* Add support for uploading Sonoff Bridge firmware found in
tools/fw_efm8bb1 folder build by Portisch using Web Gui File Upload
* Add command RfRaw to control Portisch firmware features
* Add commands Timer 0 to clear timer and Timer 1..16 to copy
* Add optional Timer configuration webpage to be enabled in
user_config.h with define USE_TIMERS_WEB
* Change webpage parameter
* Add support for Software Serial bridge using commands
SerialDelimiter, SBaudrate and SSerialSend. Supports 8N1 and text only
* Add support for Hardware Serial bridge using commands
SerialDelimiter, Baudrate and SerialSend. Supports 8N1 and text only
* Replaced command Ina219Mode with command Sensor13
* Add
command Sensor15 2 to start MHZ19(B) Zero Point Calibration
* Add
chunked webserver pages for large pages saving memory
* Fix Non-English
JSON temperature unit attachement
* Fix Sonoff Pow Energy Today and
Energy Total reading after restart (#1648)
* Rewrite function pointers
to save code space and memory (#1683)
* Add option define
HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE in user_config.h (#1685)
* Fix SOnoff
Pow Energy Period roll-over (#1688)
* Add locale Decimal Separator to Web sensor page
* Add
command State to retrieve device state information (same data as
teleperiod state and status 11 in slightly different JSON format)
Extent state information with Light parameters
* Fix IRSend parameter
translation (#1636)
* Add optional login to Webserver AP mode (#1587,
* Fix BME680 teleperiod resistance measuring (#1647)
* Add automagic two step Web server OTA upgrade using
filename-minimal image if OTA free space is too small
* Add chinese
language file (#1551)
* Add device function pointers
* Moved Command and JSON
English language defines to one file (i18n.h)
* Update it-IT.h language
file (#1449)
* Fix Wemo and Hue emulation by adding M-Search response
delay (#1486)
* Differentiate between JSON text defines and other text
defines to allow for English JSON while using different locale (#1449)
* Fix display of build date and time in non-english locale (#1465)
* Add support for SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor to be enabled with define
USE_SENSEAIR in user_config.h
* Add support for Domoticz Air Quality
sensor to be used by MH-Z19(B) and SenseAir sensors
* Change Sonoff Pow Energy MQTT data JSON message and
consolidate Status 8 into Status 10
* Add optional support for PZEM004T
energy sensor to enable with define USE_PZEM004T in user_config.h (#614)
* Add (experimental) support for iTead SI7021 temperature and humidity
sensor (#735)
* Change ADS1115 default voltage range from +/-2V to
+/-6V (#1289)
* Revert changes to xsns_05_ds18x20.ino and rename to
xsns_05_ds18x20_legacy.ino still needing library OneWire and providing
legacy JSON message:
* Add new xdrv_05_ds18x20.ino free from library OneWire and add the
following features:
* Add support for DS1822
* Add forced setting of
12-bit resolution for selected device types (#1222)
* Add read
temperature retry counter (#1215)
* Fix lost sensors by performing
sensor probe at restart only thereby removing dynamic sensor probe
* Fix sensor address sorting using ascending sort on sensor
type followed by sensor address
* Rewrite JSON resulting in shorter
message allowing more sensors in default firmware image:
* Add additional define in user_config.h to select either single sensor
(defines disabled), new multi sensor (USE_DS18X20) or legacy multi
sensor (USE_DS18X20_LEGACY)
* Add support for Sonoff Dual R2 (#1249)
Fix ADS1115 detection (#1258)