2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
New Crowdin translations (#11909)
* New translations en.json (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
2019-09-27 23:55:59 +01:00
acct: 이동하고자 하는 계정의 사용자이름@도메인을 설정하세요
acct: 이동하고자 하는 목적지 계정의 사용자이름@도메인을 설정하세요
Weblate translations (2019-01-08) (#9758)
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 98.2% (721 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 78.0% (276 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98.0% (347 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77.7% (275 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 88.7% (314 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 80.8% (286 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 36.2% (128 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 89.8% (318 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 95.5% (338 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 85.0% (301 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 64.7% (229 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 41.0% (145 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 90.4% (320 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99,6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 94.4% (101 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.1% (106 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.3% (729 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,5% (730 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 63.6% (225 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 42.4% (150 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87.9% (311 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66.1% (234 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (688 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (84 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 96,9% (343 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.5% (716 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 14.4% (106 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 12.1% (89 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (698 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 95.3% (102 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* i18n-tasks remove-unused
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix missing plural form (temporarily)
2019-01-08 13:09:57 +00:00
text: URL, 해시태그, 멘션과 같은 툿 문법을 사용할 수 있습니다
2019-09-10 11:43:06 +01:00
include_statuses: 사용자는 어떤 툿에 대해 경고나 조치가 취해졌는지 볼 수 있게 됩니다
Weblate translations (2019-01-08) (#9758)
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 98.2% (721 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 78.0% (276 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98.0% (347 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77.7% (275 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 88.7% (314 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 80.8% (286 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 36.2% (128 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 89.8% (318 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 95.5% (338 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 85.0% (301 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 64.7% (229 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 41.0% (145 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 90.4% (320 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99,6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 94.4% (101 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.1% (106 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.3% (729 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,5% (730 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 63.6% (225 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 42.4% (150 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87.9% (311 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66.1% (234 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (688 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (84 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 96,9% (343 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.5% (716 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 14.4% (106 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 12.1% (89 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (698 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 95.3% (102 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* i18n-tasks remove-unused
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix missing plural form (temporarily)
2019-01-08 13:09:57 +00:00
send_email_notification: 유저는 어떤 일이 일어났는 지에 대한 설명을 받게 됩니다
text_html: 선택사항. 툿 문법을 사용할 수 있습니다. <a href="%{path}">경고 틀을 추가</a>하여 시간을 절약할 수 있습니다
type_html: "<strong>%{acct}</strong>에 대해 취할 행동 선택"
warning_preset_id: 선택사항. 틀의 마지막에 임의의 텍스트를 추가 할 수 있습니다
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
2018-06-16 11:56:28 +01:00
autofollow: 이 초대를 통해 가입하는 사람은 당신을 자동으로 팔로우 하게 됩니다
