* Add command SetOption28 to switch between hex or decimal Sonoff Bridge
RF received data format (#3008)
* Add command SetOption29 to switch between hex or decimal IR received
data format
This commit adds a configuration file for the Doxygen documenation generator and a helper script to create/update the source code documentation. Just install Doxygen and GraphViz and run "updateDocs.sh" to create the source code documentation.
New Arithmetic commands to be used with VARs:
ADD1 to ADD5: Add a value to VAR[x]
Usage: ADD1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 + 15
SUB1 to SUB5: Substract a value from VAR[x]
Usage: SUB1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 - 15
MULT1 to MULT5: Multiply a value to VAR[x]
Usage: MULT1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 * 15
SCALE1 to SCALE5: Scale a value from a low and high limit to another low and high limit and store it in VAR[x] (directly equivalent to MAP arduino command)
SCALEx value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh
value: the number to scale
fromLow: the lower bound of the value’s current range
fromHigh: the upper bound of the value’s current range
toLow: the lower bound of the value’s target range
toHigh: the upper bound of the value’s target range
(omitted values are taken as zero)
Usage: SCALE1 15, 0, 100, 0, 1000
Result: VAR1 = 150
Update xdrv_26_lm75ad.ino to support C or F depending on Settings.flag.temperature_conversion (#define TEMP_CONVERSION 0 or 1) as stored in [SetOption8] Return temperature in (0 = Celsius or 1 = Fahrenheit)
* Add support for uploading Sonoff Bridge firmware found in
tools/fw_efm8bb1 folder build by Portisch using Web Gui File Upload
* Add command RfRaw to control Portisch firmware features
* Add CRC to Settings making future upgrades more fail-safe
* Remove version 3, 4 and pre 5.2 settings auto-upgrade. See
* Change default CFG_HOLDER from 0x20161209 to 4617 (=0x1209) - no
impact on default upgrades