214 lines
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214 lines
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This program computes I2S PLL parameters for STM32
processors supporting an I2S PLL in the clock tree.
Those processors are listed below in the mcu_support_plli2s[] list.
import re
from collections import namedtuple
class MCU:
def __init__(self, range_plli2sn, range_plli2sr):
self.range_plli2sn = range_plli2sn
self.range_plli2sr = range_plli2sr
mcu_default = MCU(range_plli2sn=range(50, 432 + 1), range_plli2sr=range(2, 7 + 1))
mcu_table = {"stm32f401xe": MCU(range_plli2sn=range(192, 432 + 1), range_plli2sr=range(2, 7 + 1))}
# list of stm32 processors that support an I2S PLL in the clock tree
mcu_support_plli2s = [
# The following function calculates the multiplier (plli2sn) and divider (plli2sr) parameters
# for the I2S PLL that leads to the best possible accuracy for the I2S sampling clock.
# This is done by creating a set of candidate parameters (plli2sn, plli2sr)
# and then determining which candidate parameters lead to a sampling clock frequency (Fs)
# that most closely matches the desired sampling clock frequency (I2S rate).
# A description of the clock tree helps to understand this function:
# The clock tree on a STM32 device is complex. A subset of the clock tree is used for I2S, as follows:
# 1. HSE clock is divided by the PLLM divider and feeds the I2S PLL (called PLLI2S in the STM32 clock tree).
# 2. The output frequency of the I2S PLL is controlled by two parameters, plli2sn and plli2sr.
# 3. The clock output of the I2S PLL is called PLLI2SCLK
# 4. PLLI2SCLK is gated into the I2S peripheral, where the name changes to I2SxCLK
# 5. I2SxCLK is an input to the I2S clock generator.
# 6. The output frequency of the I2S clock generator is controlled by
# two configuration parameters, I2SDIV and ODD.
# 7. The output of the I2S clock generator is the audio sampling frequency (Fs),
# which is used to create the signal at the I2S WS output pin.
# Example references:
# RM0090 Reference manual STM32F405/415, STM32F407/417, STM32F427/437 and STM32F429/439
# - section 6.3.23 RCC PLLI2S configuration register (RCC_PLLI2SCFGR)
# - section 28.4.4 Clock generator
# RM0385 Reference manual STM32F75xxx and STM32F74xxx
# - section 5.3.23 RCC PLLI2S configuration register (RCC_PLLI2SCFGR)
# - section 32.7.5 Clock generator
# The calculations below mimic the fixed-point integer calculations in the STM32 I2S driver,
# in the function HAL_I2S_Init().
def compute_plli2s_table(hse, pllm):
plli2s = namedtuple("plli2s", "bits rate plli2sn plli2sr i2sdiv odd error")
plli2s_table = []
for bits in (16, 32):
for rate in (8_000, 11_025, 12_000, 16_000, 22_050, 24_000, 32_000, 44_100, 48_000):
plli2s_candidates = []
for plli2sn in mcu.range_plli2sn:
for plli2sr in mcu.range_plli2sr:
I2SxCLK = hse // pllm * plli2sn // plli2sr
if I2SxCLK < 192_000_000:
# compute I2S clock generator parameters: i2sdiv, odd
tmp = (((I2SxCLK // (bits * 2)) * 10) // rate) + 5
tmp = tmp // 10
odd = tmp & 1
i2sdiv = (tmp - odd) // 2
Fs = I2SxCLK / ((bits * 2) * ((2 * i2sdiv) + odd))
error = (abs(Fs - rate) / rate) * 100
# sort based on error
plli2s_candidates_sorted = sorted(plli2s_candidates, key=lambda x: x.error)
# select the best candidate
return plli2s_table
def generate_c_table(plli2s_table, hse, pllm):
print("// MAKE generated file, created by plli2svalues.py: DO NOT EDIT")
print("// This table is used in machine_i2s.c")
print(f"// HSE_VALUE = {hse}")
print(f"// MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM = {pllm} \n")
print("#define PLLI2S_TABLE \\")
print("{ \\")
for plli2s in plli2s_table:
f" {{{plli2s.rate}, "
f"{plli2s.bits}, "
f"{plli2s.plli2sr}, "
f"{plli2s.plli2sn} }}, "
f"/* i2sdiv: {int(plli2s.i2sdiv)}, "
f"odd: {plli2s.odd}, "
f"rate error % (desired vs actual)%: {plli2s.error:.4f} */ \\"
def search_header(filename, re_include, re_define, lookup, val):
regex_include = re.compile(re_include)
regex_define = re.compile(re_define)
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
m = regex_include.match(line)
if m:
# Search included file
search_header(m.group(1), re_include, re_define, lookup, val)
m = regex_define.match(line)
if m:
# found lookup value
if m.group(1) == lookup:
val[0] = int(m.group(3))
return val
def main():
global mcu
# parse input args
import sys
argv = sys.argv[1:]
c_table = False
mcu_series = "stm32f4"
hse = None
pllm = None
while True:
if argv[0] == "-c":
c_table = True
elif argv[0] == "-m":
mcu_series = argv.pop(0).lower()
if mcu_series in mcu_support_plli2s:
if len(argv) != 2:
print("usage: pllvalues.py [-c] [-m <mcu_series>] <hse in MHz> <pllm in MHz>")
if argv[0].startswith("hse:"):
# extract HSE_VALUE from header file
(hse,) = search_header(
argv[0][len("hse:") :],
r'#include "(boards/[A-Za-z0-9_./]+)"',
r"#define +(HSE_VALUE) +\((\(uint32_t\))?([0-9]+)\)",
if hse is None:
raise ValueError("%s does not contain a definition of HSE_VALUE" % argv[0])
if argv[0].startswith("pllm:"):
# extract MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM from header file
(pllm,) = search_header(
argv[0][len("pllm:") :],
r'#include "(boards/[A-Za-z0-9_./]+)"',
r"#define +(MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM) +\((\(uint32_t\))?([0-9]+)\)",
if pllm is None:
raise ValueError(
"%s does not contain a definition of MICROPY_HW_CLK_PLLM" % argv[0]
# Select MCU parameters
mcu = mcu_default
for m in mcu_table:
if mcu_series.startswith(m):
mcu = mcu_table[m]
plli2s_table = compute_plli2s_table(hse, pllm)
if c_table:
generate_c_table(plli2s_table, hse, pllm)
if __name__ == "__main__":