Missing "tele-" for BME-280 pressure in example

trentongg 2019-10-04 12:01:44 +10:00
parent 6930ee68f8
commit bc41ff0cdb
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Show BME280 + SGP30:
rule1 on tele-BME280#Temperature do DisplayText [s1p21x0y0]Temp: %value% C endon
on tele-BME280#Humidity do DisplayText [s1p21x0y10]Hum : %value% %% endon
on BME280#Pressure do DisplayText [s1p21x0y20]Prss: %value% hPa endon
on tele-BME280#Pressure do DisplayText [s1p21x0y20]Prss: %value% hPa endon
on tele-SGP30#TVOC do DisplayText [s1p21x0y30]TVOC: %value% ppb endon
on tele-SGP30#eCO2 do DisplayText [s1p21x0y40]eCO2: %value% ppm [s1p0x0y50]Time: [x35y50t] endon