okay so now rather than having microWebSrv i just wrote my own dang webserver.

This commit is contained in:
Maff 2018-06-02 00:10:33 +01:00
parent b70d7f846f
commit 3a17e7f218
5 changed files with 104 additions and 408 deletions

View File

@ -1,92 +1,63 @@
import uPyConfig import uPyConfig
hw = uPyConfig.esp8266(variant='d1-r2') hw = uPyConfig.esp8266(variant='heltec')
#print family, variant and IP address (using oled, if available on-board) #print family, variant and IP address (using oled, if available on-board)
import init_sample import init_sample
init_sample.init_sample(hw) init_sample.init_sample(hw)
# Main app # Main app
from uPySensor import BME280, LM75A, SHT21 #from uPySensor import BME280, LM75A, SHT21
bme280=BME280(hw.i2c.bus) #bme280=BME280(hw.i2c.bus)
lm75a =LM75A(hw.i2c.bus) #lm75a =LM75A(hw.i2c.bus)
sht21 =SHT21(hw.i2c.bus) #sht21 =SHT21(hw.i2c.bus)
from uPySensor import DS18B20
hw.owc.__init__(hw.owc, 12)
#MicroWebSrv disabled until i work out how to make it fit into an esp8266's memory space
# 'Server':'horny',
#from microWebSrv import MicroWebSrv
#def get_root(wscl, wsres):
# wsres.WriteResponseOk(
# headers=wshead,
# contentType=wsctype,
# content='{"result":"error","message":"use /bme280, /lm75a or /sht21 for sensor readings"}'
# )
#def get_bme280(wscl, wsres):
# bme280.update_sensor()
# wsres.WriteResponseOk(
# headers=wshead,
# contentType=wsctype,
# content='{"temperature":"%0.2f","humidity":"%0.2f","pressure":"%0.2f"}' % (
# bme280.temperature, bme280.humidity, bme280.pressure)
# )
#def get_lm75a(wscl, wsres):
# wsres.WriteResponseOk(
# headers=wshead,
# contentType=wsctype,
# content='{"temperature":"%0.1f"}' % lm75a.read_tempC()
# )
#def sht21(wscl, wsres):
# wsres.WriteResponseOk(
# headers=wshead,
# contentType=wsctype,
# content='{"temperature":"%0.3f","humidity":"%0.3f"}' % (sht21.read_tempC(), sht21.read_hum())
# )
#ws = MicroWebSrv()
#fallback microserver #fallback microserver
def _bme280(): #commented out to use tinyWebServer instead
bme280.update_sensor() #def header(): return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nServer: horny\r\n\r\n"
return '{"temperature":"%0.2f","humidity":"%0.2f","pressure":"%0.2f"}' % ( #import socket
bme280.temperature, bme280.humidity, bme280.pressure) #wssock=socket.getaddrinfo("",80)[0][-1]
def _lm75a(): return '{"temperature":"%0.1f"}' % lm75a.read_tempC() #wss=socket.socket()
def _sht21(): return '{"temperature":"%0.3f","humidity":"%0.3f"}' % (sht21.read_tempC(), sht21.read_hum()) #wss.bind(wssock)
def header(): return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nServer: horny\r\n\r\n" #wss.listen(1)
import socket #
wssock=socket.getaddrinfo("",80)[0][-1] #print("Server started on")
wss=socket.socket() #
wss.bind(wssock) ##main loop
wss.listen(1) #while True:
# wcl, wcsock = wss.accept()
# print("Client connected")
# wclfh = wcl.makefile('rwb', 0)
# jsn=''
# while True:
# wcline = wclfh.readline()
# if not wcline or wcline == b'\r\n': break
# wcline=wcline.split(b' ')
# if len(wcline) == 3 and wcline[2].startswith('HTTP'):
# if wcline[0] != b'GET': wcl.close()
# elif wcline[1] == b'/': jsn='{"result":"error","message":"use /bme280, /lm75a or /sht21 for sensor readings"}'
# elif wcline[1] == b'/sht21': jsn=_sht21 ()
# elif wcline[1] == b'/lm75a': jsn=_lm75a ()
# elif wcline[1] == b'/bme280': jsn=_bme280()
# wcl.send(header()+jsn)
# wcl.close()
print("Server started on") import tinyWebServer
ws = tinyWebServer.tinyWebServer(verbose=True)
#main loop def _get(request):
while True: return ws.respond(
wcl, wcsock = wss.accept() '{"error":"sensors available on /ds18b20"}',
print("Client connected") status=404)
wclfh = wcl.makefile('rwb', 0)
while True:
wcline = wclfh.readline()
if not wcline or wcline == b'\r\n': break
wcline=wcline.split(b' ')
if len(wcline) == 3 and wcline[2].startswith('HTTP'):
if wcline[0] != b'GET': wcl.close()
elif wcline[1] == b'/': jsn='{"result":"error","message":"use /bme280, /lm75a or /sht21 for sensor readings"}'
elif wcline[1] == b'/sht21': jsn=_sht21 ()
elif wcline[1] == b'/lm75a': jsn=_lm75a ()
elif wcline[1] == b'/bme280': jsn=_bme280()
ws = tinyWebServer()
def _get_ds18b20(request):
return ws.respond(
'{"temperature":"%0.3f"}' % ds18b20.read_tempC()
ws.add_route('/', _get)
ws.add_route('/ds18b20', _get_ds18b20)

