2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
//! \file socket.h
//! \brief SOCKET APIs Header file.
//! \details SOCKET APIs like as berkeley socket api.
//! \version 1.0.2
//! \date 2013/10/21
//! \par Revision history
//! <2014/05/01> V1.0.2. Refer to M20140501
//! 1. Modify the comment : SO_REMAINED -> PACK_REMAINED
//! 2. Add the comment as zero byte udp data reception in getsockopt().
//! <2013/10/21> 1st Release
//! \author MidnightCow
//! \copyright
//! Copyright (c) 2013, WIZnet Co., LTD.
//! All rights reserved.
//! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
//! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
//! are met:
//! * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
//! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//! * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
//! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
//! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
//! * Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of its
//! contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
//! from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @ defgroup WIZnet_socket_APIs 1. WIZnet socket APIs
* @ brief WIZnet socket APIs are based on Berkeley socket APIs , thus it has much similar name and interface .
* But there is a little bit of difference .
* @ details
* < b > Comparison between WIZnet and Berkeley SOCKET APIs < / b >
* < table >
* < tr > < td > < b > API < / b > < / td > < td > < b > WIZnet < / b > < / td > < td > < b > Berkeley < / b > < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > socket ( ) < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > bind ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > X < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > listen ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > connect ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > accept ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > X < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > recv ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > send ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > recvfrom ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > sendto ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > < b > closesocket ( ) < / b > < / td > < td > O < br > close ( ) & disconnect ( ) < / td > < td > O < / td > < / tr >
* < / table >
* There are @ b bind ( ) and @ b accept ( ) functions in @ b Berkeley SOCKET API but ,
* not in @ b WIZnet SOCKET API . Because socket ( ) of WIZnet is not only creating a SOCKET but also binding a local port number ,
* and listen ( ) of WIZnet is not only listening to connection request from client but also accepting the connection request . \ n
* When you program " TCP SERVER " with Berkeley SOCKET API , you can use only one listen port .
* When the listen SOCKET accepts a connection request from a client , it keeps listening .
* After accepting the connection request , a new SOCKET is created and the new SOCKET is used in communication with the client . \ n
* Following figure shows network flow diagram by Berkeley SOCKET API .
* @ image html Berkeley_SOCKET . jpg " <Berkeley SOCKET API> "
* But , When you program " TCP SERVER " with WIZnet SOCKET API , you can use as many as 8 listen SOCKET with same port number . \ n
* Because there ' s no accept ( ) in WIZnet SOCKET APIs , when the listen SOCKET accepts a connection request from a client ,
* it is changed in order to communicate with the client .
* And the changed SOCKET is not listening any more and is dedicated for communicating with the client . \ n
* If there ' re many listen SOCKET with same listen port number and a client requests a connection ,
* the SOCKET which has the smallest SOCKET number accepts the request and is changed as communication SOCKET . \ n
* Following figure shows network flow diagram by WIZnet SOCKET API .
* @ image html WIZnet_SOCKET . jpg " <WIZnet SOCKET API> "
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
// use this macro for exported names to avoid name clashes
# define WIZCHIP_EXPORT(name) wizchip_ ## name
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
# include "wizchip_conf.h"
# define SOCKET uint8_t ///< SOCKET type define for legacy driver
# define SOCK_OK 1 ///< Result is OK about socket process.
# define SOCK_BUSY 0 ///< Socket is busy on processing the operation. Valid only Non-block IO Mode.
# define SOCK_FATAL -1000 ///< Result is fatal error about socket process.
# define SOCK_ERROR 0
# define SOCKERR_SOCKNUM (SOCK_ERROR - 1) ///< Invalid socket number
# define SOCKERR_SOCKOPT (SOCK_ERROR - 2) ///< Invalid socket option
# define SOCKERR_SOCKINIT (SOCK_ERROR - 3) ///< Socket is not initialized
# define SOCKERR_SOCKCLOSED (SOCK_ERROR - 4) ///< Socket unexpectedly closed.
# define SOCKERR_SOCKMODE (SOCK_ERROR - 5) ///< Invalid socket mode for socket operation.
# define SOCKERR_SOCKFLAG (SOCK_ERROR - 6) ///< Invalid socket flag
# define SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS (SOCK_ERROR - 7) ///< Invalid socket status for socket operation.
