Damien George 85f7b0b468 py/mkrules.mk: Fix auto-qstr generation when "make -B" is used.
For make v3.81, using "make -B" can set $? to empty and in this case the
auto-qstr generation needs to pass all args (ie $^) to cpp.  The previous
fix for this (which was removed in 23a693ec2d8c2a194f61482dc0e1adb070fb6ad4)
used if statements in the shell command, which gave very long lines that
didn't work on certain systems (eg cygwin).

The fix in this patch is to use an $if(...) expression, which will evaluate
to $? (only newer prerequisites) if it's non empty, otherwise it will use
$^ (all prerequisites).
2017-05-26 13:12:42 +10:00

176 lines
5.7 KiB

ifneq ($(MKENV_INCLUDED),1)
# We assume that mkenv is in the same directory as this file.
include $(dir $(THIS_MAKEFILE))mkenv.mk
# This file expects that OBJ contains a list of all of the object files.
# The directory portion of each object file is used to locate the source
# and should not contain any ..'s but rather be relative to the top of the
# tree.
# So for example, py/map.c would have an object file name py/map.o
# The object files will go into the build directory and mantain the same
# directory structure as the source tree. So the final dependency will look
# like this:
# build/py/map.o: py/map.c
# We set vpath to point to the top of the tree so that the source files
# can be located. By following this scheme, it allows a single build rule
# to be used to compile all .c files.
vpath %.S . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.S
$(ECHO) "CC $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
vpath %.s . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.s
$(ECHO) "AS $<"
$(Q)$(AS) -o $@ $<
define compile_c
$(ECHO) "CC $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -MD -o $@ $<
@# The following fixes the dependency file.
@# See http://make.paulandlesley.org/autodep.html for details.
@# Regex adjusted from the above to play better with Windows paths, etc.
@$(CP) $(@:.o=.d) $(@:.o=.P); \
$(SED) -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^.*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
-e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(@:.o=.d) >> $(@:.o=.P); \
$(RM) -f $(@:.o=.d)
vpath %.c . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.c
$(call compile_c)
# List all native flags since the current build system doesn't have
# the micropython configuration available. However, these flags are
# needed to extract all qstrings
vpath %.c . $(TOP)
$(BUILD)/%.pp: %.c
$(ECHO) "PreProcess $<"
$(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E -Wp,-C,-dD,-dI -o $@ $<
# The following rule uses | to create an order only prerequisite. Order only
# prerequisites only get built if they don't exist. They don't cause timestamp
# checking to be performed.
# We don't know which source files actually need the generated.h (since
# it is #included from str.h). The compiler generated dependencies will cause
# the right .o's to get recompiled if the generated.h file changes. Adding
# an order-only dependency to all of the .o's will cause the generated .h
# to get built before we try to compile any of them.
$(OBJ): | $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstrdefs.generated.h $(HEADER_BUILD)/mpversion.h
$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last: $(SRC_QSTR) | $(HEADER_BUILD)/mpversion.h
$(ECHO) "GEN $@"
$(Q)$(CPP) $(QSTR_GEN_EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(if $?,$?,$^) >$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last;
$(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.split: $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last
$(ECHO) "GEN $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(PY_SRC)/makeqstrdefs.py split $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr $(QSTR_DEFS_COLLECTED)
$(Q)touch $@
$(ECHO) "GEN $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(PY_SRC)/makeqstrdefs.py cat $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr.i.last $(HEADER_BUILD)/qstr $(QSTR_DEFS_COLLECTED)
# $(sort $(var)) removes duplicates
# The net effect of this, is it causes the objects to depend on the
# object directories (but only for existence), and the object directories
# will be created if they don't exist.
OBJ_DIRS = $(sort $(dir $(OBJ)))
$(OBJ): | $(OBJ_DIRS)
$(MKDIR) -p $@
$(MKDIR) -p $@
ifneq ($(FROZEN_DIR),)
$(BUILD)/frozen.c: $(wildcard $(FROZEN_DIR)/*) $(HEADER_BUILD) $(FROZEN_EXTRA_DEPS)
$(ECHO) "Generating $@"
ifneq ($(FROZEN_MPY_DIR),)
# to build the MicroPython cross compiler
$(TOP)/mpy-cross/mpy-cross: $(TOP)/py/*.[ch] $(TOP)/mpy-cross/*.[ch] $(TOP)/windows/fmode.c
$(Q)$(MAKE) -C $(TOP)/mpy-cross
# make a list of all the .py files that need compiling and freezing
FROZEN_MPY_PY_FILES := $(shell find -L $(FROZEN_MPY_DIR) -type f -name '*.py' | $(SED) -e 's=^$(FROZEN_MPY_DIR)/==')
FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES := $(addprefix $(BUILD)/frozen_mpy/,$(FROZEN_MPY_PY_FILES:.py=.mpy))
# to build .mpy files from .py files
$(BUILD)/frozen_mpy/%.mpy: $(FROZEN_MPY_DIR)/%.py $(TOP)/mpy-cross/mpy-cross
@$(ECHO) "MPY $<"
$(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(dir $@)
$(Q)$(MPY_CROSS) -o $@ -s $(<:$(FROZEN_MPY_DIR)/%=%) $(MPY_CROSS_FLAGS) $<
# to build frozen_mpy.c from all .mpy files
$(BUILD)/frozen_mpy.c: $(FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES) $(BUILD)/genhdr/qstrdefs.generated.h
@$(ECHO) "Creating $@"
$(Q)$(PYTHON) $(MPY_TOOL) -f -q $(BUILD)/genhdr/qstrdefs.preprocessed.h $(FROZEN_MPY_MPY_FILES) > $@
ifneq ($(PROG),)
# Build a standalone executable (unix does this)
all: $(PROG)
$(PROG): $(OBJ)
$(ECHO) "LINK $@"
# Do not pass COPT here - it's *C* compiler optimizations. For example,
# we may want to compile using Thumb, but link with non-Thumb libc.
$(Q)$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LIB) $(LDFLAGS)
ifndef DEBUG
$(Q)$(SIZE) $(PROG)
clean: clean-prog
$(RM) -f $(PROG)
$(RM) -f $(PROG).map
.PHONY: clean-prog
LIBMICROPYTHON = libmicropython.a
# We can execute extra commands after library creation using
# LIBMICROPYTHON_EXTRA_CMD. This may be needed e.g. to integrate
# with 3rd-party projects which don't have proper dependency
# tracking. Then LIBMICROPYTHON_EXTRA_CMD can e.g. touch some
# other file to cause needed effect, e.g. relinking with new lib.
.PHONY: clean
$(ECHO) "PY_SRC = $(PY_SRC)"
$(ECHO) "OBJ = $(OBJ)"
.PHONY: print-cfg
@$(ECHO) "The following defines are built into the $(CC) compiler"
touch __empty__.c
@$(CC) -E -Wp,-dM __empty__.c
@$(RM) -f __empty__.c
-include $(OBJ:.o=.P)