
26 KiB

Map editing

There are no map editors for MOTHER 1+2. This is a quick guide to do map editing manually.


  • no$gba debugger: Download the debug version (v2.8f or newer)
  • A save file from the part of the game you want to change. Karmacalypse has posted a bunch here.

Setting up the debugger

I'm assuming the reader hasn't used this kind of debugger before. Open up no$gba. Before starting anything, there's some setting changes I like to use:

  • Options -> Emulation setup
    • Autosave options (bottom)
    • GBA Mode/Colors: poppy (most similar to other emulators)
    • Emulation speed: don't change it for now, but I find it useful sometimes to set it to 2x, or unlimited MHZ disaster if I'm waiting for a cutscene to finish
    • Sound Output Mode: none (I find the sound annoying and distracting while debugging)
    • Execute games in: small window in debugscreen (I don't like the little popup window)
  • Debug tab
    • Disassembler Syntax: Native ARM (personal preference)
  • Files tab
    • SAV/SNA File Format: raw (this makes it compatible with save files from other emulators)

Go to File -> Cartridge menu (Filename), and select a MOTHER 1+2 ROM. I'll be using an unmodified Japanese ROM for this since map editing isn't text-based.

Right after it loads, click somewhere in the main debugger window. The game should pause. This is called a break: all systems are completely paused and it'll show you the exact CPU instruction you paused on.

Debugger in a break state

Breaks are really important because they're the tool that we're going to use to locate map data.

Next, import your save file. Close the debugger and go to the no$gba folder. You'll find a BATTERY folder; this is where it stores save files. You can copy in save files from Karmacalypse's archive, for instance. The filename should match the ROM name, except for the extension, which should be .sav.

Open your debugger again and reload the ROM; your save file should show up. Start playing to the point where you're in the room whose map you want to edit.

Note that no$gba has save states as well (it calls them snapshots). Also note that they're not portable: a snapshot you make on your computer won't work on another computer because it hard-codes ROM paths into the snapshot itself.



I'll use the Monotoly building in Fourside as an example; we need to change the Y to an I.

Monotoly building

Go to Window -> BG Maps -> BG0 and put your mouse over a map tile you want to change:


BG0 is one of four tilemaps for the GBA display. This one in particular has the background map layer. (BG1 has the foreground layer.) Each square in the grid is a reference to a specific tile, plus some attributes (palette and flip flags). (I might refer to "grid" and "tilemap" interchangeably.)

Note the map address and tile number: 6000762 and 11A, respectively.

Now go to the Tiles 2 tab:

Tiles 2

This is where the tile data itself is stored. I've highlighted the same Y tile. It says here that the tile number is 51A instead of 11A; don't worry about that. There's a 0x400 tile offset because BG0 is configured to point to the Tiles 2 section of tile data, which means it skips over the 0x400 tiles in Tiles 1. (I might refer to tile data as a "tileset".)

In general, there might be two ways to edit the map: edit the "grid" in BG0 so that a square will reference a different tile than it did before, perhaps with a different palette or flip flags; or go into the tile data itself and change the bitmap data for those tiles. Or sometimes a combination of both.

For the Monotoly change, there's already a letter I in the tile data, so luckily we only need to change the tile reference to point to an I instead of a Y.

Making changes

Everything we just saw came from the video RAM of the GBA. You could edit the values in RAM if you want, just to see how it would look. Go back to the main debugger window and click on the bottom pane (the one that looks like a hex editor). Press Ctrl+G and type 06000762h and then Enter. Change the 1A to 8C, and start playing the game again:

Changed to an I, but the color is wrong!

Uh oh, the color is wrong. This is because the I tile we picked uses different colors than the Y tile. Can we use a different palette to make it look right? Go to the Palettes tab in the other window:

Palettes tab

BG0 is restricted to using background palettes. (Foreground palettes are for sprites only.) Each row is a palette; there are 16 of them, and each one has 16 colors. And it doesn't look like any other palette has the colors we need, so we can't solve the color problem by switching palettes.

Darn -- that means we have to make a new I tile with the right colors.

Remember that the change we just made was only in RAM. We still need to trace it back to the ROM. Since we need to edit the tile data as well as the grid data, let's do the tile data first.

Locating tileset data

How do we figure out where it corresponds to in the ROM so that we can edit it? We use breakpoints. A breakpoint is a signal to the debugger to break at a particular point during the execution of the game.

