mirror of https://github.com/cy384/ssheven.git
1223 lines
32 KiB
1223 lines
32 KiB
* ssheven
* Copyright (c) 2020 by cy384 <cy384@cy384.com>
* See LICENSE file for details
#include "ssheven.h"
#include "ssheven-console.h"
#include "ssheven-net.h"
#include "ssheven-debug.h"
#include <Threads.h>
#include <MacMemory.h>
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include <Gestalt.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Scrap.h>
#include <Controls.h>
#include <ControlDefinitions.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// sinful globals
struct ssheven_console con = { NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CLICK_SELECT, NULL, NULL };
struct ssheven_ssh_connection ssh_con = { NULL, NULL, kOTInvalidEndpointRef, NULL, NULL };
struct preferences prefs;
enum THREAD_COMMAND read_thread_command = WAIT;
enum THREAD_STATE read_thread_state = UNINTIALIZED;
// contains a mapping of apple virtual keycode to ascii control code
// currently only for A-Z
// probably only works for US english keyboard layouts?
const uint8_t virtual_keycode_to_control_ascii[255] = {1, 19, 4, 6, 8, 7, 26, 24, 3, 22, 255, 2, 17, 23, 5, 18, 25, 20, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 15, 21, 255, 9, 16, 255, 12, 10, 255, 11, 255, 255, 255, 255, 14, 13, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255};
void set_window_title(WindowPtr w, const char* c_name)
Str255 pascal_name;
strncpy((char *) &pascal_name[1], c_name, 254);
pascal_name[0] = strlen(c_name);
SetWTitle(w, pascal_name);
void set_terminal_string(void)
* terminal type to send over ssh, determines features etc. some good options:
* "vanilla" supports basically nothing
* "vt100" just the basics
* "xterm" everything
* "xterm-mono" everything except color
* "xterm-16color" classic 16 ANSI colors only
switch (prefs.display_mode)
prefs.terminal_string = "xterm-mono";
case COLOR:
prefs.terminal_string = "xterm-16color";
prefs.terminal_string = SSHEVEN_DEFAULT_TERM_STRING;
int save_prefs(void)
int ok = 1;
short foundVRefNum = 0;
long foundDirID = 0;
FSSpec pref_file;
short prefRefNum = 0;
OSType pref_type = 'SH7p';
OSType creator_type = 'SSH7';
// find the preferences folder on the system disk, create folder if needed
OSErr e = FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kCreateFolder, &foundVRefNum, &foundDirID);
if (e != noErr) ok = 0;
// make an FSSpec for the new file we want to make
if (ok)
e = FSMakeFSSpec(foundVRefNum, foundDirID, PREFERENCES_FILENAME, &pref_file);
// if the file exists, delete it
if (e == noErr) FSpDelete(&pref_file);
// and then make it
e = FSpCreate(&pref_file, creator_type, pref_type, smSystemScript);
if (e != noErr) ok = 0;
// open the file
if (ok)
e = FSpOpenDF(&pref_file, fsRdWrPerm, &prefRefNum);
if (e != noErr) ok = 0;
// write prefs to the file
if (ok)
// TODO: choose buffer size more effectively
size_t write_length = 8192;
char* output_buffer = malloc(write_length);
memset(output_buffer, 0, write_length);
long int i = snprintf(output_buffer, write_length, "%d\n%d\n", prefs.major_version, prefs.minor_version);
i += snprintf(output_buffer+i, write_length-i, "%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n", (int)prefs.auth_type, (int)prefs.display_mode, (int)prefs.fg_color, (int)prefs.bg_color);
snprintf(output_buffer+i, prefs.hostname[0]+1, "%s", prefs.hostname+1); i += prefs.hostname[0];
i += snprintf(output_buffer+i, write_length-i, "\n");
snprintf(output_buffer+i, prefs.username[0]+1, "%s", prefs.username+1); i += prefs.username[0];
