This fetches electricity prices and chooses the cheapest future time slot.
Currently, the only data source is the Nordpool prices for Finland, as
provided by ENTSO-E and To use:
* copy cheap_power.tapp to the file system
* Invoke the Tasmota command CheapPower1, CheapPower2, … to
* download prices for the next 24 to 48 hours
* automatically choose the cheapest future time slot
* to schedule Power1 ON, Power2 ON, … at the chosen slot
* to install a Web UI in the main menu
* For a full installation, you will want something like the following:
Backlog0 Timezone 99; TimeStd 0,0,10,1,4,120; TimeDst 0,0,3,1,3,180
Backlog0 SwitchMode1 15; SwitchTopic1 0
Backlog0 WebButton1 boiler; WebButton2 heat
PulseTime1 3700
Rule1 ON Clock#Timer DO CheapPower1 ENDON
Timer {"Enable":1,"Mode":0,"Time":"18:00","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":3}
Rule1 1
Timers 1
The download schedule can be adjusted in the timer configuration menu.
The prices for the next day will typically be updated in the afternoon
or evening of the previous day.
In case the prices cannot be downloaded, the download will be retried
in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 64, 64, … minutes until it succeeds.
The user interface in the main menu consists of 4 buttons:
⏮ moves to the previous time slot (or wraps from the first to the last)
⏯ pauses (switches off) or chooses the optimal slot
🔄 requests the prices to be downloaded and the optimal slot to be chosen
⏭ moves to the next time slot (or wraps from the last to the first)
The status output above the buttons may also indicate that the output
is paused until further command or price update:
It may also indicate the start time and the price of the slot:
⭙ 2024-11-22 21:00 12.8 ¢
I am using this for controlling a 3×2kW warm water boiler.
For my usage, 1 hour every 24 or 48 hours is sufficient.
- CHange Display removed PWM control of backlight GPIO for universal display regression from v14.1.0
- Fix Display DisplayMode adds a display device while not configured
- Fix GUI intermittent exception on screen updates due to flash access
Display driver for 4inch display with ST7701 driver and GT911 touch driver including correct pinout and correct init process trought SPI. Used in WaveShare ESP32-S3-4inch display board.