What's neat about no$gba is that it lets you define a breakpoint whenever a particular piece of memory is read from, written to, or changed to a specific value. What we want to do is define a breakpoint that will break whenever the Tiles 2 section of video RAM is written to.

If you go back to Tiles 2 and highlight the Y tile, you'll see a tile address. This is the location of the data for that tile in RAM. In this case it's 600A340.

Let's set a breakpoint for it. Go back to the main debugger window and press Ctrl+B. Type this and press enter:


The square brackets mean that it's a memory location. The !! means "any write". (You can use ? for "any read" and ! for "a write that changes the value".)

The game won't reload the tile data until you change rooms, so resume the same and walk into the Monotoly building. The debugger should break:

Breakpoint hit!

The code in the window is important. Immediately before the highlighted instruction is str r5,[r4,8h]. str is a memory write instruction; it wrote the value of r0 (which is a register -- you can see its value to the upper-right: 6008000) to memory location [r4+8h], which is 40000D4+8 = 40000DC.

For small, isolated memory writes, the game uses these str instructions. But there's quite a bit of tile data to be transferred into RAM here. It would be really slow for the CPU to copy each byte in a loop.

What's actually going on here is a DMA transfer. DMA stands for direct memory access; it's a common hardware feature that allows the system to quickly do bulk memory transfers without burning CPU cycles. It's not important to go into detail here about how the GBA DMA works. All we need is the source and destination addresses.

How do you tell that it's doing a DMA transfer? Anytime you see a write to 40000D4-40000DC, that's how you know: those are special I/O register addresses for DMA transfers. -- M. Tenda

Go to Window -> I/O map -> DMA registers:

DMA registers

Look at DMA3 at the bottom-right. (It'll almost always be DMA3.) The first two fields are the source and destination addresses, respectively. Great, so we found the tile data: it's at 2010000!

Wait... that's not a ROM address! According to the GBA memory map, 2xxxxxx is still a RAM address! So it's doing a DMA copy from RAM to other RAM?!

Yes, it's true. The reason for this is that the tile data is compressed in the ROM. The game can't (or just doesn't, for some reason) decompress tile data directly to video RAM: it buffers it into working RAM first, and then does a DMA copy to video RAM. So now we need to set a breakpoint that catches writes to that area.

Set a breakpoint for [2010000]!! and resume the game. Walk out of the building to make the game reload the tiles.

... Ah... nothing happened? It hit our old breakpoint but not the new one we just made.

I think this is due to a bug in no$gba. For some reason it doesn't catch !!-style breakpoints when decompressing. But it does catch specific-value-type breakpoints.

If you're still at the DMA breakpoint, go to 2010000 (Ctrl+G) in the bottom window. You'll see a bunch of 00 and then some 33 (beginning at 2010020). If you resume the game and walk back into the building, you'll see the 33 area change to FF. Nice! Now we know that when the FF area changes back to 33 -- which is when we leave the building and go back to Fourside -- that's when we want a breakpoint.

Set up the following breakpoint:


This tells the debugger to break when the value 0x33 gets written to 2010020. That's where we expect to catch the game decompressing the tile data from the ROM into working RAM.

Resume the game and exit the building (go into the building first if you're not there already). The new breakpoint gets hit here:


swi 11h means software interrupt 0x11. 0x11 corresponds to one of the GBA's decompression routines. r0 is the source address and r1 is the destination.

We're almost there. swi 11h updates the source and destination registers after executing, but we're interested in what they were before executing. Press F3 to run the next instruction: bx r14, which is basically a return-to-caller instruction. That brings you here:

Actually finally

The previous few lines before the highlighted one are:

mov r0,r2
mov r1,r5
bl 80F47E4

This roughly means:

source = contents of r2
destination = contents of r5
call decomp(source, destination)

In r2, we see 8575B2C. That looks like a ROM address to me! Remember to subtract 8000000 to translate it into an offset into a ROM file.

So, we now suspect that the tile data for Fourside is located at 8575B2C, or 0x575B2C in the ROM file. We can test that theory by trying to decomp that area manually and seeing if the uncompressed result is what we expect.

Load up a decomp tool (such as NL's compressor) and try decompressing from that location in the MOTHER 1+2 ROM.

Nintenlord's thing

While you're here, select "Length (compressed)" and run it again. You should get 0x35DC. Note this down for later.

