
116 lines
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import gc
import time
import math
import random
from pimoroni import Button, PID
from motor import Motor, motor2040
from encoder import Encoder, MMME_CPR
An example of how to move a motor smoothly between random positions,
with the help of it's attached encoder and PID control.
Press "Boot" to exit the program.
MOTOR_PINS = motor2040.MOTOR_A # The pins of the motor being profiled
ENCODER_PINS = motor2040.ENCODER_A # The pins of the encoder attached to the profiled motor
GEAR_RATIO = 50 # The gear ratio of the motor
COUNTS_PER_REV = MMME_CPR * GEAR_RATIO # The counts per revolution of the motor's output shaft
DIRECTION = 0 # The direction to spin the motor in. NORMAL (0), REVERSED (1)
SPEED_SCALE = 5.4 # The scaling to apply to the motor's speed to match its real-world speed
UPDATES = 100 # How many times to update the motor per second
TIME_FOR_EACH_MOVE = 1 # The time to travel between each random value
PRINT_DIVIDER = 4 # How many of the updates should be printed (i.e. 2 would be every other update)
# Multipliers for the different printed values, so they appear nicely on the Thonny plotter
SPD_PRINT_SCALE = 20 # Driving Speed multipler
POSITION_EXTENT = 180 # How far from zero to move the motor, in degrees
INTERP_MODE = 2 # The interpolating mode between targets. STEP (0), LINEAR (1), COSINE (2)
# PID values
POS_KP = 0.14 # Position proportional (P) gain
POS_KI = 0.0 # Position integral (I) gain
POS_KD = 0.0022 # Position derivative (D) gain
# Free up hardware resources ahead of creating a new Encoder
# Create a motor and set its speed scale
m = Motor(MOTOR_PINS, direction=DIRECTION, speed_scale=SPEED_SCALE, deadzone=0.05)
# Create an encoder, using PIO 0 and State Machine 0
enc = Encoder(0, 0, ENCODER_PINS, direction=DIRECTION, counts_per_rev=COUNTS_PER_REV, count_microsteps=True)
# Create the user button
user_sw = Button(motor2040.USER_SW)
# Create PID object for position control
# Enable the motor to get started
update = 0
print_count = 0
# Set the initial value and create a random end value between the extents
start_value = 0.0
end_value = random.uniform(-POSITION_EXTENT, POSITION_EXTENT)
# Continually move the motor until the user button is pressed
while user_sw.raw() is not True:
# Capture the state of the encoder
capture = enc.capture()
# Calculate how far along this movement to be
percent_along = min(update / UPDATES_PER_MOVE, 1.0)
if INTERP_MODE == 0:
# Move the motor instantly to the end value
pos_pid.target = end_value
elif INTERP_MODE == 2:
# Move the motor between values using cosine
pos_pid.target = (((-math.cos(percent_along * math.pi) + 1.0) / 2.0) * (end_value - start_value)) + start_value
# Move the motor linearly between values
pos_pid.target = (percent_along * (end_value - start_value)) + start_value
# Calculate the velocity to move the motor closer to the position target
vel = pos_pid.calculate(capture.degrees, capture.degrees_per_second)
# Set the new motor driving speed
# Print out the current motor values and their targets, but only on every multiple
if print_count == 0:
print("Pos =", capture.degrees, end=", ")
print("Targ Pos =", pos_pid.target, end=", ")
print("Speed = ", m.speed() * SPD_PRINT_SCALE)
# Increment the print count, and wrap it
print_count = (print_count + 1) % PRINT_DIVIDER
update += 1 # Move along in time
# Have we reached the end of this movement?
if update >= UPDATES_PER_MOVE:
update = 0 # Reset the counter
# Set the start as the last end and create a new random end value
start_value = end_value
end_value = random.uniform(-POSITION_EXTENT, POSITION_EXTENT)
# Disable the servo