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Updated Commands (markdown)
@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Simply put, other messages may precede messages published as a result of your co
Backlog<a id="Backlog"></a>|List of commands to be executed in sequence separated by `;`<BR> See [Using Backlog](#using-backlog) for examples.
BlinkCount<a id="BlinkCount"></a>|Number of relay toggles ([blinks](#power)) **(does not control the status LED)**<BR> `0` = blink many times before restoring power state <BR> `1..32000` = set number of blinks
BlinkTime<a id="BlinkTime"></a>|`2..3600` set duration, in 0.1 second increments, to [blink](#power) (i.e., toggle Power) for a relay **(does not control the status LED)**
ButtonDebounce<a id="ButtonDebounce"></a>|**6.2.0**<BR>User control over button debounce timing <BR>`40..1000` = set button debounce time in milliseconds. Default is `40`
Buzzer<a id="Buzzer"></a>|****<BR>`<count>,<beep>,<silence>,<tune>`<BR>All parameters are optional. The default is one 100milliseconds beep (`1` for `<count>`, `<beep>`, and `<silence>`).<BR>The `<tune >` parameter is a 32-bit [bitmask](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask_(computing)#Masking_bits_to_1) where a `1` bit beeps and a `0` bit is silence according to the `<beep>` and `<silence>` duration parameters, respectively. The tune is played from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Leading and trailing `0` bits are ignored. If the `<tune>` parameter is specified, the `<count>` parameter is ignored. If the `<tune>` parameter is `0`, it is ignored.<BR><BR>`3` - Beep three times with 100milliseconds duration and 100milliseconds pause<BR>`2,3` - Beep twice with 300milliseconds duration and 100milliseconds pause<BR>`2,3,4` - Beep twice with 300milliseconds duration and 400milliseconds pause<BR>`1,2,3,0xF54` (0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0101 0100). Each `1` bit beeps for 200milliseconds and each bounded `0` bit pauses for 300milliseconds<BR>A device LED can be assigned as a `Buzzer` component to display a blink pattern.
ButtonDebounce<a id="ButtonDebounce"></a>|**6.2.0**<BR>User control over button debounce timing <BR>`40..1000` = set button debounce time in milliseconds *(default = `40`)*
Buzzer<a id="Buzzer"></a>|****<BR>`<count>,<beep>,<silence>,<tune>`<BR>All parameters are optional. The default is one 100 millisecond beep (`1` for `<count>`, `<beep>`, and `<silence>`).<BR>The `<tune >` parameter is a 32-bit [bitmask](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask_(computing)#Masking_bits_to_1) where a `1` bit beeps and a `0` bit is silence according to the `<beep>` and `<silence>` duration parameters, respectively. The tune is played from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Leading and trailing `0` bits are ignored. If the `<tune>` parameter is specified, the `<count>` parameter is ignored. If the `<tune>` parameter is `0`, it is ignored.<BR><BR>`3` - Beep three times with 100 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause<BR>`2,3` - Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause<BR>`2,3,4` - Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 400 milliseconds pause<BR>`1,2,3,0xF54` (0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0101 0100). Each `1` bit beeps for 200 milliseconds and each bounded `0` bit pauses for 300 milliseconds<BR>A device LED can be assigned as a `Buzzer` component to display a blink pattern.
FanSpeed<a id="FanSpeed"></a>|**6.1.0**<BR>Fan speed control *(iFan02/iFan03 only)*<BR>`0` = turn fan OFF<BR>`1..3` = set fan speed<BR>`+` = increase fan speed <BR>`-` = decrease fan speed <BR>
Interlock<a id="Interlock"></a>|**6.5.0**<BR>Relay interlock mode and group selection.<BR>`0` = set self-locking mode for all relays *(default)*<BR> `1` = set interlock mode for selected relays
||Add up to 8 relays in 1 to 4 interlock groups, each separated by a space. For example<BR> `1,2 3,4` = Group Relay1 and Relay2 in group 1 and Relay3 and Relay4 in group 2 (_note the space between the two group declarations_) <BR> `1,2,3` = group Relay1, Relay2 and Relay3 in a single interlock group <BR>`1 3 2,4` = Relay1 is in group 1, Relay3 in group 2, Relay2 and Relay4 in group 3
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Power0<a id="Power0"></a>|****<BR>Control the power state simultaneously
Power\<x\><a id="Power"></a>|Control the corresponding Relay (enumerated) power state and also restart PulseTime\<x\><BR> `0` / `off` = turn OFF <BR> `1` / `on` = turn ON <BR> `2` / `toggle` = if relay is `ON` switch to `OFF` and vice versa<BR> `3` / `blink` = toggle power for [BlinkCount](#blinkcount) times each [BlinkTime](#blinktime) duration (at the end of `blink`, relay power is returned to pre-blink state)<BR> `4` / `blinkoff` = stop blink sequence and return relay power to pre-blink state
PowerOnState<a id="PowerOnState"></a>|Control relay state when the device is _**powered up**_. [More information](PowerOnState-Configuration)<BR> `0` / `OFF` = keep relay(s) OFF after power up <BR> `1` / `ON` = turn relay(s) ON after power up <BR> `2` / `TOGGLE` = toggle relay(s) from last saved state <BR> `3` = switch relay(s) to their last saved state *(default)* <BR> `4` = turn relay(s) ON and disable further relay control <BR> `5` = after a `PulseTime` period turn relay(s) ON (acts as inverted [`PulseTime`](Commands#pulsetime) mode)
PulseTime\<x\><a id="PulseTime"></a>|Display the amount of `PulseTime` remaining on the corresponding Relay (enumerated)<BR>`<value>` Set the duration to keep the corresponding Relay `ON` when `Power<x> ON` command is issued. After this amount of time, the relay will be turned `OFF`.<BR>`0` / `OFF` = disable use of PulseTime for the corresponding Relay<BR>`1..111` = set PulseTime for the corresponding Relay in 0.1 second increments<BR>`112..64900` = set PulseTime for the corresponding Relay, offset by 100, in 1 second increments. Add 100 to desired interval in seconds, e.g., `PulseTime 113` = 13 seconds and `PulseTime 460` = 6 minutes (i.e., 360 seconds)<BR>
SwitchDebounce<a id="SwitchDebounce"></a>|**6.2.0**<BR>User control over switch debounce timing <BR> `40..1000` = set switch debounce time in milliseconds. Default is `40`
SwitchDebounce<a id="SwitchDebounce"></a>|**6.2.0**<BR>User control over switch debounce timing <BR> `40..1000` = set switch debounce time in milliseconds *(default = `40`)*
SwitchMode\<x\><a id="SwitchMode"></a>|[Switch mode](Buttons-and-Switches#switchmode) <BR> `0` = toggle *(default)* <BR> `1` = follow (0 = off, 1 = on) <BR> `2` = inverted follow (0 = on, 1 = off) <BR> `3` = pushbutton (default 1, 0 = toggle) <BR> `4` = inverted pushbutton (default 0, 1 = toggle) <BR> `5` = pushbutton with hold (default 1, 0 = toggle, Hold = hold) <BR> `6` = inverted pushbutton with hold (default 0, 1 = toggle, hold = hold) <BR> `7` = pushbutton toggle (0 = toggle, 1 = toggle)
