mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Reformatted into Displays.md
@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
The display driver supports the following commands:
Command | Payload | Description
Display | | Show current display setting as JSON string
DisplayAddress | 0..255 | Set display module address
DisplayDimmer | 0..100 | Set display luminosity (only 8x8 Matrix, for the other display it switch the display on [> 0] or off [=0])
DisplayMode | 0..5 | Set display mode, for details see [DisplayMode Command](#displaymode-command) below
DisplayModel | 1..5 | Set display model, for details see [DisplayModel Command](#displaymodel-command) below
DisplayRefresh | 1..7 | Set time (in seconds) to update predefined content when using `DisplayMode` ≠ `0`
DisplayCols | 1..44 | Set number of display columns
DisplayRows | 1..32 | Set number of display rows
DisplaySize | 1..4 | Set display scale-up size (only OLED SSD 1306 and TFT ILI9341)
DisplayFont | 1..4 | (currently unsupported)
DisplayRotate | 0..3 | Set display rotation (0=0°, 1=90°, 2=180°, 3=270°)
DisplayText | ([])Text | Display Text. [] are an optional prefix and contains display control commands, for details see [DisplayText Command](displaytext-command) below.
## DisplayMode Command
The display driver is able to display predefined setups of text or user defined text. To display user defined
text using `DisplayText` command set `DisplayMode` to `0` (or also `1` for Matrix).
The modes 1 to 5 are predfined displaying the following content (depends on display type):
DisplayMode | LCD Display | OLED Display | TFT Display
0 | DisplayText | DisplayText | DisplayText
1 | Time/Date | Time/Date | Time/Date
2 | Local sensors | Local sensors | Local sensors
3 | MQTT and Time/Date | Local sensors and Time/Date | Local sensors and Time/Date
4 | Local sensors | MQTT and local sensors | MQTT and local sensors
5 | MQTT and Time/Date | MQTT, local sensors and Time/Date | MQTT, local sensors and Time/Date
## DisplayModel Command
Using `DisplayModel` you set the display type you have connected to your Tasmota driven device:
DisplayModel | Display type
1 | I2C LCD Display (default addresses 0x27, 0x3F)
2 | OLED 128x32/128x64 with SSD 1306 controller (default addresses 0x3C, 0x3D)
3 | 8x8 Dot-Matrix
4 | TFT LCD Display ILI9341
5 | E-Paper Display
## DisplayText Command
**The functionality described here is expected to be merged from [PR 3748](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/pull/3748)**
The `DisplayText` command is used to display text as well as graphics and graphs on LCD, OLED and ePaper
displays attached to tasmota. The command argument is a string that is printed on the display at the current position.
The string can be prefixed by embedded controll commands enclosed in brackets `[]`.
In order to use the `DisplayText` command the `DisplayMode` must be set to `0` (or optional `1` on LCD displays) or other modes must be disabled
before compilation with `#undef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5`.
### DisplayText Control Commands
In the list below _p_ stands for parameter and may be a number from 1 to n digits.
On monochrome graphics displays things are drawn into a local frame buffer and send to the display either
via the `d` command or automatically at the end of the command.
#### Positioning
- l _p_ = sets a character line to print at
- c _p_ = sets a character column to print at
- x _p_ = sets the x position for consecutive prints
- y _p_ = sets the y position for consecutive prints
Text is printed at the last provided position, either l or y for the vertical position,
and either x or x for the horizontal position. Neither x nor y are advanced/updated after printing text.
#### Line primitives
- h _p_ = draws a horizontal line with length _p_ (x is advanced)
- v _p_ = draws a vertical line with length _p_ (y is advanced)
- L _p_:_p_ = draws a line to _p_:_p_ (x,y are advanced)
- k _p_ = draws a circle with radius _p_
- K _p_ = draws a filled circle with radius _p_
- r _p_:_p_ = draws a rectangle with _p_ with and _p_ height
- R _p_:_p_ = draws a filled rectangle with _p_ with and _p_ height
#### Miscellaneous
- z = clear the display
- i = (re)init the display (in e-paper mode with partial update)
- I = (re)init the display (in e-paper mode with full update)
- d = update the display
- D _p_ = switch display auto updates on(_p_=1)/off(_p_=0), when off display must be updated via cmd d
- o = switch display off
- O = switch display on
- t = display Tasmota time in HH:MM
- T = display Tasmota date in DD.MM.YY
- s _p_ = set text scaling for classic GFX font (scaling factor 1...N)
- f _p_ = set font (1=12, 2=24,(opt 3=8)) if font==0 the classic GFX font is used
- C _p_ = set color (0,1) for black or white (later for color displays index colors)
### Notes about e-paper displays
E-paper displays have 2 operating modes: full update and partial update.
