mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Merge pull request #11780 from araczkowski/development
PL translations update
This commit is contained in:
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
#define D_CONFIGURATION "Konfiguracja"
#define D_INFORMATION "Informacje"
#define D_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE "Aktualizacja oprogramowania"
#define D_MANAGEMENT "Consoles"
#define D_MANAGEMENT "Konsole"
#define D_CONSOLE "Konsola"
#define D_CONFIRM_RESTART "Potwierdź restart"
@ -292,18 +292,18 @@
#define D_WPA_PSK "WPA PSK"
#define D_WPA2_PSK "WPA2 PSK"
#define D_AP1_SSID "Nazwa"
#define D_AP1_SSID_HELP "Type or Select your WiFi Network"
#define D_AP1_SSID_HELP "Wpisz lub wybierz swoją sieć WiFi"
#define D_AP2_SSID "Nazwa 2"
#define D_AP2_SSID_HELP "Type your Alternative WiFi Network"
#define D_AP2_SSID_HELP "Wpisz alternatywną sieć WiFi"
#define D_AP_PASSWORD "Hasło"
#define D_AP_PASSWORD_HELP "Enter your WiFi Password"
#define D_SELECT_YOUR_WIFI_NETWORK "Select your WiFi Network"
#define D_SHOW_MORE_WIFI_NETWORKS "Scan for all WiFi Networks"
#define D_SHOW_MORE_OPTIONS "More Options"
#define D_CHECK_CREDENTIALS "Please, check your credentials"
#define D_SUCCESSFUL_WIFI_CONNECTION "Successful WiFi Connection"
#define D_NOW_YOU_CAN_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW "Now you can close this window"
#define D_REDIRECTING_TO_NEW_IP "Redirecting to new device's IP address"
#define D_AP_PASSWORD_HELP "Wprowadź swoje hasło WiFi"
#define D_SELECT_YOUR_WIFI_NETWORK "Wybierz swoją sieć WiFi"
#define D_SHOW_MORE_WIFI_NETWORKS "Wyszukaj wszystkie sieci WiFi"
#define D_SHOW_MORE_OPTIONS "Więcej opcji"
#define D_CHECK_CREDENTIALS "Sprawdź swoje dane uwierzytelniające"
#define D_SUCCESSFUL_WIFI_CONNECTION "Pomyślne połączenie WiFi"
#define D_NOW_YOU_CAN_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW "Teraz możesz zamknąć to okno"
#define D_REDIRECTING_TO_NEW_IP "Przekierowanie na adres IP nowego urządzenia"
#define D_MQTT_PARAMETERS "Parametry MQTT"
#define D_CLIENT "Klient"
@ -597,8 +597,8 @@
#define D_SpL1L2L3 "Prąd średni"
// xsns_86_tfminiplus.ino
#define D_SIGNALSTRENGTH "Signal Strength"
#define D_CHIPTEMPERATURE "Chip Temperature"
#define D_SIGNALSTRENGTH "Siła sygnału"
#define D_CHIPTEMPERATURE "Temperatura Chipa"
// tasmota_template.h - keep them as short as possible to be able to fit them in GUI drop down box
#define D_SENSOR_NONE "Brak"
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
#define D_SENSOR_ARIRFSEL "ALux IrSel"
#define D_SENSOR_TXD "Serial Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_RXD "Serial Rx"
#define D_SENSOR_ROTARY "Rotary" // Suffix "1A"
#define D_SENSOR_ROTARY "Obroty" // Suffix "1A"
#define D_SENSOR_HRE_CLOCK "HRE Zegar"
#define D_SENSOR_HRE_DATA "HRE Dane"
#define D_SENSOR_ADE7953_IRQ "ADE7953 IRQ"
@ -819,8 +819,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_HALLEFFECT "HallEffect"
#define D_SENSOR_EPD_DATA "EPD Data"
#define D_SENSOR_HALLEFFECT "Efekt Halla"
#define D_SENSOR_EPD_DATA "EPD Dane"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -868,13 +868,13 @@
#define D_UNIT_WATTHOUR "Wh"
#define D_NEW_ADDRESS "Setting address to"
#define D_OUT_OF_RANGE "Out of Range"
#define D_SENSOR_DETECTED "detected"
#define D_NEW_ADDRESS "Ustawiam adres na"