See also| [`SetOption11`](#SetOption11) - Swap pushbutton single and double press functionality<BR>[`SetOption13`](#SetOption13) - Allow immediate action on single button press<BR>[`SetOption26`](#SetOption26) - Use indexes even when only one relay is present<BR>[`SetOption31`](#SetOption31) - Disable Wi-Fi LED status blinking<BR>[`SetOption32`](#SetOption32) - Set hold interval before sending `HOLD` action<BR>[`SetOption67`](#SetOption67) - Enable/Disable Buzzer
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ Password\<x\><a id="Password"></a>|`1` = reset AP\<x\> Wi-Fi password to firmwar
Ssid\<x\><a id="Ssid"></a>|`1` = reset AP\<x\> Wi-Fi SSID to firmware default (`STA_SSID1` or `STA_SSID2`) and restart<BR>`<value>`= set AP\<x\> Wi-Fi SSID (32 char limit, **do not use special characters or white spaces in the SSID**) and restart
WebColor\<x\><a id="WebColor"></a>|**6.6.0**<BR>Web GUI colors<BR>`#RRGGBB` = Set web GUI color (x = `1..18`):<BR>`1` = Global text (Black)<BR>`2` = Global background (White)<BR>`3` = Form background (Greyish)<BR>`4` = Input text (Black)<BR>`5` = Input background (White)<BR>`6` = Console text (Black)<BR>`7` = Console background (White)<BR>`8` = Warning text (Red)<BR>`9` = Success text (Green)<BR>`10` = Button text (White)<BR>`11` = Button (Blueish)<BR>`12` = Button hovered over (Darker blueish)<BR>`13` = Restart/Reset/Delete button (Redish)<BR>`14` = Restart/Reset/Delete button hover (Darker reddish)<BR>`15` = Save button (Greenish)<BR>`16` = Save button hover (Darker greenish)<BR>`17` = Config timer tab text (White)<BR>`18` = Config timer tab background (Light grey)
WebPassword<a id="WebPassword"></a>|Show current web server password<BR>`0` = disable use of password for WebUI<BR>`1` = reset password to firmware default (`WEB_PASSWORD`)<BR>`<value>` = set WebUI password for user `WEB_USERNAME` (32 char limit)
WebRefresh<a id="WebRefresh"></a>|**6.3.0**<BR>Web page refresh<BR>`1000..10000` = set refresh time in milliseconds. Default is 2345<BR>Default WEB_USERNAME is `admin`.
WebRefresh<a id="WebRefresh"></a>|**6.3.0**<BR>Web page refresh<BR>`1000..10000` = set refresh time in milliseconds *(default = `2345`)* <BR>Default WEB_USERNAME is `admin`.
WebSend<a id="WebSend"></a>|**6.1.0**<BR>Send a command to Tasmota host. If a command starts with a `\` it will be used as a link.<BR>`[<host>:<port>,<user>:<password>] <command>`<BR>`<host>` = hostname or IP address.<BR>`<port>` = port for the device if not the default `80`<BR>`<user>` = enter username of the device you're sending the command to<BR>`<password>` = enter password of the device you're sending the command to<BR>`<command>` = command and payload<BR>*example: `[<ip>] POWER1 ON` sends `http://<ip>/cm?cmnd=POWER1 ON`*
WebSensor\<x\><a id="WebSensor"></a>|****<BR>Control display of sensor telemetry in the web UI<BR>`0` - Do not display sensor's telemetry<BR>`1` - Display sensor's telemetry (*default*)<BR>`<x>` = number corresponding to the sensor - listed in the `sns` section of the [supported sensor spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRBFqaP5QAFmT8iIYBxrn-EQp7-SrkxL6tb0OjpqtBxDEsmkiWCFei3sFyA_UXoqlbs3CqtEdOfC6Pa/pubhtml?gid=1029939700&single=true)<BR>`<x>` = `3` Energy telemetry<BR>Issue a `Status 4` to obtain a list of sensor types enabled in the firmware loaded on the device.
