This library offers convenient functions for interacting with [Interstate75]( and [Interstate75W]( - Interstate75 and Interstate75W offer a convenient way and 2 input buttons for all your display and control needs.
## Table of Content
- [Table of Content](#table-of-content)
- [Interstate75 Module](#interstate75-class)
- [Switches](#switches)
- [RGB LED](#rgb-led)
## Interstate75 Class
The `Interstate75` class deals with RGB LED and buttons on the Interstate75 and 75W. To create one, import the `interstate75` module, then define a new `board` variable.
This is where you define the HUB75 matrix display size that you wish to use by defining `display=`
You are able to set which version of the Interstate75 that you are using with the `interstate75w=`. By default this value is set to `True` to use the Interstate75W button layout. By setting it to `False` the module will use the Interstate75 button layout. If you are using an Interstate75W it is important to set this value to interstate75w=True, otherwise this could disable the WiFi in your project
board = interstate75.Interstate75(display=display, interstate75w=False) # This is the setup to be able to access the both A and BOOT on the Interstate75 (non W)
From here, all features can be accessed by calling functions on `board`. In addition, when using Qwiic / Stemma QT devices, the I2C channel to use can be accessed with `board.i2c`.
### Switches
Interstate75 and 75W have two switches in the front of the board. To read one of the switches, call `.switch_pressed(switch)`, where `switch` is a value from `0` to `.NUM_SWITCHES - 1`. This returns `True` when the specified switch is pressed, and `False` otherwise.
To read a specific input, the `interstate75` module contains these handy constants: