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settings.h - setting variables for Sonoff-Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _SETTINGS_H_
#define _SETTINGS_H_
#define PARAM8_SIZE 18 // Number of param bytes (SetOption)
2018-08-28 16:34:51 +01:00
typedef union { // Restricted by MISRA-C Rule 18.4 but so useful...
uint32_t data; // Allow bit manipulation using SetOption
struct { // SetOption0 .. SetOption31
uint32_t save_state : 1; // bit 0
uint32_t button_restrict : 1; // bit 1
uint32_t value_units : 1; // bit 2
uint32_t mqtt_enabled : 1; // bit 3
uint32_t mqtt_response : 1; // bit 4
uint32_t mqtt_power_retain : 1; // CMND_POWERRETAIN
uint32_t mqtt_button_retain : 1; // CMND_BUTTONRETAIN
uint32_t mqtt_switch_retain : 1; // CMND_SWITCHRETAIN
uint32_t temperature_conversion : 1; // bit 8
uint32_t mqtt_sensor_retain : 1; // CMND_SENSORRETAIN
uint32_t mqtt_offline : 1; // bit 10
uint32_t button_swap : 1; // bit 11 (v5.1.6)
uint32_t stop_flash_rotate : 1; // bit 12 (v5.2.0)
uint32_t button_single : 1; // bit 13 (v5.4.0)
uint32_t interlock : 1; // bit 14 (v5.6.0)
uint32_t pwm_control : 1; // bit 15 (v5.8.1)
uint32_t ws_clock_reverse : 1; // bit 16 (v5.8.1)
uint32_t decimal_text : 1; // bit 17 (v5.8.1)
uint32_t light_signal : 1; // bit 18 (v5.10.0c)
uint32_t hass_discovery : 1; // bit 19 (v5.11.1a)
uint32_t not_power_linked : 1; // bit 20 (v5.11.1f)
uint32_t no_power_on_check : 1; // bit 21 (v5.11.1i)
uint32_t mqtt_serial : 1; // bit 22 (v5.12.0f)
uint32_t mqtt_serial_raw : 1; // bit 23 (v6.1.1c) // Was rules_enabled until 5.14.0b
uint32_t pressure_conversion : 1; // bit 24 (v6.3.0.2) // Was rules_once until 5.14.0b
uint32_t knx_enabled : 1; // bit 25 (v5.12.0l) KNX
uint32_t device_index_enable : 1; // bit 26 (v5.13.1a)
uint32_t knx_enable_enhancement : 1; // bit 27 (v5.14.0a) KNX
uint32_t rf_receive_decimal : 1; // bit 28 (v6.0.0a)
uint32_t ir_receive_decimal : 1; // bit 29 (v6.0.0a)
uint32_t hass_light : 1; // bit 30 (v6.0.0b)
uint32_t global_state : 1; // bit 31 (v6.1.0)
} SysBitfield;
2018-08-28 16:34:51 +01:00
typedef union { // Restricted by MISRA-C Rule 18.4 but so useful...
uint32_t data; // Allow bit manipulation using SetOption
struct { // SetOption50 .. SetOption81
uint32_t timers_enable : 1; // bit 0 (v6.1.1b)
uint32_t user_esp8285_enable : 1; // bit 1 (v6.1.1.14)
uint32_t time_append_timezone : 1; // bit 2 (v6.2.1.2)
uint32_t gui_hostname_ip : 1; // bit 3 (v6.2.1.20)
uint32_t spare04 : 1;
uint32_t spare05 : 1;
uint32_t spare06 : 1;
uint32_t spare07 : 1;
uint32_t spare08 : 1;
uint32_t spare09 : 1;
uint32_t spare10 : 1;
uint32_t spare11 : 1;
uint32_t spare12 : 1;
uint32_t spare13 : 1;
uint32_t spare14 : 1;
uint32_t spare15 : 1;
uint32_t spare16 : 1;
uint32_t spare17 : 1;
uint32_t spare18 : 1;
uint32_t spare19 : 1;
uint32_t spare20 : 1;
uint32_t spare21 : 1;
uint32_t spare22 : 1;
uint32_t spare23 : 1;
uint32_t spare24 : 1;
uint32_t spare25 : 1;
uint32_t spare26 : 1;
uint32_t spare27 : 1;
uint32_t spare28 : 1;
uint32_t spare29 : 1;
uint32_t spare30 : 1;
uint32_t spare31 : 1;
} SysBitfield3;
typedef union {
uint32_t data; // Allow bit manipulation
struct {
uint32_t spare00 : 1;
uint32_t spare01 : 1;
uint32_t spare02 : 1;
uint32_t spare03 : 1;
uint32_t spare04 : 1;
uint32_t spare05 : 1;
uint32_t spare06 : 1;
uint32_t spare07 : 1;
uint32_t spare08 : 1;
uint32_t weight_resolution : 2;
