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from os import system
from lifecycle.migrate import BaseMigration
SQL_STATEMENT = """delete from django_migrations where app = 'passbook_stages_prompt';
drop table passbook_stages_prompt_prompt cascade;
drop table passbook_stages_prompt_promptstage cascade;
drop table passbook_stages_prompt_promptstage_fields;
drop table corsheaders_corsmodel cascade;
drop table oauth2_provider_accesstoken cascade;
drop table oauth2_provider_grant cascade;
drop table oauth2_provider_refreshtoken cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_client cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_client_response_types cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_code cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_responsetype cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_rsakey cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_token cascade;
drop table oidc_provider_userconsent cascade;
drop table passbook_providers_app_gw_applicationgatewayprovider cascade;
delete from django_migrations where app = 'passbook_flows' and name = '0008_default_flows';
delete from django_migrations where app = 'passbook_flows' and name = '0009_source_flows';
delete from django_migrations where app = 'passbook_flows' and name = '0010_provider_flows';
delete from django_migrations where app = 'passbook_stages_password' and
name = '0002_passwordstage_change_flow';"""
class To010Migration(BaseMigration):
def needs_migration(self) -> bool:
"select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='oidc_provider_client'"
return bool(self.cur.rowcount)
def system_crit(self, command):
retval = system(command) # nosec
if retval != 0:
raise Exception("Migration error")
def run(self):
self.system_crit("./ migrate passbook_stages_prompt")
self.system_crit("./ migrate passbook_flows 0008_default_flows --fake")
self.system_crit("./ migrate passbook_flows 0009_source_flows --fake")
"./ migrate passbook_flows 0010_provider_flows --fake"
self.system_crit("./ migrate passbook_flows")
self.system_crit("./ migrate passbook_stages_password --fake")