#define D_OUT_OF_RANGE "Poza zakresem"
#define D_SENSOR_DETECTED "wykryto"
//SDM220, SDM120, SDM72, LE01MR
#define D_EXPORT_POWER "Export Power"
#define D_IMPORT_POWER "Import Power"
#define D_EXPORT_POWER "Moc Eksportowana"
#define D_IMPORT_POWER "Moc Inportowana"
#define D_PHASE_ANGLE "Przesunięcie faz"
#define D_IMPORT_ACTIVE "Czynna pobrana"
#define D_EXPORT_ACTIVE "Czynna oddana"
@ -882,7 +882,7 @@
#define D_EXPORT_REACTIVE "Bierna oddana"
#define D_TOTAL_REACTIVE "Bierna całkowita"
#define D_UNIT_KWARH "kVArh"
#define D_UNIT_ANGLE "Deg"
#define D_UNIT_ANGLE "Stopni"
#define D_TOTAL_ACTIVE "Całkowita czynna"
@ -926,9 +926,9 @@
#define D_MANAGE_FILE_SYSTEM "Menadżer plików"
#define D_FS_SIZE "Rozmiar"
#define D_FS_FREE "Wolne"
#define D_NEW_FILE "newfile.txt"
#define D_CREATE_NEW_FILE "Create and edit new file"
#define D_EDIT_FILE "Edit File"
#define D_NEW_FILE "nowyplik.txt"
#define D_CREATE_NEW_FILE "Utwórz i edytuj nowy plik"
#define D_EDIT_FILE "Edytuj Plik"
#define D_AS3935_GAIN "wejście:"
@ -969,38 +969,38 @@
#define D_MAX_CURRENT "Moc aktualna"
// xsns_79_as608.ino
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACEFINGER "Place finger"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_REMOVEFINGER "Remove finger"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACESAMEFINGER "Place same finger again"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RETRY "Error so retry"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACEFINGER "Umieść palec"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_REMOVEFINGER "Zabierz palec"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_PLACESAMEFINGER "Ponownie umieść ten sam palec"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RETRY "Błąd, spróbuj ponownie"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RESTART "Restart"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ERROR "Error"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ERROR "Błąd"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_RESET "Reset"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ACTIVE "Active"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_INACTIVE "Inactive"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_ACTIVE "Aktywny"
#define D_FP_ENROLL_INACTIVE "Nieaktywny"
// Indexed by Adafruit_Fingerprint.h defines
#define D_FP_PACKETRECIEVEERR "Comms error" // 0x01 Error when receiving data package
#define D_FP_PACKETRECIEVEERR "Błąd komunikacji" // 0x01 Error when receiving data package
#define D_FP_NOFINGER "" // 0x02 No finger on the sensor
#define D_FP_IMAGEFAIL "Imaging error" // 0x03 Failed to enroll the finger
#define D_FP_IMAGEMESS "Image too messy" // 0x06 Failed to generate character file due to overly disorderly fingerprint image
#define D_FP_FEATUREFAIL "Fingerprint too small" // 0x07 Failed to generate character file due to the lack of character point or small fingerprint image
#define D_FP_NOMATCH "No match" // 0x08 Finger doesn't match
#define D_FP_NOTFOUND "Did not find a match" // 0x09 Failed to find matching finger
#define D_FP_ENROLLMISMATCH "Fingerprint did not match" // 0x0A Failed to combine the character files
#define D_FP_BADLOCATION "Bad location" // 0x0B Addressed PageID is beyond the finger library