uint32_t frequency_resolution : 2;
uint32_t axis_resolution : 2;
uint32_t current_resolution : 2;
uint32_t voltage_resolution : 2;
uint32_t wattage_resolution : 2;
uint32_t emulation : 2;
uint32_t energy_resolution : 3;
uint32_t pressure_resolution : 2;
uint32_t humidity_resolution : 2;
uint32_t temperature_resolution : 2;
} SysBitfield2;
typedef union {
uint16_t data;
struct {
uint16_t hemis : 1; // bit 0 = 0=Northern, 1=Southern Hemisphere (=Opposite DST/STD)
uint16_t week : 3; // bits 1 - 3 = 0=Last week of the month, 1=First, 2=Second, 3=Third, 4=Fourth
uint16_t month : 4; // bits 4 - 7 = 1=Jan, 2=Feb, ... 12=Dec
uint16_t dow : 3; // bits 8 - 10 = day of week, 1=Sun, 2=Mon, ... 7=Sat
uint16_t hour : 5; // bits 11 - 15 = 0-23
} TimeRule;
typedef union {
uint32_t data;
struct {
uint32_t time : 11; // bits 0 - 10 = minutes in a day
uint32_t window : 4; // bits 11 - 14 = minutes random window
uint32_t repeat : 1; // bit 15
uint32_t days : 7; // bits 16 - 22 = week day mask
uint32_t device : 4; // bits 23 - 26 = 16 devices
uint32_t power : 2; // bits 27 - 28 = 4 power states - Off, On, Toggle, Blink or Rule
2018-04-25 16:27:40 +01:00
uint32_t mode : 2; // bits 29 - 30 = timer modes - 0 = Scheduler, 1 = Sunrise, 2 = Sunset
uint32_t arm : 1; // bit 31
} Timer;
typedef union {
2018-08-21 21:12:40 +01:00
uint16_t data;
struct {
uint16_t pinmode : 3; // Pin mode (1 through 6)
uint16_t pullup : 1; // Enable internal weak pull-up resistor
uint16_t saved_state : 1; // Save output state, if used.
uint16_t int_report_mode : 2; // Interrupt reporting mode 0 = immediate telemetry & event, 1 = immediate event only, 2 = immediate telemetry only
uint16_t int_report_defer : 4; // Number of interrupts to ignore until reporting (default 0, max 15)
2018-08-25 20:15:41 +01:00
uint16_t int_count_en : 1; // Enable interrupt counter for this pin
uint16_t spare12 : 1;
uint16_t spare13 : 1;
uint16_t spare14 : 1;
uint16_t spare15 : 1;
} Mcp230xxCfg;
struct SYSCFG {
unsigned long cfg_holder; // 000 Pre v6 header
unsigned long save_flag; // 004
unsigned long version; // 008
unsigned long bootcount; // 00C
struct SYSCFG {
uint16_t cfg_holder; // 000 v6 header
uint16_t cfg_size; // 002
unsigned long save_flag; // 004
unsigned long version; // 008
uint16_t bootcount; // 00C
uint16_t cfg_crc; // 00E
SysBitfield flag; // 010
int16_t save_data; // 014
int8_t timezone; // 016
char ota_url[101]; // 017
char mqtt_prefix[3][11]; // 07C
uint8_t baudrate; // 09D
byte seriallog_level; // 09E
uint8_t sta_config; // 09F
byte sta_active; // 0A0
char sta_ssid[2][33]; // 0A1 - Keep together with sta_pwd as being copied as one chunck with reset 4/5
char sta_pwd[2][65]; // 0E3 - Keep together with sta_ssid as being copied as one chunck with reset 4/5
char hostname[33]; // 165
char syslog_host[33]; // 186
uint8_t rule_stop; // 1A7
uint16_t syslog_port; // 1A8
byte syslog_level; // 1AA
uint8_t webserver; // 1AB
byte weblog_level; // 1AC
uint8_t mqtt_fingerprint[2][20]; // 1AD
byte free_1D5[20]; // 1D5 Free since 5.12.0e
char mqtt_host[33]; // 1E9
uint16_t mqtt_port; // 20A
char mqtt_client[33]; // 20C
char mqtt_user[33]; // 22D
char mqtt_pwd[33]; // 24E
char mqtt_topic[33]; // 26F
char button_topic[33]; // 290
char mqtt_grptopic[33]; // 2B1
uint8_t display_model; // 2D2
uint8_t display_mode; // 2D3
uint8_t display_refresh; // 2D4
