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###Test Plan for Ensuring File Tab displays correctly

Steps Desired Results Complete Comments
Open Open Live Writer
Live writer should be at home tab
Post should be a new blank post
Add a short post, include title and at least one paragraph
Click on Find (In editing section, top icon) Observe the below image
Put in a word that does not occor in the post Ensure that No Matches Found is displayed
Put in a word that occurs only one in the post
Toggle all check boxes to off Ensure that word is highlighted
Toggle on - Match whole word only Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off -Match whole word only Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle on - Match case Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off - Match case Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle on - Highlight all matches Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off - Highlight all matches Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Change search word case so that it does not match post Ensure that No Matches Found is displayed
Toggle all check boxes to off Ensure that word is highlighted
Toggle on - Match whole word only Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off -Match whole word only Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle on - Match case Ensure that No Matches Found is displayed
Toggle off - Match case Ensure that word is highlighted
Toggle on - Highlight all matches Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off - Highlight all matches Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Put in a word that occurs more than once in the post Ensure that all occurences are highlighted
Toggle all check boxes to off Ensure that the first occurance of the word is highlighted
Toggle on - Match whole word only Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off -Match whole word only Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle on - Match case Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off - Match case Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle on - Highlight all matches Ensure that all occurances are highlighted
Toggle off - Highlight all matches Ensure that the first occurance is highlighted
Put in a word that contained inside at least one post word and by itself
Toggle all check boxes to off Ensure that the first occurance of the word is highlighted even if it is inside another word in the post
Toggle on - Match whole word only Ensure only whole words are highlighted
Toggle off -Match whole word only Ensure that the first occurance is highlighted
Toggle on - Match case Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle off - Match case Ensure that the post and dialog box remains the same
Toggle on - Highlight all matches Ensure that all occurances are highlighted
Toggle off - Highlight all matches Ensure that the first occurance is highlighted
Toggle on both Match whole word only and Highlight all matches Ensure only whole words are highlighted

Find dialog box