Added Sensor20

blakadder 2019-03-29 08:38:54 +01:00
parent 33d857c18e
commit 610ccf1068
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ Action | `0` = turn output OFF<BR> `1` = turn output ON<BR>`2` = TOGGLE output
<a id="PressRes"> </a> PressRes | Pressure sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal points
<a id="Sensor13"> </a> Sensor13 | [INA219]( low voltage current sensor calibration mode<BR>`0` = set INA219 calibration to max 32V and 2A<BR>`1` = set INA219 calibration to max 32V and 1A<BR>`2` = set INA219 calibration to max 16V and 0.4A
<a id="Sensor15"> </a> Sensor15 | [Automatic Baseline Correction]( for [MH-Z19B](MH-Z19B) CO<sub>2</sub> sensor<BR>`0` = disabled<BR>`1` = enabled *(default)*<BR>`2` = disable and start manual calibration from 400 ppm of CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`9` = reset sensor to factory defaults<BR>`1000` = sets measurement range to 1000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`2000` = sets measurement range to 2000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`3000` = sets measurement range to 3000ppm CO<sub>2</sub><BR>`5000` = sets measurement range to 5000ppm CO<sub>2</sub>
<a id="Sensor20"> </a> Sensor20 | [Nova Fitness SDS011](Wemos-D1-Mini-and-Nova-Fitness-SDS011-Laser-Dust-Sensor) dust sensor. *Introduced in*<BR>`1..255` = change working period in minutes
<a id="Sensor27"> </a> Sensor27 | [APDS-9960](APDS-9960) sensor commands<BR>`0` = enable light level and proximity sensor / disable gestures *(default)* <BR> `1` = enable gesture mode/ disable light level and proximity sensor<BR> `2` = enable gestures with half gain / disable light and proximity sensor<BR>`3..255` = Set [ATIME register](APDS-9960#known-issues) for different integration times
<a id="Sensor34"> </a> Sensor34 | [HX711 load cell]( sensor calibration<BR>`1` = reset display to 0<BR>`2` = start calibration<BR>`2 <value>` = set reference weight in grams and start calibration<BR>`3` = show reference weight in grams<BR>`3 <value>` = set reference weight in grams<BR>`4` = show calibrated scale value<BR>`4 <value>` = set calibrated scale value<BR>`5` = show max weigth in gram<BR>`5 <value>` = set max weight in grams<BR>`6` = show item weigth in decigram<BR>`6 <value>` = set item weight in decigrams<BR>
<a id="TempRes"> </a> TempRes | Temperature sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal points