Revert 594d4781c6b49b31fa2cf978aa81feded7c22105...c14b365e6d074b300ee5103810c8f4b669dd545b on Sensors Supported by Tasmota

blakadder 2019-05-28 12:12:44 +02:00
parent c14b365e6d
commit 7b155a4529
1 changed files with 114 additions and 1 deletions

@ -1 +1,114 @@
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Here you will a complete list of the sensors, drivers and displays which are supported
in Tasmota.
Most up to date list can be found in this [Google Sheet](
### Drivers (drv)
| Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
| HTTP | Webserver | xdrv_01_webserver | Wifi | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| MQTT | Interface | xdrv_02_mqtt.ino | Wifi | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| | Energy sensor support | xdrv_03_energy.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| PWM, WS2812 | Sonoff LED support | xdrv_04_light.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| IR | Infra Red support | xdrv_05_irremote.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Lazar Obradovic, Theo Arends |
| Sonoff RF | 433MHz Bridge support | xdrv_06_snfbridge.ino | RF | | 2019 | Theo Arends, Erik Andrén Zachrisson |
| Domo | Domoticz support | xdrv_07_domoticz.ino | Wifi | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| | Serial Bridge support | xdrv_08_serial_bridge.ino | Serial | | | Theo Arends, Dániel Zoltán Tolnai |
| Timer | Timer support | xdrv_09_timers.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Rules | Rule support | xdrv_10_rules.ino | Console | | 2019 | ESP Easy Group, Theo Arends |
| KNX IP | KNX IP Protocol support | xdrv_11_knx.ino | Wifi | | 2019 | Adrian Scillato |
| HA | Home Assistant support | xdrv_12_home_assistant.ino | Wifi | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Display | Display support | xdrv_13_display.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| MP3 | MP3 Player support | xdrv_14_mp3.ino | Serial | | 20181003 | Gerhard Mutz, Mike Fleischer, Theo Arends |
| PCA9685 | 12 Bit, 16 Pin Hardware PWM driver | xdrv_15_pca9685.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x40..0x7F | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
| Tuya | Dimmer support | xdrv_16_tuyadimmer.ino | Serial | | 2019 | digiblur, Joel Stein, Theo Arends |
| RF Transceiver | RF Transceiver using RcSwitch library | xdrv_17_rcswitch.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Armtronix | Dimmer support | xdrv_18_armtronix_dimmers.ino | Serial | | 2019 | wvdv2002, Theo Arends |
| PS_16_DZ | Dimmer support | xdrv_19_ps16dz_dimmer.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Joel Stein, Theo Arends |
| Debug | Debug support | xdrv_99_debug.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Generic | Driver interface | xdrv_interface.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends inspired by ESPEasy |
### Displays (dsp)
| Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
| LCD | Display LCD support | xdsp_01_lcd.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x27 or 0x3F | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
| SSD1306 | Display Oled support | xdsp_02_ssd1306.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x3C or 0x3D | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
| HT16K33 | Display 8x8 Matrix support | xdsp_03_matrix.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x70..0x77 | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
| ILI9341 | Display TFT support | xdsp_04_ili9341.ino | SPI | | 2019 | Theo Arends, Adafruit |
| E-Paper | Display E-Paper support | xdsp_05_epaper_29.ino| SPI | | 2019 | Theo Arends, Gerhard Mutz, Waveshare |
| Generic | Display interface | xdsp_interface.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
### Energy Messaurement (nrg)
| Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
| HLW8012 based | Energy sensor support (Sonoff Pow, KMC70011, HuaFan, AplicWDP303075, Teckin Power Socket) | xnrg_01_hlw8012.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| CSE7766 | Energy sensor support (Sonoff S31, Sonoff POW R2) | xnrg_02_cse7766.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| PZEM004T | Energy sensor support | xnrg_03_pzem004t.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| MCP39F501, Shelly 2 | Energy sensor support | xnrg_04_mcp39f501.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| PZEM-014, PZEM -016 | Modbus AC Energy sensor support | xnrg_05_pzem_ac.ino | Modbus Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| PZEM-003, PZEM-017 | Modbus DC Energy sensor support | xnrg_06_pzem_dc.ino | Modbus Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Generic | Energy Driver Interface | xnrg_interface.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends inspired by ESPEasy |
### Plug Type Devices (plg)
| Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
| Wemo, Hue | Support | xplg_wemohue.ino | Wifi | | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Stephan Hadinger, Theo Arends |
| WS2812 | LED String and Strip support | xplg_ws2812.ino | Serial NeoPixel | | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
### Sensors (sns)
| Name | Type | Filename | IF Type | IF Address | Version | Maintainer |
| Counter | Counter sensors support (water meters, electricity meters, etc.) | xsns_01_counter.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Maarten Damen, Theo Arends |
| ADC | ESP8266 ADC support | xsns_02_analog.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends
| iTead Sonoff SC | Temperature, Humidity, Light and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_04_snfsc.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| DS18B20 | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18b20.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| DS18x20 | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18x20.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| DS18x20 Legacy | Temperature sensor support | xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
