Support subscribe/unsubscribe MQTT topics and trigger specified event with the subscribed MQTT topic.
You can subscribe a MQTT topic and assign an event name. Once we received subscribed MQTT message, an event will be automatically triggered. So you can set up a rule with "ON EVENT#<event_name> DO ..." to do whatever you want based on this MQTT message. The payload is passed as a parameter once the event been triggered. If the payload is in JSON format, you are able to get the value of specified key as parameter.
For example, if you have a Tasmota based thermostat and multiple temperature sensors in different place, usually you have to set up a centre home automation system like Domoticz to control the thermostat. Right now, with this new feature, you can write a rule to do this.
Two new commands in Rules:
1. Subscribe
Subscribe a MQTT topic (with or without key) and assign an event name to it.
Command format:
Subscribe [<event_name>, <topic> [, <key>]]
This command will subscribe a <topic> and give it an event name <event_name>.
The optional parameter <key> is for parse the specified key/value from MQTT message
payload with JSON format.
In order to parse value from two level JSON data, you can use one dot (".") to split the key into two section.
Subscribe command without any parameter will list all topics currently subscribed.
2. Unsubscribe
Unsubscribe specified MQTT event.
Command format:
Unsubscribe [<event_name>]
Unsubscribe a topic subscribed by specify the event name.
If no event specified, Unsubscribe all topics subscribed.
Subscribe BkLight, Tasmota/BackyardLight/stat/POWER
And define a rule like:
Rule1 on event#BkLight=ON do ruletimer4 60 endon
Subscribe DnTemp, Tasmota/RoomSensor1/stat/SENSOR, DS18B20.Temperature
Define a rule to deal with the MQTT message like {"Time":"2017-02-16T10:13:52", "DS18B20":{"Temperature":20.6}}
Rule1 ON EVENT#DnTemp>=21 DO ... ENDON
Support use an expression as paramter in some rule commands, include Var<x>, Mem<x> and Ruletimer<x>.
Expression is constructed by constants (float number), variables (var<x>, mem<x>, Time, Uptime, Sunrise, Sunset), operators and round brackets.
Currently support 6 operators, order by priority from high to low:
^ (power)
% (modulo)
*, /
+, -
Commands examples:
Var1 3.14 * (MEM1 * (10 + VAR2 ^2) - 100) % 10 + uptime / (2 + MEM2)
Ruletimer4 Time - Sunrise + MEM2/2
- use functions from support.ino (had to split reading in Max4409Detect
in 2 8 bits reads as the MAX44009 only supports 16 bits reads for
luminance registers)
- Used the << instead of pow() to save a lot of xompiled code
- Improved float -> string conversion along the suggested lines
- Code size is now +/- 750 bytes (without other I2C sensors compiled in
I think
* Add support for Luminea ZX2820 Smart Socket with Energy monitoring (#4921)
* Add define MDNS_ENABLE to control initial mDNS state (#4923)
* Add split interlock part 1 (#4910)
Add define USE_MQTT_TLS_CA_CERT for checking MQTT TLS against root ca using Let's Encrypt cert from sonoff_letsencrypt.h - not supported with core 2.3.0 (#4703)