Revert e0a6c7ebc781ed95cfcb7eb822b6514d286fe00a...745e60bd49bd61a0044c2cdad596a86691af22ce on Modules

blakadder 2019-05-16 19:36:08 +02:00
parent d277edc1ee
commit f111a3d51b
1 changed files with 71 additions and 70 deletions

@ -5,76 +5,77 @@ A **module** is a firmware supported device which has specific code to enable on
**Configure Module** page is used to configure your device as one of the modules **and** to configure additional components connected to one of the free GPIO pins. **Configure Module** page is used to configure your device as one of the modules **and** to configure additional components connected to one of the free GPIO pins.
> Use Generic module (`Module 18`) to have almost all GPIO pins available. > Use Generic module (`Module 18`) to have almost all GPIO pins available.
Each module is assigned a number which is used in [Template configuration](templates#base) or when using [`Module`](commands#module) command. Built-in modules have the required GPIO assignments coded for the device to function properly. In addition, some modules include special programming (e.g., calibrated power monitoring). The following table lists hard-coded device specific functionality. Notice that not all device modules need special programming. Each module is assigned a number which is used in [Template configuration](templates#base) or when using [`Module`](commands#module) command.
| #| Name| Module specifics | #| Name| Module specifics
| ---: | :--- | :--- | ---: | :--- | :---
<a id="SonoffBasic"> </a> 1 | Sonoff Basic | | 0 | Template | Module from currently active template. Named after the template NAME field.|
<a id="SonoffRF"> </a> 2 | Sonoff RF | | 1 | Sonoff Basic |
<a id="SonoffSV"> </a> 3 | Sonoff SV | | 2 | Sonoff RF |
<a id="SonoffTh"> </a> 4 | Sonoff TH | | 3 | Sonoff SV |
<a id="SonoffDual"> </a> 5 | Sonoff Dual | Process relay and button via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process buttons as single press only | 4 | Sonoff Th |
<a id="SonoffPow"> </a> 6 | Sonoff POW | | 5 | Sonoff Dual | Process relay and button via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process buttons as single press only
<a id="Sonoff4Ch"> </a> 7 | Sonoff 4Ch | | 6 | Sonoff Pow |
<a id="SonoffS2X"> </a> 8 | Sonoff S2X | | 7 | Sonoff 4Ch |
<a id="Slampher"> </a> 9 | Slampher | | 8 | Sonoff S2X |
<a id="SonoffTouch"> </a> 10 | Sonoff Touch | Invert LedState 1 functionality | 9 | Slampher |
<a id="SonoffLED"> </a> 11 | Sonoff LED | Set light type to 2 PWM channels disregarding SetOption15. Fix device specific LED instabilities by disabling GPIO04, GPIO5 and GPIO14 | 10 | Sonoff Touch | Invert LedState 1 functionality
<a id="1Channel"> </a> 12 | 1 Channel | | 11 | Sonoff LED | Set light type to 2 PWM channels disregarding SetOption15. Fix device specific LED instabilities by disabling GPIO04, GPIO5 and GPIO14
<a id="4Channel"> </a> 13 | 4 Channel | [See Sonoff Dual](#SonoffDual) | 12 | 1 Channel |
<a id="MotorC/AC"> </a> 14 | Motor C/AC | Force all relays ON at Power On and disable command PowerOnState | 13 | 4 Channel |
<a id="ElectroDragon"> </a> 15 | ElectroDragon | | 14 | Motor C/AC | Force all relays ON at Power On and disable command PowerOnState
