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2020-04-09 14:32:23 +01:00
tasmota_configurations.h - Configurations for Tasmota
2021-01-01 12:44:04 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2020-04-09 14:32:23 +01:00
* [tasmota-sensors.bin]
2018-08-28 16:34:51 +01:00
* Provide an image with useful supported sensors enabled
2018-07-06 17:00:50 +01:00
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "sensors"
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable mDNS (+8k code or +23.5k code with core 2_5_x, +0.3k mem)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
// -- Optional modules ----------------------------
#define ROTARY_V1 // Add support for Rotary Encoder as used in MI Desk Lamp
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_SONOFF_RF // Add support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#define USE_RF_FLASH // Add support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB (+2k7 code)
#define USE_SONOFF_SC // Add support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
#define USE_TUYA_MCU // Add support for Tuya Serial MCU
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define TUYA_DIMMER_ID 0 // Default dimmer Id
2020-03-20 13:41:24 +00:00
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_BUZZER // Add support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
2020-03-20 13:41:24 +00:00
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller (+0k8 code, 252 iram (non 2.3.0))
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
2019-11-18 11:35:52 +00:00
#define USE_DEEPSLEEP // Add support for deepsleep (+1k code)
2020-03-20 13:41:24 +00:00
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
//#define USE_HOTPLUG // Add support for sensor HotPlug
//#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+5k6 code)
2020-03-20 13:41:24 +00:00
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
// -- Optional light modules ----------------------
#define USE_LIGHT // Add Dimmer/Light support
#define USE_WS2812 // WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by //
// #define USE_WS2812_DMA // DMA supports only GPIO03 (= Serial RXD) (+1k mem). When USE_WS2812_DMA is enabled expect Exceptions on Pow
#ifndef USE_WS2812_HARDWARE
#define USE_WS2812_HARDWARE NEO_HW_WS2812 // Hardware type (NEO_HW_WS2812, NEO_HW_WS2812X, NEO_HW_WS2813, NEO_HW_SK6812, NEO_HW_LC8812, NEO_HW_APA106, NEO_HW_P9813)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#ifndef USE_WS2812_CTYPE
#define USE_MY92X1 // Add support for MY92X1 RGBCW led controller as used in Sonoff B1, Ailight and Lohas
#define USE_SM16716 // Add support for SM16716 RGB LED controller (+0k7 code)
#define USE_SM2135 // Add support for SM2135 RGBCW led control as used in Action LSC (+0k6 code)
#define USE_SONOFF_L1 // Add support for Sonoff L1 led control
#define USE_ELECTRIQ_MOODL // Add support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW LED controller
#define USE_LIGHT_PALETTE // Add support for color palette (+0k9 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_COUNTER // Enable counters
#undef USE_ADC_VCC // Add Analog input on selected devices
#define USE_DS18x20 // Add support for DS18x20 sensors with id sort, single scan and read retry (+1k3 code)
#define USE_I2C // I2C using library wire (+10k code, 0k2 mem, 124 iram)
#define USE_SHT // [I2cDriver8] Enable SHT1X sensor (+1k4 code)
#define USE_HTU // [I2cDriver9] Enable HTU21/SI7013/SI7020/SI7021 sensor (I2C address 0x40) (+1k5 code)
#define USE_BMP // [I2cDriver10] Enable BMP085/BMP180/BMP280/BME280 sensors (I2C addresses 0x76 and 0x77) (+4k4 code)
#define USE_BME680 // Enable support for BME680 sensor using Bosch BME680 library (+4k code)
#define USE_BH1750 // [I2cDriver11] Enable BH1750 sensor (I2C address 0x23 or 0x5C) (+0k5 code)
#define USE_VEML6070 // [I2cDriver12] Enable VEML6070 sensor (I2C addresses 0x38 and 0x39) (+1k5 code)
//#define USE_VEML6075 // [I2cDriver49] Enable VEML6075 UVA/UVB/UVINDEX Sensor (I2C address 0x10) (+2k1 code)
//#define USE_VEML7700 // [I2cDriver50] Enable VEML7700 Ambient Light sensor (I2C addresses 0x10) (+4k5 code)
#define USE_ADS1115 // [I2cDriver13] Enable ADS1115 16 bit A/D converter (I2C address 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A or 0x4B) based on Adafruit ADS1x15 library (no library needed) (+0k7 code)
#define USE_INA219 // [I2cDriver14] Enable INA219 (I2C address 0x40, 0x41 0x44 or 0x45) Low voltage and current sensor (+1k code)
//#define USE_INA226 // [I2cDriver35] Enable INA226 (I2C address 0x40, 0x41 0x44 or 0x45) Low voltage and current sensor (+2k3 code)
#define USE_SHT3X // [I2cDriver15] Enable SHT3x (I2C address 0x44 or 0x45) or SHTC3 (I2C address 0x70) sensor (+0k7 code)
#define USE_TSL2561 // [I2cDriver16] Enable TSL2561 sensor (I2C address 0x29, 0x39 or 0x49) using library Joba_Tsl2561 (+2k3 code)
//#define USE_TSL2591 // [I2cDriver40] Enable TSL2591 sensor (I2C address 0x29) using library Adafruit_TSL2591 (+1k6 code)
#define USE_MGS // [I2cDriver17] Enable Xadow and Grove Mutichannel Gas sensor using library Multichannel_Gas_Sensor (+10k code)
#define USE_SGP30 // [I2cDriver18] Enable SGP30 sensor (I2C address 0x58) (+1k1 code)
//#define USE_SI1145 // [I2cDriver19] Enable SI1145/46/47 sensor (I2C address 0x60) (+1k code)
#define USE_LM75AD // [I2cDriver20] Enable LM75AD sensor (I2C addresses 0x48 - 0x4F) (+0k5 code)
//#define USE_APDS9960 // [I2cDriver21] Enable APDS9960 Proximity Sensor (I2C address 0x39). Disables SHT and VEML6070 (+4k7 code)
//#define USE_MCP230xx // [I2cDriver22] Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 - Must define I2C Address in #define USE_MCP230xx_ADDR below - range 0x20 - 0x27 (+4k7 code)
//#define USE_PCA9685 // [I2cDriver1] Enable PCA9685 I2C HW PWM Driver - Must define I2C Address in #define USE_PCA9685_ADDR below - range 0x40 - 0x47 (+1k4 code)
//#define USE_MPR121 // [I2cDriver23] Enable MPR121 controller (I2C addresses 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C and 0x5D) in input mode for touch buttons (+1k3 code)
#define USE_CCS811 // [I2cDriver24] Enable CCS811 sensor (I2C address 0x5A) (+2k2 code)
//#define USE_MPU6050 // [I2cDriver25] Enable MPU6050 sensor (I2C address 0x68 AD0 low or 0x69 AD0 high) (+3K3 of code and 188 Bytes of RAM)
//#define USE_DS3231 // [I2cDriver26] Enable DS3231 external RTC in case no Wifi is avaliable. See docs in the source file (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_MGC3130 // [I2cDriver27] Enable MGC3130 Electric Field Effect Sensor (I2C address 0x42) (+2k7 code, 0k3 mem)
//#define USE_MAX44009 // [I2cDriver28] Enable MAX44009 Ambient Light sensor (I2C addresses 0x4A and 0x4B) (+0k8 code)
#define USE_SCD30 // [I2cDriver29] Enable Sensiron SCd30 CO2 sensor (I2C address 0x61) (+3k3 code)
//#define USE_SPS30 // [I2cDriver30] Enable Sensiron SPS30 particle sensor (I2C address 0x69) (+1.7 code)
#define USE_ADE7953 // [I2cDriver7] Enable ADE7953 Energy monitor as used on Shelly 2.5 (I2C address 0x38) (+1k5)
//#define USE_VL53L0X // [I2cDriver31] Enable VL53L0x time of flight sensor (I2C address 0x29) (+4k code)
//#define USE_VL53L1X // [I2cDriver54] Enable VL53L1X time of flight sensor (I2C address 0x29) using Pololu VL53L1X library (+2k9 code)
//#define USE_TOF10120 // [I2cDriver57] Enable TOF10120 time of flight sensor (I2C address 0x52) (+0k6 code)
//#define USE_MLX90614 // [I2cDriver32] Enable MLX90614 ir temp sensor (I2C address 0x5a) (+0.6k code)
//#define USE_CHIRP // [I2cDriver33] Enable CHIRP soil moisture sensor (variable I2C address, default 0x20)
//#define USE_PAJ7620 // [I2cDriver34] Enable PAJ7620 gesture sensor (I2C address 0x73) (+2.5k code)
//#define USE_PCF8574 // [I2cDriver2] Enable PCF8574 I/O Expander (I2C addresses 0x20 - 0x26 and 0x39 - 0x3F) (+1k9 code)
#define USE_HIH6 // [I2cDriver36] Enable Honeywell HIH Humidity and Temperature sensor (I2C address 0x27) (+0k6)
#define USE_DHT12 // [I2cDriver41] Enable DHT12 humidity and temperature sensor (I2C address 0x5C) (+0k7 code)
#define USE_DS1624 // [I2cDriver42] Enable DS1624, DS1621 temperature sensor (I2C addresses 0x48 - 0x4F) (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_AHT1x // [I2cDriver43] Enable AHT10/15 humidity and temperature sensor (I2C address 0x38, 0x39) (+0k8 code)
// #define USE_AHT2x // [I2cDriver43] Enable AHT20 instead of AHT1x humidity and temperature sensor (I2C address 0x38) (+0k8 code)
#define USE_WEMOS_MOTOR_V1 // [I2cDriver44] Enable Wemos motor driver V1 (I2C addresses 0x2D - 0x30) (+0k7 code)
#define WEMOS_MOTOR_V1_ADDR 0x30 // Default I2C address 0x30
#define WEMOS_MOTOR_V1_FREQ 1000 // Default frequency
//#define USE_HDC1080 // [I2cDriver45] Enable HDC1080 temperature/humidity sensor (I2C address 0x40) (+1k5 code)
#define USE_IAQ // [I2cDriver46] Enable iAQ-core air quality sensor (I2C address 0x5a) (+0k6 code)
#define USE_AS3935 // [I2cDriver48] Enable AS3935 Franklin Lightning Sensor (I2C address 0x03) (+5k4 code)
//#define USE_MCP9808 // [I2cDriver51] Enable MCP9808 temperature sensor (I2C addresses 0x18 - 0x1F) (+0k9 code)
//#define USE_HP303B // [I2cDriver52] Enable HP303B temperature and pressure sensor (I2C address 0x76 or 0x77) (+6k2 code)
//#define USE_MLX90640 // [I2cDriver53] Enable MLX90640 IR array temperature sensor (I2C address 0x33) (+20k code)
2020-10-23 15:56:03 +01:00
//#define USE_EZOPH // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's pH sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOORP // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's ORP sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZORTD // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's RTD sensor (+0k2 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOHUM // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's HUM sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOEC // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's EC sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOCO2 // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's CO2 sensor (+0k2 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOO2 // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's O2 sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOPRS // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's PRS sensor (+0k7 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOFLO // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's FLO sensor (+0k4 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZODO // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's DO sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZORGB // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's RGB sensor (+0k5 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_EZOPMP // [I2cDriver55] Enable support for EZO's PMP sensor (+0k3 code) - Shared EZO code required for any EZO device (+1k2 code)
//#define USE_SEESAW_SOIL // [I2cDriver56] Enable Capacitice Soil Moisture & Temperature Sensor (I2C addresses 0x36 - 0x39) (+1k3 code)
2020-11-30 16:54:40 +00:00
//#define USE_SPI // Hardware SPI using GPIO12(MISO), GPIO13(MOSI) and GPIO14(CLK) in addition to two user selectable GPIOs(CS and DC)
//#define USE_RC522 // Add support for MFRC522 13.56Mhz Rfid reader (+6k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_MHZ19 // Add support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor (+2k code)
#define USE_SENSEAIR // Add support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor (+2k3 code)
#ifndef CO2_LOW
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define CO2_LOW 800 // Below this CO2 value show green light (needs PWM or WS2812 RG(B) led and enable with SetOption18 1)
#ifndef CO2_HIGH
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define CO2_HIGH 1200 // Above this CO2 value show red light (needs PWM or WS2812 RG(B) led and enable with SetOption18 1)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_PMS5003 // Add support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor (+1k3 code)
//#define PMS_MODEL_PMS3003 // Enable support of PMS3003 instead of PMS5003/PMS7003 (needs the USE_PMS5003 above)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_NOVA_SDS // Add support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor (+0k7 code)
#define USE_HPMA // Add support for Honeywell HPMA115S0 particle concentration sensor
#define USE_SR04 // Add support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
//#define USE_DYP // Add support for DYP ME-007 ultrasonic distance sensor, serial port version (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Add support for software Serial Bridge (+0k8 code)
#define USE_MP3_PLAYER // Use of the DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#define MP3_VOLUME 10 // Set the startup volume on init, the range can be 0..30(max)
//#define USE_AZ7798 // Add support for AZ-Instrument 7798 CO2 datalogger
#define USE_PN532_HSU // Add support for PN532 using HSU (Serial) interface (+1k8 code, 140 bytes mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
//#define USE_ZIGBEE // Enable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_RDM6300 // Add support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader (+0k8)
#define USE_IBEACON // Add support for bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices (uses HM17 module)
2019-12-23 14:53:43 +00:00
//#define USE_GPS // Add support for GPS and NTP Server for becoming Stratus 1 Time Source (+ 3.1kb flash, +132 bytes RAM)
#define USE_HM10 // (ESP8266 only) Add support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge for the LYWSD03 (+5k1 code)
2021-01-26 20:02:42 +00:00
#ifdef ESP32
#define USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Add support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
#define USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Add support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
#define USE_HRXL // Add support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders (+0k7)
//#define USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT // Add support for Arduino Uno/Pro Mini via serial interface including flashing (+2k3 code, 44 mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
//#define USE_OPENTHERM // Add support for OpenTherm (+15k code)
//#define USE_MIEL_HVAC // Add support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC serial interface (+5k code)
//#define USE_AS608 // Add support for AS608 optical and R503 capacitive fingerprint sensor (+3k4 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Add energy sensors (-14k code)
#define USE_PZEM004T // Add support for PZEM004T Energy monitor (+2k code)
#define USE_PZEM_AC // Add support for PZEM014,016 Energy monitor (+1k1 code)
#define USE_PZEM_DC // Add support for PZEM003,017 Energy monitor (+1k1 code)
#define USE_MCP39F501 // Add support for MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2 (+3k1 code)
2021-02-09 15:13:40 +00:00
#define USE_SDM72 // Add support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy monitor (+0k3 code)
#define USE_SDM120 // Add support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy monitor (+1k1 code)
#define USE_SDM630 // Add support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_DDS2382 // Add support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#define USE_DDSU666 // Add support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
//#define USE_SOLAX_X1 // Add support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
//#define USE_LE01MR // Add support for F&F LE-01MR modbus energy meter (+2k code)
2020-06-15 21:01:45 +01:00
//#define USE_TELEINFO // Add support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry (+5k2 code, +168 RAM + SmartMeter LinkedList Values RAM)
//#define USE_WE517 // Add support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_DHT // Add support for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321) and SI7021 Temperature and Humidity sensor
#define USE_MAX31855 // Add support for MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple sensor using softSPI
//#define USE_MAX31865 // Add support for MAX31865 RTD sensors using softSPI
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_IR_REMOTE // Send IR remote commands using library IRremoteESP8266 and ArduinoJson (+4k code, 0k3 mem, 48 iram)
#define USE_IR_RECEIVE // Support for IR receiver (+5k5 code, 264 iram)
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#define USE_LMT01 // Add support for TI LMT01 temperature sensor, count pulses on single GPIO (+0k5 code)
//#define USE_WIEGAND // Add support for 24/26/32/34 bit RFID Wiegand interface (D0/D1) (+1k7 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_TM1638 // Add support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8 (+1k code)
#define USE_HX711 // Add support for HX711 load cell (+1k5 code)
//#define USE_HX711_GUI // Add optional web GUI to HX711 as scale (+1k8 code)
2020-02-29 15:11:59 +00:00
//#define USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Add support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer (+2k6/0k8 code)
//#define USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR // Add support for La Crosse TX23 anemometer (+2k7/1k code)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
//#define USE_WINDMETER // Add support for analog anemometer (+2k2 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_RC_SWITCH // Add support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch (+2k7 code, 460 iram)
#define USE_RF_SENSOR // Add support for RF sensor receiver (434MHz or 868MHz) (+0k8 code)
// #define USE_THEO_V2 // Add support for decoding Theo V2 sensors as documented on https://sidweb.nl using 434MHz RF sensor receiver (+1k4 code)
#define USE_ALECTO_V2 // Add support for decoding Alecto V2 sensors like ACH2010, WS3000 and DKW2012 using 868MHz RF sensor receiver (+1k7 code)
#define USE_HRE // Add support for Badger HR-E Water Meter (+1k4 code)
//#define USE_A4988_STEPPER // Add support for A4988/DRV8825 stepper-motor-driver-circuit (+10k5 code)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
//#define USE_THERMOSTAT // Add support for Thermostat
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
* [tasmota-knx.bin]
* Provide a dedicated KNX image allowing enough code and memory space
2018-07-06 17:00:50 +01:00
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "knx"
#ifndef USE_KNX
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_KNX // Enable KNX IP Protocol Support (+23k code, +3k3 mem)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Belkin WeMo and Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (-16k code, -2k mem)
#undef USE_EMULATION_HUE // Disable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+14k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa (+6k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
2020-02-24 22:34:45 +00:00
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
2020-11-13 19:18:20 +00:00
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
2020-02-27 16:35:42 +00:00
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
* [tasmota-display.bin]
* Provide an image with display drivers enabled
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "display"
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Belkin WeMo and Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (-16k code, -2k mem)
#undef USE_EMULATION_HUE // Disable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+14k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa (+6k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_DOMOTICZ // Disable Domoticz
#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
// -- Optional modules ----------------------------
#undef ROTARY_V1 // Disable support for MI Desk Lamp
#undef USE_SONOFF_RF // Disable support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_SONOFF_SC // Disable support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
//#undef USE_TUYA_MCU // Disable support for Tuya Serial MCU
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer and Sonoff L1 (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
#undef USE_BUZZER // Disable support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
2019-12-28 20:12:46 +00:00
#undef USE_HOTPLUG // Disable support for HotPlug
2020-02-24 22:34:45 +00:00
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors (-14k code)
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
2021-02-09 15:13:40 +00:00
#undef USE_SDM72 // Disable support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DDS2382 // Disable support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDSU666 // Disable support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SOLAX_X1 // Disable support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
#undef USE_LE01MR // Disable support for F&F LE-01MR Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
2020-06-11 13:53:10 +01:00
#undef USE_TELEINFO // Disable support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry
#undef USE_IEM3000 // Disable support for Schneider Electric iEM3000-Modbus series energy monitor (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_WE517 // Disable support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
2020-11-13 19:18:20 +00:00
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
2020-06-11 13:53:10 +01:00
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_I2C // I2C using library wire (+10k code, 0k2 mem, 124 iram)
#define USE_DISPLAY // Add I2C Display Support (+2k code)
#define USE_DISPLAY_MODES1TO5 // Enable display mode 1 to 5 in addition to mode 0
#define USE_DISPLAY_LCD // [DisplayModel 1] Enable Lcd display (I2C addresses 0x27 and 0x3F) (+6k code)
#define USE_DISPLAY_SSD1306 // [DisplayModel 2] Enable SSD1306 Oled 128x64 display (I2C addresses 0x3C and 0x3D) (+16k code)
#define USE_DISPLAY_MATRIX // [DisplayModel 3] Enable 8x8 Matrix display (I2C adresseses see below) (+11k code)
#define USE_DISPLAY_SEVENSEG // [DisplayModel 11] [I2cDriver47] Enable sevenseg display (I2C addresses 0x70 - 0x77) (<+11k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#define USE_DISPLAY_SH1106 // [DisplayModel 7] Enable SH1106 Oled 128x64 display (I2C addresses 0x3C and 0x3D)
#define USE_SPI // Hardware SPI using GPIO12(MISO), GPIO13(MOSI) and GPIO14(CLK) in addition to two user selectable GPIOs(CS and DC)
#define USE_DISPLAY_ILI9341 // [DisplayModel 4] Enable ILI9341 Tft 480x320 display (+19k code)
#define USE_DISPLAY_EPAPER_29 // [DisplayModel 5] Enable e-paper 2.9 inch display (+19k code)
#define USE_DISPLAY_EPAPER_42 // [DisplayModel 6] Enable e-paper 4.2 inch display
#define USE_DISPLAY_ILI9488 // [DisplayModel 8]
#define USE_DISPLAY_SSD1351 // [DisplayModel 9]
#define USE_DISPLAY_RA8876 // [DisplayModel 10]
#define USE_DISPLAY_ST7789 // [DisplayModel 12] Enable ST7789 module
#define USE_DISPLAY_SSD1331 // [DisplayModel 14] Enable SSD1331 module
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
* [tasmota-ir.bin]
* Provide a dedicated image with IR full protocol support, with limited additional features
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "ir"
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_EMULATION_HUE // Disable Hue emulation - only for lights and relays
#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Wemo emulation - only for relays
//#undef USE_DOMOTICZ // Disable Domoticz
//#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
//#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
//#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
//#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
//#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
//#undef USE_RULES // Disable support for rules
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable mDNS for the following services (+8k code or +23.5k code with core 2_5_x, +0.3k mem)
// -- Optional modules ----------------------------
#undef ROTARY_V1 // Disable support for MI Desk Lamp
#undef USE_SONOFF_RF // Disable support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_SONOFF_SC // Disable support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
#undef USE_TUYA_MCU // Disable support for Tuya Serial MCU
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer and Sonoff L1 (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
#undef USE_BUZZER // Disable support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
2019-12-28 20:12:46 +00:00
#undef USE_HOTPLUG // Disable support for HotPlug
2020-02-24 22:34:45 +00:00
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
// -- Optional light modules ----------------------
//#undef USE_LIGHT // Also disable all Dimmer/Light support
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by //
#undef USE_MY92X1 // Disable support for MY92X1 RGBCW led controller as used in Sonoff B1, Ailight and Lohas
#undef USE_SM16716 // Disable support for SM16716 RGB LED controller (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SM2135 // Disable support for SM2135 RGBCW led control as used in Action LSC (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_L1 // Disable support for Sonoff L1 led control
#undef USE_ELECTRIQ_MOODL // Disable support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW LED controller
#undef USE_LIGHT_PALETTE // Disable support for color palette (+0k9 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_COUNTER // Disable counters
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable DS18x20 sensor
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors (-14k code)
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
2021-02-09 15:13:40 +00:00
#undef USE_SDM72 // Disable support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DDS2382 // Disable support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDSU666 // Disable support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SOLAX_X1 // Disable support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
#undef USE_LE01MR // Disable support for F&F LE-01MR Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
2020-06-11 13:53:10 +01:00
#undef USE_TELEINFO // Disable support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry
#undef USE_IEM3000 // Disable support for Schneider Electric iEM3000-Modbus series energy monitor (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_WE517 // Disable support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
2019-11-03 09:52:44 +00:00
//#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable support for DS18x20 sensors with id sort, single scan and read retry (+1k3 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_I2C // Disable all I2C sensors
#undef USE_SPI // Disable all SPI devices
#undef USE_DISPLAY // Disable support for displays
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_MHZ19 // Disable support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_HPMA // Disable support for Honeywell HPMA115S0 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_SR04 // Disable support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
#undef USE_DYP // Disable support for DYP ME-007 ultrasonic distance sensor, serial port version (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_AZ7798 // Disable support for AZ-Instrument 7798 CO2 datalogger
#undef USE_PN532_HSU // Disable support for PN532 using HSU (Serial) interface (+1k8 code, 140 bytes mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_ZIGBEE // Disable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RDM6300 // Disable support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader (+0k8)
#undef USE_IBEACON // Disable support for bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices (uses HM17 module)
2019-12-23 14:53:43 +00:00
#undef USE_GPS // Disable support for GPS and NTP Server for becoming Stratus 1 Time Source (+ 3.1kb flash, +132 bytes RAM)
#undef USE_HM10 // (ESP8266 only) Disable support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge for the LYWSD03 (+5k1 code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
#undef USE_HRXL // Disable support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders (+0k7)
#undef USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT // Disable support for Arduino Uno/Pro Mini via serial interface including flashing (+2k3 code, 44 mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_OPENTHERM // Disable support for OpenTherm (+15k code)
#undef USE_MIEL_HVAC // Disable support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC serial interface (+5k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DHT // Disable support for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321) and SI7021 Temperature and Humidity sensor
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_MAX31855 // Disable MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple sensor using softSPI
#undef USE_MAX31865 // Disable support for MAX31865 RTD sensors using softSPI
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX23 anemometer
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_WINDMETER // Disable support for analog anemometer (+2k2 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef USE_RF_SENSOR // Disable support for RF sensor receiver (434MHz or 868MHz) (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_HRE // Disable support for Badger HR-E Water Meter (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_A4988_STEPPER // Disable support for A4988_Stepper
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_THERMOSTAT // Disable support for Thermostat
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
#endif // FIRMWARE_IR
2020-07-22 20:07:40 +01:00
* [tasmota-zbbridge.bin]
* Provide an image for the Sonoff Zigbee Bridge
#ifdef FIRMWARE_ZBBRIDGE // *******************************************************************
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "zbbridge"
2020-07-23 11:43:56 +01:00
#undef MODULE
#define MODULE SONOFF_ZB_BRIDGE // [Module] Select default module from tasmota_template.h
#define FALLBACK_MODULE SONOFF_ZB_BRIDGE // [Module2] Select default module on fast reboot where USER_MODULE is user template
2020-07-24 11:17:19 +01:00
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Disable support for Arduino OTA
#define USE_DOMOTICZ // Enable Domoticz
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
2020-12-01 11:18:32 +00:00
#define UPGRADE_V8_MIN // do not support upgrading from version below 8.0.0
// -- MQTT - TLS - AWS IoT ------------------------
#ifdef USE_ZBBRIDGE_TLS // Enable TLS for ZbBridge
2020-10-30 08:58:32 +00:00
#define USE_MQTT_TLS // Use TLS for MQTT connection (+34.5k code, +7.0k mem and +4.8k additional during connection handshake)
#define USE_MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT // Force full CA validation instead of fingerprints, slower, but simpler to use. (+2.2k code, +1.9k mem during connection handshake)
// This includes the LetsEncrypt CA in tasmota_ca.ino for verifying server certificates
#define USE_MQTT_TLS_FORCE_EC_CIPHER // Force Elliptic Curve cipher (higher security) required by some servers (automatically enabled with USE_MQTT_AWS_IOT) (+11.4k code, +0.4k mem)
#define USE_MQTT_AWS_IOT_LIGHT // Enable MQTT for AWS IoT in light mode, with user/password instead of private certificate
#define USE_TLS // flag indicates we need to include TLS code
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver
#undef USE_ENHANCED_GUI_WIFI_SCAN // Disable wifi scan output with BSSID (+0k5 code)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
//#undef USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE // Disable command WebSend response message (+1k code)
#define USE_EMULATION // Enable Hue emulation
#define USE_EMULATION_HUE // Enable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+14k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa (+6k code, +2k mem common)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable Discovery services for both MQTT and web server
//#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
//#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
//#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
//#undef USE_RULES // Disable support for rules
#undef USE_SCRIPT // Add support for script (+17k code)
2020-07-22 20:07:40 +01:00
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
// -- Optional modules -------------------------
#undef ROTARY_V1 // Disable support for MI Desk Lamp
#undef USE_SONOFF_RF // Disable support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_SONOFF_SC // Disable support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
#undef USE_TUYA_MCU // Disable support for Tuya Serial MCU
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer and Sonoff L1 (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
#undef USE_BUZZER // Disable support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
#undef USE_HOTPLUG // Disable support for HotPlug
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
2020-07-22 20:07:40 +01:00
// -- Optional light modules ----------------------
#undef USE_LIGHT // Disable Dimmer/Light support
2020-12-29 18:31:27 +00:00
#undef USE_LIGHT_VIRTUAL_CT // Disable support for Virtual White Color Temperature (SO106)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by //
#undef USE_MY92X1 // Disable support for MY92X1 RGBCW led controller as used in Sonoff B1, Ailight and Lohas
#undef USE_SM16716 // Disable support for SM16716 RGB LED controller (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SM2135 // Disable support for SM2135 RGBCW led control as used in Action LSC (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_L1 // Disable support for Sonoff L1 led control
#undef USE_ELECTRIQ_MOODL // Disable support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW LED controller
#undef USE_LIGHT_PALETTE // Disable support for color palette (+0k9 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_COUNTER // Disable counters
2020-07-22 20:07:40 +01:00
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable DS18x20 sensor
//#undef USE_I2C // Enable I2C, zbbridge uses i2c EEprom
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_SPI // Disable all SPI devices
#undef USE_DISPLAY // Disable Display support
#undef USE_MHZ19 // Disable support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_HPMA // Disable support for Honeywell HPMA115S0 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_SR04 // Disable support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
#undef USE_DYP // Disable support for DYP ME-007 ultrasonic distance sensor, serial port version (+0k5 code)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_AZ7798 // Disable support for AZ-Instrument 7798 CO2 datalogger
#undef USE_PN532_HSU // Disable support for PN532 using HSU (Serial) interface (+1k8 code, 140 bytes mem)
#undef USE_ZIGBEE // Disable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP
#undef USE_RDM6300 // Disable support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader (+0k8)
#undef USE_IBEACON // Disable support for bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices (uses HM17 module)
#undef USE_GPS // Disable support for GPS and NTP Server for becoming Stratus 1 Time Source (+ 3.1kb flash, +132 bytes RAM)
#undef USE_HM10 // (ESP8266 only) Disable support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge for the LYWSD03 (+5k1 code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
#undef USE_HRXL // Disable support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders (+0k7)
#undef USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT // Disable support for Arduino Uno/Pro Mini via serial interface including flashing (+2k3 code, 44 mem)
#undef USE_OPENTHERM // Disable support for OpenTherm (+15k code)
#undef USE_MIEL_HVAC // Disable support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC serial interface (+5k code)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors
2020-07-24 11:17:19 +01:00
#undef USE_ADE7953 // Disable ADE7953 Energy monitor as used on Shelly 2.5 (I2C address 0x38) (+1k5)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
2021-02-09 15:13:40 +00:00
#undef USE_SDM72 // Disable support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy meter
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDS2382 // Disable support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDSU666 // Disable support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SOLAX_X1 // Disable support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
#undef USE_LE01MR // Disable support for F&F LE-01MR Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
#undef USE_TELEINFO // Disable support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry
#undef USE_IEM3000 // Disable support for Schneider Electric iEM3000-Modbus series energy monitor (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_WE517 // Disable support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
2020-07-23 08:26:10 +01:00
#undef USE_DHT // Disable support for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321) and SI7021 Temperature and Humidity sensor
#undef USE_MAX31855 // Disable MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple sensor using softSPI
#undef USE_MAX31865 // Disable support for MAX31865 RTD sensors using softSPI
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR driver
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX23 anemometer
#undef USE_WINDMETER // Disable support for analog anemometer (+2k2 code)
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef USE_RF_SENSOR // Disable support for RF sensor receiver (434MHz or 868MHz) (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_HRE // Disable support for Badger HR-E Water Meter (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_A4988_STEPPER // Disable support for A4988_Stepper
#undef USE_THERMOSTAT // Disable support for Thermostat
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
2020-07-22 20:07:40 +01:00
#define USE_ZIGBEE
#define USE_ZIGBEE_CHANNEL 11 // Zigbee Channel (11-26)
2020-07-22 20:07:40 +01:00
#define USE_ZIGBEE_COALESCE_ATTR_TIMER 350 // timer to coalesce attribute values (in ms)
#endif // SONOFF_ZIGBEEBRIDGE ******************************************************************
* [tasmota-lite.bin]
* Provide an image without sensors
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "lite"
#undef APP_SLEEP
#define APP_SLEEP 1 // Default to sleep = 1 for FIRMWARE_LITE
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Disable support for Arduino OTA
#undef USE_DOMOTICZ // Disable Domoticz
#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
#undef USE_MQTT_TLS // Disable TLS support won't work as the MQTTHost is not set
#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver
#undef USE_ENHANCED_GUI_WIFI_SCAN // Disable wifi scan output with BSSID (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE // Disable command WebSend response message (+1k code)
//#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Wemo or Hue emulation
//#undef USE_EMULATION_HUE // Disable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+14k code, +2k mem common)
//#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa (+6k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable Discovery services for both MQTT and web server
//#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
//#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
//#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
//#undef USE_RULES // Disable support for rules
#undef USE_SCRIPT // Add support for script (+17k code)
// -- Optional modules -------------------------
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef ROTARY_V1 // Disable support for MI Desk Lamp
#undef USE_SONOFF_RF // Disable support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_SONOFF_SC // Disable support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
//#undef USE_TUYA_MCU // Disable support for Tuya Serial MCU
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer and Sonoff L1 (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
#undef USE_BUZZER // Disable support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
2019-12-28 20:12:46 +00:00
#undef USE_HOTPLUG // Disable support for HotPlug
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
//#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
// -- Optional light modules ----------------------
2020-12-29 18:31:27 +00:00
#undef USE_LIGHT_VIRTUAL_CT // Disable support for Virtual White Color Temperature (SO106)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
//#undef USE_LIGHT // Also disable all Dimmer/Light support
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by //
#undef USE_MY92X1 // Disable support for MY92X1 RGBCW led controller as used in Sonoff B1, Ailight and Lohas
#undef USE_SM16716 // Disable support for SM16716 RGB LED controller (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SM2135 // Disable support for SM2135 RGBCW led control as used in Action LSC (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_L1 // Disable support for Sonoff L1 led control
#undef USE_ELECTRIQ_MOODL // Disable support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW LED controller
#undef USE_LIGHT_PALETTE // Disable support for color palette (+0k9 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_COUNTER // Disable counters
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable DS18x20 sensor
#undef USE_I2C // Disable all I2C sensors and devices
#undef USE_SPI // Disable all SPI devices
#undef USE_DISPLAY // Disable Display support
#undef USE_MHZ19 // Disable support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_HPMA // Disable support for Honeywell HPMA115S0 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_SR04 // Disable support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
#undef USE_DYP // Disable support for DYP ME-007 ultrasonic distance sensor, serial port version (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_AZ7798 // Disable support for AZ-Instrument 7798 CO2 datalogger
#undef USE_PN532_HSU // Disable support for PN532 using HSU (Serial) interface (+1k8 code, 140 bytes mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_ZIGBEE // Disable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RDM6300 // Disable support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader (+0k8)
#undef USE_IBEACON // Disable support for bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices (uses HM17 module)
2019-12-23 14:53:43 +00:00
#undef USE_GPS // Disable support for GPS and NTP Server for becoming Stratus 1 Time Source (+ 3.1kb flash, +132 bytes RAM)
#undef USE_HM10 // (ESP8266 only) Disable support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge for the LYWSD03 (+5k1 code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
#undef USE_HRXL // Disable support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders (+0k7)
#undef USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT // Disable support for Arduino Uno/Pro Mini via serial interface including flashing (+2k3 code, 44 mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_OPENTHERM // Disable support for OpenTherm (+15k code)
#undef USE_MIEL_HVAC // Disable support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC serial interface (+5k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
//#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
//#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
2021-02-09 15:13:40 +00:00
#undef USE_SDM72 // Disable support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DDS2382 // Disable support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDSU666 // Disable support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SOLAX_X1 // Disable support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
#undef USE_LE01MR // Disable support for F&F LE-01MR Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
2020-06-11 13:53:10 +01:00
#undef USE_TELEINFO // Disable support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry
#undef USE_IEM3000 // Disable support for Schneider Electric iEM3000-Modbus series energy monitor (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_WE517 // Disable support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DHT // Disable support for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321) and SI7021 Temperature and Humidity sensor
#undef USE_MAX31855 // Disable MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple sensor using softSPI
#undef USE_MAX31865 // Disable support for MAX31865 RTD sensors using softSPI
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR driver
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX23 anemometer
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_WINDMETER // Disable support for analog anemometer (+2k2 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef USE_RF_SENSOR // Disable support for RF sensor receiver (434MHz or 868MHz) (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_HRE // Disable support for Badger HR-E Water Meter (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_A4988_STEPPER // Disable support for A4988_Stepper
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_THERMOSTAT // Disable support for Thermostat
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
2020-05-09 15:41:56 +01:00
2020-11-26 08:49:24 +00:00
* [tasmota-minimal.bin]
* Provide the smallest image possible while still enabling a webserver for intermediate image load
2020-11-26 08:49:24 +00:00
2018-07-06 17:00:50 +01:00
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "minimal"
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef FIRMWARE_LITE // Disable tasmota-lite with no sensors
#undef FIRMWARE_SENSORS // Disable tasmota-sensors with useful sensors enabled
#undef FIRMWARE_KNX_NO_EMULATION // Disable tasmota-knx with KNX but without Emulation
#undef FIRMWARE_DISPLAYS // Disable tasmota-display with display drivers enabled
#undef FIRMWARE_IR // Disable tasmota-ir with IR full protocols activated
#undef FIRMWARE_IR_CUSTOM // Disable tasmota customizable with special marker to add all IR protocols
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Disable support for Arduino OTA
#undef USE_DOMOTICZ // Disable Domoticz
#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_TELEGRAM // Disable support for Telegram protocol (+49k code, +7.0k mem and +4.8k additional during connection handshake)
//#undef USE_MQTT_TLS // Disable TLS support won't work as the MQTTHost is not set
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver
#undef USE_ENHANCED_GUI_WIFI_SCAN // Disable wifi scan output with BSSID (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE // Disable command WebSend response message (+1k code)
#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Wemo or Hue emulation
#undef USE_EMULATION_HUE // Disable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+14k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa (+6k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable Discovery services for both MQTT and web server
#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_PING // Disable Ping command (+2k code)
#undef USE_UNISHOX_COMPRESSION // Disable support for string compression in Rules or Scripts
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RULES // Disable support for rules
#undef USE_SCRIPT // Disable support for script
// -- Optional modules ----------------------------
#undef ROTARY_V1 // Disable support for MI Desk Lamp
#undef USE_SONOFF_RF // Disable support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_SONOFF_SC // Disable support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
#undef USE_TUYA_MCU // Disable support for Tuya Serial MCU
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer and Sonoff L1 (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
#undef USE_BUZZER // Disable support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
2019-12-28 20:12:46 +00:00
#undef USE_HOTPLUG // Disable support for HotPlug
2020-02-24 22:34:45 +00:00
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
// -- Optional light modules ----------------------
#undef USE_LIGHT // Disable support for lights
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by //
#undef USE_MY92X1 // Disable support for MY92X1 RGBCW led controller as used in Sonoff B1, Ailight and Lohas
#undef USE_SM16716 // Disable support for SM16716 RGB LED controller (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SM2135 // Disable support for SM2135 RGBCW led control as used in Action LSC (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_L1 // Disable support for Sonoff L1 led control
#undef USE_ELECTRIQ_MOODL // Disable support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW LED controller
#undef USE_LIGHT_PALETTE // Disable support for color palette (+0k9 code)
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_DGR_LIGHT_SEQUENCE // Disable support for device group light sequencing (requires USE_DEVICE_GROUPS) (+0k2 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_COUNTER // Disable counters
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable DS18x20 sensor
#undef USE_I2C // Disable all I2C sensors and devices
#undef USE_SPI // Disable all SPI devices
#undef USE_DISPLAY // Disable Display support
#undef USE_MHZ19 // Disable support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_HPMA // Disable support for Honeywell HPMA115S0 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_SR04 // Disable support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
#undef USE_DYP // Disable support for DYP ME-007 ultrasonic distance sensor, serial port version (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_TCP_BRIDGE // DIsable support for Serial to TCP bridge (+1.3k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_AZ7798 // Disable support for AZ-Instrument 7798 CO2 datalogger
#undef USE_PN532_HSU // Disable support for PN532 using HSU (Serial) interface (+1k8 code, 140 bytes mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_ZIGBEE // Disable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RDM6300 // Disable support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader (+0k8)
#undef USE_IBEACON // Disable support for bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices (uses HM17 module)
2019-12-23 14:53:43 +00:00
#undef USE_GPS // Disable support for GPS and NTP Server for becoming Stratus 1 Time Source (+ 3.1kb flash, +132 bytes RAM)
#undef USE_HM10 // (ESP8266 only) Disable support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge for the LYWSD03 (+5k1 code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
#undef USE_HRXL // Disable support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders (+0k7)
#undef USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT // Disable support for Arduino Uno/Pro Mini via serial interface including flashing (+2k3 code, 44 mem)
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_OPENTHERM // Disable support for OpenTherm (+15k code)
#undef USE_MIEL_HVAC // Disable support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC serial interface (+5k code)
#undef USE_AS608 // Disable support for AS608 optical and R503 capacitive fingerprint sensor (+3k4 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
2021-02-09 15:13:40 +00:00
#undef USE_SDM72 // Disable support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DDS2382 // Disable support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDSU666 // Disable support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SOLAX_X1 // Disable support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
#undef USE_LE01MR // Disable support for F&F LE-01MR Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_BL0940 // Disable support for BL0940 Energy monitor as used in Blitzwolf SHP-10 (+1k6 code)
2020-06-11 13:53:10 +01:00
#undef USE_TELEINFO // Disable support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_IEM3000 // Disable support for Schneider Electric iEM3000-Modbus series energy monitor (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_WE517 // Disable support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_DHT // Disable support for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321) and SI7021 Temperature and Humidity sensor
#undef USE_MAX31855 // Disable MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple sensor using softSPI
#undef USE_MAX31865 // Disable support for MAX31865 RTD sensors using softSPI
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_LMT01 // Disable support for TI LMT01 temperature sensor, count pulses on single GPIO (+0k5 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR driver
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX23 anemometer
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_WINDMETER // Disable support for analog anemometer (+2k2 code)
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef USE_RF_SENSOR // Disable support for RF sensor receiver (434MHz or 868MHz) (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_HRE // Disable support for Badger HR-E Water Meter (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_A4988_STEPPER // Disable support for A4988_Stepper
2020-05-10 13:58:38 +01:00
#undef USE_THERMOSTAT // Disable support for Thermostat
2020-07-19 12:33:57 +01:00
#undef USE_PROMETHEUS // Disable support for https://prometheus.io/ metrics exporting over HTTP /metrics endpoint
2019-10-17 15:51:20 +01:00
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
2020-11-26 08:49:24 +00:00
2020-11-26 08:49:24 +00:00
#endif // ifndef FIRMWARE_MINICUSTOM
* [tasmota-minicustom.bin]
* Make a small minimal custom image possible
#define CODE_IMAGE_STR "mini-custom"
#undef FIRMWARE_LITE // Disable tasmota-lite with no sensors
#undef FIRMWARE_SENSORS // Disable tasmota-sensors with useful sensors enabled
#undef FIRMWARE_KNX_NO_EMULATION // Disable tasmota-knx with KNX but without Emulation
#undef FIRMWARE_DISPLAYS // Disable tasmota-display with display drivers enabled
#undef FIRMWARE_IR // Disable tasmota-ir with IR full protocols activated
#undef FIRMWARE_IR_CUSTOM // Disable tasmota customizable with special marker to add all IR protocols
2020-05-12 14:42:16 +01:00
#ifdef ESP32
#include "tasmota_configurations_ESP32.h"
#endif // ESP32
2020-11-26 08:49:24 +00:00
2020-04-09 14:32:23 +01:00