
Michael Ingraham 2019-11-15 10:44:25 -05:00
parent 7c92621d9d
commit c2e5a7ff67
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ TuyaMCU<a id="TuyaMCU"></a>|Used to map functions in TuyaMCU &emsp; »6.7.1<br>
Upgrade<a id="Upgrade"></a>|`1` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` and restart<BR>`<value>` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` if \<value\> is higher than device version Upgrade<a id="Upgrade"></a>|`1` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` and restart<BR>`<value>` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` if \<value\> is higher than device version
Upload<a id="Upload"></a>|`1` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` and restart<BR>`<value>` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` if \<value\> is higher than device version Upload<a id="Upload"></a>|`1` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` and restart<BR>`<value>` = download firmware from `OtaUrl` if \<value\> is higher than device version
WebLog<a id="WebLog"></a>|`0` = disable web logging<BR> `1` = show only error messages<BR> `2` = show error and info messages *(default)*<BR>`3` = show error, info and debug messages<BR>`4` = show error, info and more debug messages WebLog<a id="WebLog"></a>|`0` = disable web logging<BR> `1` = show only error messages<BR> `2` = show error and info messages *(default)*<BR>`3` = show error, info and debug messages<BR>`4` = show error, info and more debug messages
See also|[`SetOption68`](#Setoption68) - PWM Channel control See also|[`SetOption68`](#Setoption68) - PWM Channel control<BR>[`SetOption76`](#Setoption76) - DeepSleep disable bootcount incrementing
### [Wi-Fi](Troubleshooting#Wi-Fi-issues-arduino-core-versions-and-espressif-sdk) ### [Wi-Fi](Troubleshooting#Wi-Fi-issues-arduino-core-versions-and-espressif-sdk)
@ -424,7 +424,8 @@ SetOption71<a id="SetOption71"></a>|Set DDS238 Modbus register for active energy
SetOption72<a id="SetOption72"></a>|Set reference used for total energy &emsp; »<BR>`0` = use firmware counter *(default)*<BR>`1` = use energy monitor (e.g., PZEM-0xx, SDM120, SDM630, DDS238, DDSU666) hardware counter SetOption72<a id="SetOption72"></a>|Set reference used for total energy &emsp; »<BR>`0` = use firmware counter *(default)*<BR>`1` = use energy monitor (e.g., PZEM-0xx, SDM120, SDM630, DDS238, DDSU666) hardware counter
SetOption73<a id="SetOption73"></a>|Set HTTP Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) &emsp; »<BR>`0` = disable CORS *(default)*<BR>`1` = enable CORS SetOption73<a id="SetOption73"></a>|Set HTTP Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) &emsp; »<BR>`0` = disable CORS *(default)*<BR>`1` = enable CORS
SetOption74<a id="SetOption74"></a>|Enable internal pullup for single DS18x20 sensor &emsp; »<BR>`0` = disabled *(default)*<BR>`1` = internal pullup enabled SetOption74<a id="SetOption74"></a>|Enable internal pullup for single DS18x20 sensor &emsp; »<BR>`0` = disabled *(default)*<BR>`1` = internal pullup enabled
SetOption75<a id="SetOption75"></a>|Set grouptopic behaviour ([#6779](; »<BR>`0` = GroupTopic using FullTopic replacing %topic% _(default)_<BR>`1` = GroupTopic is `cmnd/%grouptopic%/` SetOption75<a id="SetOption75"></a>|Set grouptopic behaviour ([#6779](../issues/6779))&emsp; »<BR>`0` = GroupTopic using FullTopic replacing %topic% _(default)_<BR>`1` = GroupTopic is `cmnd/%grouptopic%/`
SetOption76<a id="SetOption76"></a>|Bootcount incrementing when [DeepSleep](DeepSleep) is enabled ([#6930](../issues/6930))&emsp; »<BR>`0` = disable bootcount incrementing _(default)_<BR>`1` = enable bootcount incrementing
SetOption80<a id="SetOption80"></a>|[Blinds and shutters](blinds-and-shutters) support&emsp; »<BR>`0` = disable blinds and shutters support *(default)*<BR>`1` = enable blinds and shutters support SetOption80<a id="SetOption80"></a>|[Blinds and shutters](blinds-and-shutters) support&emsp; »<BR>`0` = disable blinds and shutters support *(default)*<BR>`1` = enable blinds and shutters support
SetOption81<a id="SetOption81"></a>|Set PCF8574 component behavior for all ports&emsp; »<BR>`0` = set as regular state *(default)*<BR>`1` = set as inverted state SetOption81<a id="SetOption81"></a>|Set PCF8574 component behavior for all ports&emsp; »<BR>`0` = set as regular state *(default)*<BR>`1` = set as inverted state