
300 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package ipnauth
import (
// DeviceAccess is a bitmask representing the requested, required, or granted
// access rights to a device.
type DeviceAccess uint32
// ProfileAccess is a bitmask representing the requested, required, or granted
// access rights to a Tailscale login profile.
type ProfileAccess uint32
// Define access rights for general device management tasks and operations that affect all profiles.
// They are allowed or denied based on the environment and user's role on the device,
// rather than the currently active Tailscale profile.
const (
// ReadDeviceStatus is the access right required to read non-profile specific device statuses,
// such as the IP forwarding status. It is a non-privileged access right generally available to all users.
// It must not grant access to any sensitive or private information,
// including Tailscale profile names, network devices, etc.
ReadDeviceStatus DeviceAccess = 1 << iota
// GenerateBugReport is the access right required to generate a bug report
// (e.g. `tailscale bugreport` in CLI or Debug > Bug Report in GUI).
// It is a non-privileged access right granted to all users.
// CreateProfile is the access right required to create new Tailscale profiles on the device.
// This operation is privileged on Unix-like platforms, including Linux,
// but is available to all users on non-Server Windows devices.
// Debug is required for debugging operations that could expose sensitive information.
// Many such operations are accessible via `tailscale debug` subcommands.
// It is considered privileged access on all platforms, requiring root access on Unix-like systems
// and elevated admin access on Windows.
// InstallUpdates is required to initiate a Tailscale client self-update on platforms that support it.
// It is available to all users on all platforms except for Windows Server,
// where it requires admin rights.
// DeleteAllProfiles is required to log out from and delete all Tailscale profiles on a device.
// It is considered a privileged operation, requiring root access on Unix-like systems
// and elevated admin access on Windows.
// UnrestrictedDeviceAccess combines all possible device access rights.
UnrestrictedDeviceAccess = ^DeviceAccess(0)
var deviceAccessNames = map[DeviceAccess]string{
CreateProfile: "CreateProfile",
Debug: "Debug",
DeleteAllProfiles: "DeleteAllProfiles",
GenerateBugReport: "GenerateBugReport",
InstallUpdates: "InstallUpdates",
ReadDeviceStatus: "ReadDeviceStatus",
// Define access rights that are specific to individual profiles,
// granted or denied on a per-profile basis.
const (
// ReadProfileInfo is required to view a profile in the list of available profiles and
// to read basic profile info like the user name and tailnet name.
// It also allows to read profile/connection-specific status details, excluding information about peers,
// but must not grant access to any sensitive information, such as private keys.
// This access right is granted to all users on Unix-like platforms.
// On Windows, any user should have access to their own profiles as well as profiles shared with them.
// NOTE: As of 2024-04-08, the following are the only two ways to share a profile:
// - Create a profile in local system's security context (e.g. via a GP/MDM/SCCM-deployed script);
// - Enable Unattended Mode (ipn.Prefs.ForceDaemon) for the profile.
// We'll reconsider this in tailscale/corp#18342 or subsequent tickets.
// Additionally, Windows admins should be able to list all profiles when running elevated.
// If a user does not have ReadProfileInfo access to the current profile, its details will be masked.
ReadProfileInfo ProfileAccess = 1 << iota
// Connect is required to connect to and use a Tailscale profile.
// It is considered a privileged operation on Unix-like platforms and Windows Server.
// On Windows client devices, however, users have the Connect access right
// to the profiles they can read.
// Disconnect is required to disconnect (or switch from) a Tailscale profile.
// It is considered a privileged operation on Unix-like platforms and Windows Server.
// On Windows Client and other platforms any user should be able to disconnect
// from an active Tailnet.
// DeleteProfile is required to delete a local Tailscale profile.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// On Windows, profiles can be deleted by their owners. Additionally,
// on Windows Server and managed Windows Client devices, elevated admins have the right
// to delete any profile.
// ReauthProfile is required to re-authenticate a Tailscale profile.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms,
// profile ownership or elevated admin rights is required on Windows.
// ListPeers is required to view peer users and devices.
// It is granted to all users on Unix-like platform,
// and to the same users as ReadProfileInfo on Windows.
// ReadPrefs is required to read ipn.Prefs associated with a profile,
// but must not grant access to any sensitive information, such as private keys.
// As a general rule, the same users who have ReadProfileInfo access to a profile
// also have the ReadPrefs access right.
// ChangePrefs allows changing any preference in ipn.Prefs.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// Profile ownership or elevated admin rights are required on Windows.
// ChangeExitNode allows users without the full ChangePrefs access to select an exit node.
// As of 2024-04-08, it is only used to allow users on non-server, non-managed Windows devices to
// to change an exit node on admin-configured unattended profiles.
// ReadServe is required to read a serve config.
// ChangeServe allows to change a serve config, except for serving a path.
// ServePath allows to serve an arbitrary path.
// It is a privileged operation that is only available to users that have
// administrative access to the local machine.
// SetDNS allows sending a SetDNSRequest request to the control plane server,
// requesting a DNS record be created or updated.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// Profile ownership or elevated admin rights are required on Windows.