# define SOCKERR_ARG (SOCK_ERROR - 10) ///< Invalid argument.
# define SOCKERR_PORTZERO (SOCK_ERROR - 11) ///< Port number is zero
# define SOCKERR_IPINVALID (SOCK_ERROR - 12) ///< Invalid IP address
# define SOCKERR_TIMEOUT (SOCK_ERROR - 13) ///< Timeout occurred
# define SOCKERR_DATALEN (SOCK_ERROR - 14) ///< Data length is zero or greater than buffer max size.
# define SOCKERR_BUFFER (SOCK_ERROR - 15) ///< Socket buffer is not enough for data communication.
# define SOCKFATAL_PACKLEN (SOCK_FATAL - 1) ///< Invalid packet length. Fatal Error.
# define SF_ETHER_OWN (Sn_MR_MFEN) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Receive only the packet as broadcast, multicast and own packet
# define SF_IGMP_VER2 (Sn_MR_MC) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP with \ref SF_MULTI_ENABLE, Select IGMP version 2.
# define SF_TCP_NODELAY (Sn_MR_ND) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_TCP, Use to nodelayed ack.
# define SF_MULTI_ENABLE (Sn_MR_MULTI) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP, Enable multicast mode.
# if _WIZCHIP_ == 5500
# define SF_BROAD_BLOCK (Sn_MR_BCASTB) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP or \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Block broadcast packet. Valid only in W5500
# define SF_MULTI_BLOCK (Sn_MR_MMB) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Block multicast packet. Valid only in W5500
# define SF_IPv6_BLOCK (Sn_MR_MIP6B) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_MACRAW, Block IPv6 packet. Valid only in W5500
# define SF_UNI_BLOCK (Sn_MR_UCASTB) ///< In \ref Sn_MR_UDP with \ref SF_MULTI_ENABLE. Valid only in W5500
# endif
# define SF_IO_NONBLOCK 0x01 ///< Socket nonblock io mode. It used parameter in \ref socket().
* UDP & MACRAW Packet Infomation
# define PACK_FIRST 0x80 ///< In Non-TCP packet, It indicates to start receiving a packet.
# define PACK_REMAINED 0x01 ///< In Non-TCP packet, It indicates to remain a packet to be received.
# define PACK_COMPLETED 0x00 ///< In Non-TCP packet, It indicates to complete to receive a packet.
2014-12-04 18:56:42 +00:00
// resets all global state associated with the socket interface
void WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( socket_reset ) ( void ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Open a socket .
* @ details Initializes the socket with ' sn ' passed as parameter and open .
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ param protocol Protocol type to operate such as TCP , UDP and MACRAW .
* @ param port Port number to be bined .
* @ param flag Socket flags as \ ref SF_ETHER_OWN , \ ref SF_IGMP_VER2 , \ ref SF_TCP_NODELAY , \ ref SF_MULTI_ENABLE , \ ref SF_IO_NONBLOCK and so on . \ n
* Valid flags only in W5500 : @ ref SF_BROAD_BLOCK , @ ref SF_MULTI_BLOCK , @ ref SF_IPv6_BLOCK , and @ ref SF_UNI_BLOCK .
* @ sa Sn_MR
* @ return @ b Success : The socket number @ b ' sn ' passed as parameter \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Not support socket mode as TCP , UDP , and so on . \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKFLAG - Invaild socket flag .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( socket ) ( uint8_t sn , uint8_t protocol , uint16_t port , uint8_t flag ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Close a socket .
* @ details It closes the socket with @ b ' sn ' passed as parameter .
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ return @ b Success : @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* @ b Fail : @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( close ) ( uint8_t sn ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Listen to a connection request from a client .
* @ details It is listening to a connection request from a client .
* If connection request is accepted successfully , the connection is established . Socket sn is used in passive ( server ) mode .
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ return @ b Success : @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKINIT - Socket is not initialized \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKCLOSED - Socket closed unexpectedly .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( listen ) ( uint8_t sn ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Try to connect a server .
* @ details It requests connection to the server with destination IP address and port number passed as parameter . \ n
* @ note It is valid only in TCP client mode .
* In block io mode , it does not return until connection is completed .
* In Non - block io mode , it return @ ref SOCK_BUSY immediately .
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ param addr Pointer variable of destination IP address . It should be allocated 4 bytes .
* @ param port Destination port number .
* @ return @ b Success : @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid socket mode \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKINIT - Socket is not initialized \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_IPINVALID - Wrong server IP address \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_PORTZERO - Server port zero \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred during request connection \ n
* @ ref SOCK_BUSY - In non - block io mode , it returned immediately \ n
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( connect ) ( uint8_t sn , uint8_t * addr , uint16_t port ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Try to disconnect a connection socket .