View File

@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
import socket
from ure import compile
class MicroWebSrvRoute:
def __init__(self, route, method, func, routeArgNames, routeRegex):
self.route = route
self.method = method
self.func = func
self.routeArgNames = routeArgNames
self.routeRegex = routeRegex
class MicroWebSrv:
_html_escape_chars = {
"&": "&",
'"': """,
"'": "'",
">": ">",
"<": "&lt;"
_decoratedRouteHandlers = []
def route(cls, url, method='GET'):
def route_decorator(func):
item = (url, method, func)
return func
return route_decorator
def HTMLEscape(s):
return ''.join(MicroWebSrv._html_escape_chars.get(c, c) for c in s)
def _tryAllocByteArray(size):
for x in range(10):
return bytearray(size)
return None
def _unquote(s):
r = s.split('%')
for i in range(1, len(r)):
s = r[i]
r[i] = chr(int(s[:2], 16)) + s[2:]
r[i] = '%' + s
return ''.join(r)
def _unquote_plus(s):
return MicroWebSrv._unquote(s.replace('+', ' '))
def __init__(self,
self._srvAddr = (bindIP, port)
self._started = False
self._routeHandlers = []
routeHandlers += self._decoratedRouteHandlers
for route, method, func in routeHandlers:
routeParts = route.split('/')
routeArgNames = []
routeRegex = ''
for s in routeParts:
if s.startswith('<') and s.endswith('>'):
routeRegex += '/(\\w*)'
elif s:
routeRegex += '/' + s
routeRegex += '$'
routeRegex = compile(routeRegex)
self._routeHandlers.append(MicroWebSrvRoute(route, method, func, routeArgNames, routeRegex))
def _serverProcess(self):
self._started = True
while True:
client, cliAddr = self._server.accepted()
if client == None: continue
except Exception as e:
self._client(self, client, cliAddr)
self._started = False
def Start(self):
if self._started: return
self._server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
def Stop(self):
if not self._started: return
def GetRouteHandler(self, resUrl, method):
if not self._routeHandlers:
return (None, None)
if resUrl.endswith('/'):
resUrl = resUrl[:-1]
method = method.upper()
for rh in self._routeHandlers:
if rh.method == method:
m = rh.routeRegex.match(resUrl)
if m and rh.routeArgNames:
routeArgs = {}
for i, name in enumerate(rh.routeArgNames):
value = m.group(i + 1)
try: value = int(value)
except: pass
routeArgs[name] = value
return (rh.func, routeArgs)
elif m: return (rh.func, None)
return (None, None)
class _client:
def __init__(self, microWebSrv, socket, addr):
self._microWebSrv = microWebSrv
self._socket = socket
self._addr = addr
self._method = None
self._path = None
self._httpVer = None
self._resPath = "/"
self._queryString = ""
self._queryParams = {}
self._headers = {}
self._contentType = None
self._contentLength = 0
def _processRequest(self):
response = MicroWebSrv._response(self)
if self._parseFirstLine(response) and self._parseHeader(response):
routeHandler, routeArgs = self._microWebSrv.GetRouteHandler(self._resPath, self._method)
if routeHandler and routeArgs is not None:
routeHandler(self, response, routeArgs)
elif routeHandler:
routeHandler(self, response)
else: response.WriteResponseNotFound()
except: response.WriteResponseInternalServerError()
try: self._socket.close()
except: pass
def _parseFirstLine(self, response):
elements = self._socket.readline().decode().strip().split()
if len(elements) != 3: return False
self._method = elements[0].upper()
self._path = elements[1]
self._httpVer = elements[2].upper()
elements = self._path.split('?', 1)
if len(elements) < 1: return True
self._resPath = MicroWebSrv._unquote_plus(elements[0])
if len(elements) < 2: return True
self._queryString = elements[1]
elements = self._queryString.split('&')
for s in elements:
param = s.split('=', 1)
if len(param) > 0:
value = MicroWebSrv._unquote(param[1]) if len(param) > 1 else ''
self._queryParams[MicroWebSrv._unquote(param[0])] = value
return True
return False