Open the output file in any tile editor (such as Tile Molester) and switch it to GBA mode (4bpp linear reversed):

That Looks Right To Me

So now we know where the tile data is compressed in the ROM. And Knowing Is Half The Battle

Editing the tileset

We could, maybe, just change the Y to an I, but in general you need to be careful about changing existing tiles. We only want the Y in Monotoly to change. If there are other Ys on the map, we don't want to affect those. So it'd be safer to use one of the blank tiles near the end. I'm going to use one

I think Monotoly is the only thing that uses that Y tile. The Bakery has its own separate chunk of tiles that use a separate Y. But it's Good to be safe. -- M. Tenda

I'm going to pick the second-last tile (corresponding to index 0x3FE, since there are 0x400 tiles total and they are indexed from 0 to 0x3FF). I'm avoiding using the last tile because I'm superstitious about the game assigning special meaning to a value of 0x3FF.

So let's just draw an I using the same colors as the Monotoly Y:

Save and go back to the compressor program. Move the tileset file to the input and create a new file for the output. Set the offsets to 0 and select Compress:

Click Run to compress the file.

It's important now to see whether or not the new file is bigger than the original. This will almost always be the case. We said before that the original compressed size was 0x35DC. The size of the compressed file is 13784, or 0x35D8 bytes. Somehow the size went down, so in this case we're all good.

But sometimes the file is larger and we need to be careful, so I'm going to assume for the purpose of the tutorial that the new file is indeed larger than the original and discuss what to do about it.

Relocating tilesets

Compressed data is tightly packed in the ROM; if you try to reinsert a recompressed block that's even one byte larger than the original, it'll overwrite the data that follows.

On the other hand, there's plenty of free space in the ROM. From about 0xB2C000 to 0xF00000 is about 4MB of unused ROM space. For the tutorial, let's just stick it at 0xB2C000. Go ahead and copy in the contents of the new compressed file to that spot in the ROM with your favorite hex editor.

That'll put the data into the ROM, but we need to update the pointer to it. The game still thinks the tileset is located at 0x575B2C; we need to make it think it's at 0xB2C000 instead.

Go back into the debugger. You should still be at the point where we figured out the tileset address. If not, get back to that point. Here's what it looks like again:

The goal now is to figure out how r0 became that value. This will involve a bit of backtracking through the code. We concluded earlier that it was coming from r2 (the mov r0,r2 instruction means "copy r2's value into r0"). Going up a bit further, we see:

mov r8,r0
ldr r2,[r0]

Working backwards, we can see that r2 is being loaded from the memory address in r0; and the value in r0 is being copied from r8 immediately beforehand. Fortunately r8 hasn't changed since then, so we can look there to find a memory address: 82DB7D4. Sure enough, if we navigate to 0x2DB7D4 in a hex editor (or you could even go to 82DB7D4 directly in the debugger), we see the following four bytes:

2C 5B 57 08

Words are stored in little-endian order, meaning the four bytes are ordered from least significant to most significant. Which means that those four bytes, when read as a 32-bit word, form a value 0x8575B2C -- the address of the Fourside tileset!

Jeffman is showing you the slow, smart way to find tileset pointers. But I, M. Tenda, prefer the fast way. Instead of backtracking through the code, simply search for 2C 5B 57 08 using a hex editor and you'll find the address right away! -- M. Tenda

All we need to do, then, is update that address to point to the new tileset. Replace those four bytes with 00 C0 B2 08. Close and reload the debugger (it's not smart enough to pick up the change we made to copy in the new tileset). Play up to the Monotoli building again, and it should say... Monotoly?!

Ah... We haven't updated the tilemap yet! It's still pointing to the Y tile; we need to make it point to the new I tile instead.

Locating tilemaps

We're going to use the exact same strategy as before to find the tilemap data. In the debugger, go back to the BG0 window and find the square we want to change. (It might be slightly different from my screenshots because the game moves the tilemap around depending on where you walk.) Note the map address. For me, it's 6000762. If you navigate there in the debugger's hex editor, you'll see 1A 51. Every square in the tilemap uses two bytes. The tile number, palette index, and flip flags are all encoded in those two bytes. The low 10 bits hold the tile number. So to figure out where the game pulls the tile number from, it suffices to put a write value breakpoint on the 1A location:


Resume the game and walk around. You might have to walk a bit off-screen and come back to the Monotoly. The breakpoint should eventually trigger:

It's storing something to r6, and we see that r6 has a value of 40000D4, which tells us it's another DMA transfer. When I open the DMA registers window, I see that it's copying from 0x2028030 to 0x6000740; since the value we're interested in was at 0x6000762, then logically it's being copied from 2028030 + (6000762 - 6000740) = 2028052. Going there in the hex editor, we find the 1A 51 we're looking for.

Since it's coming from another RAM address, we need to do another breakpoint to figure out where it's coming from in the ROM:


Walk around some more until the breakpoint triggers. Mine triggers here:

The 0x511A came from r0 in the strh instruction. Before that, r0 was loaded from r0. (Yes, it's allowed to use the same register as both the source address and the destination.)

Scrolling up a bit... Wow, this one's really complicated! It's gonna be a nightmare to trace this backwards. A better choice might be to set a conditional breakpoint on the ldrh instruction that'll trigger when [r0] is 1A. Highlight the ldrh r0,[r0] instruction and press Ctrl+B, and use this breakpoint:


The , means that it's an execution breakpoint rather than a read or write breakpoint; the 0800CF80 is the location of the ldrh instruction we want to trigger on; and the stuff after the , is the condition that must be met for the breakpoint to trigger.

Resume the game and walk around some more until it triggers. When it breaks this time, it'll be before r0 gets overwritten and we'll be able to see the address it's loading from. For me it's 0x2010252. Going there in the hex editor, we see the 1A 51 we're looking for.

Repeat that all again with the new memory location: set a breakpoint for [2010252]=01Ah and walk around until it triggers. Finally it hits a decompression instruction. If I execute the bx instruction like before, I get here:

I want the source address, which was in r0 but is no longer there since the swi instruction overwrote it. Looking backwards:

ldr r1,[sp,#0x28]
add r3,r1,r6
ldr r0,=#0x3003858
ldrh r2,[r0]
cmp r3,r2
bge #0x800CD86
ldr r4,[sp,#0x2C]
ldr r0,[sp,#0x18]
add r1,r4,r0
ldr r0,=#0x30037C8
ldrh r0,[r0]
cmp r1,r0
blt #0x800CDCC
... 0x800CDCC:
mul r1,r2
add r1,r1,r3
lsl r1,r1,#0x2
ldr r2,#0x2000004
add r0,r1,r2
ldr r0,[r0]
ldr r4,=#0x2008004
add r1,r1,r4
ldr r4,[r1]
ldr r1,[r5]
bl #0x80F47C8

It's a lot, but it's all there! Going backwards, I see r0 being overwritten by itself. Before that, r0 is obtained from r1 and r2, where r2 is easily seen to be 0x2000004.

What's r1? Looking back some more, it's obtained from itself, r2, and r3. Going back some more, r1 is obtained from r4 and r0, which both come from ldr rX,[sp,Y] -- those are easy to figure out. r2 is loaded from 0x3003858. And r3 is obtained from r1 and r6, where r1 came from another ldr rX,[sp,Y] load and r6 hasn't changed at all.

sp is the stack pointer (currently 0x3007D44), and it's also an alias for r13. The pane at the bottom right is the stack. If you can follow all of that stuff, you'll eventually figure out what r0 was:

ldr r1,[sp,#0x28]        // r1 = 0x15
add r3,r1,r6             // r3 = 0x15 + r6 = 0x16
ldr r0,=#0x3003858
ldrh r2,[r0]             // r2 = 0x23
cmp r3,r2
bge #0x800CD86           // false; r3 is less than r2
ldr r4,[sp,#0x2C]        // r4 = 0xB
ldr r0,[sp,#0x18]        // r0 = 0
add r1,r4,r0             // r1 = 0xB + 0 = 0xB
ldr r0,=#0x30037C8
ldrh r0,[r0]             // r0 = 0x23
cmp r1,r0                // true; r1 is less than r0
blt #0x800CDCC
... 0x800CDCC:
mul r1,r2                // r1 = 0xB * 0x23 = 0x181
add r1,r1,r3             // r1 = 0x181 + 0x16 = 0x197
lsl r1,r1,#0x2           // r1 = r1 * 4 = 0x65C
ldr r2,#0x2000004
add r0,r1,r2             // r0 = 0x65C + 0x2000004 = 0x2000660
ldr r0,[r0]              // r0 = 0x855FACC
ldr r4,=#0x2008004
add r1,r1,r4             // r1 = 0x65C + 0x2008004 = 0x2008660
ldr r4,[r1]              // r4 = 0x856B7F8
ldr r1,[r5]              // r1 = 0x2010200
bl #0x80F47C8

So we traced it back to 0x855FACC. Let's try decompressing that area with the Nintenlord thing:

Don't forget to note the compressed size: 0x58 bytes

Open the resulting file in a hex editor. What's that at location 0x52?