// FetchCerts allows to get an ipnlocal.TLSCertKeyPair for domain, either from cache or via the ACME process.
// On Windows, it's available to the profile owner. On Unix-like platforms, it requires root or operator access,
// or the TS_PERMIT_CERT_UID environment variable set to the userid.
// ReadPrivateKeys allows reading node's private key.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// Profile ownership is required on Windows.
// ReadTKA allows reading tailnet key authority info.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// Profile ownership or elevated admin rights are required on Windows.
// ManageTKA allows managing TKA for a profile.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// Profile ownership or elevated admin rights are required on Windows.
// ReceiveFiles allows to receive files via Taildrop.
// Root (or operator) access is required on Unix-like platforms.
// Profile ownership or elevated admin rights are required on Windows.
// UnrestrictedProfileAccess combines all possible profile access rights,
// granting full access to a profile.
UnrestrictedProfileAccess = ^ProfileAccess(0)
// Placeholder values for clients to use when rendering the current ipn.LoginProfile
// if the client's user does not have ipnauth.ReadProfileInfo access to the profile.
// However, clients supporting this feature should use UserProfile.ID.IsZero() to determine
// when profile information is not accessible, and render masked profiles
// in a platform-specific, localizable way.
// Clients should avoid checking against these constants, as they are subject to change.
const (
maskedLoginName = "Other User's Account"
maskedDisplayName = "Other User"
maskedProfilePicURL = ""
maskedDomainName = ""
var profileAccessNames = map[ProfileAccess]string{
ChangeExitNode: "ChangeExitNode",
ChangePrefs: "ChangePrefs",
ChangeServe: "ChangeServe",
Connect: "Connect",
DeleteProfile: "DeleteProfile",
Disconnect: "Disconnect",
FetchCerts: "FetchCerts",
ListPeers: "ListPeers",
ManageTKA: "ManageTKA",
ReadPrefs: "ReadPrefs",
ReadPrivateKeys: "ReadPrivateKeys",
ReadProfileInfo: "ReadProfileInfo",
ReadServe: "ReadServe",
ReadTKA: "ReadTKA",
ReauthProfile: "ReauthProfile",
ReceiveFiles: "ReceiveFiles",
ServePath: "ServePath",
SetDNS: "SetDNS",
var (
deviceAccessBitNames = make([]string, 32)
profileAccessBitNames = make([]string, 32)
func init() {
for da, name := range deviceAccessNames {
deviceAccessBitNames[bits.Len32(uint32(da))-1] = name
for pa, name := range profileAccessNames {
profileAccessBitNames[bits.Len32(uint32(pa))-1] = name
// Add adds a to da.
// It is a no-op if da already contains a.
func (da *DeviceAccess) Add(a DeviceAccess) {
*da |= a
// Remove removes a from da.
// It is a no-op if da does not contain a.
func (da *DeviceAccess) Remove(a DeviceAccess) {
*da &= ^a
// ContainsAll reports whether da contains all access rights specified in a.
func (da *DeviceAccess) ContainsAll(a DeviceAccess) bool {
return (*da & a) == a
// Overlaps reports whether da contains any of the access rights specified in a.
func (da *DeviceAccess) Overlaps(a DeviceAccess) bool {
return (*da & a) != 0
// String returns a string representation of one or more access rights in da.
// It returns (None) if da is zero.
func (da *DeviceAccess) String() string {
return formatAccessMask(uint32(*da), deviceAccessBitNames)
// Add adds a to pa.
// It is a no-op if pa already contains a.
func (pa *ProfileAccess) Add(a ProfileAccess) {
*pa |= a
// Remove removes a from pa.
// It is a no-op if pa does not contain a.
func (pa *ProfileAccess) Remove(a ProfileAccess) {
*pa &= ^a
// Contains reports whether pa contains all access rights specified in a.
func (pa *ProfileAccess) Contains(a ProfileAccess) bool {
return (*pa & a) == a
// Overlaps reports whether pa contains any of the access rights specified in a.
func (pa *ProfileAccess) Overlaps(a ProfileAccess) bool {
return (*pa & a) != 0
// String returns a string representation of one or more access rights in pa.
// It returns (None) if pa is zero.
func (pa *ProfileAccess) String() string {
return formatAccessMask(uint32(*pa), profileAccessBitNames)
func formatAccessMask(v uint32, flagNames []string) string {
switch {
case v == 0:
return "(None)"
case v == ^uint32(0):
return "(Unrestricted)"
case (v & (v - 1)) == 0:
return flagNames[bits.Len32(v)-1]
return formatAccessMaskSlow(v, flagNames)
func formatAccessMaskSlow(v uint32, flagNames []string) string {
var rem uint32
flags := make([]string, 0, bits.OnesCount32(v))
for i := 0; i < 32 && v != 0; i++ {
if bf := uint32(1 << i); v&bf != 0 {
if name := flagNames[i]; name != "" {
flags = append(flags, name)
} else {
rem |= bf
v &= ^bf
if rem != 0 {
flags = append(flags, "0x"+strings.ToUpper(strconv.FormatUint(uint64(rem), 16)))
return strings.Join(flags, "|")