WebServer<a id="WebServer"></a>|`0` = stop web server<BR>`1` = start web server in user mode<BR>`2` = start web server in admin mode
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ See also|[`SetOption55`](#Setoption55) - mDNS service control<BR>[`SetOption56`]
<a id="tb-mqtt">Command|Parameters
ButtonRetain<a id="ButtonRetain"></a>|`0` = disable use of MQTT retain flag *(default)*<BR>`1` = enable MQTT retain flag on button press
ButtonTopic<a id="ButtonTopic"></a>|`<value>` = set MQTT button topic (32 chars max)<BR>`0` = disable use of MQTT button topic<BR>`1` = set MQTT button topic to device `%topic%`<BR>`2` = reset MQTT button topic to firmware default (`MQTT_BUTTON_TOPIC`) _(default = `0`)_<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, the command will not be executed._**
ButtonTopic<a id="ButtonTopic"></a>|`<value>` = set MQTT button topic (32 chars max)<BR>`0` = disable use of MQTT button topic<BR>`1` = set MQTT button topic to device `%topic%`<BR>`2` = reset MQTT button topic to firmware default (`MQTT_BUTTON_TOPIC`) *(default = `0`)*<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, the command will not be executed._**
FullTopic<a id="FullTopic"></a>|`1` = reset MQTT fulltopic to firmware default (`MQTT_FULLTOPIC`) and restart<BR>`<value>` = set MQTT fulltopic (100 chars max) using optional %topic% and %prefix% and restart.<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, you must specify `%topic%` and/or `%prefix%` to insure uniqueness._**
GroupTopic<a id="GroupTopic"></a>|`1` = reset MQTT group topic to firmware default (`MQTT_GRPTOPIC`) and restart<BR>`<value>` = set MQTT group topic (32 chars max) and restart
MqttClient<a id="MqttClient"></a>|`1` = reset MQTT client to firmware config (`MQTT_CLIENT_ID`) and restart<BR>`<value>` = set MQTT client (32 chars max) and restart.<BR>You can use wildcard `%06X` to replace with last six characters of MAC address.<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, the command will not be executed._**
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ StateText3<a id="StateText3"></a>|`<value>` = set `TOGGLE` state text (10 chars
StateText4<a id="StateText4"></a>|`<value>` = set `HOLD` state text (10 chars max)
SwitchRetain<a id="SwitchRetain"></a>|`0` = disable use of MQTT retain flag *(default)*<BR>`1` = enable MQTT retain flag on switch press
Subscribe<a id="Subscribe"></a>|**6.5.0**<BR>List all topics currently subscribed<BR>`<eventName>, <mqttTopic> [, <key>]`<BR>The `<key>` parameter is optional. It is specified to parse a key/value pair from a JSON payload in the MQTT message. In order to parse a value from a multi-level JSON pair, you can use one dot (`.`) syntax to split the key into sections.<BR><BR>Subscribes to an MQTT topic and assigns an [`Event`](#event) name to it. You must compile your own binary with `#define SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT` in your `user_config_override.h` file.<BR><BR>**Examples:**<li>`Rule1`<BR> `ON System#Boot DO Subscribe BkLight, stat/%topic%/POWER ENDON`<BR> `ON Event#BkLight=ON DO <command> ENDON`</li><li>`Rule1`<BR> `ON System#Boot DO Subscribe DnTemp, stat/%topic%/SENSOR, DS18B20.Temperature ENDON`<BR> `ON Event#DnTemp>=21 DO <command> ENDON`<BR> where the MQTT message payload is `{"Time":"2017-02-16T10:13:52", "DS18B20":{"Temperature":20.6}}`</li>
SwitchTopic<a id="SwitchTopic"></a>|`<value>` = set MQTT switch topic (32 chars max)<BR>`0` = disable use of MQTT switch topic<BR>`1` = set MQTT switch topic to device `%topic%`<BR>`2` = reset MQTT switch topic to firmware default (`MQTT_SWITCH_TOPIC`) _(default = `0`)_<BR>[Read more](Buttons-and-switches) about this.<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, the command will not be executed._**
SwitchTopic<a id="SwitchTopic"></a>|`<value>` = set MQTT switch topic (32 chars max)<BR>`0` = disable use of MQTT switch topic<BR>`1` = set MQTT switch topic to device `%topic%`<BR>`2` = reset MQTT switch topic to firmware default (`MQTT_SWITCH_TOPIC`) *(default = `0`)*<BR>[Read more](Buttons-and-switches) about this.<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, the command will not be executed._**
TelePeriod<a id="TelePeriod"></a>|`0` = disable telemetry messages<BR>`1` = reset telemetry period to firmware default (`TELE_PERIOD`)<BR>`10..3600` = set telemetry period in seconds *(default = `300`)*
Topic<a id="Topic"></a>|`1` = reset MQTT topic to firmware default (`MQTT_TOPIC`) and restart<BR>`<value>` = set MQTT topic (32 chars max) **and** `ButtonTopic` and restart.<BR>**_If using MQTT to issue this command, if it is used with the device `GroupTopic`, the command will not be executed._**
Unsubscribe<a id="Unsubscribe"></a>|**6.5.0**<BR>Unsubscribe from all topics currently subscribed using the [`Subscribe`](#subscribe) command<BR>`<eventName>` = unsubscribe from a specific MQTT topic<BR><BR>You must compile your own binary with `#define SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT` in your `user_config_override.h` file.