While full update delivers a clean and sharp picture it has the disadvantage of taking several
seconds for the screen update and shows severe flickering during update.
Partial update is quite fast (300 ms) with no flickering but there is the possibility that erased
content is still slightly visible.
To "whiten" the display it is therefore useful to perform a full update in regular intervals (e.g each hour).
## Hardware connections:
I2C displays are connected in the usual manner and defined via tasmota pin selection.
The I2C Adress must be given by `DisplayAddress XX`, e.g. 60, and the model set with `DisplayModel`
,e.g. 2 for SSD1306.
To permanently turn the display on set `DisplayDimmer 100`.
Display rotation can be permanently set using `DisplayRotate X` (0-3).
E-paper displays are connected via 3 wire SPI (CS, SCLK, MOSI) the other 3 Interface lines of the display
(DC, Reset, busy) may be left unconnected.
The jumper on the circuit board of the display must be set to 3 wire SPI.
## Examples
Print Text at size 1 on line 1, column 1:
DisplayText [s1l1c1]Hello how are you?
Draw a rectangle and draw text inside with size 2 and 7 chars padded with spaces:
DisplayText [x85y95h130v30h-130v-30s2p7x90y100]37.25 C
Clear screen:
DisplayText [z]
Draw rectangle from x,y with width and height:
DisplayText [x50y50r200:100]
### Display local sensors using rules
Show sensor values, time and a separation line, whiten display every 60 minutes (line breaks and
indentation added for readability):
rule1 on tele-SHT3X-0x44#Temperature do DisplayText [f1p7x0y5]%value% C endon
on tele-SHT3X-0x44#Humidity do DisplayText [f1p10x70y5]%value% %[x0y20h296x250y5t] endon
on tele-BMP280#Pressure do DisplayText [f1p10x140y5]%value% hPa endon
on Time#Minute|60 do DisplayText [Tt] endon
Show 4 analog channels (line breaks and indentation added for readability):
rule1 on tele-ADS1115#A0 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l01]Analog1: %value% adc endon
on tele-ADS1115#A1 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l3]Analog2: %value% adc endon
on tele-ADS1115#A2 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l5]Analog3: %value% adc endon
on tele-ADS1115#A3 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l7]Analog4: %value% adc endon
Show BME280 + SGP30 (line breaks and indentation added for readability):
rule1 on tele-BME280#Temperature do DisplayText [s1p21x0y0]Temp: %value% C endon
on tele-BME280#Humidity do DisplayText [s1p21x0y10]Hum : %value% %% endon
on BME280#Pressure do DisplayText [s1p21x0y20]Prss: %value% hPa endon
on tele-SGP30#TVOC do DisplayText [s1p21x0y30]TVOC: %value% ppb endon
on tele-SGP30#eCO2 do DisplayText [s1p21x0y40]eCO2: %value% ppm [s1p0x0y50]Time: [x35y50t] endon
## Notes about display drivers:
Waveshare has 2 kinds of display controllers: with partial update and without partial update. The 2.9 inch driver is for partial update and should support also other waveshare partial update models with modified WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters.
The 4.2 inch driver is a hack which makes the full update display behave like a partial update and should probably work with other full update displays.
The drivers are subclasses of the Adafruit GFX library.
The class hierarchy is `LOWLEVEL :: Paint :: Renderer :: GFX`, where:
- `GFX`: unmodified Adafruit library
- `Renderer`: the interface for Tasmota
- `Paint`: the modified pixel driver for e-paper
- there are several virtual functions that can be subclassed down to `LOWLEVEL`.
The display dispatcher only does the class init call.
All other calls go to the `Renderer` class.
In black and white displays a local ram buffer must be allocated before calling the driver.
This must be set to zero on character or TFT color displays.
To use the 400x300 e-paper display the Arduino library 2.4 or later must be used because it leaves much
more RAM available than prior versions. This display requires 15k of RAM!
About 28 k flash is used by these 4 drivers, the epd fonts use about 9k space, which can be if-def'd.
- SSD1306 = 1,15 k
- SH1106 = 1,18 k
- EPD42 = 2,57 k
- EPD29 = 2,1 k
- Display and Render class about 12 k
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
Display support is in active development and not all features are implemented in the release version.