i += snprintf(output_buffer+i, write_length-i, "\n");
snprintf(output_buffer+i, prefs.port[0]+1, "%s", prefs.port+1); i += prefs.port[0];
i += snprintf(output_buffer+i, write_length-i, "\n");
if (prefs.privkey_path && prefs.privkey_path[0] != '\0')
i += snprintf(output_buffer+i, write_length-i, "%s\n%s\n", prefs.privkey_path, prefs.pubkey_path);
i += snprintf(output_buffer+i, write_length-i, "\n\n");
// tell it to write all bytes
long int bytes = i;
e = FSWrite(prefRefNum, &bytes, output_buffer);
// FSWrite sets bytes to the actual number of bytes written
if (e != noErr || (bytes != i)) ok = 0;
// close the file
if (prefRefNum != 0)
e = FSClose(prefRefNum);
if (e != noErr) ok = 0;
return ok;
void init_prefs(void)
// initialize everything to a safe default
prefs.major_version = SSHEVEN_VERSION_MAJOR;
prefs.minor_version = SSHEVEN_VERSION_MINOR;
memset(&(prefs.hostname), 0, 512);
memset(&(prefs.username), 0, 256);
memset(&(prefs.password), 0, 256);
memset(&(prefs.port), 0, 256);
// default port: 22
prefs.port[0] = 2;
prefs.port[1] = '2';
prefs.port[2] = '2';
prefs.pubkey_path = "";
prefs.privkey_path = "";
prefs.terminal_string = SSHEVEN_DEFAULT_TERM_STRING;
prefs.auth_type = USE_PASSWORD;
prefs.display_mode = COLOR;
prefs.fg_color = blackColor;
prefs.bg_color = whiteColor;
prefs.loaded_from_file = 0;
void load_prefs(void)
// now try to load preferences from the file
short foundVRefNum = 0;
long foundDirID = 0;
FSSpec pref_file;
short prefRefNum = 0;
// find the preferences folder on the system disk
OSErr e = FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, &foundVRefNum, &foundDirID);
if (e != noErr) return;
// make an FSSpec for the preferences file location and check if it exists
// TODO: if I just put PREFERENCES_FILENAME it doesn't work, wtf
e = FSMakeFSSpec(foundVRefNum, foundDirID, "\pssheven Preferences", &pref_file);
if (e == fnfErr) // file not found, nothing to load
else if (e != noErr) return;
e = FSpOpenDF(&pref_file, fsCurPerm, &prefRefNum);
if (e != noErr) return;
// actually read and parse the file
long int buffer_size = 8192;
char* buffer = NULL;
buffer = malloc(buffer_size);
prefs.privkey_path = malloc(2048);
prefs.pubkey_path = malloc(2048);
prefs.pubkey_path[0] = '\0';
prefs.privkey_path[0] = '\0';
e = FSRead(prefRefNum, &buffer_size, buffer);
e = FSClose(prefRefNum);
// check the version (first two numbers)
int items_got = sscanf(buffer, "%d\n%d", &prefs.major_version, &prefs.minor_version);
if (items_got != 2) return;
// only load a prefs file if the saved version number matches ours
if ((prefs.major_version == SSHEVEN_VERSION_MAJOR) && (prefs.minor_version == SSHEVEN_VERSION_MINOR))
prefs.loaded_from_file = 1;
items_got = sscanf(buffer, "%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%d\n%255[^\n]\n%255[^\n]\n%255[^\n]\n%[^\n]\n%[^\n]", &prefs.major_version, &prefs.minor_version, (int*)&prefs.auth_type, (int*)&prefs.display_mode, &prefs.fg_color, &prefs.bg_color, prefs.hostname+1, prefs.username+1, prefs.port+1, prefs.privkey_path, prefs.pubkey_path);
// add the size for the pascal strings
prefs.hostname[0] = (unsigned char)strlen(prefs.hostname+1);
prefs.username[0] = (unsigned char)strlen(prefs.username+1);
prefs.port[0] = (unsigned char)strlen(prefs.port+1);
prefs.major_version = SSHEVEN_VERSION_MAJOR;
prefs.minor_version = SSHEVEN_VERSION_MINOR;
if (buffer) free(buffer);
// borrowed from Retro68 sample code
// draws the "default" indicator around a button
pascal void ButtonFrameProc(DialogRef dlg, DialogItemIndex itemNo)
DialogItemType type;
Handle itemH;
