it responds on the `stat/...` topic and not on the cmnd/... topic ... at least I observed it this way

Fabian Wetzel 2019-10-06 23:45:28 +02:00
parent e3240b2d5f
commit 70aa40a8d1
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ By looking at the [commands](commands) table we can learn about the [Power](comm
* Ask the device for status:
cmnd/sonoff-switch/Power ← // an empty message/payload sends a status query
cmnd/sonoff-switch/RESULT → {"POWER":"OFF"}
stat/sonoff-switch/RESULT → {"POWER":"OFF"}
↳ stat/sonoff-switch/POWER → OFF
We can see that the module's relay is turned off.
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ By looking at the [commands](commands) table we can learn about the [Power](comm
cmnd/sonoff-switch/Power ← "TOGGLE"
↳ // Power for relay 1 is toggled
cmnd/sonoff-switch/RESULT → {"POWER":"ON"}
stat/sonoff-switch/RESULT → {"POWER":"ON"}
↳ stat/sonoff-switch/POWER → ON
We've sent the toggle command and received confirmation that the switch is turned on.