* Added command KNX_GA so as to setup Group Address to Send Data/Commands
(return the amount of GA configured)
(return the configuration of the GA#1
KNX_GAx option, area, line, member
(Set the configuration of the GA#x)
example: KNX_GA3 1, 2,2,4
For the GA#3, the status of Relay 1 is sent to 2.2.4
* Added command KNX_CB so as to setup Group Address to Receive Data/Commands
KNX_CBx option, area, line, member
example: KNX_CB2 1, 2,2,4
For the CB#2, listen to 2.2.4 to set the status of the Relay 1
Posible values of the parameter OPTION:
1 - Relay 1
2 - Relay 2
3 - Relay 3
4 - Relay 4
5 - Relay 5
6 - Relay 6
7 - Relay 7
8 - Relay 8
9 - Button 1
10 - Button 2
11 - Button 3
12 - Button 4
13 - Button 5
14 - Button 6
15 - Button 7
16 - Button 8
26 - KNX_SLOT1
27 - KNX_SLOT2
28 - KNX_SLOT3
29 - KNX_SLOT4
30 - KNX_SLOT5
255 - EMPTY
Added the EVENT KNXRX_VAL1...5 when receiving values from the KNX Network or another Tasmota with KNX
Now, sensor values (for example) can be sent from one device to another.
This commit fixes the Visual Studio compiler warning
D:/Sonoff-Tasmota-development.6.1.1b/sonoff/xsns_30_mpr121.ino:192:2: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration [enabled by default] }; ^
* Add default Wifi Configuration tool as define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID in user_config.h if no SSID is configured (#3224)
* Add user selection of Wifi Smartconfig as define USE_SMARTCONFIG in user_config.h
* Add user selection of WPS as define USE_WPS in user_config.h in preparation for core v2.4.2 (#3221)
* Change default Wifi config option from WPS to Wifi Manager if WPS is disabled
* or Wifi Smartconfig if webserver is disabled
* or Wifi Serial input if Smartconfig is disabled
* Remove WPS and SmartConfig from sonoff-minimal saving 56k code space
* Add user selection of WPS as define USE_WPS in user_config.h in preparation for core v2.4.2 (#3221)
* Change default Wifi config option from WPS to Wifi Manager if WPS is disabled (or Wifi Smartconfig if webserver is disabled)
* Remove WPS from sonoff-minimal saving 33k code space
* Revert wifi changes implemented in v6.0.0a due to possible bad initial wifi connections
* Add wifi and mqtt status led blinkyblinky to be disabled by SetOption31 1. Does not work when LedPower is On (deliberate) (#871, #2230, #3114, #3155)
* Remove not needed functionality from Sonoff-minimal to save space
* Add time in minutes to rule Time#Initialized, Time#set and Time#Minute
* Add rule variables %time% for minutes since midnight, %uptime%,
%sunrise% and %sunset% giving time in minutes (#2669)
* Add command SetOption28 to switch between hex or decimal Sonoff Bridge
RF received data format (#3008)
* Add command SetOption29 to switch between hex or decimal IR received
data format
Changed the payload back to string.
I think this is shorter, easier to understand without any documentation and still works with rules.
on Tele-APDS9960#Up do command endon
-removed NEAR/FAR because of the unreliability
-support for Rules, therefore change of the MQTT-Messages to a number format (clockwise: up,right,down,left then long and none)
rule1 on Tele-APDS9960#Gesture=1 do ... endon
-minor code changes to shorten things
-changed from interrupt mode to polling
-fixed the mqtt-messages
-fixed command "gesture" for the console. Now every argument except 0 and 1 will report the gesture mode
-changed gesture name from "overload" to "long"
First version with the "new" driver model.
The driver is disabled by default to prevent side effects und must be enabled for testing by hand.
Please uncomment:
// #define USE_APDS9960
Use GPIO_DSB as interrupt pin as provisional hack in the web interface of tasmota.
Please expect problems (reboot, ...). My personal usage scenario is:
Sonoff -> MQTT -> Node-Red -> MQTT -> Sonoff
New Arithmetic commands to be used with VARs:
ADD1 to ADD5: Add a value to VAR[x]
Usage: ADD1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 + 15
SUB1 to SUB5: Substract a value from VAR[x]
Usage: SUB1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 - 15
MULT1 to MULT5: Multiply a value to VAR[x]
Usage: MULT1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 * 15
SCALE1 to SCALE5: Scale a value from a low and high limit to another low and high limit and store it in VAR[x] (directly equivalent to MAP arduino command)
SCALEx value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh
value: the number to scale
fromLow: the lower bound of the value’s current range
fromHigh: the upper bound of the value’s current range
toLow: the lower bound of the value’s target range
toHigh: the upper bound of the value’s target range
(omitted values are taken as zero)
Usage: SCALE1 15, 0, 100, 0, 1000
Result: VAR1 = 150
Update xdrv_26_lm75ad.ino to support C or F depending on Settings.flag.temperature_conversion (#define TEMP_CONVERSION 0 or 1) as stored in [SetOption8] Return temperature in (0 = Celsius or 1 = Fahrenheit)
* Add support for uploading Sonoff Bridge firmware found in
tools/fw_efm8bb1 folder build by Portisch using Web Gui File Upload
* Add command RfRaw to control Portisch firmware features
* Add CRC to Settings making future upgrades more fail-safe
* Remove version 3, 4 and pre 5.2 settings auto-upgrade. See
* Change default CFG_HOLDER from 0x20161209 to 4617 (=0x1209) - no
impact on default upgrades
* Added Console Commands to send KNX Commands
usage: KnxTx_Cmnd[slot] command
where [slot] is any of the 5 slots on the KNX Menu and command is 0 or 1
example: KnxTx_Cmnd1 0
* Added Console Commands to send KNX Values
usage: KnxTx_Val[slot] value
where [slot] is any of the 5 slots on the KNX Menu and value is a number
example: KnxTx_Val1 35
* Added Slots on the KNX Web Menu to select Group Addess to send data from console commands
* Added Events to trigger rules when received data from KNX
usage on rules as: event#KnxRx_Val[slot]
where [slot] is any of the 5 slots on the KNX Menu
example: rule on event#KnxRx_Val1 do VAR1 %value% endon
* Added Events to trigger rules when received read requests from KNX
usage on rules as: event#KnxRx_Req[slot]
where [slot] is any of the 5 slots on the KNX Menu
example: rule on event#KnxRx_Req1 do KnxTx_Val1 35 endon
* Added Slots on the KNX Web Menu to select Group Addess to receive data to trigger rules