Rect box;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 1, &type, &itemH, &box);
InsetRect(&box, -4, -4);
PenSize(3, 3);
FrameRoundRect(&box, 16, 16);
void display_about_box(void)
DialogRef about = GetNewDialog(DLOG_ABOUT, 0, (WindowPtr)-1);
UpdateDialog(about, about->visRgn);
while (!Button()) YieldToAnyThread();
while (Button()) YieldToAnyThread();
FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);
void ssh_paste(void)
// GetScrap requires a handle, not a raw buffer
// it will increase the size of the handle if needed
Handle buf = NewHandle(256);
int r = GetScrap(buf, 'TEXT', 0);
if (r > 0)
ssh_write(*buf, r);
void ssh_copy(void)
char* selection = NULL;
size_t len = get_selection(&selection);
if (selection == NULL || len == 0) return;
OSErr e = ZeroScrap();
if (e != noErr) printf_i("Failed to ZeroScrap!");
e = PutScrap(len, 'TEXT', selection);
if (e != noErr) printf_i("Failed to PutScrap!");
int qd_color_to_menu_item(int qd_color)
switch (qd_color)
case blackColor: return 1;
case redColor: return 2;
case greenColor: return 3;
case yellowColor: return 4;
case blueColor: return 5;
case magentaColor: return 6;
case cyanColor: return 7;
case whiteColor: return 8;
default: return 1;
int menu_item_to_qd_color(int menu_item)
switch (menu_item)
case 1: return blackColor;
case 2: return redColor;
case 3: return greenColor;
case 4: return yellowColor;
case 5: return blueColor;
case 6: return magentaColor;
case 7: return cyanColor;
case 8: return whiteColor;
default: return 1;
void preferences_window(void)
// modal dialog setup
DialogPtr dlg = GetNewDialog(DLOG_PREFERENCES, 0, (WindowPtr)-1);
// select all text in dialog item 4 (the hostname one)
//SelectDialogItemText(dlg, 4, 0, 32767);
DialogItemType type;
Handle itemH;
Rect box;
// draw default button indicator around the connect button
GetDialogItem(dlg, 2, &type, &itemH, &box);
SetDialogItem(dlg, 2, type, (Handle)NewUserItemUPP(&ButtonFrameProc), &box);
// get the handles for each menu, set to current prefs value
ControlHandle term_type_menu;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 6, &type, &itemH, &box);
term_type_menu = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetControlValue(term_type_menu, prefs.display_mode + 1);
ControlHandle bg_color_menu;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 7, &type, &itemH, &box);
bg_color_menu = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetControlValue(bg_color_menu, qd_color_to_menu_item(prefs.bg_color));
ControlHandle fg_color_menu;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 8, &type, &itemH, &box);
fg_color_menu = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetControlValue(fg_color_menu, qd_color_to_menu_item(prefs.fg_color));
// let the modalmanager do everything
// stop on ok or cancel
short item;
do {
ModalDialog(NULL, &item);
} while(item != 1 && item != 9);
// save if OK'd
if (item == 1)
// read menu values into prefs
prefs.display_mode = GetControlValue(term_type_menu) - 1;
// TODO: don't save colors, make it take effect immediately
int save_bg = prefs.bg_color;
int save_fg = prefs.fg_color;
prefs.bg_color = menu_item_to_qd_color(GetControlValue(bg_color_menu));
prefs.fg_color = menu_item_to_qd_color(GetControlValue(fg_color_menu));
prefs.bg_color = save_bg;
prefs.fg_color = save_fg;
// TODO: make this actually fix all colors in vterm
// clean it up
FlushEvents(everyEvent, -1);
// returns 1 if quit selected, else 0
int process_menu_select(int32_t result)
int exit = 0;
int16_t menu = (result & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