It's the tile we wanted! So we got it right: we just need to change this value, recompress the file, insert it into the ROM, and we should be done.

I noticed that the file size is 0x80 or 128 bytes, and each entry uses 2 bytes. That makes 64 entries. Assuming this represents a square block, that means the block is 8 by 8 tiles. In EarthBound the blocks are only 4 by 4 tiles... I wonder why they changed it? -- M. Tenda

We picked tile 0x3FE, so replace that 1A 51 with FE 53. Save and recompress the file, perhaps as m12-fourside-tilemap-c.bin. Mine ended up being 0x58 bytes still. But we'll go through the exercise again of repointing it.

We inserted the tileset at 0xB2C000 and it was roughly 0x3600 bytes long. Let's put the tilemap at 0xB30000. Do that with your hex editor.

What's left is to update the address. Notice how the address came from RAM instead of ROM. Maybe it'd be easier to just search for the address (0x855FACC, or CC FA 55 08) in the ROM. That brings us to...

Oh No, -- M. Tenda

Great, looks like we have some more backtracking to do!

The address was loaded from 0x2000660. So an appropriate breakpoint would be:


Set that breakpoint and resume the game, and walk around some more until it triggers. I had to enter and exit the building to trigger it:

stmia r2!,{r0}, according to this, means "store r0 to r2 and increment r2". Looking a few instructions up, we can deduce that

r0 = r0 + r1
   = [r2] + r1
   = [r2] + [r0+8]
   = [r2] + [r10+8]
   = [r2] + [0x82DB7DC]
   = [r2] + 0x8557F2C

We don't directly know what r2 was before since it got overwritten with the address we want, but we can figure out what it was anyway: the current value is 0x855FACC, which was the sum of [r2] and 0x8557F2C, therefore it had a value of 0x7BA0. That's the value we need to change. (We don't want to change the 0x8557F2C in the ROM because it looks like the game is using that as a base pointer for other things, but we only want to change this one thing.)

Set another breakpoint:


Enter and exit the building again to trigger the breakpoint:

CpuSet is just a memory copy routine. It's like a slow version of DMA. Like the decomp routine, it increments the source and destination registers (r0 and r1 respectively) so let's execute the bx instruction to see if we can figure out what r0 was before the routine:

It looks like:

r0 = [r5+8] + 4
   = [r10+8] + 4
   = [0x82DB7DC] + 4
   = 0x8557F2C + 4
   = 0x8557F30

If you go to 0x557F30 in a hex editor, you'll see a whole list of words; these are offsets to the compressed tilemap data, whose base is 0x557F2C. (If you look at 0x557F2C, you'll see 0x4CA, which denotes the number of entries in this list.)

So all we need to do is find the 0x7BA0 in the list and change it to (0xB30000 - 0x557F2C = 0x5D80D4), or D4 80 5D 00:

That should be it! We're finally done! Save the ROM, restart the debugger and see if it's changed:

All that work just for one little tile! But hopefully I've done all the heavy lifting already; there should be enough information here to deduce how map sectors, tiles, tilesets, and even palettes are stored in the ROM so that you can apply a more systematic approach to map editing.

Incorporating into the project

So far this has all been one big toy example to try in isolation from the rest of the translation project. To actually put map changes into the hack is a bit different. Instead of manually copying stuff into the ROM with a hex editor, we'll add stuff to the main hack code file.

Most of the data files for the hack are stored in the 0xB2C000 - 0xF00000 ROM area. In the file m2-hack.asm, near the end, you'll see a bunch of data files being copied to 0xB2C000. We're going to add the edited, compressed file as a new data file here.

Let's call the edited, compressed file m2-tileset-fourside-c.bin. Add these lines to that section:

.incbin "m2-tileset-fourside-c.bin:"

Here, m2_tileset_fourside is called a label. When we run the assembler, each label will be resolved to a physical address. We don't necessarily need to know what the address will be, as the assembler will let us use the label in place of a numerical value. -- M. Tenda

That'll put the data into the ROM, but we also need to update the pointer to it. We already tracked the location of the address to 0x2DB7D4. Go to the part of m2-hack.asm right before the .org 0x8B2C000, and add this:

.org 0x82DB7D4 :: dw m2_tileset_fourside

That tells the assembler to define a word at 0x2DB7D4, with whatever value corresponds to the m2_tileset_fourside label.

Do something similar for the tilemap, and then you're done! (You can use labels in arithmetic expressions, i.e. you can do dw m2_tilemap_fourside - 0x8557F2C to store the tilemap offset.)