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Updated Sensor API (markdown)
@ -311,3 +311,442 @@ This pre-processor directive saves RAM by storing strings in flash instead of RA
This pre-processor directive saves RAM by storing strings in flash instead of RAM.
You may then reference them directly (if the type matches the parameter required) or force it to 4 byte alignment by using the variable as `FPSTR(MyTextStaticVariable)`
# Keeping ESP8266 code compact
Below are various tips and tricks to keep ESP8266 code compact and save both Flash and Memory. Flash code is limited to 1024k but keep in mind that to allow OTA upgrade, you need Flash memory to contain two firmwares at the same time. To go beyond 512k, you typically use `sonoff-minimal` as an intermediate firmware. `sonoff-minimal` takes roughly 360k, so it's safe not to gouint32_t beyond 620k of Flash. Memory is even more limited: 80k. With Arduino Core and basic Tasmota, there are 25k-30k left of heap space. Heap memory is very precious, running out of memory will generally cause a crash.
## About ESP8266
ESP8266 is based on [Xtensa instruction set](https://0x04.net/~mwk/doc/xtensa.pdf). Xtensa is a 32 bits RISC processor core, containing 16 x 32 bits registers. ESP8266 supports integer operations, including 32x32 multiplication. It does not contain an FPU for floating point operations, nor integer divisions.
Contraty to classical RISC processors, all instructions are 24 bits wide instead of 32 bits. To increase code compactness, some instructions have a 16 bits version used whenever possible by gcc.
If you want to see what assembly is generated by gcc, in file `platform.ini`, at the section used to compile (ex: `[core_2_5_2]`) in section `build_flags` add:
```-save-temps=obj -fverbose-asm```
Gcc will store `<file>.s` in the same folder as the `.o` file, typically in `.pioenvs/`.
### First example
Let's take a basic function:
uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
return a + b;
Below is the generated assembly. Function names are mangled using satndard C++, i.e. their name derive from their arguments and return types:
add.n a2, a2, a3 #, a, b
As you can see, this is the simplest function we can think of. Register A2 holds the first argument and is used for return value. A3 holds the second argument.
### uint8_t or uint32_t ?
uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
uint8_t c = a + b;
return c;
add.n a2, a2, a3 # tmp52, a, b
extui a2, a2, 0, 8 #, tmp52
Whenever gcc needs to convert from `uin32\_t` to `uint8_t`, it uses an extra instruction `extui <reg>, <reg>, 0, 8`.
Whenever you allocate `uint8_t`as a local variable, it will anyways allocate 32 bits on the stack.
In conclusion you can easily use `uint32_t` in many places in the code. The main reason to force `uint8_t` are:
* in structures, to save memory. This is the only place where `uint8_t` will take 1 byte and the compiler will try to pack as much as 4 `uint8_t` in 32 bits
* when you want to ensure that the value can never exceed 255. Beware though that the compiler will just chunk the last 8 bits or a 32 bits value and will not report any overflow.
#### Loops
Should you use `uint8_t` or `uint32_t` for loops?
Let's try:
uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
a += b;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
a += b;
return a;
movi.n a3, 0 # ivtmp$7334, <- loop 1
add.n a2, a2, a3 # a, a, ivtmp$7334
addi.n a3, a3, 1 # ivtmp$7334, ivtmp$7334,
bnei a3, 10, .L2031 # ivtmp$7334,,
movi.n a3, 0 # j, <- loop 2
add.n a2, a2, a3 # a, a, j
addi.n a3, a3, 1 # j, j,
bnei a3, 10, .L2033 # j,,
As you can see here, both loops generate the same assembly for fixed size loops.
Let's now see for variable size loops.
uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < b; i++) {
a += i;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < b; j++) {
a += j;
return a;
movi.n a4, 0 # i, <- loop 1
j .L2030 #
add.n a2, a2, a4 # a, a, i
addi.n a4, a4, 1 # tmp48, i,
extui a4, a4, 0, 8 # i, tmp48 <- extra 32 to 8 bits conversion
bltu a4, a3, .L2031 # i, b,
movi.n a4, 0 # j, <- loop 2
j .L2032 #
add.n a2, a2, a4 # a, a, j
addi.n a4, a4, 1 # j, j,
bne a4, a3, .L2033 # j, b,
In the first loop, the register a4 needs to be converted from 32 bits to 8 bits in each iteration.
Again, there is no definitive rule, but keep in mind that using `uint8_t` can sometimes increase code size compared to `uint32_t`.
### Floats, not doubles!
ESP8266 does not have a FPU (Floating Point Unit), all floating point operations are emulated in software and provided in `libm.a`. The linker removes any unused functions, so we need to limit the number of floating point function calls.
**Rule 1**: use ints where you can, avoid floating point operations.
**Rule 2**: if you really need floating point, always use `float`, never **ever** use `double`.
Let's now see why.