int16_t item = (result & 0x0000FFFF);
Str255 name;
switch (menu)
if (item == 1)
GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(menu), item, name);
if (item == 1) preferences_window();
if (item == 3) exit = 1;
if (item == 4) ssh_copy();
if (item == 5) ssh_paste();
return exit;
void resize_con_window(WindowPtr eventWin, EventRecord event)
// TODO: put this somewhere else
// limits on window size
// top = min vertical
// bottom = max vertical
// left = min horizontal
// right = max horizontal
Rect window_limits = { .top = con.cell_height*2 + 2,
.bottom = con.cell_height*100 + 2,
.left = con.cell_width*10 + 4,
.right = con.cell_width*200 + 4 };
long growResult = GrowWindow(eventWin, event.where, &window_limits);
if (growResult != 0)
int height = growResult >> 16;
int width = growResult & 0xFFFF;
// 'snap' to a size that won't have extra pixels not in a cell
int next_height = height - ((height - 2) % con.cell_height);
int next_width = width - ((width - 4) % con.cell_width);
SizeWindow(eventWin, next_width, next_height, true);
con.size_x = (next_width - 4)/con.cell_width;
con.size_y = (next_height - 2)/con.cell_height;
vterm_set_size(con.vterm, con.size_y, con.size_x);
libssh2_channel_request_pty_size(ssh_con.channel, con.size_x, con.size_y);
int handle_keypress(EventRecord* event)
unsigned char c = event->message & charCodeMask;
// if we have a key and command, and it's not autorepeating
if (c && event->what != autoKey && event->modifiers & cmdKey)
switch (c)
case 'q':
return 1;
case 'v':
case 'c':
// if we have a key and control, and it's not autorepeating
else if (c && event->what != autoKey && event->modifiers & controlKey)
// check if we know a control code translation for that key
uint8_t control_code = virtual_keycode_to_control_ascii[((event->message & keyCodeMask)>>8)];
if (control_code != 255)
ssh_con.send_buffer[0] = control_code;
ssh_write(ssh_con.send_buffer, 1);
// if it's just a normal key
// note that this is after translation, e.g. shift-f -> 'F'
else if (c)
if (key_to_vterm[c] != VTERM_KEY_NONE)
vterm_keyboard_key(con.vterm, key_to_vterm[c], VTERM_MOD_NONE);
ssh_con.send_buffer[0] = c;
ssh_write(ssh_con.send_buffer, 1);
return 0;
void event_loop(void)
int exit_event_loop = 0;
EventRecord event;
WindowPtr eventWin;
Point local_mouse_position;
// maximum length of time to sleep (in ticks)
// GetCaretTime gets the number of ticks between system caret on/off time
long int sleep_time = GetCaretTime() / 4;
// wait to get a GUI event
while (!WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, sleep_time, NULL))
// timed out without any GUI events
// toggle our cursor if needed
// then let any other threads run before we wait for events again
// might need to toggle our cursor even if we got an event
// handle any GUI events
switch (event.what)
case updateEvt:
eventWin = (WindowPtr)event.message;
case keyDown:
case autoKey: // autokey means we're repeating a held down key event
exit_event_loop = handle_keypress(&event);
case mouseDown:
switch(FindWindow(event.where, &eventWin))
case inDrag:
// allow the window to be dragged anywhere on any monitor
// hmmm... which of these is better???
DragWindow(eventWin, event.where, &(*(GetGrayRgn()))->rgnBBox);
// DragWindow(eventWin, event.where, &(*qd.thePort->visRgn)->rgnBBox);
case inGrow:
resize_con_window(eventWin, event);
case inGoAway:
if (TrackGoAway(eventWin, event.where))
exit_event_loop = 1;
case inMenuBar:
exit_event_loop = process_menu_select(MenuSelect(event.where));
case inSysWindow:
// is this system6 relevant only???