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Note: Information on sensors documented below is transmitted in the Tasmota tele
<a id="tb-sensor">Command|Parameters
AdcParam<a id="AdcParam"></a>|**6.6.0**<BR>ADC0 analog input tuning parameters<BR>`<sensor>, <param1>, <param2>, <param3>`<BR><BR>`<sensor>`<BR><ul><li>`2` = Temperature [Steinhart-Hart thermistor equation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinhart%E2%80%93Hart_equation) parameters:</li><ul><li>`<param1>` = NTC Voltage bridge resistor in Ohms (_default = 32000_)</li><li>`<param2>` = NTC Resistance in Ohms (_default = 10000_)</li><li>`<param3>` = NTC Beta Coefficient (_default = 3350_)</li></ul><li>`3` = Light [Lux equation](https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/projects/design-a-luxmeter-using-a-light-dependent-resistor/) parameters:</li><ul><li>`<param1>` = LDR Voltage bridge resistor in Ohms (_default = 10000_)</li><li>`<param2>` = LDR Lux Scalar (_default = 12518931_)</li><li>`<param3>` = LDR Lux Exponent (_default = -1.4050_)</li></ul></ul>
AdcParam<a id="AdcParam"></a>|**6.6.0**<BR>ADC0 analog input tuning parameters<BR>`<sensor>, <param1>, <param2>, <param3>`<BR><BR>`<sensor>`<BR><ul><li>`2` = Temperature [Steinhart-Hart thermistor equation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinhart%E2%80%93Hart_equation) parameters:</li><ul><li>`<param1>` = NTC Voltage bridge resistor in Ohms *(default = `32000`)*</li><li>`<param2>` = NTC Resistance in Ohms *(default = `10000`)*</li><li>`<param3>` = NTC Beta Coefficient *(default = `3350`)*</li></ul><li>`3` = Light [Lux equation](https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/projects/design-a-luxmeter-using-a-light-dependent-resistor/) parameters:</li><ul><li>`<param1>` = LDR Voltage bridge resistor in Ohms *(default = `10000`)*</li><li>`<param2>` = LDR Lux Scalar *(default = `12518931`)*</li><li>`<param3>` = LDR Lux Exponent *(default = `-1.4050`)*</li></ul></ul>
Altitude<a id="Altitude"></a>|`-30000..30000` - altitude in meters
AmpRes<a id="AmpRes"></a>|Current sensor resolution<BR>`0..3` = maximum number of decimal places
Counter\<x\><a id="Counter"></a>|`0` = reset Counter\<x\><BR> `1..64900` = preset Counter\<x\><BR>`-1..-64900` = decrease Counter\<x\><BR>`+1..+64900` = increase Counter\<x\><BR>In order to define and use a Counter, _**you must configure one of the free device GPIO as `Counter<x>`**_
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ SetOption28<a id="SetOption28"></a>|**6.1.0**<BR>RF received data format<BR> `0`
SetOption29<a id="SetOption29"></a>|**6.1.0**<BR>IR received data format<BR> `0` = hex *(default)*<BR> `1` = decimal
SetOption30<a id="SetOption30"></a>|**6.1.0**<BR>Enforce Home Assistant auto-discovery as light<BR> `0` = relays are announced as a switch and PWM as a light *(default)*<BR> `1` = both relays and PWM are announced as light
SetOption31<a id="SetOption31"></a>|**6.2.0**<BR>Disable status LED blinking during Wi-Fi and MQTT connection problems.[`LedPower`](#LedPower) must be set to `0` for this feature to work.<BR>`0` = LED blinking enabled *(default)*<BR> `1` = LED blinking disabled
SetOption32<a id="SetOption32"></a>|Number of 0.1 seconds to hold button before sending `HOLD` action message.<BR> `1..100` to set button hold time *(default =`40`)*. This option also affects the time required to perform a firmware defaults reset (10x `HOLD` action time)
SetOption32<a id="SetOption32"></a>|Number of 0.1 seconds to hold button before sending `HOLD` action message.<BR> `1..100` to set button hold time *(default = `40`)*. This option also affects the time required to perform a firmware defaults reset (10x `HOLD` action time)
SetOption33<a id="SetOption33"></a>|Max power limit can be exceeded by number of seconds before the relay is turned off<BR> `1..250` = set number of seconds *(default = `5`)*
SetOption34<a id="SetOption34"></a>|**Unused from v6.6.0.10. Use [TuyaMCU](#TuyaMCU) command.**<BR>Set [Tuya dimmer device id](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/pull/4095). Use [SetOption43](#setoption43) to set the appropriate dimmer range.<BR> `0..255` = device id
SetOption36<a id="SetOption36"></a>|**6.5.0**<BR>Boot loop defaults restoration control.<BR>`0` = disable boot loop control<BR> `1..200` = set number of boot loops (a restart caused by any exception or watchdog timer within less than `BOOT_LOOP_TIME` (default 10 seconds) before beginning to restore settings *(default = `1`)*. Once this number is reached, subsequent restarts will:<ul><li>1<sup>st</sup> restart: disable ESP8285 generic GPIOs interfering with flash SPI</li><li>2<sup>nd</sup> restart: disable rules causing boot loop</li><li>3<sup>rd</sup> restart: disable all rules</li><li>4<sup>th</sup> restart: reset user defined GPIOs to disable any attached peripherals</li><li>5<sup>th</sup> restart: reset module to Sonoff Basic (1)</li></ul>
@ -553,9 +553,9 @@ DisplayHeight<a id="DisplayHeight"></a>|****<BR>Specify the display heigh
<a id="tb-stepperMotors">Command|Parameters
|:--- |:---
MotorMIS<a id="MotorMIS"></a>|`1,2,4,8,16` Set micro stepping increment - 1/1 (full steps) to 1/16 (_default = 1_)
MotorSPR<a id="MotorSPR"></a>|`integer` Set the number of steps the given motor needs for one revolution (_default = 200_)<BR>This is dependent on the type of motor and micro stepping. Most common motors are 1.8° per step.
MotorRPM<a id="MotorRPM"></a>|`1..300` Set revolutions per minute (_default = 30_)
MotorMIS<a id="MotorMIS"></a>|`1,2,4,8,16` Set micro stepping increment - 1/1 (full steps) to 1/16 *(default = `1`)*
MotorSPR<a id="MotorSPR"></a>|`integer` Set the number of steps the given motor needs for one revolution *(default = `200`)*<BR>This is dependent on the type of motor and micro stepping. Most common motors are 1.8° per step.
MotorRPM<a id="MotorRPM"></a>|`1..300` Set revolutions per minute *(default = `30`)*
MotorMove<a id="MotorMove"></a>|`integer` Move the motor the given number of steps (positive values: clockwise, negative values: counterclockwise)
MotorRotate<a id="MotorRotate"></a>|`integer` Rotate the motor the given number of degrees (positive values: clockwise, negative values: counterclockwise)
MotorTurn<a id="MotorMIS"></a>|`float` Spin the motor the given number of turns (positive values: clockwise, negative values: counterclockwise)
Reference in New Issue