version 6.7.0

blakadder 2019-10-25 13:26:50 +02:00
parent ab21c0fe6d
commit ce41c2c143
1 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

@ -1,5 +1,120 @@
See [development build changelog]( for planned features.
## Version 6.7.0 20191025
* Remove support for WPS and SmartConfig in favour of Web server (!) based WifiManager (#6680)
* Remove binary sonoff-classic (#6680)
* Remove command SetOption2
* Remove default DS18B20 driver and only support define USE_DS18x20 (#6647)
* Remove support for define USE_DS18x20_LEGACY and legacy DS18x20 driver (#6486)
* Replace xsns_23_sdm120 with xnrg_08_sdm120
* Replace xsns_25_sdm630 with xnrg_10_sdm630
* Replace xsns_49_solaxX1 with xnrg_12_solaxX1 (#6677)
* Change Sonoff L1 support by adding define USE_SONOFF_L1
* Change light drivers internals to ease management
* Change command PulseTime JSON message format and allow display of all pulsetimer information (#6519)
* Change command SetOption43 to make it more general. Now supports PS_16_DZ driver too (#6544)
* Change command handling by moving buffers up in chain solving MQTTlog support (#6529)
* Change commands Var and Mem to show all parameters when no index is given (#6107)
* Change detection of non-MQTT commands by allowing non-space characters as delimiter (#6540)
* Change rename "Data" to "Hash" and limit to 32 bits when receiving UNKNOWN IR protocol (see DECODE_HASH from IRremoteESP8266)
* Change JSON output format for commands Adc, Adcs, Modules, Gpio and Gpios from list to dictionary (#6407)
* Change energy sensors for three phase/channel support
* Change Settings crc calculation allowing short term backward compatibility
* Change Improve reliability of TasmotaSerial at 115200 bauds and reduce IRAM usage
* Change Tuya support by Shantur Rathore removing tuya related commands SetOption34, 41, 44, 45, 46, 65, 66 and 69 (#6353)
* Change theoretical baudrate range to 300..19660500 bps in 300 increments (#6294)
* Change Settings area to 4k for future use
* Change some table locations from RAM to Flash
* Change filename of configuration backup from using FriendlyName1 to Hostname solving diacritic issues (#2422)
* Change Store AWS IoT Private Key and Certificate in SPI Flash avoiding device-specific compilations
* Change defines USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR and USE_RC_SWITCH in my_user_config.h to disable to lower iram usage enabling latest core compilation (#6060, #6062)
* Fix handling of ligth channels when pwm_multichannel (SetOption68) is enabled
* Fix better handling of PWM White Temperature mode for Module 48 (#6534)
* Fix TasmotaSerial: move serial send to IRAM for high speed baud rates
* Fix Domoticz battery level set to 100 if define USE_ADC_VCC is not used (#6033)
* Fix Force Elliptic Curve for Letsencrypt TLS #6042
* Fix WeMo emulation for 1G echo and 2G echo dot (#6086)
* Fix Xiaomi Philips brightness (#6091)
* Add support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer V4 (#5856)
* Add support for Arduino serial connection (EXPERIMENTAL)
* Add support for Zigbee devices Xiaomi air quality sensor, Osram mini-switch
* Add support for Zigbee device cc2530 initialization and basic ZCL decoding
* Add support for PMS3003 dust particle sensor
* Add support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy meter by Pablo Zerón
* Add support for SM2135 as used in Action LSC Smart Led E14 (#6495)
* Add support for Shelly 2.5 dual energy (#6160)
* Add support for shutters by Stefan Bode (#288)
* Add support for PCF8574 I2C I/O Expander (currently output only) by Stefan Bode
* Add support for up to three PZEM-014/-016 on one serial modbus connection with addresses 1 (default), 2 and 3 (#2315)
* Add support for up to three PZEM-004T on one serial connection with addresses (default), 2 and 3 (#2315)
* Add support for up to three PZEM-003/-017 on one serial modbus connection with addresses 1 (default), 2 and 3 (#2315)
* Add support for up to 4 INA226 Voltage and Current sensors by Steve Rogers (#6342)
* Add support for A4988 stepper-motor-driver-circuit by Tim Leuschner (#6370)
* Add support for Hiking DDS238-2 Modbus energy meter by Matteo Campanella (#6384)
* Add support for HM17 bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices by Gerhard Mutz
* Add support for Solax X1 inverter by Pablo Zerón
* Add support for PAJ7620 gesture sensor by Christian Baars
* Add support for MAX31865 Thermocouple sensor by Alberto Lopez Siemens
* Add support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader by Gerhard Mutz
* Add support for CHIRP soil moisture sensor by Christian Baars
* Add support for Sonoff iFan03 as module 71 (#5988)
* Add support for a buzzer
* Add support for IRSend long press ('repeat' feature from IRRemoteESP8266) (#6074)
* Add support for IRHVAC Midea/Komeco protocol (#3227)
* Add support for more IRSend protocols enabled in my_user_config.h
* Add support for IRSend Pioneer protocol (#6100)
* Add support for up to 4 INA219 sensors (#6046)
* Add support for I2C display driver SH1106 oled by Gerhard Mutz
* Add support for SPI display drivers epaper 4.2 inch, ILI9488 TFT, SSD1351 Color oled and RA8876 TFT by Gerhard Mutz
* Add command Buzzer with optional parameters ,<duration of beep in 100mS steps>,<duration of silence in 100mS steps> enabled when a buzzer is configured (#5988)
* Add command DimmerRange in Light module to support 2 byte dimming ranges from Tuya
* Add command DisplayHeight to set pixel height on supported devices
* Add command DisplayWidth to set pixel width on supported devices
* Add command EnergyReset4 x,x to initialize total usage for two tarrifs
* Add command EnergyReset5 x,x to initialize total export (or production) for two tarrifs
* Add command Gpio 255/All to show physical GPIO configuration of all non-flash pins (#6407)
* Add command Gpios 255/All to show all available GPIO components (#6407)
* Add command ModuleAddress 1/2/3 to set Pzem module address when a single module is connected (#2315)
* Add command MqttLog <loglevel> for support of MQTT logging (#6498)
* Add command Power0 0/1/2/Off/On/Toggle to control all power outputs at once (#6340)
* Add command PowerDelta 101..32000 for absolute power delta where 101 = 101-100 = 1W, 202 = 202-100 = 102W (#5901)
* Add command Reset 99 to reset bootcount to zero (#684, #6351)
* Add command Sensor29 pin,0/1/2 for OFF/ON/TOGGLE
* Add command Sensor34 8,0 and Sensor34 8,1 to disable/enable JSON message on weight change over 4 gram
* Add command SetOption34 0..255 to set backlog delay. Default value is 200 (mSeconds) (#6562)
* Add command SetOption42 0..255 to set overtemperature (Celsius only) threshold resulting in power off all on energy monitoring devices. Default setting is 90 (#6036)
* Add command SetOption65 0/1 to disable (1) fast power cycle detection fixing unwanted brownout trigger
* Add command SetOption67 0/1 to disable or enable a buzzer as used in iFan03
* Add command SetOption68 0/1 to enable multi-channel PWM instead of a single light (#6134)
* Add command SetOption71 0/1 to switch between different Modbus Active Energy registers on DDS238-2 energy meters (#6531)
* Add command SetOption72 0/1 to switch between software (0) or hardware (1) energy total counter (#6561)
* Add command Time to disable NTP and set UTC time as Epoch value if above 1451602800 (=20160101). Time 0 re-enables NTP (#5279)
* Add command Time 1/2/3 to select JSON time format ISO + Epoch, ISO or Epoch
* Add command Tariff to default to 0 (=disabled) and allowing to set both Standard Time (ST) and Daylight Savings Time (DST) start hour ex. Tariff1 22,23 = Tariff1 (Off-Peak) ST,DST Tariff2 6,7 = Tariff2 (Standard) ST,DST Tariff9 0/1 = Weekend toggle (1 = Off-Peak during weekend)
* Add command WebSensor<sensor number> 0/1 to control display of sensor data in web GUI (#6085)
* Add command ZigbeeRead (#6095)
* Add define USE_DEEPSLEEP and command DeepSleepTime 0 or 10..86400 (seconds) to enter deepsleep mode (#6638)
* Add define USE_ENERGY_MARGIN_DETECTION to disable Energy Margin and Power Limit detection
* Add define USE_ENERGY_POWER_LIMIT to disable Energy Power Limit detection while Energy Margin detection is active
* Add define USE_SONOFF_RF to enable/disable Sonoff Rf support (#6648)
* Add define USE_WS2812_HARDWARE to select hardware type WS2812, WS2812X, WS2813, SK6812, LC8812 or APA106 (DMA mode only)
* Add incremental beeps to Ifan03 remote control fan speed buttons (#6636)
* Add rule support after every command execution like Fanspeed#Data=2 (#6636)
* Add WebUI for multiple, independent PWM channels
* Add JSON array index support to rules evaluation allowing trigger on ENERGY#POWER[2]>0.60 from JSON ..,"Power":[0.00,0.68],.. (#6160)
* Add Full support of all protocols in IRremoteESP8266, to be used on dedicated-IR Tasmota version. Warning: +81k Flash when compiling with USE_IR_REMOTE_FULL
* Add 'sonoff-ir' pre-packaged IR-dedicated firmware and 'sonoff-ircustom' to customize firmware with IR Full protocol support
* Add Tuya Energy monitoring by Shantur Rathore
* Add Domoticz P1 Smart Meter support using energy sensors handled by xdrv_03_energy.ino based on an idea by pablozg
* Add debug compile features using defines DEBUG_TASMOTA_CORE, DEBUG_TASMOTA_DRIVER and DEBUG_TASMOTA_SENSOR. See DEBUG_CORE_LOG example in sonoff.ino and DEBUG_DRIVER_LOG example in xdrv_09_timers.ino
* Add option 0 to Width1 (Marker), Width2 (Second), Width3 (Minute) and Width4 (Hour) disabling display (#6152)
* Add MqttCount metric to STATE (#6155)
* Add allow repeat/longpress for IRSend raw, introduced IRSend<r> option (#6074)
* Add Oled reset GPIO option "OLED reset"
* Add blend RGB leds with White leds for better whites (#5895, #5704)
* Add AZ7798 automatic setting of clock display (#6034)
* Add Epoch and UptimeSec to JSON messages (#6068)
## Version 6.6 20190707
* Remove support of TLS on core 2.3.0 and extend support on core 2.4.2 and higher
* Remove MQTT uptime message every hour