uint8_t display_rows; // 2D5
uint8_t display_cols[2]; // 2D6
uint8_t display_address[8]; // 2D8
uint8_t display_dimmer; // 2E0
uint8_t display_size; // 2E1
TimeRule tflag[2]; // 2E2
uint16_t pwm_frequency; // 2E6
power_t power; // 2E8
uint16_t pwm_value[MAX_PWMS]; // 2EC
int16_t altitude; // 2F6
uint16_t tele_period; // 2F8
uint8_t display_rotate; // 2FA
uint8_t ledstate; // 2FB
uint8_t param[PARAM8_SIZE]; // 2FC SetOption32 .. SetOption49
int16_t toffset[2]; // 30E
uint8_t display_font; // 312
char state_text[4][11]; // 313
uint8_t energy_power_delta; // 33F
uint16_t domoticz_update_timer; // 340
uint16_t pwm_range; // 342
unsigned long domoticz_relay_idx[MAX_DOMOTICZ_IDX]; // 344
unsigned long domoticz_key_idx[MAX_DOMOTICZ_IDX]; // 354
unsigned long energy_power_calibration; // 364
unsigned long energy_voltage_calibration; // 368
unsigned long energy_current_calibration; // 36C
unsigned long energy_kWhtoday; // 370
unsigned long energy_kWhyesterday; // 374
uint16_t energy_kWhdoy; // 378
uint16_t energy_min_power; // 37A
uint16_t energy_max_power; // 37C
uint16_t energy_min_voltage; // 37E
uint16_t energy_max_voltage; // 380
uint16_t energy_min_current; // 382
uint16_t energy_max_current; // 384
uint16_t energy_max_power_limit; // 386 MaxPowerLimit
uint16_t energy_max_power_limit_hold; // 388 MaxPowerLimitHold
uint16_t energy_max_power_limit_window; // 38A MaxPowerLimitWindow
uint16_t energy_max_power_safe_limit; // 38C MaxSafePowerLimit
uint16_t energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold; // 38E MaxSafePowerLimitHold
uint16_t energy_max_power_safe_limit_window; // 390 MaxSafePowerLimitWindow
uint16_t energy_max_energy; // 392 MaxEnergy
uint16_t energy_max_energy_start; // 394 MaxEnergyStart
uint16_t mqtt_retry; // 396
uint8_t poweronstate; // 398
uint8_t last_module; // 399
uint16_t blinktime; // 39A
uint16_t blinkcount; // 39C
uint16_t light_rotation; // 39E
SysBitfield3 flag3; // 3A0
uint8_t switchmode[MAX_SWITCHES]; // 3A4 (6.0.0b - moved from 0x4CA)
char friendlyname[MAX_FRIENDLYNAMES][33]; // 3AC
char switch_topic[33]; // 430
char serial_delimiter; // 451
uint8_t sbaudrate; // 452
uint8_t sleep; // 453
uint16_t domoticz_switch_idx[MAX_DOMOTICZ_IDX]; // 454
uint16_t domoticz_sensor_idx[MAX_DOMOTICZ_SNS_IDX]; // 45C
uint8_t module; // 474
uint8_t ws_color[4][3]; // 475
uint8_t ws_width[3]; // 481
myio my_gp; // 484
uint16_t light_pixels; // 496
uint8_t light_color[5]; // 498
uint8_t light_correction; // 49D
uint8_t light_dimmer; // 49E
uint8_t rule_enabled; // 49F
uint8_t rule_once; // 4A0
uint8_t light_fade; // 4A1
uint8_t light_speed; // 4A2
uint8_t light_scheme; // 4A3
uint8_t light_width; // 4A4
byte knx_GA_registered; // 4A5 Number of Group Address to read
uint16_t light_wakeup; // 4A6
byte knx_CB_registered; // 4A8 Number of Group Address to write
char web_password[33]; // 4A9
uint8_t ex_switchmode[4]; // 4CA Free since 6.0.0a
char ntp_server[3][33]; // 4CE
byte ina219_mode; // 531
uint16_t pulse_timer[MAX_PULSETIMERS]; // 532
uint16_t button_debounce; // 542
uint32_t ip_address[4]; // 544
unsigned long energy_kWhtotal; // 554
char mqtt_fulltopic[100]; // 558
SysBitfield2 flag2; // 5BC
unsigned long pulse_counter[MAX_COUNTERS]; // 5C0
uint16_t pulse_counter_type; // 5D0
uint16_t pulse_counter_debounce; // 5D2
uint8_t rf_code[17][9]; // 5D4
uint8_t timezone_minutes; // 66D