`float`fits in 32 bits, with a mantissa of 20 bits, exponent of TODO. The mantissa is 20 bits wide, which provides enough precision for most of our needs.
`float` is 32 bits wide and fits in a single register, whereas `double` is 64 bits and requires 2 registers.
float Examplef(float a, float b) {
return sinf(a) * (b + 0.4f) - 3.5f;
.literal .LC1012, 0x3ecccccd <- 0.4f
.literal .LC1013, 0x40600000 <- 3.5f
addi sp, sp, -16 #,, <- reserve 16 bytes on stack
s32i.n a0, sp, 12 #, <- save a0 (return address) on stack
s32i.n a12, sp, 8 #, <- save a12 on stack, to free for local var
s32i.n a13, sp, 4 #, <- save a13 on stack, to free for local var
mov.n a13, a3 # b, b <- a3 holds 'b', save to a13
call0 sinf # <- calc sin of a2 (a)
l32r a3, .LC1012 #, <- load 0.4f in a3
mov.n a12, a2 # D.171139, <- save result 'sin(a)' to a12
mov.n a2, a13 #, b <- move a13 (second arg: b) to a2
call0 __addsf3 # <- add floats a2 and a3, result to a2
mov.n a3, a2 # D.171139, <- copy result to a3
mov.n a2, a12 #, D.171139 <- load a2 with a12: sin(a)
call0 __mulsf3 # <- multiply 'sin(a)*(b+0.4f)'
l32r a3, .LC1013 #, <- load a3 with 3.5f
call0 __subsf3 # <- substract
l32i.n a0, sp, 12 #, <- restore a0 (return address)
l32i.n a12, sp, 8 #, <- resotre a12
l32i.n a13, sp, 4 #, <- resotre a13
addi sp, sp, 16 #,, <- free stack
ret.n <- return
Now with `double`:
double Exampled(double a, double b) {
return sin(a) * (b + 0.4) - 3.5;
.literal .LC1014, 0x9999999a, 0x3fd99999 <- 0.4
.literal .LC1015, 0x00000000, 0x400c0000 <- 3.5
addi sp, sp, -32 #,,
s32i.n a0, sp, 28 #,
s32i.n a12, sp, 24 #,
s32i.n a13, sp, 20 #,
s32i.n a14, sp, 16 #,
s32i.n a15, sp, 12 #,
mov.n a14, a4 #,
mov.n a15, a5 #,
call0 sin #
l32r a4, .LC1014 #,
l32r a5, .LC1014+4 #,
mov.n a12, a2 #,
mov.n a13, a3 #,
mov.n a2, a14 #,
mov.n a3, a15 #,
call0 __adddf3 #
mov.n a4, a2 #,
mov.n a5, a3 #,
mov.n a2, a12 #,
mov.n a3, a13 #,
call0 __muldf3 #
l32r a4, .LC1015 #,
l32r a5, .LC1015+4 #,
call0 __subdf3 #
l32i.n a0, sp, 28 #,
l32i.n a12, sp, 24 #,
l32i.n a13, sp, 20 #,
l32i.n a14, sp, 16 #,
l32i.n a15, sp, 12 #,
addi sp, sp, 32 #,,
As you can see the `double` needs to move many more registers around. Examplef (float) is 84 bytes, Exampled (double) is 119 bytes (+42% code size). Actually it's even worse, `sin` is larger than float version `sinf`.
Also, never forget to explicitly tag literals as float: always put `1.5f` and not `1.5`. Let's see the impact:
float Examplef2(float a, float b) {
return sinf(a) * (b + 0.4) - 3.5; // same as above with double literals
.literal .LC1014, 0x9999999a, 0x3fd99999
.literal .LC1015, 0x00000000, 0x400c0000
.align 4
.global _Z9Examplef2ff
.type _Z9Examplef2ff, @function
addi sp, sp, -16 #,,
s32i.n a0, sp, 12 #,
s32i.n a12, sp, 8 #,
s32i.n a13, sp, 4 #,
s32i.n a14, sp, 0 #,
mov.n a14, a3 # b, b
call0 sinf #
call0 __extendsfdf2 # <- extend float to double
mov.n a12, a2 #,
mov.n a2, a14 #, b
mov.n a13, a3 #,
call0 __extendsfdf2 # <- extend float to double
l32r a4, .LC1014 #,
l32r a5, .LC1014+4 #,
call0 __adddf3 # <- add double
mov.n a4, a2 #,
mov.n a5, a3 #,
mov.n a2, a12 #,
mov.n a3, a13 #,
call0 __muldf3 # <- multiply double
l32r a4, .LC1015 #,
l32r a5, .LC1015+4 #,
call0 __subdf3 # <- substract double
call0 __truncdfsf2 # <- truncate double to float
l32i.n a0, sp, 12 #,
l32i.n a12, sp, 8 #,
l32i.n a13, sp, 4 #,
l32i.n a14, sp, 0 #,
addi sp, sp, 16 #,,
The last example takes 143 bytes, which is even worse than the `double` version, because of conversions from `float` to `double` and back. Internally, if you don't force `float` literals, gcc will make all intermediate compute in `double` and convert to `float` in the end. This is usually what is wanted: compute with maximum precision and truncate at the last moment. But for ESP8266 we want the opposite: most compact code.
