2021-02-10 16:26:18 +00:00
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include "pico_explorer.hpp"
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "encoder.hpp"
#include "quadrature_out.pio.h"
using namespace pimoroni;
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using namespace encoder;
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// Constants
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static const pin_pair ENCODER_PINS = {1, 0};
static const uint ENCODER_PIN_C = PIN_UNUSED;
static const uint ENCODER_SWITCH_PIN = 4;
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static constexpr float COUNTS_PER_REVOLUTION = 24; // 24 is for rotary encoders. For motor magnetic encoders uses
// 12 times the gear ratio (e.g. 12 * 20 with a 20:1 ratio motor
static const bool COUNT_MICROSTEPS = false; // Set to true for motor magnetic encoders
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static const uint16_t FREQ_DIVIDER = 1; // Increase this to deal with switch bounce. 250 Gives a 1ms debounce
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static const int32_t TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES_US = 100; // Time between each sample, in microseconds
static const int32_t WINDOW_DURATION_US = 1000000; // The full time window that will be stored
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static const int32_t SCRATCH_SIZE = READINGS_SIZE / 10; // A smaller value, for temporarily storing readings during screen drawing
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static const bool QUADRATURE_OUT_ENABLED = true;
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static constexpr float QUADRATURE_OUT_FREQ = 800; // The frequency the quadrature output will run at (note that counting microsteps will show 4x this value)
static const float QUADRATURE_OUT_1ST_PIN = 6; // Which first pin to output the quadrature signal to (e.g. pins 6 and 7)
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static const uint64_t MAIN_LOOP_TIME_US = 50000; // How long there should be in microseconds between each screen refresh
static const uint16_t EDGE_ALIGN_ABOVE_ZOOM = 4; // The zoom level beyond which edge alignment will be enabled to ma
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// Enums
enum DrawState {
// Variables
uint16_t buffer[PicoExplorer::WIDTH * PicoExplorer::HEIGHT];
PicoExplorer pico_explorer(buffer);
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volatile bool encA_readings[READINGS_SIZE];
volatile bool encB_readings[READINGS_SIZE];
volatile bool encA_scratch[SCRATCH_SIZE];
volatile bool encB_scratch[SCRATCH_SIZE];
volatile uint32_t next_reading_index = 0;
volatile uint32_t next_scratch_index = 0;
volatile bool drawing_to_screen = false;
uint16_t current_zoom_level = 1;
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uint32_t draw_plot(Point p1, Point p2, volatile bool (&readings)[READINGS_SIZE], uint32_t readingPos, bool edge_align) {
uint32_t reading_window = READINGS_SIZE / current_zoom_level;
uint32_t start_index_no_modulus = (readingPos + (READINGS_SIZE - reading_window));
uint32_t start_index = start_index_no_modulus % READINGS_SIZE;
int32_t screen_window = std::min(p2.x, (int32_t)PicoExplorer::WIDTH) - p1.x;
bool last_reading = readings[start_index % READINGS_SIZE];
uint32_t alignment_offset = 0;
if(edge_align) {
// Perform edge alignment by first seeing if there is a window of readings available (will be at anything other than x1 zoom)
uint32_t align_window = (start_index_no_modulus - readingPos);
// Then go backwards through that window
for(uint32_t i = 1; i < align_window; i++) {
uint32_t align_index = (start_index + (READINGS_SIZE - i)) % READINGS_SIZE;
bool align_reading = readings[align_index];
// Has a transition from high to low been detected?
if(!align_reading && align_reading != last_reading) {
// Set the new start index from which to draw from and break out of the search
start_index = align_index;
alignment_offset = i;
last_reading = align_reading;
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last_reading = readings[start_index % READINGS_SIZE];
// Go through each X pixel within the screen window
uint32_t reading_window_start = 0;
for(int32_t x = 0; x < screen_window; x++) {
uint32_t reading_window_end = ((x + 1) * reading_window) / screen_window;
// Set the draw state to be whatever the last reading was
DrawState draw_state = last_reading ? DRAW_HIGH : DRAW_LOW;
// Go through the readings in this window to see if a transition from low to high or high to low occurs
if(reading_window_end > reading_window_start) {
for(uint32_t i = reading_window_start; i < reading_window_end; i++) {
bool reading = readings[(i + start_index) % READINGS_SIZE];
if(reading != last_reading) {
draw_state = DRAW_TRANSITION;
break; // A transition occurred, so no need to continue checking readings
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last_reading = reading;
last_reading = readings[((reading_window_end - 1) + start_index) % READINGS_SIZE];
reading_window_start = reading_window_end;
// Draw a pixel in a high or low position, or a line between the two if a transition
switch(draw_state) {
for(uint8_t y = p1.y; y < p2.y; y++)
pico_explorer.pixel(Point(x + p1.x, y));
pico_explorer.pixel(Point(x + p1.x, p1.y));
case DRAW_LOW:
pico_explorer.pixel(Point(x + p1.x, p2.y - 1));
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// Return the alignment offset so subsequent encoder channel plots can share the alignment
return alignment_offset;
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bool repeating_timer_callback(struct repeating_timer *t) {
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if(drawing_to_screen && next_scratch_index < SCRATCH_SIZE) {
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encA_scratch[next_scratch_index] = enc.state().a;
encB_scratch[next_scratch_index] = enc.state().b;
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else {
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encA_readings[next_reading_index] = enc.state().a;
encB_readings[next_reading_index] = enc.state().b;
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if(next_reading_index >= READINGS_SIZE)
next_reading_index = 0;
return true;
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void setup() {
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bool encA = enc.state().a;
bool encB = enc.state().b;
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for(uint i = 0; i < READINGS_SIZE; i++) {
encA_readings[i] = encA;
encB_readings[i] = encB;
// Set up the quadrature encoder output
PIO pio = pio1;
uint offset = pio_add_program(pio, &quadrature_out_program);
uint sm = pio_claim_unused_sm(pio, true);
quadrature_out_program_init(pio, sm, offset, QUADRATURE_OUT_1ST_PIN, QUADRATURE_OUT_FREQ);
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int main() {
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// Perform the main setup for the demo
// Begin the timer that will take readings of the coder at regular intervals
struct repeating_timer timer;
add_repeating_timer_us(-TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES_US, repeating_timer_callback, NULL, &timer);
bool aPressedLatch = false;
bool xPressedLatch = false;
uint64_t last_time = time_us_64();
while(true) {
// Has enough time elapsed since we last refreshed the screen?