def _parseHeader(self, response):
while True:
elements = self._socket.readline().decode().strip().split(':', 1)
if len(elements) == 2:
self._headers[elements[0].strip()] = elements[1].strip()
elif len(elements) == 1 and len(elements[0]) == 0:
if self._method == 'POST':
self._contentType = self._headers.get("Content-Type", None)
self._contentLength = int(self._headers.get("Content-Length", 0))
return True
return False
def ReadRequestContent(self, size=None):
b = None
if not size:
b = self._socket.read(self._contentLength)
elif size > 0:
b = self._socket.read(size)
return b if b else b''
def ReadRequestPostedFormData(self):
res = {}
data = self.ReadRequestContent()
if len(data) < 1: return res
elements = data.decode().split('&')
for s in elements:
param = s.split('=', 1)
if len(param) < 1: next
value = MicroWebSrv._unquote(param[1]) if len(param) > 1 else ''
res[MicroWebSrv._unquote(param[0])] = value
return res
class _response:
def __init__(self, client):
self._client = client
def _write(self, data):
if type(data) == str:
data = data.encode()
return self._client._socket.write(data)
def _writeFirstLine(self, code):
reason = self._responseCodes.get(code, ('Unknown reason',))[0]
self._write("HTTP/1.1 %s %s\r\n" % (code, reason))
def _writeHeader(self, name, value):
self._write("%s: %s\r\n" % (name, value))
def _writeContentTypeHeader(self, contentType, charset=None):
if contentType:
ct = contentType \
+ (("; charset=%s" % charset) if charset else "")
ct = "application/octet-stream"
self._writeHeader("Content-Type", ct)
def _writeServerHeader(self):
self._writeHeader("Server", "MicroWebSrv lite")
def _writeEndHeader(self):
def _writeBeforeContent(self, code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, contentLength):
if isinstance(headers, dict):
for header in headers:
self._writeHeader(header, headers[header])
if contentLength > 0:
self._writeContentTypeHeader(contentType, contentCharset)
self._writeHeader("Content-Length", contentLength)
self._writeHeader("Connection", "close")
def WriteResponse(self, code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, content):
contentLength = len(content) if content else 0
self._writeBeforeContent(code, headers, contentType, contentCharset, contentLength)
if contentLength > 0:
return True
return False
def WriteResponseOk(self, headers=None, contentType=None, contentCharset=None, content=None):
return self.WriteResponse(200, headers, contentType, contentCharset, content)
def WriteResponseRedirect(self, location):
headers = {"Location": location}
return self.WriteResponse(302, headers, None, None, None)
def WriteResponseError(self, code):
responseCode = self._responseCodes.get(code, ('Unknown reason', ''))
return self.WriteResponse(code,
'{"code":"%s","reason":"%s","message":"%s"}' % (
code, responseCode[0], responseCode[1]))
def WriteResponseBadRequest(self):
return self.WriteResponseError(400)
def WriteResponseForbidden(self):
return self.WriteResponseError(403)
def WriteResponseNotFound(self):
return self.WriteResponseError(404)
def WriteResponseInternalServerError(self):
return self.WriteResponseError(500)
_responseCodes = {
100: ('Continue', 'Request received, please continue'),
101: ('Switching Protocols',
'Switching to new protocol; obey Upgrade header'),
200: ('OK', 'Request fulfilled, document follows'),
201: ('Created', 'Document created, URL follows'),
202: ('Accepted',
'Request accepted, processing continues off-line'),
204: ('No Content', 'Request fulfilled, nothing follows'),
301: ('Moved Permanently', 'Object moved permanently -- see URI list'),
302: ('Found', 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'),
404: ('Not Found', 'Nothing matches the given URI'),
500: ('Internal Server Error', 'Server got itself in trouble'),
501: ('Not Implemented',
'Server does not support this operation'),