### String concatenation
Let's start with an easy example:
void ExampleStringConcat(String &s) {
s += "suffix";
Assembly (25 bytes):
.string "suffix"
.literal .LC1025, .LC1024
l32r a3, .LC1025 #,
addi sp, sp, -16 #,,
s32i.n a0, sp, 12 #,
call0 _ZN6String6concatEPKc #
l32i.n a0, sp, 12 #,
addi sp, sp, 16 #,,
If you need to add more complex strings, do not concatenate using native c++ concat:
void ExampleStringConcat2(String &s, uint8_t a, uint8_t b) {
s += "[" + String(a) + "," + String(b) + "]";
Assembly (122 bytes!):
.string ","
.string "["
.string "]"
.literal .LC1027, .LC1026
.literal .LC1028, .LC231
.literal .LC1030, .LC1029
addi sp, sp, -64 #,,
s32i.n a13, sp, 52 #,
extui a13, a3, 0, 8 # a, a
l32r a3, .LC1027 #,
s32i.n a12, sp, 56 #,
mov.n a12, a2 # s, s
addi.n a2, sp, 12 #,,
s32i.n a0, sp, 60 #,
s32i.n a14, sp, 48 #,
extui a14, a4, 0, 8 # b, b
call0 _ZN6StringC2EPKc # <- allocate String
movi.n a4, 0xa #,
addi a2, sp, 24 #,,
mov.n a3, a13 #, a
call0 _ZN6StringC1Ehh # <- allocate String
addi a3, sp, 24 #,,
addi.n a2, sp, 12 #,,
call0 _ZplRK15StringSumHelperRK6String #
l32r a3, .LC1028 #,
call0 _ZplRK15StringSumHelperPKc #
movi.n a4, 0xa #,
mov.n a13, a2 # D.171315,
mov.n a3, a14 #, b
mov.n a2, sp #,
call0 _ZN6StringC1Ehh # <- allocate String
mov.n a3, sp #,
mov.n a2, a13 #, D.171315
call0 _ZplRK15StringSumHelperRK6String #
l32r a3, .LC1030 #,
call0 _ZplRK15StringSumHelperPKc #
mov.n a3, a2 # D.171315,
mov.n a2, a12 #, s
call0 _ZN6String6concatERKS_ #
mov.n a2, sp #,
call0 _ZN6StringD1Ev # <- destructor
addi a2, sp, 24 #,,
call0 _ZN6StringD1Ev # <- destructor
addi.n a2, sp, 12 #,,
call0 _ZN6StringD2Ev # <- destructor
l32i.n a0, sp, 60 #,
l32i.n a12, sp, 56 #,
l32i.n a13, sp, 52 #,
l32i.n a14, sp, 48 #,
addi sp, sp, 64 #,,
Instead use native `String` concat:
void ExampleStringConcat3(String &s, uint8_t a, uint8_t b) {
s += "[";
s += a;
s += ",";
s += b;
s += "]";
Assembly (69 bytes, -43%):
.string ","
.string "["
.string "]"
.literal .LC1031, .LC1026
.literal .LC1032, .LC231
.literal .LC1033, .LC1029
addi sp, sp, -16 #,,
s32i.n a13, sp, 4 #,
extui a13, a3, 0, 8 # a, a
l32r a3, .LC1031 #,
s32i.n a0, sp, 12 #,
s32i.n a12, sp, 8 #,
s32i.n a14, sp, 0 #,
mov.n a12, a2 # s, s
extui a14, a4, 0, 8 # b, b
call0 _ZN6String6concatEPKc # <- native char* add
mov.n a3, a13 #, a
mov.n a2, a12 #, s
call0 _ZN6String6concatEh # <- native int add
l32r a3, .LC1032 #,
mov.n a2, a12 #, s
call0 _ZN6String6concatEPKc # <- native char* add
mov.n a3, a14 #, b
mov.n a2, a12 #, s
call0 _ZN6String6concatEh # <- native int add
l32r a3, .LC1033 #,
mov.n a2, a12 #, s
call0 _ZN6String6concatEPKc # <- native char* add
l32i.n a0, sp, 12 #,
l32i.n a12, sp, 8 #,
l32i.n a13, sp, 4 #,
l32i.n a14, sp, 0 #,
addi sp, sp, 16 #,,
Reference in New Issue