<a id="EXSRelays"> </a> 16 | EXS Relay(s) | Enable pulse latching using even/odd numbered relay pairs | 15 | ElectroDragon |
<a id="WION"> </a> 17 | WION | | 16 | EXS Relay(s) | Enable pulse latching using even/odd numbered relay pairs
<a id="Generic"> </a> 18 | Generic | Show Wemos specific pin information in GUI | 17 | WiOn |
<a id="SonoffDev"> </a> 19 | Sonoff Dev | | 18 | Generic | Show Wemos specific pin information in GUI
<a id="H801"> </a> 20 | H801 | Change hardware UART Tx from GPIO01 to GPIO02 | 19 | Sonoff Dev |
<a id="SonoffSC"> </a> 21 | Sonoff SC | Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps | 20 | H801 | Change hardware UART Tx from GPIO01 to GPIO02
<a id="SonoffBN-SZ"> </a> 22 | Sonoff BN-SZ | Set light type to 1 PWM channel disregarding SetOption15 | 21 | Sonoff SC | Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps
<a id="Sonoff4ChPro"> </a> 23 | Sonoff 4Ch Pro | Button handling disregarding SetOption13 only allowing single press to enable RF learning while holding the button | 22 | Sonoff BN-SZ | Set light type to 1 PWM channel disregarding SetOption15
<a id="HuafanSS"> </a> 24 | Huafan SS | | 23 | Sonoff 4Ch Pro | Button handling disregarding SetOption13 only allowing single press to enable RF learning while holding the button
<a id="SonoffBridge"> </a> 25 | Sonoff Bridge | Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process 16 buttons in web GUI. Enable EFM8BB1 firmware upload | 24 | Huafan SS |
<a id="SonoffB1"> </a> 26 | Sonoff B1 | Set light type to RGBWC using MY92x1 | 25 | Sonoff RF Bridge | Enable and Process data via hardware serial interface using GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. Process 16 buttons in web GUI. Enable EFM8BB1 firmware upload
<a id="Ailight"> </a> 27 | Ailight | Set light type to RGBW using MY92x1 | 26 | Sonoff B1 | Set light type to RGBWC using MY92x1
<a id="SonoffT11Ch"> </a> 28 | Sonoff T1 1Ch | [See Sonoff Touch](#SonoffTouch) | 27 | Ailight | Set light type to RGBW using MY92x1
<a id="SonoffT12Ch"> </a> 29 | Sonoff T1 2Ch | [See Sonoff Touch](#SonoffTouch) | 28 | Sonoff T1 1Ch | See 10
<a id="SonoffT13Ch"> </a> 30 | Sonoff T1 3Ch | [See Sonoff Touch](#SonoffTouch) | 29 | Sonoff T1 2Ch | See 10
<a id="SuplaEspablo"> </a> 31 | Supla Espablo | | 30 | Sonoff T1 3Ch | See 10
<a id="WittyCloud"> </a> 32 | Witty Cloud | | 31 | Supla Espablo |
<a id="YunshanRelay"> </a> 33 | Yunshan Relay | | 32 | Witty Cloud |
<a id="MagicHome"> </a> 34 | MagicHome | | 33 | Yunshan Relay |
<a id="LuaniHVIO"> </a> 35 | Luani HVIO | | 34 | MagicHome |
<a id="KMC70011"> </a> 36 | KMC 70011 | | 35 | Luani HVIO |
<a id="AriluxLC01"> </a> 37 | Arilux LC01 | | 36 | KMC 70011 |
<a id="AriluxLC11"> </a> 38 | Arilux LC11 | | 37 | Arilux LC01 |
<a id="SonoffDualR2"> </a> 39 | Sonoff Dual R2 | Process buttons as single press only | 38 | Arilux LC11 |
<a id="AriluxLC06"> </a> 40 | Arilux LC06 | | 39 | Sonoff Dual R2 | Process buttons as single press only
<a id="SonoffS31"> </a> 41 | Sonoff S31 | Selects GPIO types for the CSE7766 (serial connected energy monitoring chip) with Rx and Tx hardware serial (even parity) on GPIO01 and GPIO03 respectively. Sets serial interface to 4800 baud and disables serial logging | 40 | Arilux LC06 |
