Converts generted pins to use qstrs instead of string pointers.
This patch also adds the following functions:
dir(pyb.Pin.board) and dir(pyb.Pin.cpu) also produce useful results.
pyb.Pin now takes kw args.
pyb.Pin.__str__ now prints more useful information about the pin
I found the following functions in my to be useful:
def pins():
for pin_name in dir(pyb.Pin.board):
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name)
print('{:10s} {:s}'.format(pin_name, str(pin)))
def af():
for pin_name in dir(pyb.Pin.board):
pin = pyb.Pin(pin_name)
print('{:10s} {:s}'.format(pin_name, str(pin.af_list())))
This is an attempt to clean up the Micro Python API on the pyboard.
Gpio functionality is now in the Pin object, which seems more natural.
Constants for MODE and PULL are now in pyb.Pin. Names of some
classes have been adjusted to conform to CamelCase. Other
miscellaneous changes and clean up here and there.
Added support for the ADC channels and mappings to
I'm not sure if the hal properly deals with the channel 16/18 differences
between the 40x and 42x. It seems to deal with it partially. This particular
aspect will need testing on a 42x or 43x.