#define D_FP_DBRANGEFAIL "DB range error" // 0x0C Error when reading template from library or invalid template
#define D_FP_UPLOADFEATUREFAIL "Upload feature error" // 0x0D Error when uploading template
#define D_FP_PACKETRESPONSEFAIL "Packet response error" // 0x0E Module failed to receive the following data packages
#define D_FP_UPLOADFAIL "Upload error" // 0x0F Error when uploading image
#define D_FP_DELETEFAIL "Delete error" // 0x10 Failed to delete the template
#define D_FP_DBCLEARFAIL "DB Clear error" // 0x11 Failed to clear finger library
#define D_FP_PASSFAIL "Password error" // 0x13 Find whether the fingerprint passed or failed
#define D_FP_INVALIDIMAGE "Image invalid" // 0x15 Failed to generate image because of lac of valid primary image
#define D_FP_FLASHERR "Flash write error" // 0x18 Error when writing flash
#define D_FP_INVALIDREG "Invalid number" // 0x1A Invalid register number
#define D_FP_ADDRCODE "Address code" // 0x20 Address code
#define D_FP_PASSVERIFY "Password verified" // 0x21 Verify the fingerprint passed
#define D_FP_UNKNOWNERROR "Error" // Any other error
#define D_FP_IMAGEFAIL "Błąd obrazu" // 0x03 Failed to enroll the finger
#define D_FP_IMAGEMESS "Obraz zbyt zamazany" // 0x06 Failed to generate character file due to overly disorderly fingerprint image
#define D_FP_FEATUREFAIL "Zbyt mały odcisk palca" // 0x07 Failed to generate character file due to the lack of character point or small fingerprint image
#define D_FP_NOMATCH "Brak dopasowania" // 0x08 Finger doesn't match
#define D_FP_NOTFOUND "Nie znalazłem dopasowania" // 0x09 Failed to find matching finger
#define D_FP_ENROLLMISMATCH "Odcisk palca nie pasuje" // 0x0A Failed to combine the character files
#define D_FP_BADLOCATION "Zła lokalizacja" // 0x0B Addressed PageID is beyond the finger library
#define D_FP_DBRANGEFAIL "Błąd zakresu DB" // 0x0C Error when reading template from library or invalid template
#define D_FP_UPLOADFEATUREFAIL "Błąd funkcji przesyłania" // 0x0D Error when uploading template
#define D_FP_PACKETRESPONSEFAIL "Błędny pakiet odpowiedzi" // 0x0E Module failed to receive the following data packages
#define D_FP_UPLOADFAIL "Błąd przesyłania" // 0x0F Error when uploading image
#define D_FP_DELETEFAIL "Błąd usuwania" // 0x10 Failed to delete the template
#define D_FP_DBCLEARFAIL "Błąd czyszczenia DB" // 0x11 Failed to clear finger library
#define D_FP_PASSFAIL "Błąd uwierzytelniania" // 0x13 Find whether the fingerprint passed or failed
#define D_FP_INVALIDIMAGE "Obraz jest nieprawidłowy" // 0x15 Failed to generate image because of lac of valid primary image
#define D_FP_FLASHERR "Błąd zapisu Flash" // 0x18 Error when writing flash
#define D_FP_INVALIDREG "Nieprawidłowy numer" // 0x1A Invalid register number
#define D_FP_ADDRCODE "Adres kodu" // 0x20 Address code
#define D_FP_PASSVERIFY "Zweryfikowano poprawnie" // 0x21 Verify the fingerprint passed
#define D_FP_UNKNOWNERROR "Błąd" // Any other error
// xsns_83_neopool.ino
#define D_NEOPOOL_MACH_NONE "NeoPool" // Machine names
@ -1052,6 +1052,6 @@
#define D_NEOPOOL_FLOW2 "FL2"
#define D_NEOPOOL_PH_HIGH "too high" // ph Alarms
#define D_NEOPOOL_PH_LOW "too low"
#define D_NEOPOOL_PUMP_TIME_EXCEEDED "pump time exceeded"
#define D_NEOPOOL_PUMP_TIME_EXCEEDED "czas pompowania przekroczony"
#endif // _LANGUAGE_PL_PL_D_H_
Reference in New Issue