2018-07-29 01:57:13 +01:00
avatar: PNG, GIF 혹은 JPG. 최대 %{size}. %{dimensions}px로 다운스케일 될 것임
2018-05-15 13:25:07 +01:00
bot: 사람들에게 계정이 사람이 아님을 알립니다
2018-07-05 13:50:16 +01:00
context: 필터를 적용 할 한 개 이상의 컨텍스트
New Crowdin translations (#11901)
* New translations en.json (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
2019-09-21 19:04:43 +01:00
current_password: 보안을 위해 현재 계정의 비밀번호를 입력해주세요
current_username: 확인을 위해, 현재 계정의 유저명을 입력해주세요
2018-01-28 13:48:09 +00:00
digest: 오랫동안 활동하지 않았을 때 받은 멘션들에 대한 요약 받기
2019-09-10 11:43:06 +01:00
discoverable: 프로필 디렉터리는 내 계정이 더 많은 관심을 갖게 할 수 있는 다른 방법입니다
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/he/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Normalize translations
ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn
manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Normalize translations
* Fix cy locale
2018-10-29 12:20:29 +00:00
email: 당신은 확인 메일을 받게 됩니다
2018-04-24 10:48:11 +01:00
fields: 당신의 프로파일에 최대 4개까지 표 형식으로 나타낼 수 있습니다
2018-07-29 01:57:13 +01:00
header: PNG, GIF 혹은 JPG. 최대 %{size}. %{dimensions}px로 다운스케일 됨
2018-07-30 02:43:34 +01:00
inbox_url: 사용 할 릴레이 서버의 프론트페이지에서 URL을 복사합니다
2018-07-05 13:50:16 +01:00
irreversible: 필터링 된 툿은 나중에 필터가 사라지더라도 돌아오지 않게 됩니다
2018-06-19 01:25:29 +01:00
locale: 유저 인터페이스, 이메일, 푸시 알림 언어
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
locked: 수동으로 팔로워를 승인하고, 기본 툿 프라이버시 설정을 팔로워 전용으로 변경
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/he/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Normalize translations
ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn
manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Normalize translations
* Fix cy locale
2018-10-29 12:20:29 +00:00
password: 최소 8글자
2018-07-05 13:50:16 +01:00
phrase: 툿 내용이나 CW 내용 안에서 대소문자 구분 없이 매칭 됩니다
2018-07-14 10:27:27 +01:00
scopes: 애플리케이션에 허용할 API들입니다. 최상위 스코프를 선택하면 개별적인 것은 선택하지 않아도 됩니다.
Weblate translations (2018-12-19) (#9578)
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.9% (709 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.8% (90 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.8% (694 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 97,5% (699 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Normalize translations
* Normalize translations, remove unused, add missing plurals
2018-12-19 12:07:05 +00:00
setting_aggregate_reblogs: 내가 부스트 했던 툿은 새로 부스트 되어도 보여주지 않습니다
2019-06-09 20:07:50 +01:00
setting_default_sensitive: 민감한 미디어는 기본적으로 가려져 있으며 클릭해서 볼 수 있습니다
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/he/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Normalize translations
ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn
manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Normalize translations
* Fix cy locale
2018-10-29 12:20:29 +00:00
setting_display_media_default: 민감함으로 설정 된 미디어 가리기
setting_display_media_hide_all: 항상 모든 미디어를 가리기
setting_display_media_show_all: 민감함으로 설정 된 미디어를 항상 보이기
2018-06-02 02:03:08 +01:00
setting_hide_network: 나를 팔로우 하는 사람들과 내가 팔로우 하는 사람들이 내 프로필에 표시되지 않게 합니다
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
setting_noindex: 공개 프로필 및 각 툿페이지에 영향을 미칩니다
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
rename from "instance" to "server"
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
Check if "Sign up" is changed.
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/kk/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Add missing plural forms
2019-02-23 17:41:28 +00:00
setting_show_application: 당신이 툿을 작성하는데에 사용한 앱이 툿의 상세정보에 표시 됩니다
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
setting_use_blurhash: 그라디언트는 숨겨진 내용의 색상을 기반으로 하지만 상세 내용은 보이지 않게 합니다
setting_use_pending_items: 타임라인의 새 게시물을 자동으로 보여 주는 대신, 클릭해서 나타내도록 합니다
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/he/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Normalize translations
ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn
manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Normalize translations
* Fix cy locale
2018-10-29 12:20:29 +00:00
username: 당신의 유저네임은 %{domain} 안에서 유일해야 합니다
2018-07-14 10:27:27 +01:00
whole_word: 키워드가 영문과 숫자로만 이루어 진 경우, 단어 전체에 매칭 되었을 때에만 작동하게 합니다
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
domain: 이 도메인은 이 서버에서 데이터를 가져갈 수 있고 이 도메인에서 보내진 데이터는 처리되고 저장 됩니다
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
rename from "instance" to "server"
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
Check if "Sign up" is changed.
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/kk/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Add missing plural forms
2019-02-23 17:41:28 +00:00
name: '이것들을 사용하면 좋을 것 같습니다:'
New Crowdin translations (#11901)
* New translations en.json (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
2019-09-21 19:04:43 +01:00
current_password: 당신은 보안 구역에 진입하고 있습니다
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
rename from "instance" to "server"
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
Check if "Sign up" is changed.
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/kk/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Add missing plural forms
2019-02-23 17:41:28 +00:00
data: 다른 마스토돈 서버에서 추출된 CSV 파일
2019-04-10 13:49:40 +01:00
text: 이 정보는 우리가 심사를 하는 데에 참고할 수 있습니다
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
2018-05-15 13:25:07 +01:00
otp: '휴대전화에서 생성 된 2단계 인증 코드를 입력하거나, 복구 코드 중 하나를 사용하세요:'
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
name: 읽기 쉽게하기 위한 글자의 대소문자만 변경할 수 있습니다.
2018-06-19 01:25:29 +01:00
chosen_languages: 체크하면, 선택 된 언어들만 공개 타임라인에 보여집니다
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
2018-04-24 10:48:11 +01:00
name: 라벨
value: 내용
New Crowdin translations (#11909)
* New translations en.json (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations activerecord.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations devise.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Arabic)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hungarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Italian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Kazakh)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Korean)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Dutch)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Esperanto)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Estonian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Finnish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Galician)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (German)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Occitan)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Tamil)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Telugu)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Thai)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Turkish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Welsh)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Swedish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Persian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Polish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Romanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Armenian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ido)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Indonesian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Latvian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Lithuanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Malay)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Norwegian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Hebrew)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Asturian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Breton)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Bulgarian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Croatian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Georgian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Bengali)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Catalan)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Simplified)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Chinese Traditional)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Corsican)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Danish)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Russian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Cyrillic))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Serbian (Latin))
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Basque)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Ukrainian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Norwegian Nynorsk)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Albanian)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations simple_form.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations doorkeeper.en.yml (Spanish, Argentina)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (French)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Slovak)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Czech)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Japanese)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.json (Greek)
[ci skip]
* New translations en.yml (Greek)
[ci skip]
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
2019-09-27 23:55:59 +01:00
acct: 기존 계정의 핸들
acct: 새 계정의 핸들
Weblate translations (2019-01-08) (#9758)
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 98.2% (721 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 78.0% (276 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98.0% (347 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77.7% (275 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 88.7% (314 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 80.8% (286 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 36.2% (128 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 89.8% (318 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 95.5% (338 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 85.0% (301 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 64.7% (229 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 41.0% (145 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 90.4% (320 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99,6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 94.4% (101 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.1% (106 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.3% (729 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,5% (730 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 63.6% (225 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 42.4% (150 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87.9% (311 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66.1% (234 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (688 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (84 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 96,9% (343 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.5% (716 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 14.4% (106 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 12.1% (89 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (698 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 95.3% (102 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* i18n-tasks remove-unused
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix missing plural form (temporarily)
2019-01-08 13:09:57 +00:00
text: 프리셋 텍스트
2019-09-10 11:43:06 +01:00
include_statuses: 신고된 툿을 이메일에 포함
Weblate translations (2019-01-08) (#9758)
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98.4% (62 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 98.2% (721 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.0% (697 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.2% (699 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 85.0% (91 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 78.0% (276 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98.0% (347 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77.7% (275 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 88.7% (314 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 80.8% (286 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 36.2% (128 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 89.8% (318 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 95.5% (338 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 85.0% (301 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 65.0% (230 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 64.7% (229 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 14.4% (51 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 41.0% (145 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.8% (61 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 90.4% (320 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99,6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 94.4% (101 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.1% (106 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 99.6% (731 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.3% (729 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,5% (730 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (734 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.2% (706 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (732 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 63.6% (225 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 42.4% (150 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87.9% (311 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66.1% (234 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 93.2% (330 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (688 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (84 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 96,9% (343 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 86.0% (92 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (733 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.5% (716 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.6% (349 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.5% (99 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 14.4% (106 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 12.1% (89 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.4% (352 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (698 of 734 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 95.3% (102 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (354 of 354 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (107 of 107 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* i18n-tasks remove-unused
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix missing plural form (temporarily)
2019-01-08 13:09:57 +00:00
send_email_notification: 이메일로 유저에게 알리기
text: 커스텀 경고
type: 조치
disable: 비활성화
none: 아무 것도 하지 않기
silence: 침묵
suspend: 정지하고 되돌릴 수 없는 데이터 삭제
warning_preset_id: 경고 틀 사용하기
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
2018-06-16 11:56:28 +01:00
autofollow: 초대를 통한 팔로우
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
avatar: 아바타
2018-05-15 13:25:07 +01:00
bot: 이것은 봇 계정입니다
2018-06-19 01:25:29 +01:00
chosen_languages: 언어 필터링
Weblate translations (2019-03-24) (#10362)
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 23,6% (185 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,1% (754 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 64,4% (246 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 28,5% (109 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 65,7% (251 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 26,4% (101 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77,0% (294 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 44,8% (171 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 89,8% (343 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 88,2% (337 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 79,8% (305 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 62,0% (237 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 63,9% (244 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 39,3% (150 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 56,8% (217 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,5% (365 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 50,3% (192 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/lv/
* Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ms/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66,0% (252 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 97,1% (371 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 84,3% (322 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 47,1% (180 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 85,6% (327 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (300 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 97,9% (374 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 73,3% (280 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96,1% (367 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,5% (380 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 84.1% (660 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (784 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (329 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 95.6% (752 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (785 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 91.4% (349 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93.6% (737 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.4% (782 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 80.1% (630 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,8% (652 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 27,1% (213 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 92,7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 29,3% (112 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 30,4% (239 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,3% (364 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 54,8% (431 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 53,2% (59 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (778 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 88,5% (708 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (791 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,1% (793 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Irish)
Currently translated at 0,2% (2 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ga/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 93,8% (750 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,8% (798 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 93.6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 35.0% (280 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 78.0% (624 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99,0% (792 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 99,6% (797 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93,6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 36,8% (294 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 47,6% (182 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,4% (779 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98.5% (65 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.5% (254 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 39.2% (314 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96.0% (768 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 92.7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97.5% (780 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (761 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 53.1% (425 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 78.4% (87 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 57.2% (458 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 72.8% (582 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 74.0% (592 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 13.6% (9 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.7% (2 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 61.9% (495 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 87.9% (58 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.1% (497 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.8% (502 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 94.0% (755 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 56.1% (37 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 36.4% (292 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.3% (613 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Remove unused keys
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Fix missing plural keys
2019-03-24 17:44:59 +00:00
confirm_new_password: 암호 다시 입력
confirm_password: 암호 다시 입력
2018-07-05 13:50:16 +01:00
context: 필터 컨텍스트
Weblate translations (2019-03-24) (#10362)
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 23,6% (185 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,1% (754 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 64,4% (246 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 28,5% (109 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 65,7% (251 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 26,4% (101 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77,0% (294 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 44,8% (171 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 89,8% (343 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 88,2% (337 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 79,8% (305 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 62,0% (237 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 63,9% (244 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 39,3% (150 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 56,8% (217 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,5% (365 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 50,3% (192 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/lv/
* Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ms/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66,0% (252 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 97,1% (371 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 84,3% (322 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 47,1% (180 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 85,6% (327 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (300 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 97,9% (374 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 73,3% (280 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96,1% (367 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,5% (380 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 84.1% (660 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (784 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (329 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 95.6% (752 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (785 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 91.4% (349 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93.6% (737 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.4% (782 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 80.1% (630 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,8% (652 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 27,1% (213 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 92,7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 29,3% (112 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 30,4% (239 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,3% (364 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 54,8% (431 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 53,2% (59 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (778 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 88,5% (708 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (791 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,1% (793 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Irish)
Currently translated at 0,2% (2 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ga/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 93,8% (750 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,8% (798 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 93.6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 35.0% (280 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 78.0% (624 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99,0% (792 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 99,6% (797 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93,6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 36,8% (294 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 47,6% (182 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,4% (779 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98.5% (65 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.5% (254 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 39.2% (314 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96.0% (768 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 92.7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97.5% (780 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (761 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 53.1% (425 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 78.4% (87 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 57.2% (458 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 72.8% (582 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 74.0% (592 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 13.6% (9 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.7% (2 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 61.9% (495 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 87.9% (58 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.1% (497 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.8% (502 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 94.0% (755 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 56.1% (37 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 36.4% (292 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.3% (613 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Remove unused keys
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Fix missing plural keys
2019-03-24 17:44:59 +00:00
current_password: 현재 암호 입력
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
data: 데이터
Weblate translations (2018-12-19) (#9578)
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.9% (709 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.8% (90 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.8% (694 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 97,5% (699 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Normalize translations
* Normalize translations, remove unused, add missing plurals
2018-12-19 12:07:05 +00:00
discoverable: 이 계정을 디렉토리에서 찾을 수 있도록 합니다
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
display_name: 표시되는 이름
email: 이메일 주소
2017-12-20 02:45:50 +00:00
expires_in: 만료시각
2018-04-24 10:48:11 +01:00
fields: 프로필 메타데이터
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
header: 헤더
2018-07-30 02:43:34 +01:00
inbox_url: 릴레이 서버의 inbox URL
2018-07-05 13:50:16 +01:00
irreversible: 숨기는 대신 삭제
2018-06-19 01:25:29 +01:00
locale: 인터페이스 언어
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
locked: 계정 잠금
2017-12-20 02:45:50 +00:00
max_uses: 사용 횟수 제한
Weblate translations (2019-03-24) (#10362)
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 23,6% (185 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,1% (754 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 64,4% (246 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 28,5% (109 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 65,7% (251 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 26,4% (101 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77,0% (294 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 44,8% (171 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 89,8% (343 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 88,2% (337 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 79,8% (305 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 62,0% (237 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 63,9% (244 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 39,3% (150 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 56,8% (217 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,5% (365 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 50,3% (192 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/lv/
* Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ms/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66,0% (252 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 97,1% (371 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 84,3% (322 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 47,1% (180 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 85,6% (327 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (300 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 97,9% (374 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 73,3% (280 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96,1% (367 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,5% (380 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 84.1% (660 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (784 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (329 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 95.6% (752 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (785 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 91.4% (349 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93.6% (737 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.4% (782 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 80.1% (630 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,8% (652 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 27,1% (213 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 92,7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 29,3% (112 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 30,4% (239 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,3% (364 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 54,8% (431 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 53,2% (59 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (778 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 88,5% (708 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (791 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,1% (793 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Irish)
Currently translated at 0,2% (2 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ga/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 93,8% (750 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,8% (798 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 93.6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 35.0% (280 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 78.0% (624 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99,0% (792 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 99,6% (797 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93,6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 36,8% (294 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 47,6% (182 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,4% (779 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98.5% (65 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.5% (254 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 39.2% (314 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96.0% (768 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 92.7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97.5% (780 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (761 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 53.1% (425 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 78.4% (87 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 57.2% (458 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 72.8% (582 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 74.0% (592 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 13.6% (9 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.7% (2 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 61.9% (495 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 87.9% (58 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.1% (497 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.8% (502 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 94.0% (755 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 56.1% (37 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 36.4% (292 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.3% (613 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Remove unused keys
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Fix missing plural keys
2019-03-24 17:44:59 +00:00
new_password: 새로운 암호 입력
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
note: 자기소개
otp_attempt: 2단계 인증 코드
Weblate translations (2019-03-24) (#10362)
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 23,6% (185 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,1% (754 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 64,4% (246 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 28,5% (109 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 65,7% (251 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 26,4% (101 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 77,0% (294 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 44,8% (171 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 89,8% (343 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 88,2% (337 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 98,7% (377 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 79,8% (305 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 62,0% (237 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 63,9% (244 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 39,3% (150 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 56,8% (217 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,5% (365 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98,4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 50,3% (192 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/lv/
* Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ms/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 66,0% (252 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,0% (378 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 97,1% (371 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 84,3% (322 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 87,2% (333 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 47,1% (180 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 85,6% (327 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 78,5% (300 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 19,4% (74 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 97,9% (374 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 65,2% (249 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 73,3% (280 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96,1% (367 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,5% (380 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 84.1% (660 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (784 of 785 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (329 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 95.6% (752 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (785 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 91.4% (349 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93.6% (737 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.4% (782 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 80.1% (630 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,8% (652 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 27,1% (213 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 92,7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (787 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 29,3% (112 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 30,4% (239 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 99,7% (381 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (786 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95,3% (364 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 54,8% (431 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 53,2% (59 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (778 of 787 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 88,5% (708 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 98,9% (791 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,0% (64 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,1% (793 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/es/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 99,2% (379 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/en_GB/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Irish)
Currently translated at 0,2% (2 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ga/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 93,8% (750 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99,8% (798 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 96.3% (368 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.4% (763 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 93.6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 35.0% (280 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 92.0% (736 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 78.0% (624 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99,0% (792 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 99,9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 99,6% (797 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 93,6% (749 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (800 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 36,8% (294 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 47,6% (182 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97,4% (779 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98.5% (65 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.5% (254 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 39.2% (314 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96.0% (768 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 92.7% (354 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (799 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 97.5% (780 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.1% (761 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 53.1% (425 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 78.4% (87 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 57.2% (458 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 72.8% (582 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 74.0% (592 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 75.9% (607 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 98.4% (376 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 13.6% (9 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 66.7% (2 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.8% (614 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 61.9% (495 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (66 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 87.9% (58 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.1% (497 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 62.8% (502 of 800 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 73.8% (282 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 94.0% (755 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 56.1% (37 of 66 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 36.4% (292 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (802 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (803 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.8% (801 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 76.3% (613 of 803 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (3 of 3 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 100.0% (382 of 382 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Remove unused keys
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Fix missing plural keys
2019-03-24 17:44:59 +00:00
password: 암호
2018-07-05 13:50:16 +01:00
phrase: 키워드 또는 문장
2019-06-04 17:00:09 +01:00
setting_advanced_layout: 고급 웹 UI 활성화
Weblate translations (2018-12-19) (#9578)
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 97.5% (699 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 98.9% (709 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.8% (90 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 96.8% (694 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (717 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99,7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.7% (715 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99,9% (716 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 97,5% (699 of 717 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100,0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Normalize translations
* Normalize translations, remove unused, add missing plurals
2018-12-19 12:07:05 +00:00
setting_aggregate_reblogs: 타임라인의 부스트를 그룹화
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
setting_auto_play_gif: 애니메이션 GIF를 자동 재생
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
setting_boost_modal: 부스트 전 확인 창을 표시
2018-06-19 01:25:29 +01:00
setting_default_language: 게시물 언어
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
setting_default_privacy: 툿 프라이버시
setting_default_sensitive: 미디어를 언제나 민감한 컨텐츠로 설정
setting_delete_modal: 툿 삭제 전 확인 창을 표시
Weblate translations (2018-10-26) (#9113)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 90.7% (636 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 95.7% (89 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 99.4% (697 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 98.7% (692 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 97.4% (683 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.0% (680 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (83 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 81.7% (76 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt_BR/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 97.8% (91 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 96.9% (95 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 97.6% (684 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (698 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (English)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/en/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Currently translated at 100.0% (701 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ca/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.4% (336 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 99.0% (97 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (62 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (699 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 94.7% (664 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Welsh)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cy/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 99.9% (700 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 85.4% (599 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 93.3% (654 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 61.3% (57 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 57.0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/he/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,8% (104 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 31,2% (219 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 85,2% (597 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 15,0% (105 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 43,1% (302 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 30,0% (210 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 74,3% (521 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98,1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 0,0% (0 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 69,6% (488 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 32,7% (229 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,5% (228 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 96,7% (327 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,9% (630 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 95,9% (324 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 37,6% (35 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 57,0% (53 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 58,1% (54 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 39,8% (37 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 43,0% (40 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 38,7% (36 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 84.0% (589 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 98.1% (688 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 93.6% (656 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 68.2% (478 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 12.8% (90 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Armenian)
Currently translated at 71.0% (240 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hy/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 97.0% (328 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 94.1% (318 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 86.1% (291 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (337 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ro/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.4% (326 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 99.1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pl/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin))
Currently translated at 72.2% (244 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr_Latn/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 88.8% (300 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 66.1% (41 of 62 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Asturian)
Currently translated at 46.2% (43 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ast/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 34.4% (32 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 7.5% (7 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 69.9% (65 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (662 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/it/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 89.1% (301 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 31.4% (220 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/id/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 22.5% (76 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Croatian)
Currently translated at 48.8% (165 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hr/
* Translated using Weblate (Hebrew)
Currently translated at 69.2% (234 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/he/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.7% (239 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Tamil)
Currently translated at 69.5% (235 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ta/
* Translated using Weblate (Thai)
Currently translated at 65.1% (220 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/th/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 87.3% (295 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Normalize translations
ran yarn build:development && i18n-tasks normalize && yarn
manage:translations && i18n-tasks remove-unused
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian)
Currently translated at 14,1% (99 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/bg/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Hong Kong))
Currently translated at 82,6% (579 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hant_HK/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 92,4% (648 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/zh_Hans/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98,0% (687 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 94,3% (661 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 73,0% (512 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/hu/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,8% (524 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Ido)
Currently translated at 19,3% (135 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/io/
* Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96,0% (673 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ru/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 85,9% (602 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32,0% (224 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 89,3% (626 of 701 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional))
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/zh_Hant/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 90,5% (306 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 85,5% (289 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
Currently translated at 90,2% (305 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ka/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 99,1% (335 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Norwegian (old code))
Currently translated at 74,3% (251 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/no/
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Currently translated at 72,8% (246 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/pt/
* Translated using Weblate (Serbian)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 97,6% (330 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/es/
* Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Currently translated at 88,5% (299 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sv/
* Translated using Weblate (Telugu)
Currently translated at 98,5% (333 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/te/
* Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 82,0% (277 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/uk/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 90,3% (84 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 100,0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 98.8% (334 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/da/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (93 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovenian)
Currently translated at 11.8% (11 of 93 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (338 of 338 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Normalize translations
* Fix cy locale
2018-10-29 12:20:29 +00:00
setting_display_media: 미디어 표시
setting_display_media_default: 기본
setting_display_media_hide_all: 모두 가리기
setting_display_media_show_all: 모두 보이기
setting_expand_spoilers: 열람주의 툿을 항상 펼치기
2018-06-02 02:03:08 +01:00
setting_hide_network: 내 네트워크 숨기기
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
setting_noindex: 검색엔진의 인덱싱을 거절
2017-12-20 02:45:50 +00:00
setting_reduce_motion: 애니메이션 줄이기
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
rename from "instance" to "server"
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
Check if "Sign up" is changed.
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/kk/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Add missing plural forms
2019-02-23 17:41:28 +00:00
setting_show_application: 툿 작성에 사용한 앱을 공개
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
setting_system_font_ui: 시스템의 초기 설정 폰트를 사용
setting_theme: 사이트 테마
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
setting_trends: 오늘의 유행 보이기
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
setting_unfollow_modal: 언팔로우 전 언팔로우 확인 표시
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
setting_use_blurhash: 숨겨진 미디어에 대해 그라디언트 표시
setting_use_pending_items: 느린 모드
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
severity: 심각도
type: 불러오기 종류
username: 유저 이름
2018-04-02 12:43:30 +01:00
username_or_email: 유저네임 또는 이메일
2018-07-14 10:27:27 +01:00
whole_word: 단어 전체에 매칭
Weblate translations (2019-02-23) (#10103)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ja/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
rename from "instance" to "server"
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99,9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 93,7% (59 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 87,4% (313 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 72,6% (554 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 96,9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100,0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 53.6% (409 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 62.6% (478 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
Check if "Sign up" is changed.