<a id="ZenggeWF017"> </a> 42 | Zengge WF017 | | 41 | Sonoff S31 | Sets serial interface to 4800 baud and disable serial logging
<a id="SonoffPowR2"> </a> 43 | Sonoff Pow R2 | | 42 | Zengge WF017 |
<a id="SonoffIFan02"> </a> 44 | Sonoff IFan02 | Enable command Fanspeed. Disable Interlock and PulseTime. Tune status information, MQTT data and GUI. Sync with microcontroller. Process Domoticz Fan state | 43 | Sonoff Pow R2 |
<a id="BlitzwolfSHP"> </a> 45 | Blitzwolf SHP | Module specific power monitoring calibration | 44 | Sonoff IFan02 | Enable command Fanspeed. Disable Interlock and PulseTime. Tune status information, MQTT data and GUI. Sync with microcontroller. Process Domoticz Fan state
<a id="Shelly1"> </a> 46 | Shelly 1 | | 45 | Blitzwolf SHP | Module specific power monitoring calibration
<a id="Shelly2"> </a> 47 | Shelly 2 | | 46 | Shelly 1 |
<a id="XiaomiPhilips"> </a> 48 | Xiaomi Philips | Process Color Temperature using PWM2 and Intensity using PWM1 | 47 | Shelly 2 |
<a id="NeoCoolcam"> </a> 49 | Neo Coolcam | | 48 | Xiaomi Philips | Process Color Temperature using PWM2 and Intensity using PWM1
<a id="ESPSwitCh"> </a> 50 | ESP SwitCh | | 49 | Neo Coolcam |
<a id="ObiSocket"> </a> 51 | Obi Socket | | 50 | ESP SwitCh |
<a id="Teckin"> </a> 52 | Teckin | | 51 | Obi Socket |
<a id="APLICWDP303075"> </a> 53 | APLIC WDP303075 | | 52 | Teckin |
<a id="TuyaDimmer"> </a> 54 | Tuya Dimmer | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149 or forced GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 9600 bps. Process all Buttons | 53 | APLIC WDP303075 |
<a id="GosundSP1v23"> </a> 55 | Gosund SP1 v23 | | 54 | Tuya Dimmer | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149 or forced GPIO01 and GPIO03. Change baudrate to 9600 bps. Process all Buttons
<a id="ArmtronixDimmers"> </a> 56 | Armtronix Dimmers | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 115200 bps. | 55 | Gosund SP1 v23 |
<a id="SK03OutdoorTuya"> </a> 57 | SK03 Outdoor (Tuya) | | 56 | Armtronix Dimmers | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 115200 bps.
<a id="PS-16-DZ"> </a> 58 | PS-16-DZ | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 19200 bps. | 57 | SK03 Outdoor (Tuya) |
<a id="TeckinUS"> </a> 59 | Teckin US | | 58 | PS-16-DZ Dimmer | Enable and Process data via software or hardware serial interface using GPIO 148 and 149. Change baudrate to 19200 bps.
<a id="ManzokuStripEU_4"> </a> 60 | Manzoku Strip (EU 4) | | 59 | Teckin_US |
<a id="ObiSocket2"> </a> 61 | Obi Socket 2 | | 60 | Manzoku Strip (Eu_4) |
<a id="YTFLRBridge"> </a> 62 | YTF LR Bridge | Disable serial interface to stop loopback | 61 | Obi Socket 2 |
<a id="DigooDG-SP202"> </a> 63 | Digoo DG-SP202 | | 62 | YTF IR Bridge | Disable serial interface to stop loopback
<a id="KA10"> </a> 64 | KA10 | | 63 | Digoo DG-SP202 |
<a id="LumineaZX2820"> </a> 65 | Luminea ZX2820 | | 64 | KA10 |
<a id="MiDeskLamp"> </a> 66 | Mi Desk Lamp | Process rotary and Button1 data specific to this device | 65 | Luminea ZX2820 |
<a id="SP10"> </a> 67 | SP10 | | 66 | Mi Desk Lamp | Process rotary and Button1 data specific to this device. *Requires `#define ROTARY_V1` in `my_user_config.h`**
<a id="WAGACHCZ02MB"> </a> 68 | WAGA CHCZ02MB | | 67 | SP10 |
<a id="SYF05"> </a> 69 | SYF05 | | 68 | WAGA CHCZ02MB |
| 69 | SYF05 |