Added: different new drivers

Mike 2018-12-06 09:11:33 +01:00
parent dc61668658
commit 6a4dd27a4b
1 changed files with 3 additions and 0 deletions

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ on Tasmota and report it, please. Then we will look into it and add it.
| Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
| Counter | Counter sensors support (water meters, electricity meters, etc.) | xsns_01_counter.ino | Internal | | 2018 | Maarten Damen, Theo Arends |
| ADC | ESP8266 ADC support | xsns_02_analog.ino | Internal | | 2018 | Theo Arends
| iTead Sonoff SC | Temperature, Humidity, Light and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_04_snfsc.ino | GPIO | | 2018 | Theo Arends |
| DS18B20 | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18b20.ino | GPIO | | 2018 | Theo Arends |
| DS18x20 | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18x20.ino | GPIO | | 2018 | Theo Arends |
@ -101,7 +102,9 @@ on Tasmota and report it, please. Then we will look into it and add it.
| DS3231 | RTC chip, act like sensor support | xsns_33_ds3231.ino | I2C | 0x68 | 2018 | Guy Elgabsi |
| HX711 | Load Cell sensor support | xsns_34_hx711.ino | GPIO | | 2018 | Theo Arends |
| TX20 | La Crosse Wind (Anenometer) sensor support | xsns_35_Tx20.ino | GPIO | | 2018 | Thomas Eckerstorfer, Theo Arends |
| MGC3130 | Electric Field Sensor | xsns_36_mgc3130.ino | I2C | | 2018 | Christian Baars, Theo Arends
| Generic | Sensor Interface | xsns_interface.ino | Internal | | 2018 | Theo Arends, Inspired by ESPEasy |
| Debug | Debug support | zzzz_debug.ino | Internal | | 2018 | Theo Arends