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 73.4% (560 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (509 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 89.1% (319 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
Currently translated at 47.7% (53 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fi/
* Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Currently translated at 80.2% (89 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eo/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.3% (108 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 97.8% (746 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/co/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 96.4% (107 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Corsican)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/co/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Occitan)
Currently translated at 98.2% (109 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/oc/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 29.8% (227 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.0% (275 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 32.4% (36 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 12.7% (8 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/tr/
* Added translation using Weblate (Turkish)
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 36.8% (281 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 9.2% (9 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 64.2% (230 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 40.0% (305 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/tr/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 96.9% (739 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/eu/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100,0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95.5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/de/
* Translated using Weblate (German)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/de/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 95,5% (106 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ar/
يمكن ان تكون هاش تاج ايضا ؟؟
* Translated using Weblate (Arabic)
Currently translated at 98,9% (354 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ar/
* Translated using Weblate (Danish)
Currently translated at 82,9% (92 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/da/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 63.2% (482 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.7% (332 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.9% (336 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 66.7% (74 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 94.4% (338 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Greek)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/el/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.2% (99 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 92.8% (103 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.7% (104 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 79.9% (610 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Galician)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/gl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 88.9% (678 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 89.1% (680 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/nl/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 93.1% (710 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 99.0% (755 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (763 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/ko/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 96.1% (733 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 94.1% (337 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 91.0% (694 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 99.9% (762 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/lt/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 85.3% (651 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/cs/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 88.7% (677 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 97.5% (744 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 99.6% (760 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Albanian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (111 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/sq/
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/sk/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 99.7% (761 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 100.0% (358 of 358 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/React
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/frontend/fa/
* Translated using Weblate (Persian)
Currently translated at 81.1% (90 of 111 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Preferences
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/simple_form/fa/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 48,5% (370 of 763 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Backend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/backend/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (2 of 2 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Activerecord
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/activerecord/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Added translation using Weblate (Kazakh)
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (63 of 63 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Devise
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/devise/kk/
* Translated using Weblate (Kazakh)
Currently translated at 100,0% (98 of 98 strings)
Translation: Mastodon/Doorkeeper
Translate-URL: https://weblate.joinmastodon.org/projects/mastodon/doorkeeper/kk/
* i18n-tasks normalize
* yarn manage:translations
* Fix inconsistent interpolations
* Add missing plural forms
2019-02-23 17:41:28 +00:00
name: 해시태그
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
must_be_follower: 나를 팔로우 하지 않는 사람에게서 온 알림을 차단
must_be_following: 내가 팔로우 하지 않는 사람에게서 온 알림을 차단
2017-12-20 02:45:50 +00:00
must_be_following_dm: 내가 팔로우 하지 않은 사람에게서 오는 다이렉트메시지를 차단
2019-09-20 22:05:23 +01:00
comment: 주석
2019-04-10 13:49:40 +01:00
text: 가입하려는 이유가 무엇인가요?
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
digest: 요약 이메일 보내기
favourite: 누군가 내 상태를 즐겨찾기로 등록했을 때 이메일 보내기
follow: 누군가 나를 팔로우 했을 때 이메일 보내기
follow_request: 누군가 나를 팔로우 하길 원할 때 이메일 보내기
mention: 누군가 나에게 답장했을 때 이메일 보내기
2019-04-10 13:49:40 +01:00
pending_account: 새 계정이 심사가 필요할 때 이메일 보내기
2017-10-15 22:08:30 +01:00
reblog: 누군가 내 툿을 부스트 했을 때 이메일 보내기
2018-09-02 17:20:26 +01:00
report: 새 신고 등록시 이메일로 알리기
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
trending_tag: 리뷰 되지 않은 해시태그가 유행할 때 이메일 보내기
listable: 이 해시태그가 프로필 디렉토리에 보여지도록 허용
2019-09-10 11:43:06 +01:00
name: 해시태그
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
trendable: 이 해시태그가 유행에 보여지도록 허용
usable: 이 해시태그를 툿에 사용 가능하도록 허용
2017-09-19 02:27:08 +01:00
'no': 아니오
2019-06-09 20:07:50 +01:00
recommended: 추천함
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
2019-08-17 21:02:37 +01:00
mark: "*"
2017-07-04 15:11:23 +01:00
text: 필수 항목
2017-09-19 02:27:08 +01:00
'yes': 네