All display commands:
|Command | Parameters
|:--- | :---
<a id="Display"> </a> Display | Show current display setting as JSON string
<a id="DisplayAddress"> </a> DisplayAddress | `0..255` = set display module address
<a id="DisplayDimmer"> </a> DisplayDimmer | `0` = switch the display off<BR> `1..100` = switch the display on<BR>`0..100` = set display luminosity *(only on 8x8 Dot-Matrix displays)*
<a id="DisplayMode"> </a> DisplayMode | `0..5` = set to display [predefined content](#displaymode-parameters) according to display type
<a id="DisplayModel"> </a> DisplayModel | Set model of your display:<BR>`1` = I2C LCD Display (default addresses `0x27`, `0x3F`)<BR>`2` = [SSD1306](https://learn.adafruit.com/monochrome-oled-breakouts/arduino-library-and-examples) OLED 128x32/128x64 (default addresses `0x3C`, `0x3D`)<BR>`3` = 8x8 Dot-Matrix<BR>`4` = [ILI9341](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1770) TFT LCD<BR>`5` = E-Paper Display
<a id="DisplayRefresh"> </a> DisplayRefresh | `1..7` = set time in seconds to update predefined content when using `DisplayMode` ≠ `0`
<a id="DisplaySize"> </a> DisplaySize | `1..4` = set display scale-up size (only for `DisplayModel 2` (SSD1306 OLED) and `DisplayModel 4` (ILI9341 TFT LCD))
<a id="DisplayRotate"> </a> DisplayRotate | Set rotation angle<BR> `0` = 0°<BR> `1` = 90°<BR> `2` = 180°<BR> `3` = 270°
<a id="DisplayText"> </a> DisplayText | `<value>` = for a full guide see [DisplayText use](displays#displaytext-use)
<a id="DisplayCols"> </a> DisplayCols | `1..44` = set number of display columns
<a id="DisplayRows"> </a> DisplayRows | `1..32` = set number of display rows
<a id="DisplayFont"> </a> DisplayFont | (reserved command, currently unsupported)
## DisplayMode Parameters
The display driver is able to display predefined setups of text or user defined text. To display user defined
text using `DisplayText` command set `DisplayMode` to `0` (or also `1` for Matrix).
Parameter | LCD Display | OLED Display | TFT Display
------------ | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------------------
0 | DisplayText | DisplayText | DisplayText
1 | Time/Date | Time/Date | Time/Date
2 | Local sensors | Local sensors | Local sensors
3 | MQTT and Time/Date | Local sensors and Time/Date | Local sensors and Time/Date
4 | Local sensors | MQTT and local sensors | MQTT and local sensors
5 | MQTT and Time/Date | MQTT, local sensors and Time/Date | MQTT, local sensors and Time/Date
# DisplayText Use
**The functionality described here is expected to be merged from [PR 3748](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/pull/3748)**
The `DisplayText` command is used to display text as well as graphics and graphs on LCD, OLED and e-Paper
displays. The command argument is a string that is printed on the display at the current position.
The string can be prefixed by embedded control commands enclosed in brackets `[]`.
In order to use the `DisplayText` command the `DisplayMode` must be set to `0` (or optional `1` on LCD displays) or other modes must be disabled before compilation with `#undef USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5`.
## DisplayText parameters
In the list below `_p_` stands for parameter and may be a number from 1 to n digits.
On monochrome graphic displays things are drawn into a local frame buffer and sent to the display either
via the `d` command or automatically at the end of the command.
### Positioning
`l _p_` = sets a character line to print at<BR>
`c _p_` = sets a character column to print at<BR>
`x _p_` = sets the x position for consecutive prints<BR>
`y _p_` = sets the y position for consecutive prints<BR>
Text is printed at the last provided position, either l or y for the vertical position,
and either x or x for the horizontal position. Neither x nor y are advanced/updated after printing text.
### Line primitives
`h _p_` = draws a horizontal line with length _p_ (x is advanced)<BR>
`v _p_` = draws a vertical line with length _p_ (y is advanced)<BR>
`L _p_:_p_` = draws a line to _p_:_p_ (x,y are advanced)<BR>
`k _p_` = draws a circle with radius _p_<BR>
`K _p_` = draws a filled circle with radius _p_<BR>
`r _p_:_p_` = draws a rectangle with _p_ with and _p_ height<BR>
`R _p_:_p_` = draws a filled rectangle with _p_ with and _p_ height<BR>
### Miscellaneous
`z` = clear the display<BR>
`i` = (re)init the display (in e-Paper mode with partial update)<BR>
`I` = (re)init the display (in e-Paper mode with full update)<BR>
`d` = update the display<BR>
`D _p_` = switch display auto updates on(_p_=1)/off(_p_=0), when off display must be updated with `d`<BR>
`o` = switch display off<BR>
`O` = switch display on<BR>
`t` = display Tasmota time in HH:MM<BR>
`T` = display Tasmota date in DD.MM.YY<BR>
`s _p_` = set text scaling for classic GFX font (scaling factor 1...N)<BR>
`f _p_` = set font (1=12, 2=24,(opt 3=8)) if font==0 the classic GFX font is used<BR>
`C _p_` = set color (0,1) for black or white (later for color displays index colors)<BR>
## Notes about e-Paper displays
E-Paper displays have 2 operating modes: full update and partial update.