uint64_t current_time = time_us_64();
if(current_time > last_time + MAIN_LOOP_TIME_US) {
last_time = current_time;
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, true); // Show the screen refresh has stated
// If the user has wired up their encoder switch, and it is pressed, set the encoder count to zero
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// Capture the encoder state
Encoder::Capture capture = enc.capture();
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// Spin Motor 1 either clockwise or counterclockwise depending on if B or Y are pressed
if(pico_explorer.is_pressed(PicoExplorer::B) && !pico_explorer.is_pressed(PicoExplorer::Y)) {
pico_explorer.set_motor(PicoExplorer::MOTOR1, PicoExplorer::FORWARD, 1.0f);
else if(pico_explorer.is_pressed(PicoExplorer::Y) && !pico_explorer.is_pressed(PicoExplorer::B)) {
pico_explorer.set_motor(PicoExplorer::MOTOR1, PicoExplorer::REVERSE, 0.2f);
else {
pico_explorer.set_motor(PicoExplorer::MOTOR1, PicoExplorer::STOP);
// If A has been pressed, zoom the view out to a min of x1
if(pico_explorer.is_pressed(PicoExplorer::A)) {
if(!aPressedLatch) {
aPressedLatch = true;
current_zoom_level = std::max(current_zoom_level / 2, 1);
else {
aPressedLatch = false;
// If X has been pressed, zoom the view in to the max of x512
if(pico_explorer.is_pressed(PicoExplorer::X)) {
if(!xPressedLatch) {
xPressedLatch = true;
current_zoom_level = std::min(current_zoom_level * 2, 512);
else {
xPressedLatch = false;
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// Draw the encoder readings to the screen as a signal plot
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pico_explorer.set_pen(0, 0, 0);
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drawing_to_screen = true;
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pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 0);
uint32_t localPos = next_reading_index;
uint32_t alignment_offset = draw_plot(Point(0, 10), Point(PicoExplorer::WIDTH, 10 + 50), encA_readings, localPos, current_zoom_level > EDGE_ALIGN_ABOVE_ZOOM);
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pico_explorer.set_pen(0, 255, 255);
draw_plot(Point(0, 80), Point(PicoExplorer::WIDTH, 80 + 50), encB_readings, (localPos + (READINGS_SIZE - alignment_offset)) % READINGS_SIZE, false);
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// Copy values that may have been stored in the scratch buffers, back into the main buffers
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < next_scratch_index; i++) {
encA_readings[next_reading_index] = encA_scratch[i];
encB_readings[next_reading_index] = encB_scratch[i];
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if(next_reading_index >= READINGS_SIZE)
next_reading_index = 0;
drawing_to_screen = false;
next_scratch_index = 0;
pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255);
pico_explorer.character('A', Point(5, 10 + 15), 3);
pico_explorer.character('B', Point(5, 80 + 15), 3);
if(current_zoom_level < 10)
pico_explorer.text("x" + std::to_string(current_zoom_level), Point(220, 62), 200, 2);
else if(current_zoom_level < 100)
pico_explorer.text("x" + std::to_string(current_zoom_level), Point(210, 62), 200, 2);
pico_explorer.text("x" + std::to_string(current_zoom_level), Point(200, 62), 200, 2);
// Write out the count, frequency and rpm of the encoder
pico_explorer.set_pen(8, 8, 8);
pico_explorer.rectangle(Rect(0, 140, PicoExplorer::WIDTH, PicoExplorer::HEIGHT - 140));
pico_explorer.set_pen(64, 64, 64);
pico_explorer.rectangle(Rect(0, 140, PicoExplorer::WIDTH, 2));
std::stringstream sstream;
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sstream << capture.count();
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pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.text("Count:", Point(10, 150), 200, 3);
pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 128, 255); pico_explorer.text(sstream.str(), Point(110, 150), 200, 3);
std::stringstream sstream;
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sstream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << capture.frequency() << "hz";
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pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.text("Freq: ", Point(10, 180), 220, 3);
pico_explorer.set_pen(128, 255, 255); pico_explorer.text(sstream.str(), Point(90, 180), 220, 3);
std::stringstream sstream;
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sstream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << capture.revolutions_per_minute();
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pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 255); pico_explorer.text("RPM: ", Point(10, 210), 220, 3);
pico_explorer.set_pen(255, 255, 128); pico_explorer.text(sstream.str(), Point(80, 210), 220, 3);
pico_explorer.update(); // Refresh the screen
gpio_put(PICO_DEFAULT_LED_PIN, false); // Show the screen refresh has ended
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