mirror of https://github.com/skeeto/pixelcity.git
297 lines
8.5 KiB
297 lines
8.5 KiB
2009 Shamus Young
This handles building and rendering decoration objects - infrastructure &
such around the city.
#define LOGO_OFFSET 0.2f //How far a logo sticks out from the given surface
#include <windows.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gl\gl.h>
#include <gl\glu.h>
#include <gl\glaux.h>
#include "glTypes.h"
#include "deco.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "macro.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "world.h"
#include "visible.h"
CDeco::~CDeco ()
delete _mesh;
CDeco::CDeco ()
_mesh = new CMesh ();
_use_alpha = false;
void CDeco::Render ()
glColor3fv (&_color.red);
_mesh->Render ();
void CDeco::RenderFlat (bool colored)
bool CDeco::Alpha ()
return _use_alpha;
int CDeco::PolyCount ()
return _mesh->PolyCount ();
unsigned CDeco::Texture ()
return _texture;
void CDeco::CreateRadioTower (GLvector pos, float height)
CLight* l;
float offset;
GLvertex v;
int index_list[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
offset = height / 15.0f;
_center = pos;
_use_alpha = true;
//Radio tower
v.position = glVector (_center.x, _center.y + height, _center.z); v.uv = glVector (0,1);
_mesh->VertexAdd (v);
v.position = glVector (_center.x - offset, _center.y, _center.z - offset); v.uv = glVector (1,0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (v);
v.position = glVector (_center.x + offset, _center.y, _center.z - offset); v.uv = glVector (0,0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (v);
v.position = glVector (_center.x + offset, _center.y, _center.z + offset); v.uv = glVector (1,0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (v);
v.position = glVector (_center.x - offset, _center.y, _center.z + offset); v.uv = glVector (0,0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (v);
v.position = glVector (_center.x - offset, _center.y, _center.z - offset); v.uv = glVector (1,0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (v);
_mesh->FanAdd (&index_list[0], 6);
l = new CLight (glVector (_center.x, _center.y + height + 1.0f, _center.z), glRgba (255,192,160), 1);
l->Blink ();
_texture = TextureId (TEXTURE_LATTICE);
void CDeco::CreateLogo (GLvector2 start, GLvector2 end, float bottom, int seed, GLrgba color)
GLvertex p;
int index_list[] = {0,1,3,2};
float u1, u2, v1, v2;
float top;
float height, length;
GLvector2 center2d;
GLvector to;
GLvector out;
int logo_index;
_use_alpha = true;
_color = color;
logo_index = seed % LOGO_ROWS;
to = glVector (start.x, 0.0f, start.y) - glVector (end.x, 0.0f, end.y);
to = glVectorNormalize (to);
out = glVectorCrossProduct (glVector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), to) * LOGO_OFFSET;
center2d = (start + end) / 2;
_center = glVector (center2d.x, bottom, center2d.y);
length = glVectorLength (start - end);
height = (length / 8.0f) * 1.5f;
top = bottom + height;
u1 = 0.0f;
u2 = 0.5f;//We actually only use the left half of the texture
v1 = (float)logo_index / LOGO_ROWS;
v2 = v1 + (1.0f / LOGO_ROWS);
p.position = glVector (start.x, bottom, start.y) + out; p.uv = glVector (u1,v1);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (end.x, bottom, end.y) + out; p.uv = glVector (u2, v1);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (end.x, top, end.y) + out; p.uv = glVector (u2, v2);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (start.x, top, start.y) + out; p.uv = glVector (u1, v2);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
_mesh->QuadStripAdd (&index_list[0], 4);
_texture = TextureId (TEXTURE_LOGOS);
void CDeco::CreateLightStrip (float x, float z, float width, float depth, float height, GLrgba color)
GLvertex p;
int index_list1[] = {0,1,3,2};
int index_list2[] = {4,5,7,6};
float u, v;
_color = color;
_use_alpha = true;
_center = glVector (x + width / 2, height, z + depth / 2);
if (width < depth) {
u = 1.0f;
v = (float)((int)(depth / width));
} else {
v = 1.0f;
u = (float)((int)(width / depth));
//u = MAX (width, 1);
//v = MAX (depth, 1);
_texture = TextureId (TEXTURE_LIGHT);
p.position = glVector (x, height, z); p.uv = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x, height, z + depth); p.uv = glVector (0.0f, v);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x + width, height, z + depth); p.uv = glVector (u, v);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x + width, height, z); p.uv = glVector (u, 0.0f);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x - 1, height, z - 1); p.uv = glVector (0, 0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x - 1, height, z + depth + 1); p.uv = glVector (0, 1);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x + width + 1, height, z + depth + 1); p.uv = glVector (1, 1);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
p.position = glVector (x + width + 1, height, z - 1); p.uv = glVector (1, 0);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
_mesh->QuadStripAdd (&index_list1[0], 4);
//_mesh->QuadStripAdd (&index_list2[0], 4);
_mesh->Compile ();
void CDeco::CreateLightTrim (GLvector* chain, int count, float height, int seed, GLrgba color)
GLvertex p;
GLvector to;
GLvector out;
int i;
int index;
int prev, next;
float u, v1, v2;
float row;
int* index_list;
_color = color;
_center = glVector (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
index_list = new int[count * 2 + 2];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
_center += chain[i];
_center /= (float)count;
row = (float)(seed % TRIM_ROWS);
v1 = row * TRIM_SIZE;
v2 = (row + 1.0f) * TRIM_SIZE;
index = 0;
u = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < count + 1; i++) {
if (i)
u += glVectorLength (chain[i % count] - p.position) * 0.1f;
//Add the bottom point
prev = i - 1;
if (prev < 0)
prev = count + prev;
next = (i + 1) % count;
to = glVectorNormalize (chain[next] - chain[prev]);
out = glVectorCrossProduct (glVector (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), to) * LOGO_OFFSET;
p.position = chain[i % count] + out; p.uv = glVector (u, v2);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
index_list[index] = index;
//Top point
p.position.y += height;p.uv = glVector (u, v1);
_mesh->VertexAdd (p);
index_list[index] = index;
_mesh->QuadStripAdd (index_list, index);
delete index_list;
_texture = TextureId (TEXTURE_TRIM);
_mesh->Compile ();
} |