While full update delivers a clean and sharp picture it has the disadvantage of taking several seconds for the screen update and shows severe flickering during update.
Partial update is quite fast (300 ms) with no flickering but there is the possibility that erased content is still slightly visible.
To "whiten" the display it is therefore useful to perform a full update in regular intervals (e.g each hour).
## Hardware connections:
I2C displays are connected in the usual manner and defined via Tasmota pin selection.
The I2C Adress must be given by `DisplayAddress XX`, e.g. 60, and the model set with `DisplayModel`
,e.g. 2 for SSD1306.
To permanently turn the display on set `DisplayDimmer 100`.
Display rotation can be permanently set using `DisplayRotate X` (x = `0..3`).
E-Paper displays are connected via 3 wire SPI (CS, SCLK, MOSI) the other 3 Interface lines of the display
(DC, Reset, busy) may be left unconnected.
The jumper on the circuit board of the display must be set to 3 wire SPI.
# Examples
Print Text at size 1 on line 1, column 1:
DisplayText [s1l1c1]Hello how are you?
Draw a rectangle and draw text inside with size 2 and 7 chars padded with spaces:
DisplayText [x85y95h130v30h-130v-30s2p7x90y100]37.25 C
Clear screen:
DisplayText [z]
Draw rectangle from x,y with width and height:
DisplayText [x50y50r200:100]
### Display local sensors using rules
Show sensor values, time and a separation line, whiten display every 60 minutes (line breaks and
indentation added for readability):
rule1 on tele-SHT3X-0x44#Temperature do DisplayText [f1p7x0y5]%value% C endon
on tele-SHT3X-0x44#Humidity do DisplayText [f1p10x70y5]%value% %[x0y20h296x250y5t] endon
on tele-BMP280#Pressure do DisplayText [f1p10x140y5]%value% hPa endon
on Time#Minute|60 do DisplayText [Tt] endon
Show 4 analog channels (line breaks and indentation added for readability):
rule1 on tele-ADS1115#A0 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l01]Analog1: %value% adc endon
on tele-ADS1115#A1 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l3]Analog2: %value% adc endon
on tele-ADS1115#A2 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l5]Analog3: %value% adc endon
on tele-ADS1115#A3 do DisplayText [s1p21c1l7]Analog4: %value% adc endon
Show BME280 + SGP30 (line breaks and indentation added for readability):
rule1 on tele-BME280#Temperature do DisplayText [s1p21x0y0]Temp: %value% C endon
on tele-BME280#Humidity do DisplayText [s1p21x0y10]Hum : %value% %% endon
on BME280#Pressure do DisplayText [s1p21x0y20]Prss: %value% hPa endon
on tele-SGP30#TVOC do DisplayText [s1p21x0y30]TVOC: %value% ppb endon
on tele-SGP30#eCO2 do DisplayText [s1p21x0y40]eCO2: %value% ppm [s1p0x0y50]Time: [x35y50t] endon
## Notes about display drivers:
Waveshare has 2 kinds of display controllers: with partial update and without partial update. The 2.9 inch driver is for partial update and should support also other Waveshare partial update models with modified WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters.
The 4.2 inch driver is a hack which makes the full update display behave like a partial update and should probably work with other full update displays.
The drivers are sub classes of the Adafruit GFX library.
The class hierarchy is `LOWLEVEL :: Paint :: Renderer :: GFX`, where:
`GFX`: unmodified Adafruit library
`Renderer`: the interface for Tasmota
`Paint`: the modified pixel driver for e-paper
- there are several virtual functions that can be subclassed down to `LOWLEVEL`.
The display dispatcher only does the class init call.
All other calls go to the `Renderer` class.
In black and white displays a local ram buffer must be allocated before calling the driver.
This must be set to zero on character or TFT color displays.
To use the 400x300 e-Paper display the Arduino library 2.4 or later must be used because it leaves much
more RAM available than prior versions. This display requires 15k of RAM!
About 28 k flash is used by these 4 drivers, the epd fonts use about 9k space, which can be if-def'd.
- SSD1306 = 1,15 k
- SH1106 = 1,18 k
- EPD42 = 2,57 k
- EPD29 = 2,1 k
- Display and Render class about 12 k
Reference in New Issue