Updated Hardware API (markdown)

Daniel Campora 2015-09-26 12:38:56 +02:00
parent daac4aec9c
commit f2cf97f39c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ Methods:
- `wlan.security([(auth, key)])` set or get the security configuration tuple
- `wlan.channel([channel])` set or get the channel. NOHEAP
- `wlan.scan()` perform a network scan and return a named tuple of the form:
`(ssid, bssid, security, channel, rssi)`
`(ssid, bssid, auth, channel, rssi)`
- `wlan.mac([mac])` get or set the MAC address. The MAC address is a `bytes` object of length 6.
- `wlan.connect(ssid, *, auth=WLAN.OPEN, key=None, timeout=None)` Connect to the network specified by the SSID using the given authentication and keys.
- `wlan.disconnect()` Closes the current connection. NOHEAP