
12 KiB


decode-config.py backup and restore Sonoff-Tasmota configuration.

Comparing backup files created by decode-config.py and *.dmp files created by Tasmota "Backup/Restore Configuration":

*.json file
*.dmp file
Encrypted No Yes
Readable Yes No
Simply editable Yes No
Simply batch processing Yes No

decode-config.py handles Tasmota configurations for release version since 5.10.0 up to now.



  • Python
    This program is written in Python so you need to install a python environment (for details see Python Setup and Usage)
  • Sonoff-Tasmota Firmware with enabled Web-Server
    To backup or restore configurations from/to a Sonoff-Tasmota device you need a firmare with enabled web-server in admin mode (command WebServer 2).
    Only self compiled firmware may do not have a web-server sod if you use your own compiled firmware be aware to enable the web-server, otherwise you can only use the --file parameter as source.

File Types

decode-config.py can handle the following backup file types:

.dmp Format

Configuration data as used by Tasmota "Backup/Restore Configuration" web interface.
This format is binary and encrypted.

.json Format

Configuration data in JSON-format.
This format is decrypted, human readable and editable and can also be used for the --restore-file command.
This file will becreated by decode-config.py using --backup-file with --backup-type json parameter (default).

.bin Format

Configuration data in binary format.
This format is binary decryptet, editable (e.g. using a hex editor) and can also be used for --restore-file command.
It will be created by decode-config.py using --backup-file with --backup-type bin.
This file is 4 byte longer than an original .dmp file due to an prefix header at the beginning. The file data starting at address position 4 are containing the same as the struct SYSCFG from Tasmota settings.h in decrypted format.

File extensions

decode-config.py uses auto extension as default for backup filenames; you don't need to append extensions to your backup file, it will be selected based on --backup-type argument.
If you want using your own extension use the --no-extension argument.


After download don't forget to set exec flag under linux with chmod +x decode-config.py or call the program using python decode-config.py....


At least pass a source where you want to read the configuration data from using -f <filename> or -d <host>:

The source can be either

  • a Tasmota device hostname or IP by passing it using the -d <host> arg
  • or a previously stored Tasmota *.dmpconfiguration file by passing the filename using-f ` arg


decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281

will output a human readable configuration in JSON-format:

  "altitude": 112, 
  "baudrate": 115200, 
  "blinkcount": 10, 
  "blinktime": 10, 
  "ws_width": [

Save backup file

To save the output as backup file --backup-file <filename>, you can use placeholder for Version, Friendlyname and Hostname:

decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 --backup-file Config_@f_@v

If you have setup a WebPassword within Tasmota, use

decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 -p <yourpassword> --backup-file Config_@f_@v

will create a file like Config_Sonoff_x.x.x.json. Because it is in JSON format, you can read and edit the file with any raw text editor.

Restore backup file

Reading back a saved (and possible changed) backup file use the --restore-file <filename> arg. This will read the (changed) configuration data from this file and send it back to the source device or filename.

To restore the previously save backup file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json to device sonoff-4281 use:

decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json

with password set by WebPassword:

decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 -p <yourpassword> --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json

Configuration file

Each argument that start with -- (eg. --file) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse).

If an argument is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file values which override defaults. This is usefull if you always use the same argument or a basic set of arguments.

The http authentication credentials --username and --password is predestinated to store it in a file instead using it on your command line as argument:

e.g. my.conf:

username = admin
password = myPaszxwo!z

To make a backup file from example above you can now pass the config file instead using the password on command line:

decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 -c my.conf --backup-file Config_@f_@v

More program arguments

For better reading your porgram arguments each short written arg (minus sign -) has a corresponding readable long version (two minus signs --), eg. --device for -d or --file for -f (note: not even all -- arg has a corresponding - one).

A short list of possible program args is displayed using -h or --help.

For advanced help use -H or --full-help:

usage: decode-config.py [-f <filename>] [-d <host>] [-P <port>]
                        [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-i <filename>]
                        [-o <filename>] [-F json|bin|dmp] [-E] [-e]
                        [--json-indent <indent>] [--json-compact]
                        [--json-hide-pw] [--json-unhide-pw] [-h] [-H] [-v]
                        [-V] [-c <filename>] [--ignore-warnings]

Backup/Restore Sonoff-Tasmota configuration data. Args that start with '--'
(eg. -f) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file
syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at
https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then
commandline values override config file values which override defaults.

optional arguments:
  -c, --config <filename>
                        program config file - can be used to set default
                        command args (default: None)
  --ignore-warnings     do not exit on warnings. Not recommended, used by your
                        own responsibility!

  Read/Write Tasmota configuration from/to

  -f, --file, --tasmota-file <filename>
                        file to retrieve/write Tasmota configuration from/to
                        (default: None)'
  -d, --device, --host <host>
                        hostname or IP address to retrieve/send Tasmota
                        configuration from/to (default: None)
  -P, --port <port>     TCP/IP port number to use for the host connection
                        (default: 80)
  -u, --username <username>
                        host HTTP access username (default: admin)
  -p, --password <password>
                        host HTTP access password (default: None)

  Backup/Restore configuration file specification

  -i, --restore-file <filename>
                        file to restore configuration from (default: None).
                        Replacements: @v=firmware version, @f=device friendly
                        name, @h=device hostname
  -o, --backup-file <filename>
                        file to backup configuration to (default: None).
                        Replacements: @v=firmware version, @f=device friendly
                        name, @h=device hostname
  -F, --backup-type json|bin|dmp
                        backup filetype (default: 'json')
  -E, --extension       append filetype extension for -i and -o filename
  -e, --no-extension    do not append filetype extension, use -i and -o
                        filename as passed

  JSON backup format specification

  --json-indent <indent>
                        pretty-printed JSON output using indent level
                        (default: 'None'). -1 disables indent.
  --json-compact        compact JSON output by eliminate whitespace
  --json-hide-pw        hide passwords (default)
  --json-unhide-pw      unhide passwords

  additional information

  -h, --help            show usage help message and exit
  -H, --full-help       show full help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         produce more output about what the program does
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

Either argument -d <host> or -f <filename> must be given.


The most of the examples are for linux command line. Under Windows call the program using python decode-config.py ....

Config file

Note: The example contains .ini style sections [...]. Sections are always treated as comment and serves as clarity only. For further details of config file syntax see https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse.


username = admin
password = myPaszxwo!z

json-indent 2

Using Tasmota binary configuration files

  1. Restore a Tasmota configuration file

    decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.dmp

  2. Backup device using Tasmota configuration compatible format

    a) use file extension to choice the file format

    decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --backup-file Config_@f_@v.dmp

    b) use args to choice the file format

    decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --backup-type dmp --backup-file Config_@f_@v

Use batch processing

for device in sonoff1 sonoff2 sonoff3; do ./decode-config.py -c my.conf -d $device -o Config_@f_@v

or under windows

for device in (sonoff1 sonoff2 sonoff3) do python decode-config.py -c my.conf -d %device -o Config_@f_@v

will produce JSON configuration files for host sonoff1, sonoff2 and sonoff3 using friendly name and Tasmota firmware version for backup filenames.