released this
2023-05-18 22:17:13 +01:00 | 0 commits to master since this releaseThis release of Nightwave.NET for Workgroups, version 1.8 Patch 0 Revision 0, resolves the following problems that arose after the release of Nightwave.NET for Workgroups version 1.7 Patch 0 Revision 1:
- Unable to log into Nightwave Plaza
- Unable to cast votes on Nightwave Plaza
- Unable to view the currently-playing track on Nightwave Plaza
- Potential crash when attempting to save account credentials
- Unintentionally high traffic to Nightwave Plaza
This release of Nightwave.NET for Workgroups is not currently available in WISE Installer format, but can be installed from here as a Microsoft .NET ClickOnce program, and a "Portable" release has been attached to this announcement.
The ClickOnce Application, and the ClickOnce Prerequisites Installer, have both been attached to this release as well.
Other changes in this release of Nightwave.NET for Workgroups are:
- libplaza is no longer a .NET Standard 1.4 library, and is now a .Net 6.0 library
- Nightwave.NET for Workgroups is no longer a .NET Core 3.0 program, and is now a .Net 6.0 for Windows Desktops program
Changes to the version of .NET in use were required, as Microsoft have deprecated support for both .NET Standard 1.x and .NET Core 3.x.
- Source Code (ZIP)
- Source Code (TAR.GZ)
917 KiB
2.3 KiB
820 KiB
released this
2019-11-08 13:54:05 +00:00 | 1 commits to master since this releaseThis release contains build 1.7-0 rev.1.
This build is functionally identical to 1.7-0r0, but now contains a fix for a rendering error that caused artist names to be truncated incorrectly.
This release also contains a full-fledged setup program!Release artifacts:
- SETUP.zip - Installer in a ZIP file
- Nightwave.NET for Workgroups 1.7-0r1.zip - Standalone build; no installer.
released this
2019-11-07 15:42:33 +00:00 | 4 commits to master since this releaseThis release contains build 1.7-0 rev.0.
A lot of stuff happened, woah. The app now has a new name, some additional bugfixes and functionality, runs on .NET Core 3 (libplaza itself is .NET Standard 1.4), and allows resizing.
WinPlaza v1.5 Stable
released this
2019-10-30 11:55:40 +00:00 | 11 commits to master since this releaseWinPlaza/Nightwave.NET and libplaza are..almost complete. This release contains build 1.5-0 rev.3 of Nightwave.NET (WinPlaza). The following functionality is implemented:
- Retrieval of the current Nightwave Plaza broadcast information (Track Title, Artist, Album, duration & elapsed times, album artwork, global like/dislike counts) as well as listener counts and maintenance notices
- Always-On-Top toggle
- Streaming and playback of the Nightwave Plaza broadcast stream (ogg format)
- Basic playback controls (play/stop, mute/unmute, volume slider) both in-app and in the taskbar icon
- Basic visualiser - left and right channel level indicator (runs at 60fps when foreground or always-on-top, 25fps when not)
- Logging into Nightwave Plaza
- Liking, Disliking and Favouriting the currently-playing track
- Auto-update (via ClickOnce distribution)