View File

@ -3,10 +3,23 @@
class tinyWebServer: class tinyWebServer:
import socket import socket
_routes={} _routes={}
def __init__(self, bind_ip='', bind_port=80): _HTTPStatusCodes={
100: 'Continue',
101: 'Switching Protocols',
200: 'OK',
201: 'Created',
202: 'Accepted',
204: 'No Content',
301: 'Moved Permanently',
302: 'Found',
404: 'Not Found',
500: 'Not Implemented',
def __init__(self, bind_ip='', bind_port=80, verbose=False):
self.bind_ip=bind_ip self.bind_ip=bind_ip
self.bind_port=bind_port self.bind_port=bind_port
self.wssock=socket.getaddrinfo(bind_ip, bind_port)[0][-1] self.wssock=self.socket.getaddrinfo(bind_ip, bind_port)[0][-1]
def add_route(self, path, handler): def add_route(self, path, handler):
self._routes.update({b'%s' % path: handler}) self._routes.update({b'%s' % path: handler})
@ -15,20 +28,31 @@ class tinyWebServer:
self.wss=self.socket.socket() self.wss=self.socket.socket()
self.wss.bind(self.wssock) self.wss.bind(self.wssock)
self.wss.listen(1) self.wss.listen(1)
print("tinyWebServer started on %s:%d" % (self.bind_ip, self.bind_port))
while True: self.handle_request(*self.wss.accept()) while True: self.handle_request(*self.wss.accept())
def handle_request(self, reqclient, reqsocket): def handle_request(self, reqclient, reqsocket):
if reqclient == None or reqsocket == None: return
if self.verbose: print(reqclient)
reqmethod = None reqmethod = None
reqpath = None reqpath = None
reqclf = reqclient.makefile('rwb', 0) reqclf = reqclient.makefile('rwb', 0)
while True: while True:
reqline = reqclf.readline() reqline = reqclf.readline()
if not reqline or reqline == b'\r\n': break if not reqline or reqline == b'\r\n': break
if reqmethod == None or reqpath == None and len(reqline.split(' ')) == 3 and reqline.split(' ')[2].startswith('HTTP'): if reqmethod == None or reqpath == None and reqline.find(b' ') >= 0 and len(reqline.split(b' ')) == 3 and reqline.split(b' ')[2].startswith(b'HTTP'):
reqmethod, reqpath = reqline.split(' ')[:-1] reqmethod, reqpath = reqline.split(b' ')[:-1]
if reqmethod == None or reqpath == None: reqclient.close() if reqmethod == None or reqpath == None:
_routes.get(reqpath, self.no_route)(reqclient) if self.verbose: print("closing attempted keepalive")
if self.verbose: print("client connected from %s: %s %s" % (reqsocket[0], reqmethod, reqpath))
reqclient.send(self._routes.get(reqpath, self.no_route)(reqclient))
def respond(self, body='', status=200, ctype="application/json"):
return "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\nContent-Type: %s\r\nConnection: close\r\nServer: tinyWebServer (horny)\r\n\r\n%s" % (
status, self._HTTPStatusCodes[status], ctype, body)
def no_route(self, request): def no_route(self, request):
request.close() return self.respond(status=404)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ class uPyConfig:
temperature = False temperature = False
hall_effect = False hall_effect = False
class owc:
from onewire import OneWire
from machine import Pin
def __init__(self, pin):
if pin.__class__ != self.Pin: pin=self.Pin(pin)
self.bus = self.OneWire(pin)
class _i2c: class _i2c:
from machine import I2C, Pin from machine import I2C, Pin
@ -29,7 +36,6 @@ class uPyConfig:
class _oled: class _oled:
from machine import Pin from machine import Pin
from time import sleep_ms
addr = 0x0 addr = 0x0
rst = 0 rst = 0
rst_hold = False rst_hold = False
@ -37,10 +43,11 @@ class uPyConfig:
width = 0 width = 0
def load_handle(self): def load_handle(self):
from time import sleep_ms
if self.rst_hold: if self.rst_hold:
self.rst = self.Pin(self.rst, self.Pin.OUT) self.rst = self.Pin(self.rst, self.Pin.OUT)
self.rst.value(0) self.rst.value(0)
self.sleep_ms(2) sleep_ms(2)
self.rst.value(1) self.rst.value(1)
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C
self.handle = SSD1306_I2C(self.width, self.height, self.i2c.bus) self.handle = SSD1306_I2C(self.width, self.height, self.i2c.bus)

View File

@ -33,6 +33,19 @@ class BME280(uPySensor):
self.update_sensor() self.update_sensor()
return self.pressure return self.pressure
class DS18B20(uPySensor):
def __init__(self, onewire):
from ds18x20 import DS18X20
if len(self.bus_filter.scan()) == 0: raise IOError("No DS18B20 sensors found on OneWire bus")
def read_tempC(self):
return self.bus_filter.read_temp(self.sensor)
class LM75A(uPySensor): class LM75A(uPySensor):
LM75A_ADDRESS = 0x48 LM75A_ADDRESS = 0x48