A demo of all Pico Explorer's functions. Connect analog inputs like potentiometers up to ADC0-ADC3 and motors to the motor channels for best results. Connect AUDIO to GP0 with a jumper wire to hear noise.
This example shows you how you can use Pico Explorer's onboard buzzer as a speaker to play different notes and string them together into a bleepy tune (you'll need to connect AUDIO to GP0 with a jumper wire to hear noise).
Plug a [BME280 breakout](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/bme280-breakout) into your Pico Explorer and make a little indoor weather station, with barometer style descriptions.
Plug a [BME680](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/bme680-breakout) or [BME688](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/bme688-breakout) breakout into your Pico Explorer to make a little indoor weather station, with barometer style descriptions.
The wireless examples need `network_manager.py` and `WIFI_CONFIG.py` to be saved to your Pico W. Open up `WIFI_CONFIG.py` in Thonny to add your wifi details (and save it when you're done).
You'll also need to install the `micropython-urllib.urequest` library using Thonny's 'Tools' > 'Manage Packages'.
This Pico W example sets your Pico Explorer's screen (and optionally, a [RGB LED](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/led-rgb-clear-common-cathode)) to the current #cheerlights colour.