SystemClick(&event, eventWin);
case inContent:
mouse_click(local_mouse_position, true);
case mouseUp:
// only tell the console to lift the mouse if we clicked through it
if (con.mouse_state)
mouse_click(local_mouse_position, false);
} while (!exit_event_loop);
// from the ATS password sample code
pascal Boolean TwoItemFilter(DialogPtr dlog, EventRecord *event, short *itemHit)
DialogPtr evtDlog;
short selStart, selEnd;
long unsigned ticks;
Handle itemH;
DialogItemType type;
Rect box;
// TODO: this should be declared somewhere? include it?
int kVisualDelay = 8;
if (event->what == keyDown || event->what == autoKey)
char c = event->message & charCodeMask;
switch (c)
case kEnterCharCode: // select the ok button
case kReturnCharCode: // we have to manually blink it...
case kLineFeedCharCode:
GetDialogItem(dlog, 1, &type, &itemH, &box);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)(itemH), kControlButtonPart);
Delay(kVisualDelay, &ticks);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)(itemH), 1);
*itemHit = 1;
return true;
case kTabCharCode: // cancel out tab events
event->what = nullEvent;
return false;
case kEscapeCharCode: // hit cancel on esc or cmd-period
case '.':
if ((event->modifiers & cmdKey) || c == kEscapeCharCode)
GetDialogItem(dlog, 6, &type, &itemH, &box);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)(itemH), kControlButtonPart);
Delay(kVisualDelay, &ticks);
HiliteControl((ControlHandle)(itemH), 6);
*itemHit = 6;
return true;
__attribute__ ((fallthrough)); // fall through in case of a plain '.'
default: // TODO: this is dumb and assumes everything else is a valid text character
selStart = (**((DialogPeek)dlog)->textH).selStart; // Get the selection in the visible item
selEnd = (**((DialogPeek)dlog)->textH).selEnd;
SelectDialogItemText(dlog, 5, selStart, selEnd); // Select text in invisible item
DialogSelect(event, &evtDlog, itemHit); // Input key
SelectDialogItemText(dlog, 4, selStart, selEnd); // Select same area in visible item
if ((event->message & charCodeMask) != kBackspaceCharCode) // If it's not a backspace (backspace is the only key that can affect both the text and the selection- thus we need to process it in both fields, but not change it for the hidden field.
event->message = 0xa5; // Replace with character to use (the bullet)
DialogSelect(event, &evtDlog, itemHit); // Put in fake character
return true;
case kLeftArrowCharCode:
case kRightArrowCharCode:
case kUpArrowCharCode:
case kDownArrowCharCode:
case kHomeCharCode:
case kEndCharCode:
return false; // don't handle them
return false; // pass on other (non-keypress) events
// from the ATS password sample code
// 1 for ok, 0 for cancel
int password_dialog(int dialog_resource)
int ret = 1;
DialogPtr dlog;
Handle itemH;
short item;
Rect box;
DialogItemType type;
dlog = GetNewDialog(dialog_resource, 0, (WindowPtr) - 1);
// draw default button indicator around the connect button
GetDialogItem(dlog, 2, &type, &itemH, &box);
SetDialogItem(dlog, 2, type, (Handle)NewUserItemUPP(&ButtonFrameProc), &box);
do {
ModalDialog(NewModalFilterUPP(TwoItemFilter), &item);
} while (item != 1 && item != 6); // until OK or cancel
if (6 == item) ret = 0;
// read out of the hidden text box
GetDialogItem(dlog, 5, &type, &itemH, &box);
GetDialogItemText(itemH, (unsigned char*)prefs.password);
prefs.auth_type = USE_PASSWORD;
return ret;
// derived from More Files sample code
FSSpec *spec, /* The location we want a path for. */
int *length, /* Length of the resulting path. */
Handle *fullPath) /* Handle to path. */
OSErr err;
FSSpec tempSpec;
CInfoPBRec pb;
*fullPath = NULL;
* Make a copy of the input FSSpec that can be modified.
