57 lines
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57 lines
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import time
import plasma
from plasma import plasma2040
from machine import RTC
Spooky moon simulator!
The LEDs will get brighter as midnight approaches!
It won't do much in the day...
Needs to be run from Thonny to get the right time.
# Set how many LEDs you have
# pick a hue (0 - 360° on the colour wheel)
# warm white moon - 60, blue moon - 230 , blood moon - 0
HUE = 60
SATURATION = 0.2 # increase this for a more colourful moon (max 1.0)
# when to start counting down from, in seconds before midnight
# eg from 10pm = 2 hours = 2 * 60 * 60 = 7200
COUNT_FROM = 14400
# set up the WS2812 / NeoPixel™ LEDs
led_strip = plasma.WS2812(NUM_LEDS, 0, 0, plasma2040.DAT)
# start updating the LED strip
while True:
# get the time from Pico RTC
year, month, day, _, hour, minute, second, _ = RTC().datetime()
print(f'Time is {hour:02d}:{minute:02d}')
# calculate how long to go until midnight
if hour >= 12:
hours_to_go = 23 - hour
minutes_to_go = 59 - minute
seconds_to_go = 59 - second
total_seconds = hours_to_go * 60 * 60 + minutes_to_go * 60 + seconds_to_go
print(f'{total_seconds} seconds until midnight')
# or, if it's after midnight
hours_since = 0 + hour
minutes_since = 0 + minute
seconds_since = 0 + second
total_seconds = hours_since * 60 * 60 + minutes_since * 60 + seconds_since
print(f'{total_seconds} seconds since midnight')
# gets brighter as witching hour approacheth
brightness = max(0, (COUNT_FROM - total_seconds) / COUNT_FROM)
for i in range(NUM_LEDS):
led_strip.set_hsv(i, HUE/365.0, SATURATION, brightness)
print(f'Brightness - {brightness * 100} %')