Updated TuyaMCU Configurations (markdown)

blakadder 2019-10-28 19:12:57 +01:00
parent a8e7a03808
commit a7c51acd53
1 changed files with 48 additions and 0 deletions

@ -138,6 +138,54 @@ The stock Tuya App communicates with the PIC Micro inside the motor housing at 9
There may first be a reply of 65 02 00 04 <oldvalue.32> <chksum> before the motor engages There may first be a reply of 65 02 00 04 <oldvalue.32> <chksum> before the motor engages
### Aromatherapy Diffuser
This diffuser uses the same dpId scheme as the [example protocol](tuya-protocols#aromatherapy-machine-oil-diffuser)
#### Functions
`dpID 1` device power: 0 = off / 1 = on
`dpID 11` led power: 0 = off / 1 = on
`dpID 12` error notification: 0 = ok / 1 = error
`dpID 13` countdown mode options: 0 = off / 1 = 1hr / 2 = 3hr *not needed with Tasmota*
`dpID 14` countdown status: reports value of 0...360 minutes *not needed with Tasmota*
`dpID 103` mist strength: 0 = low / 1 = high
`dpID 108` led color: 14 char value in hex (can define only RGB and send HSV value as max: `RRGGBBffff6464`)
`dpID 110` led mode: 0 = rgb_cycle / 1 = color / 2 = white
`dpID 110` led dimmer **color and white modes only** *it is important to define 'DimmerRange 1,255'*
#### Configuration
After applying the template and configuring Wi-Fi and MQTT issue
Backlog SetOption66 1; TuyaMCU 21,111; TuyaMCU 11,1; TuyaMCU 12,11; TuyaMCU 13,103; TuyaMCU 14,12; TuyaMCU 15,110; DimmerRange 1,255; SetOption59 1
Rule1 on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700056E040001007E do publish2 stat/GD-30W/EFFECT rgb_cycle endon on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700056E040001017F do publish2 stat/GD-30W/EFFECT color endon on event#rgb_cycle do tuyasend4 110,0 endon on event#color do tuyasend4 110,1 endon on event#ON do backlog tuyasend4 110,1; tuyasend 11,1 endon on event#off do tuyasend1 11,0 endon on power3#state=1 do tuyasend4 103,1 endon on power3#state=0 do tuyasend4 103,0 endon
Rule1 1
*Optional rule used to prevent the device going into countdown mode (f.e. using on device controls) and complete MCU status update on restart*
Rule3 on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700050D040001011E do tuyasend4 13,0 endon on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700050D040001021F do tuyasend4 13,0 endon on mqtt#connected do serialsend5 55aa0001000000 endon
Rule3 1
[All commands in .txt](https://gist.github.com/blakadder/2d112b50edd8f75f2d7fb0dddd9310c4)
#### What you get
- Relay1 turns the diffuser on or off in stored mist strength mode, turns led on or off in stored mode and serves as device power status
- Relay2 turns light on or off and serves as light power status.
- Relay3 mist strength status and control using `Rule1`
- Relay4 is used for error status (ON = error), no control
- Relay5 is used for light mode status (0 = rgb_cycle, 1 = color), no control
LED mode status is reported to mqtt topic `stat/GD-30W/EFFECT` and command [`Event`](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/wiki/Commands#event) is used to control some functions using [`TuyaSend4`](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/wiki/Commands#tuyasend4) command. All this is defined in `Rule1`
Color can be changed using `TuyaSend3 108,RRGGBB64646464` (RR, GG and BB are hex value) only in color mode.
Dimming works using slider and `Dimmer` command but only when in color mode, in rgb_cycle there are no brightness controls.
Long press on device's power button initiates Tasmota's Wi-Fi config
### Tasmota ### Tasmota
1. `module 54` # TuyaMCU (will reboot) 1. `module 54` # TuyaMCU (will reboot)
2. `backlog gpio1 0; gpio3 0; gpio15 107; gpio13 108` # change GPIO assignments. The dongle uses gpio15 for U1TX and gpio13 for U1RX (will reboot) 2. `backlog gpio1 0; gpio3 0; gpio15 107; gpio13 108` # change GPIO assignments. The dongle uses gpio15 for U1TX and gpio13 for U1RX (will reboot)