BlockMoveData(spec, &tempSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
if (tempSpec.parID == fsRtParID) {
* The object is a volume. Add a colon to make it a full
* pathname. Allocate a handle for it and we are done.
tempSpec.name[0] += 2;
tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0] - 1] = ':';
tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = '\0';
err = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
} else {
* The object isn't a volume. Is the object a file or a directory?
pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = tempSpec.parID;
pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0;
err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
if ((err == noErr) || (err == fnfErr)) {
* If the file doesn't currently exist we start over. If the
* directory exists everything will work just fine. Otherwise we
* will just fail later. If the object is a directory, append a
* colon so full pathname ends with colon.
if (err == fnfErr) {
BlockMoveData(spec, &tempSpec, sizeof(FSSpec));
} else if ( (pb.hFileInfo.ioFlAttrib & ioDirMask) != 0 ) {
tempSpec.name[0] += 1;
tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
* Create a new Handle for the object - make it a C string
tempSpec.name[0] += 1;
tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = '\0';
err = PtrToHand(&tempSpec.name[1], fullPath, tempSpec.name[0]);
if (err == noErr) {
* Get the ancestor directory names - loop until we have an
* error or find the root directory.
pb.dirInfo.ioNamePtr = tempSpec.name;
pb.dirInfo.ioVRefNum = tempSpec.vRefNum;
pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID = tempSpec.parID;
do {
pb.dirInfo.ioFDirIndex = -1;
pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID = pb.dirInfo.ioDrParID;
err = PBGetCatInfoSync(&pb);
if (err == noErr) {
* Append colon to directory name and add
* directory name to beginning of fullPath
tempSpec.name[tempSpec.name[0]] = ':';
(void) Munger(*fullPath, 0, NULL, 0, &tempSpec.name[1],
err = MemError();
} while ( (err == noErr) && (pb.dirInfo.ioDrDirID != fsRtDirID) );
* On error Dispose the handle, set it to NULL & return the err.
* Otherwise, set the length & return.
if (err == noErr) {
*length = GetHandleSize(*fullPath) - 1;
} else {
if ( *fullPath != NULL ) {
*fullPath = NULL;
*length = 0;
return err;
int key_dialog(void)
Handle full_path = NULL;
int path_length = 0;
// if we don't have a saved pubkey path, ask for one
if (prefs.pubkey_path == NULL || prefs.pubkey_path[0] == '\0')
NoteAlert(ALRT_PUBKEY, nil);
StandardFileReply pubkey;
StandardGetFile(NULL, 0, NULL, &pubkey);
FSpPathFromLocation(&pubkey.sfFile, &path_length, &full_path);
prefs.pubkey_path = malloc(path_length+1);
strncpy(prefs.pubkey_path, (char*)(*full_path), path_length+1);
// if the user hit cancel, 0
if (!pubkey.sfGood) return 0;
path_length = 0;
full_path = NULL;
// if we don't have a saved privkey path, ask for one
if (prefs.privkey_path == NULL || prefs.privkey_path[0] == '\0')
NoteAlert(ALRT_PRIVKEY, nil);
StandardFileReply privkey;
StandardGetFile(NULL, 0, NULL, &privkey);
FSpPathFromLocation(&privkey.sfFile, &path_length, &full_path);
prefs.privkey_path = malloc(path_length+1);
strncpy(prefs.privkey_path, (char*)(*full_path), path_length+1);
// if the user hit cancel, 0
if (!privkey.sfGood) return 0;
// get the key decryption password
if (!password_dialog(DLOG_KEY_PASSWORD)) return 0;
prefs.auth_type = USE_KEY;
return 1;
int intro_dialog(void)
// modal dialog setup
DialogPtr dlg = GetNewDialog(DLOG_CONNECT, 0, (WindowPtr)-1);
DialogItemType type;
Handle itemH;
Rect box;
// draw default button indicator around the connect button
GetDialogItem(dlg, 2, &type, &itemH, &box);
SetDialogItem(dlg, 2, type, (Handle)NewUserItemUPP(&ButtonFrameProc), &box);
// get the handles for each of the text boxes, and load preference data in
ControlHandle address_text_box;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 4, &type, &itemH, &box);
address_text_box = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetDialogItemText((Handle)address_text_box, (ConstStr255Param)prefs.hostname);
// select all text in hostname dialog item
SelectDialogItemText(dlg, 4, 0, 32767);
ControlHandle port_text_box;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 5, &type, &itemH, &box);
port_text_box = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetDialogItemText((Handle)port_text_box, (ConstStr255Param)prefs.port);
ControlHandle username_text_box;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 7, &type, &itemH, &box);
username_text_box = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetDialogItemText((Handle)username_text_box, (ConstStr255Param)prefs.username);
ControlHandle password_radio;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 9, &type, &itemH, &box);
password_radio = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetControlValue(password_radio, 0);
ControlHandle key_radio;
GetDialogItem(dlg, 10, &type, &itemH, &box);
key_radio = (ControlHandle)itemH;
SetControlValue(key_radio, 0);
// recall last-used connection type
if (prefs.auth_type == USE_PASSWORD)
SetControlValue(password_radio, 1);
SetControlValue(key_radio, 1);
// let the modalmanager do everything
// stop when the connect button is hit
short item;
do {
ModalDialog(NULL, &item);
if (item == 9)
SetControlValue(key_radio, 0);
SetControlValue(password_radio, 1);
else if (item == 10)
SetControlValue(key_radio, 1);
SetControlValue(password_radio, 0);
} while(item != 1 && item != 8);
// copy the text out of the boxes
GetDialogItemText((Handle)address_text_box, (unsigned char *)prefs.hostname);
GetDialogItemText((Handle)username_text_box, (unsigned char *)prefs.username);
GetDialogItemText((Handle)port_text_box, (unsigned char *)prefs.hostname+prefs.hostname[0]+1);
prefs.hostname[prefs.hostname[0]+1] = ':';
char* port_start = prefs.hostname+prefs.hostname[0] + 2;
prefs.port[0] = strlen(port_start);
strncpy(prefs.port+1, port_start, 255);
int use_password = GetControlValue(password_radio);
// clean it up
FlushEvents(everyEvent, -1);
// if we hit cancel, 0
if (item == 8) return 0;
if (use_password)
return password_dialog(DLOG_PASSWORD);
return key_dialog();
int safety_checks(void)
OSStatus err = noErr;
// check for thread manager
long int thread_manager_gestalt = 0;
err = Gestalt(gestaltThreadMgrAttr, &thread_manager_gestalt);
// bit one is prescence of thread manager
if (err != noErr || (thread_manager_gestalt & (1 << gestaltThreadMgrPresent)) == 0)
StopAlert(ALRT_TM, nil);
printf_i("Thread Manager not available!\r\n");
return 0;
// check for Open Transport
// for some reason, the docs say you shouldn't check for OT via the gestalt
// in an application, and should just try to init, but checking seems more
// user-friendly, so...
long int open_transport_any_version = 0;
long int open_transport_new_version = 0;
err = Gestalt(gestaltOpenTpt, &open_transport_any_version);
if (err != noErr)
printf_i("Failed to check for Open Transport!\r\n");
return 0;
err = Gestalt(gestaltOpenTptVersions, &open_transport_new_version);
if (err != noErr)
printf_i("Failed to check for Open Transport!\r\n");
return 0;
if (open_transport_any_version == 0 && open_transport_new_version == 0)
printf_i("Open Transport required but not found!\r\n");
StopAlert(ALRT_OT, nil);
return 0;
if (open_transport_any_version != 0 && open_transport_new_version == 0)
printf_i("Early version of Open Transport detected!");
printf_i(" Attempting to continue anyway.\r\n");
/*NumVersion* ot_version = (NumVersion*) &open_transport_new_version;
printf_i("Detected Open Transport version: %d.%d.%d\r\n",
(int)((ot_version->minorAndBugRev & 0xF0) >> 4),
(int)(ot_version->minorAndBugRev & 0x0F));*/
// check for CPU type and display warning if it's going to be too slow
long int cpu_type = 0;
int cpu_slow = 0;
int cpu_bad = 0;
err = Gestalt(gestaltNativeCPUtype, &cpu_type);
if (err != noErr || cpu_type == 0)
// earlier than 7.5, need to use other gestalt
err = Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType, &cpu_type);
if (err != noErr || cpu_type == 0)
cpu_slow = 1;
printf_i("Failed to detect CPU type, continuing anyway.\r\n");
if (cpu_type <= gestalt68010) cpu_bad = 1;
if (cpu_type <= gestalt68030) cpu_slow = 1;
if (cpu_type <= gestaltCPU68010) cpu_bad = 1;
if (cpu_type <= gestaltCPU68030) cpu_slow = 1;
// if we don't have at least a 68020, stop
if (cpu_bad)
StopAlert(ALRT_CPU_BAD, nil);
return 0;
// if we don't have at least a 68040, warn
if (cpu_slow)
CautionAlert(ALRT_CPU_SLOW, nil);
return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
OSStatus err = noErr;
// expands the application heap to its maximum requested size
// supposedly good for performance
// also required before creating threads!