* @ details It sends request message to disconnect the TCP socket ' sn ' passed as parameter to the server or client .
* @ note It is valid only in TCP server or client mode . \ n
* In block io mode , it does not return until disconnection is completed . \ n
* In Non - block io mode , it return @ ref SOCK_BUSY immediately . \ n
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ return @ b Success : @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid operation in the socket \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred \ n
* @ ref SOCK_BUSY - Socket is busy .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( disconnect ) ( uint8_t sn ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Send data to the connected peer in TCP socket .
* @ details It is used to send outgoing data to the connected socket .
* @ note It is valid only in TCP server or client mode . It can ' t send data greater than socket buffer size . \ n
* In block io mode , It doesn ' t return until data send is completed - socket buffer size is greater than data . \ n
* In non - block io mode , It return @ ref SOCK_BUSY immediately when socket buffer is not enough . \ n
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ param buf Pointer buffer containing data to be sent .
* @ param len The byte length of data in buf .
* @ return @ b Success : The sent data size \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS - Invalid socket status for socket operation \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid operation in the socket \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_DATALEN - zero data length \ n
* @ ref SOCK_BUSY - Socket is busy .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int32_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( send ) ( uint8_t sn , uint8_t * buf , uint16_t len ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Receive data from the connected peer .
* @ details It is used to read incoming data from the connected socket . \ n
* It waits for data as much as the application wants to receive .
* @ note It is valid only in TCP server or client mode . It can ' t receive data greater than socket buffer size . \ n
* In block io mode , it doesn ' t return until data reception is completed - data is filled as < I > len < / I > in socket buffer . \ n
* In non - block io mode , it return @ ref SOCK_BUSY immediately when < I > len < / I > is greater than data size in socket buffer . \ n
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ param buf Pointer buffer to read incoming data .
* @ param len The max data length of data in buf .
* @ return @ b Success : The real received data size \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS - Invalid socket status for socket operation \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid operation in the socket \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_DATALEN - zero data length \ n
* @ ref SOCK_BUSY - Socket is busy .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int32_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( recv ) ( uint8_t sn , uint8_t * buf , uint16_t len ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Sends datagram to the peer with destination IP address and port number passed as parameter .
* @ details It sends datagram of UDP or MACRAW to the peer with destination IP address and port number passed as parameter . \ n
* Even if the connectionless socket has been previously connected to a specific address ,
* the address and port number parameters override the destination address for that particular datagram only .
* @ note In block io mode , It doesn ' t return until data send is completed - socket buffer size is greater than < I > len < / I > .
* In non - block io mode , It return @ ref SOCK_BUSY immediately when socket buffer is not enough .
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ param buf Pointer buffer to send outgoing data .
* @ param len The byte length of data in buf .
* @ param addr Pointer variable of destination IP address . It should be allocated 4 bytes .
* @ param port Destination port number .
* @ return @ b Success : The sent data size \ n
* @ b Fail : \ n @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid operation in the socket \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKSTATUS - Invalid socket status for socket operation \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_DATALEN - zero data length \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_IPINVALID - Wrong server IP address \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_PORTZERO - Server port zero \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKCLOSED - Socket unexpectedly closed \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred \ n
* @ ref SOCK_BUSY - Socket is busy .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int32_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( sendto ) ( uint8_t sn , uint8_t * buf , uint16_t len , uint8_t * addr , uint16_t port ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Receive datagram of UDP or MACRAW
* @ details This function is an application I / F function which is used to receive the data in other then TCP mode . \ n
* This function is used to receive UDP and MAC_RAW mode , and handle the header as well .
* This function can divide to received the packet data .
* On the MACRAW SOCKET , the addr and port parameters are ignored .
* @ note In block io mode , it doesn ' t return until data reception is completed - data is filled as < I > len < / I > in socket buffer
* In non - block io mode , it return @ ref SOCK_BUSY immediately when < I > len < / I > is greater than data size in socket buffer .
* @ param sn Socket number . It should be < b > 0 ~ @ ref \ _WIZCHIP_SOCK_NUM_ < / b > .
* @ param buf Pointer buffer to read incoming data .
* @ param len The max data length of data in buf .
* When the received packet size < = len , receives data as packet sized .
* When others , receives data as len .
* @ param addr Pointer variable of destination IP address . It should be allocated 4 bytes .
* It is valid only when the first call recvfrom for receiving the packet .
* When it is valid , @ ref packinfo [ 7 ] should be set as ' 1 ' after call @ ref getsockopt ( sn , SO_PACKINFO , & packinfo ) .
