**](https://github.com/altelch/SonoffIR) DIY
- K30, K70, S8 CO2 sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **K30, K70, S8** CO<sub>2</sub> sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**LM75AD**](LM75AD) Temperature Sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor (SPI)
- MAX31865 RTD Temperature Sensor Amplifier (SPI)
- MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **MAX31855** Thermocouple Sensor (SPI)
- **MAX31865** RTD Temperature Sensor Amplifier (SPI)
- **MAX44009** Ambient Light Sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**Microchip MCP23008 / MCP23017**](MCP23008-MCP23017) I/O Expander (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**MGC3130**](MGC3130) 3D Tracking and Gesture Controller
- [**MH-Z19B**](MH-Z19B) CO<sub>2</sub> Sensor<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5904370/53279635-54040780-3712-11e9-8c83-970280003b6d.png" width="250" align="right" />
- MLX90614 MLX IR Temperature sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **MLX90614** MLX IR Temperature sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**MPR121**](MPR121) Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor Controller (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- MPU6050 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **MPU6050** 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**P1 Energy Meter**](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Wemos-D1-Mini-and-P1-Energy-Meter)
- [**PAJ7620**](PAJ7620) Gesture & Proximity Detection Sensor
- [**PCA9685**](PCA9685) 16-channel, 12-bit PWM LED controller (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- PMS5003-7003 Particle Concentration sensor (Serial)
- **PMS5003-7003** Particle Concentration sensor (Serial)
- [**PN532**](PN532) NFC/RFID controller
- [**PZEM004T**](PZEM004T-Energy-Monitoring-Custom-Devices) Energy Monitor (Serial)<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5904370/53279642-7433c680-3712-11e9-9aa2-7fd1adce3def.png" width="250" align="right" />
- [**RCWL 0516**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-RCWL-0516-Microwave-Radar-Sensor) Microwave Radar Presence detection
- [**RDM6300**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-RDM6300) 125Khz RFID Module
- RF Sensor receiver (GPIO)
- SCD30 CO2 sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- SDM120 Modbus Energy Meter (Serial)
- SDM630 Modbus Energy Meter (Serial)
- **RF Sensor receiver** (GPIO)
- **SCD30** CO<sub>2</sub> sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **SDM120** Modbus Energy Meter (Serial)
- **SDM630** Modbus Energy Meter (Serial)
- [**Nova Fitness SDS011 (SDS021)**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-Nova-Fitness-SDS011-Laser-Dust-Sensor) Laser Dust Sensor
- SGP30 Gas and Air Quality sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- SHT1x Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **SGP30** Gas and Air Quality sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **SHT1x** Temperature and Humidity sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**SHT30**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-SHT30-Shield-High-Precision-Humidity-&-Temperature) Humidity & Temperature Sensor
- SI114x UV Index, IR and Visible Light sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **SI114x** UV Index, IR and Visible Light sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**Smart Meter Interface (SML,OBIS,EBUS,MODBUS,RAW,COUNTER)**](smart-meter-interface) (Serial)
- SolaX X1 SolaX X1 inverter (Serial)
- SPS30 Particulate Matter (PM) sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- TM1638 8 Switch, LED and 7 Segment Unit sensor (GPIO)
- **SolaX X1** SolaX X1 inverter (Serial)
- **SPS30** Particulate Matter (PM) sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **TM1638** 8 Switch, LED and 7 Segment Unit sensor (GPIO)
- [**TSL2561**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-TSL2561-Luminosity-Sensor) Luminosity Sensor
- TX20 La Crosse Wind (Anemometer) sensor (GPIO)
- **TX20** La Crosse Wind (Anemometer) sensor (GPIO)
- [**VEML6070**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-VEML6070-UV-Sensor) UV Sensor
- VL53L0x Time of flight sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **VL53L0x** Time of flight sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- [**WS2812B**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-WS2812B-RGB-Shield) RGB Shield
- [**WS2812B/WS2813B**](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-WS2812B---WS2813B-Ledstrip) LED Strip
- Xadow, Grove Multi-channel Gas sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
- **Xadow, Grove** Multi-channel Gas sensor (I<sup>2</sup>C)
## Expanding your devices
- [Sensor Configuration](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Sensor-Configuration)
Reference in New Issue