// "Call the MoreMasters procedure several times at the beginning of your program"
// set default preferences, then load from preferences file if possible
// general gui setup
void* menu = GetNewMBar(MBAR_SSHEVEN);
AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(MENU_APPLE), 'DRVR');
// disable stuff in edit menu until we implement it
menu = GetMenuHandle(MENU_EDIT);
DisableItem(menu, 1);
DisableItem(menu, 3);
//DisableItem(menu, 4);
DisableItem(menu, 5);
DisableItem(menu, 6);
DisableItem(menu, 7);
DisableItem(menu, 9);
char* logo = " _____ _____ _ _\r\n"
" / ____/ ____| | | |\r\n"
" | (___| (___ | |__| | _____ _____ _ __\r\n"
" \\___ \\\\___ \\| __ |/ _ \\ \\ / / _ \\ '_ \\\r\n"
" ____) |___) | | | | __/\\ V / __/ | | |\r\n"
" |_____/_____/|_| |_|\\___| \\_/ \\___|_| |_|\r\n";
printf_i("by cy384, version " SSHEVEN_VERSION ", running in ");
#if defined(__ppc__)
printf_i("PPC mode.\r\n");
printf_i("68k mode.\r\n");
int ok = 1;
ok = safety_checks();
ok = intro_dialog();
if (!ok) printf_i("Cancelled, not connecting.\r\n");
if (ok)
if (InitOpenTransport() != noErr)
printf_i("Failed to initialize Open Transport.\r\n");
ok = 0;
if (ok)
ssh_con.recv_buffer = OTAllocMem(SSHEVEN_BUFFER_SIZE);
ssh_con.send_buffer = OTAllocMem(SSHEVEN_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (ssh_con.recv_buffer == NULL || ssh_con.send_buffer == NULL)
printf_i("Failed to allocate network data buffers.\r\n");
ok = 0;
// create the network read/print thread
read_thread_command = WAIT;
ThreadID read_thread_id = 0;
if (ok)
err = NewThread(kCooperativeThread, read_thread, NULL, 100000, kCreateIfNeeded, NULL, &read_thread_id);
if (err < 0)
printf_i("Failed to create network read thread.\r\n");
ok = 0;
// if we got the thread, tell it to begin operation
if (ok) read_thread_command = READ;
// procede into our main event loop
// tell the read thread to finish, then let it run to actually do so
read_thread_command = EXIT;
if (read_thread_state != UNINTIALIZED)
while (read_thread_state != DONE)
if (ssh_con.recv_buffer != NULL) OTFreeMem(ssh_con.recv_buffer);
if (ssh_con.send_buffer != NULL) OTFreeMem(ssh_con.send_buffer);
if (prefs.pubkey_path != NULL && prefs.pubkey_path[0] != '\0') free(prefs.pubkey_path);
if (prefs.privkey_path != NULL && prefs.privkey_path[0] != '\0') free(prefs.privkey_path);
if (con.vterm != NULL) vterm_free(con.vterm);
if (ssh_con.endpoint != kOTInvalidEndpointRef)
err = OTCancelSynchronousCalls(ssh_con.endpoint, kOTCanceledErr);