| DHTxx, AM23xx, SI7021 | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_06_dht.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| SHT1x, SHT10/11/15 | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_07_sht1x.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x40 default | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| HTU21 | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_08_htu21.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x40 | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
| BMP085, BMP180, BMP280, BME280, BME680 | Pressure, Temperature, Humidity and Gas (BME680) sensor support | xsns_09_bmp.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x76 and 0x77. Two BMP are now possible | 2019 | Heiko Krupp, Theo Arends |
| BH1750 | Ambient Light sensor support | xsns_10_bh1750.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| VEML6070 | Ultra Violet Light (UV-A), UV Index and UV Power sensor support | xsns_11_veml6070.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x38 & 0x39 | 20181006 | Mike Fleischer, Theo Arends |
| ADS1115 | A/D Converter support | xsns_12_ads1115.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| ADS1x15 | A/D Converter support | xsns_12_ads1115_i2cdev.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B | 2019 | Stefan Bode, Theo Arends |
| INA219 | High-Side DC Current and Voltage sensor support | xsns_13_ina219.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x40..0x4F | 2019 | Stefan Bode, Theo Arends |
| SHT3X | Temperature and Humidity sensor support | xsns_14_sht3x.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x44, 0x45 or 0x70 (SHTC3) | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| MH-Z19(B) | CO<sub>2</sub> sensor support | xsns_15_mhz19.ino | Hardware Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| TSL2561 | Light sensor support | xsns_16_tsl2561.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x29, 0x39 or 0x49 | 2019 | Theo Arends, Joachim Banzhaf |
| SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 (CO<sub>2</sub>) | CO<sub>2</sub> sensor support | xsns_17_senseair.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x68 | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| PMS5003-7003 | Particle Concentration sensor support | xsns_18_pms5003.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Xadow, Grove | Mutichannel Gas sensor support | xsns_19_mgs.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | programmable, 0x04 default | 2019 | Palich2000, Theo Arends |
| Nova SDS011, SDS021 | Particle Concentration sensor support | xsns_20_novasds.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| SGP30 | Gas and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_21_sgp30.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x58 only | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| HC-SR04, HC-SR04+, JSN-SR04T | Ultrasonic sensor support | xsns_22_sr04.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Nuno Ferreira, Theo Arends |
| Eastron SDM120 | Modbus Energy Meter support | xsns_23_sdm120.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Gennaro Tortone |
| SI1145, SI1146, SI1147 | UV Index, IR and Visible Light sensor support | xsns_24_si1145.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x60 only | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| Eastron SDM630 | Modbus Energy Meter support | xsns_25_sdm630.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Gennaro Tortone |
| LM75AD | Temperature sensor support | xsns_26_lm75ad.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x48..0x4F | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
| APDS9960 | Proximity Sensor support | xsns_27_apds9960.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x39 only | 2019 | Shawn Hymel/Sparkfun, Christian Baars, Theo Arends |
| TM1638 | 8 Switch, LED and 7 Segment Unit sensor support | xsns_28_tm1638.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| MCP23008, MCP23017 | GPIO Expander | xsns_29_mcp230xx.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x20..0x27 | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
| MPR121 | 12 Point Proximity Capacitive Touch Sensor controller | xsns_30_mpr121.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C or 0x5D | 2019 | Rene 'Renne' Bartsch |
| CCS811 | Gas and Air Quality sensor support | xsns_31_ccs811.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x5A or 0x5B | 2019 | Gerhard Mutz, Theo Arends |
| MPU6050 | 3-Axis Gyroscope and 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor support | xsns_32_mpu6050.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x68 or 0x69 with AD0 HIGH | 2019 | Oliver Welter |
| DS3231 | RTC chip, act like sensor support | xsns_33_ds3231.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | 0x68 | 2019 | Guy Elgabsi |
| HX711 | Load Cell sensor support | xsns_34_hx711.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends |
| TX20 | La Crosse Wind (Anenometer) sensor support | xsns_35_Tx20.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Thomas Eckerstorfer, Theo Arends |
| MGC3130 | Electric Field Sensor | xsns_36_mgc3130.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | | 2019 | Christian Baars, Theo Arends
| RF | RF Sensor receiver | xsns_37_rfsensor.ino | GPIO | | 2019 | Theo Arends
| AZ_Instrument 7798 | CO<sub>2</sub>, Temperature and Humidity Meter support | xsns_38_az7798.ino | Serial | | 2019 | Theo Arends
| MAX31855 | Thermocouple Sensor support | xsns_39_max31855.ino | SPI | | 2019 | Markus Past
| PN532 | NFC Tag Reader | xsns_40_pn532_i2c.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | | 2019 | Andre Thomas, Theo Arends |
| MAX44009 | Ambient Light Sensor support | xsns_41_max44009.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | | 2019 | Theo Arends
| SCD30 | CO2 Sensor support | xsns_42_scd30.ino | I<sup>2</sup>C | | 2019 | Frogmore42
| SPS30 | Particulate Matter (PM) sensor | xsns_44_sps30.ino |I<sup>2</sup>C | | 2019 | Gerhard Mutz| Generic | Sensor Interface | xsns_interface.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends, Inspired by ESPEasy |
| Debug | Debug support | zzzz_debug.ino | Internal | | 2019 | Theo Arends
### Documents