* @ param port Pointer variable of destination port number .
* It is valid only when the first call recvform for receiving the packet .
* When it is valid , @ ref packinfo [ 7 ] should be set as ' 1 ' after call @ ref getsockopt ( sn , SO_PACKINFO , & packinfo ) .
* @ return @ b Success : This function return real received data size for success . \ n
* @ b Fail : @ ref SOCKERR_DATALEN - zero data length \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid operation in the socket \ n
* @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid socket number \ n
* @ ref SOCKBUSY - Socket is busy .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int32_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( recvfrom ) ( uint8_t sn , uint8_t * buf , uint16_t len , uint8_t * addr , uint16_t * port ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
# define SOCK_IO_BLOCK 0 ///< Socket Block IO Mode in @ref setsockopt().
# define SOCK_IO_NONBLOCK 1 ///< Socket Non-block IO Mode in @ref setsockopt().
* @ defgroup DATA_TYPE DATA TYPE
* @ ingroup DATA_TYPE
* @ brief The kind of Socket Interrupt .
* @ sa Sn_IR , Sn_IMR , setSn_IR ( ) , getSn_IR ( ) , setSn_IMR ( ) , getSn_IMR ( )
typedef enum
SIK_CONNECTED = ( 1 < < 0 ) , ///< connected
SIK_DISCONNECTED = ( 1 < < 1 ) , ///< disconnected
SIK_RECEIVED = ( 1 < < 2 ) , ///< data received
SIK_TIMEOUT = ( 1 < < 3 ) , ///< timeout occurred
SIK_SENT = ( 1 < < 4 ) , ///< send ok
SIK_ALL = 0x1F , ///< all interrupt
} sockint_kind ;
* @ ingroup DATA_TYPE
* @ brief The type of @ ref ctlsocket ( ) .
typedef enum
CS_SET_IOMODE , ///< set socket IO mode with @ref SOCK_IO_BLOCK or @ref SOCK_IO_NONBLOCK
CS_GET_IOMODE , ///< get socket IO mode
CS_GET_MAXTXBUF , ///< get the size of socket buffer allocated in TX memory
CS_GET_MAXRXBUF , ///< get the size of socket buffer allocated in RX memory
CS_CLR_INTERRUPT , ///< clear the interrupt of socket with @ref sockint_kind
CS_GET_INTERRUPT , ///< get the socket interrupt. refer to @ref sockint_kind
CS_SET_INTMASK , ///< set the interrupt mask of socket with @ref sockint_kind
CS_GET_INTMASK ///< get the masked interrupt of socket. refer to @ref sockint_kind
} ctlsock_type ;
* @ ingroup DATA_TYPE
* @ brief The type of socket option in @ ref setsockopt ( ) or @ ref getsockopt ( )
typedef enum
SO_FLAG , ///< Valid only in getsockopt(), For set flag of socket refer to <I>flag</I> in @ref socket().
SO_TTL , ///< Set/Get TTL. @ref Sn_TTL ( @ref setSn_TTL(), @ref getSn_TTL() )
SO_TOS , ///< Set/Get TOS. @ref Sn_TOS ( @ref setSn_TOS(), @ref getSn_TOS() )
SO_MSS , ///< Set/Get MSS. @ref Sn_MSSR ( @ref setSn_MSSR(), @ref getSn_MSSR() )
SO_DESTIP , ///< Set/Get the destination IP address. @ref Sn_DIPR ( @ref setSn_DIPR(), @ref getSn_DIPR() )
SO_DESTPORT , ///< Set/Get the destination Port number. @ref Sn_DPORT ( @ref setSn_DPORT(), @ref getSn_DPORT() )
# if _WIZCHIP_ != 5100
SO_KEEPALIVESEND , ///< Valid only in setsockopt. Manually send keep-alive packet in TCP mode
# if _WIZCHIP_ > 5200
SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO , ///< Set/Get keep-alive auto transmission timer in TCP mode
# endif
# endif
SO_SENDBUF , ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the free data size of Socekt TX buffer. @ref Sn_TX_FSR, @ref getSn_TX_FSR()
SO_RECVBUF , ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the received data size in socket RX buffer. @ref Sn_RX_RSR, @ref getSn_RX_RSR()
SO_STATUS , ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the socket status. @ref Sn_SR, @ref getSn_SR()
SO_REMAINSIZE , ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the remained packet size in other then TCP mode.
SO_PACKINFO ///< Valid only in getsockopt. Get the packet information as @ref PACK_FIRST, @ref PACK_REMAINED, and @ref PACK_COMPLETED in other then TCP mode.
} sockopt_type ;
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief Control socket .
* @ details Control IO mode , Interrupt & Mask of socket and get the socket buffer information .
* Refer to @ ref ctlsock_type .
* @ param sn socket number
* @ param cstype type of control socket . refer to @ ref ctlsock_type .
* @ param arg Data type and value is determined according to @ ref ctlsock_type . \ n
* < table >
* < tr > < td > @ b cstype < / td > < td > @ b data type < / td > < td > @ b value < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref CS_SET_IOMODE \ n @ ref CS_GET_IOMODE < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > @ ref SOCK_IO_BLOCK @ ref SOCK_IO_NONBLOCK < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref CS_GET_MAXTXBUF \ n @ ref CS_GET_MAXRXBUF < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 16 K < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref CS_CLR_INTERRUPT \ n @ ref CS_GET_INTERRUPT \ n @ ref CS_SET_INTMASK \ n @ ref CS_GET_INTMASK < / td > < td > @ ref sockint_kind < / td > < td > @ ref SIK_CONNECTED , etc . < / td > < / tr >
* < / table >
* @ return @ b Success @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* @ b fail @ ref SOCKERR_ARG - Invalid argument \ n
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( ctlsocket ) ( uint8_t sn , ctlsock_type cstype , void * arg ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief set socket options
* @ details Set socket option like as TTL , MSS , TOS , and so on . Refer to @ ref sockopt_type .
* @ param sn socket number
* @ param sotype socket option type . refer to @ ref sockopt_type
* @ param arg Data type and value is determined according to < I > sotype < / I > . \ n
* < table >
* < tr > < td > @ b sotype < / td > < td > @ b data type < / td > < td > @ b value < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_TTL < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 255 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_TOS < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 255 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_MSS < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 65535 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_DESTIP < / td > < td > uint8_t [ 4 ] < / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_DESTPORT < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 65535 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_KEEPALIVESEND < / td > < td > null < / td > < td > null < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 255 < / td > < / tr >
* < / table >
* @ return
* - @ b Success : @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* - @ b Fail
* - @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid Socket number \ n
* - @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid socket mode \ n
* - @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKOPT - Invalid socket option or its value \ n
* - @ ref SOCKERR_TIMEOUT - Timeout occurred when sending keep - alive packet \ n
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( setsockopt ) ( uint8_t sn , sockopt_type sotype , void * arg ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
* @ ingroup WIZnet_socket_APIs
* @ brief get socket options
* @ details Get socket option like as FLAG , TTL , MSS , and so on . Refer to @ ref sockopt_type
* @ param sn socket number
* @ param sotype socket option type . refer to @ ref sockopt_type
* @ param arg Data type and value is determined according to < I > sotype < / I > . \ n
* < table >
* < tr > < td > @ b sotype < / td > < td > @ b data type < / td > < td > @ b value < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_FLAG < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > @ ref SF_ETHER_OWN , etc . . . < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_TOS < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 255 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_MSS < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 65535 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_DESTIP < / td > < td > uint8_t [ 4 ] < / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_DESTPORT < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_KEEPALIVEAUTO < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 255 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_SENDBUF < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 65535 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_RECVBUF < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 65535 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_STATUS < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > @ ref SOCK_ESTABLISHED , etc . . < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_REMAINSIZE < / td > < td > uint16_t < / td > < td > 0 ~ 65535 < / td > < / tr >
* < tr > < td > @ ref SO_PACKINFO < / td > < td > uint8_t < / td > < td > @ ref PACK_FIRST , etc . . . < / td > < / tr >
* < / table >
* @ return
* - @ b Success : @ ref SOCK_OK \ n
* - @ b Fail
* - @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKNUM - Invalid Socket number \ n
* - @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKOPT - Invalid socket option or its value \ n
* - @ ref SOCKERR_SOCKMODE - Invalid socket mode \ n
* @ note
* The option as PACK_REMAINED and SO_PACKINFO is valid only in NON - TCP mode and after call @ ref recvfrom ( ) . \ n
* When SO_PACKINFO value is PACK_FIRST and the return value of recvfrom ( ) is zero ,
* This means the zero byte UDP data ( UDP Header only ) received .
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
int8_t WIZCHIP_EXPORT ( getsockopt ) ( uint8_t sn , sockopt_type sotype , void * arg ) ;
2014-08-31 23:33:25 +01:00
2014-09-30 22:51:47 +01:00
# endif // _WIZCHIP_SOCKET_H_