Plasma Stick 2040 W is a compact controller for WS2812 strip, powered by Raspberry Pi Pico W and perfect for easy, seasonal lighting. It has built in ✨wireless connectivity✨, courtesy of the onboard Pico W.
Plasma Stick ships with MicroPython firmware pre-loaded, but you can download the most recent version at the link below (you'll want the `pimoroni-picow` image).
Note that the examples in this directory default to a RGB colour order to match the LEDs in the Wireless Plasma Kit. If you're using different LEDs you may need to adjust the colour order in your code - most of the other addressable LEDs we sell are GRB.
Plasma Stick has a Qw/ST (Qwiic/STEMMA QT) connector. Breakouts with Qw/ST connectors, can be plugged straight in with a [JST-SH to JST-SH cable]( You can connect I2C Breakout Garden breakouts without Qw/ST connectors using a [JST-SH to JST-SH cable]( and a [Qw/ST to Breakout Garden adaptor](
Reads CO2 level from a [SCD41 CO2 breakout]( and turns the LED strip an appropriate colour.
Connect a PIR motion sensor and trigger some ominous effects. We like [these ones]( - we connected ours to the QwST connector using [this cable]( and some [socket to socket]( jumper jerky.
Reads the temperature from a [BME280 breakout]( and changes the LED strip an appropriate colour.
## Wireless Examples
The wireless examples need `` and `` from the `common` directory to be saved to your Pico W. Open up `` in Thonny to add your wifi details (and save it when you're done).