Updated Displays (markdown)

gemu 2019-08-20 10:03:42 +02:00
parent 11ded04eab
commit acac9b8b04
1 changed files with 52 additions and 3 deletions

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Display support is in active development and not all features are implemented in the release version.
Display support is still in active development.
All display commands:
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ All display commands:
<a id="DisplayAddress"> </a> DisplayAddress | `0..255` = set display module address
<a id="DisplayDimmer"> </a> DisplayDimmer | `0` = switch the display off<BR> `1..100` = switch the display on<BR>`0..100` = set display luminosity *(only on 8x8 Dot-Matrix displays)*
<a id="DisplayMode"> </a> DisplayMode | `0..5` = set to display [predefined content](#displaymode-parameters) according to display type
<a id="DisplayModel"> </a> DisplayModel | Set model of your display:<BR>`1` = [I2C LCD Display](https://learn.adafruit.com/i2c-spi-lcd-backpack) (default addresses `0x27`, `0x3F`)<BR>`2` = [SSD1306](https://learn.adafruit.com/monochrome-oled-breakouts/arduino-library-and-examples) OLED 128x32/128x64 (default addresses `0x3C`, `0x3D`)<BR>`3` = [HT16K33](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1427) 8x8 Dot-Matrix<BR>`4` = [ILI9341](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1770) TFT LCD<BR>`5` = [2.9 inch E-Paper Display](https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.9inch_e-Paper_Module)
<a id="DisplayModel"> </a> DisplayModel | Set model of your display:<BR>`1` = [I2C LCD Display](https://learn.adafruit.com/i2c-spi-lcd-backpack) (default addresses `0x27`, `0x3F`)<BR>`2` = [SSD1306](https://learn.adafruit.com/monochrome-oled-breakouts/arduino-library-and-examples) OLED 128x32/128x64 (default i2c addresses `0x3C`, `0x3D`)<BR>`3` = [HT16K33](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1427) 8x8 Dot-Matrix<BR>`4` = [ILI9341](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1770) TFT LCD<BR>`5` = [2.9 inch E-Paper Display](https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2.9inch_e-Paper_Module) 296x128 (software 3 wire SPI)<BR>`6` = [4.2 inch E-Paper Display](https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/4.2inch_e-Paper_Module) 400x300 (software 3 wire SPI)<BR>`7` = [SH1106](https://www.ebay.de/itm/1-3-OLED-Display-Weis-SH1106-128x64-I2C-Modul-Arduino-Raspberry-Pi/162572755829?hash=item25da176375:g:hdgAAOSwQKZdQZ10) OLED 128x32 (default i2c address `0x3c`)<BR>`8` = [ILI9488](https://www.buydisplay.com/default/lcd-3-5-inch-320x480-tft-display-module-optl-touch-screen-w-breakout-board) TFT 480x320 (hardware 3 wire SPI)<BR>`9` = [SSD1351](https://www.ebay.de/itm/1-5-128x128-OLED-Display-Modul-RGB-SPI-Interface-Arduino-Raspberry-Pi/123256209315?hash=item1cb2a47fa3:g:WtsAAOSwZb5bTfjF) color OLED 128x128 (hardware 3 wire SPI)<BR>`10` = [RA8867](https://www.buydisplay.com/default/spi-7-inch-tft-lcd-dislay-module-1024x600-ra8876-optl-touch-screen-panel) TFT LCD 1026x600 (hardware 4 wire SPI)
<a id="DisplayRefresh"> </a> DisplayRefresh | `1..7` = set time in seconds to update predefined content when using `DisplayMode` &ne; `0`
<a id="DisplaySize"> </a> DisplaySize | `1..4` = set display scale-up size (only for `DisplayModel 2` (SSD1306 OLED) and `DisplayModel 4` (ILI9341 TFT LCD))
<a id="DisplayRotate"> </a> DisplayRotate | Set rotation angle<BR> `0` = 0°<BR> `1` = 90°<BR> `2` = 180°<BR> `3` = 270°
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ and either x or x for the horizontal position. Neither x nor y are advanced/upda
`K _p_` = draws a filled circle with radius _p_<BR>
`r _p_:_p_` = draws a rectangle with _p_ with and _p_ height<BR>
`R _p_:_p_` = draws a filled rectangle with _p_ with and _p_ height<BR>
`u _p_:_p_:_p_` = draws a rounded rectangle with _p_ with, _p_ height and _p_ radius<BR>
`U _p_:_p_:_p_` = draws a filled rounded rectangle with _p_ with, _p_ height and _p_ radius<BR>
### Miscellaneous
@ -76,11 +78,58 @@ and either x or x for the horizontal position. Neither x nor y are advanced/upda
`D _p_` = switch display auto updates on(_p_=1)/off(_p_=0), when off display must be updated with `d`<BR>
`o` = switch display off<BR>
`O` = switch display on<BR>
`a`_p_ = _p_ (0..3) set rotation angle<BR>
`t` = display Tasmota time in HH:MM<BR>
`tS` = display Tasmota time in HH:MM:SS<BR>
`T` = display Tasmota date in DD.MM.YY<BR>
`p _p_` = pad text with spaces, positiv values align left, negativ values
align right <BR>
`s _p_` = set text scaling for classic GFX font (scaling factor 1...N)<BR>
`f _p_` = set font (1=12, 2=24,(opt 3=8)) if font==0 the classic GFX font is used<BR>
`C _p_` = set color (0,1) for black or white (later for color displays index colors)<BR>
`C _p_` = set foreground color (0,1) for black or white<BR>
`B _p_` = set background color (0,1) for black or white<BR>
`Ci _p_` = set foreground index color (0..18) for color displays (see index color table below)<BR>
`Bi _p_` = set background index color (0..18) for color displays (see index color table below)<BR>
`w _p_` = draws an analog watch with radius p (#define USE_AWATCH) <BR>
`Pfilename:` = display an rgb 16bit color image when sdcard file system is present<BR>
Draw GFX Buttons (up to 16)
buttons switch real Tasmota devices like relais. When button number + 256 a virtual touch toggle button is created (MQTT => TBT)
when button number + 512 a virtual touch push button is created (MQTT => PBT)
>b _p_ n=button number 0-15
xp = x position
yp = y position
xs = x size
ys = y size
oc = outline color
fc = fill color
tc = text color
ts = text size
bt = button text (must end with a colon :) (max 9 chars)
### Index colors selected in the color panels ILI9488,SSD1351,RA8876 with Ci and Bi
## Notes about e-Paper displays