uint16_t switch_debounce; // 66E
Timer timer[MAX_TIMERS]; // 670
int latitude; // 6B0
int longitude; // 6B4
uint16_t knx_physsical_addr; // 6B8 (address_t is a uint16_t)
uint16_t knx_GA_addr[MAX_KNX_GA]; // 6BA (address_t is a uint16_t) x KNX_max_GA
uint16_t knx_CB_addr[MAX_KNX_CB]; // 6CE (address_t is a uint16_t) x KNX_max_CB
byte knx_GA_param[MAX_KNX_GA]; // 6E2 Type of Input (relay changed, button pressed, sensor read <-teleperiod)
byte knx_CB_param[MAX_KNX_CB]; // 6EC Type of Output (set relay, toggle relay, reply sensor value)
Mcp230xxCfg mcp230xx_config[16]; // 6F6
2018-08-21 21:12:40 +01:00
uint8_t mcp230xx_int_prio; // 716
byte free_717[1]; // 717
2018-08-25 20:15:41 +01:00
uint16_t mcp230xx_int_timer; // 718
uint8_t rgbwwTable[5]; // 71A
byte free_71F[149]; // 71F
uint32_t energy_kWhtotal_time; // 7B4
unsigned long weight_item; // 7B8 Weight of one item in gram * 10
byte free_7BC[2]; // 7BC
uint16_t weight_max; // 7BE Total max weight in kilogram
unsigned long weight_reference; // 7C0 Reference weight in gram
unsigned long weight_calibration; // 7C4
unsigned long energy_frequency_calibration; // 7C8
uint16_t web_refresh; // 7CC
char mems[MAX_RULE_MEMS][10]; // 7CE
char rules[MAX_RULE_SETS][MAX_RULE_SIZE]; // 800 uses 512 bytes in v5.12.0m, 3 x 512 bytes in v5.14.0b
// E00 - FFF free locations
} Settings;
struct RTCRBT {
uint16_t valid; // 280 (RTC memory offset 100 - sizeof(RTCRBT))
uint8_t fast_reboot_count; // 282
uint8_t free_003[1]; // 283
} RtcReboot;
struct RTCMEM {
uint16_t valid; // 290 (RTC memory offset 100)
byte oswatch_blocked_loop; // 292
uint8_t ota_loader; // 293
unsigned long energy_kWhtoday; // 294
unsigned long energy_kWhtotal; // 298
unsigned long pulse_counter[MAX_COUNTERS]; // 29C
power_t power; // 2AC
uint8_t free_020[60]; // 2B0
// 2EC - 2FF free locations
} RtcSettings;
struct TIME_T {
uint8_t second;
uint8_t minute;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t day_of_week; // sunday is day 1
uint8_t day_of_month;
uint8_t month;
char name_of_month[4];
uint16_t day_of_year;
uint16_t year;
unsigned long days;
unsigned long valid;
} RtcTime;
uint16_t valid;
uint16_t index;
uint16_t data_len;
uint16_t payload16;
int16_t payload;
uint8_t grpflg;
uint8_t notused;
char *topic;
char *data;
} XdrvMailbox;
#define MAX_RULES_FLAG 7 // Number of bits used in RulesBitfield (tricky I know...)
2018-08-28 16:34:51 +01:00
typedef union { // Restricted by MISRA-C Rule 18.4 but so useful...
uint16_t data; // Allow bit manipulation
struct {
uint16_t system_boot : 1;
uint16_t time_init : 1;
uint16_t time_set : 1;
uint16_t mqtt_connected : 1;
uint16_t mqtt_disconnected : 1;
uint16_t wifi_connected : 1;
uint16_t wifi_disconnected : 1;
uint16_t spare07 : 1;
uint16_t spare08 : 1;
uint16_t spare09 : 1;
uint16_t spare10 : 1;
uint16_t spare11 : 1;
uint16_t spare12 : 1;
uint16_t spare13 : 1;
uint16_t spare14 : 1;
uint16_t spare15 : 1;
} RulesBitfield;
typedef union {
uint8_t data;
struct {
uint8_t wifi_down : 1;
uint8_t mqtt_down : 1;
uint8_t spare02 : 1;
uint8_t spare03 : 1;
uint8_t spare04 : 1;
uint8_t spare05 : 1;
uint8_t spare06 : 1;
uint8_t spare07 : 1;
} StateBitfield;
// See issue https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/2913
#ifdef USE_ADC_VCC
ADC_MODE(ADC_VCC); // Set ADC input for Power Supply Voltage usage
2018-07-21 17:06:24 +01:00
#endif // _SETTINGS_H_