2020-06-07 18:30:56 +01:00
"""passbook e2e testing utilities"""
from glob import glob
2020-06-19 18:34:27 +01:00
from importlib.util import module_from_spec, spec_from_file_location
2020-06-07 18:30:56 +01:00
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
2020-06-19 18:34:27 +01:00
from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA
2020-06-07 18:30:56 +01:00
from django.apps import apps
from django.db import connection, transaction
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
2020-06-07 18:44:28 +01:00
2020-06-07 18:30:56 +01:00
def apply_default_data():
"""apply objects created by migrations after tables have been truncated"""
# Find all migration files
# load all functions
migration_files = glob("**/migrations/*.py", recursive=True)
matches = []
for migration in migration_files:
2020-06-19 18:34:27 +01:00
with open(migration, "r+") as migration_file:
2020-06-07 18:30:56 +01:00
# Check if they have a `RunPython`
if "RunPython" in migration_file.read():
with connection.schema_editor() as schema_editor:
for match in matches:
# Load module from file path
spec = spec_from_file_location("", match)
migration_module = module_from_spec(spec)
# pyright: reportGeneralTypeIssues=false
# Call all functions from module
for _, func in getmembers(migration_module, isfunction):
with transaction.atomic():
func(apps, schema_editor)
except IntegrityError:
2020-06-19 18:34:27 +01:00
def ensure_rsa_key():
"""Ensure that at least one RSAKey Object exists, create one if none exist"""
from oidc_provider.models import RSAKey
if not RSAKey.objects.exists():
key = RSA.generate(2048)
rsakey = RSAKey(key=key.exportKey("PEM").decode("utf8"))