
1.4 KiB
Executable File



This directory contains a buildroot-based external configuration for building the FunKey.

How to get it

Clone the FunKey OS repository from Github:

$ git clone

Then enter into the created directory:

$ cd

How to build it

Build the disk image & firmware update files

Note: you will need to have access to the network, since buildroot will download the packages' sources.

You may now build your FunKey with:

$ make

(This may take a while, consider getting yourself a coffee ;-) )

Result of the build

After building, you should obtain this tree:

+-- FunKey-rootfs-X.Y.fwu
`-- sdcard.img

How to write the SD card

Once the build process is finished you will have an image called "sdcard.img" in the images/ directory.

Copy the bootable "sdcard.img" onto an SD card with "dd":

$ sudo dd if=/images/sdcard.img of=/dev/sdX

Alternatively, you can use the Etcher graphical tool to burn the image to the SD card safely and on any platform:

Once the SD card is burned, insert it into your FunKey board, and power it up. Your new system should come up now and start a console on the UART0 serial port.