12 KiB

Migration Information

See wiki migration path for instructions how to migrate to a major version. Pay attention to the following version breaks due to dynamic settings updates:

  1. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 3.9.x
  2. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 4.x
  3. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 5.14
  4. Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 6.x

Release notes

Change in default initial configuration tool

Firmware binary sonoff-classic.bin supports WifiManager, Wps and SmartConfig for initial configuration. The default tool is Wps.

To save memory space all other binaries support WifiManager only.

See _changelog.ino how to enable them again.

  • Define WIFI_CONFIG_TOOL now contains the default behaviour once a SSID has been configured.
  • If no SSID is configured making a wifi connection impossible the new define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will be used.
  • While define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID is set to WIFI_WPSCONFIG in user_config.h the compiler will check for define USE_WPS and if not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to WIFI_MANAGER using the webserver. If define USE_WEBSERVER is also not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to WIFI_SMARTCONFIG. If define USE_SMARTCONFIG is also not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to a new option WIFI_SERIAL allowing to enter wifi parameters to serial which is always possible.

Provided Binary Downloads

The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library version 2.3.0

  • sonoff-minimal.bin = The Minimal version allows intermediate OTA uploads to support larger versions and does NOT change any persistent parameter. This version should NOT be used for initial installation.
  • sonoff-classic.bin = The Classic version allows initial installation using either WifiManager, Wps or SmartConfig.
  • sonoff.bin = The Sonoff version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration but adds more sensors.
  • sonoff-BG.bin to sonoff-TW.bin = The Sonoff version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration in different languages.
  • sonoff-sensors.bin = The Sensors version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration but adds even more useful sensors.
  • sonoff-knx.bin = The Knx version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration and some other features but adds KNX support.

See Tasmota ESP/Arduino library version related issues why these files are still released using ESP/Arduino library version v2.3.0.

Available Features and Sensors

Feature or Sensor minimal classic sonoff knx sensors Remarks
ESP/Arduino lib v2.3.0 340k 477k 473k 492k 497k
ESP/Arduino lib v2.4.2 360k 491k 491k 509k 513k No sleep
MY_LANGUAGE en-GB x x x x x
USE_WPS - x - - - WPS
USE_SMARTCONFIG - x - - - SmartConfig
USE_DOMOTICZ - x x x x
USE_MQTT_TLS - - - - -
USE_KNX - - - x -
USE_WEBSERVER x x x x x WifiManager
USE_TIMERS - - x x x
USE_TIMERS_WEB - - x x x
USE_SUNRISE - - x x x
USE_RULES - - x x x
USE_ADC_VCC x x x x
USE_DS18B20 - - - - - Single sensor
USE_DS18x20 - x x x x Multiple sensors
USE_DS18x20_LEGACY - - - - - Multiple sensors
Feature or Sensor minimal classic sonoff knx sensors
USE_I2C - - x x x
USE_SHT - - x x x
USE_HTU - - x x x
USE_BMP - - x x x
USE_BME680 - - - - x
USE_BH1750 - - x x x
USE_VEML6070 - - - - x
USE_ADS1115 - - - - x
USE_ADS1115_I2CDEV - - - - -
USE_INA219 - - - - x
USE_SHT3X - - x x x
USE_TSL2561 - - - - x
USE_MGS - - - - x
USE_SGP30 - - x x x
USE_SI1145 - - - - x
USE_LM75AD - - x x x
USE_APDS9960 - - - - -
USE_MCP230xx - - - - -
USE_MPR121 - - - - -
USE_CCS811 - - - - -
USE_MPU6050 - - - - -
Feature or Sensor minimal classic sonoff knx sensors
USE_SPI - - - - -
USE_MHZ19 - - x x x
USE_SENSEAIR - - x x x
USE_PMS5003 - - x x x
USE_NOVA_SDS - - x x x
USE_PZEM004T - - x x x
USE_SDM120 - - - - x
USE_SDM630 - - - - x
USE_IR_REMOTE - - x x x
USE_IR_HVAC - - - - x
USE_IR_RECEIVE - - x x x
USE_WS2812 - x x x x
USE_WS2812_DMA - - - - -
USE_ARILUX_RF - - x x x
USE_SR04 - - x x x
USE_TM1638 - - - - -
USE_RF_FLASH - - x x x


Version 6.2.1 20180905

  • Fix possible ambiguity on command parameters if StateText contains numbers only (#3656)
  • Fix Wemo emulation to select the first relay when more than one relay is present (#3657)
  • Fix possible exception due to buffer overflow (#3659)
  • Fix lost energy today and total energy value after power cycle (#3689)

Version 6.2.0 20180901

  • Allow user override of define MAX_RULE_VARS and MAX_RULE_TIMERS (#3561)
  • Disable wifi sleep for both Esp8266/Arduino core 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 to solve device freeze caused by Espressif SDK bug (#3554)
  • Change DS18B20 driver to provide better instant results
  • Change some sensor drivers to provide instant results
  • Change define USE_ALL_SENSORS to USE_SENSORS as it doesn't contain all sensors due to duplicate I2C addresses
  • Change some sensor update timings: AdcEvery 200 -> 250, Senseair 300 -> 250, SDM120 300 -> 250, SDM630 300 -> 250
  • Change default Wifi config option from WPS to Wifi Manager if WPS is disabled or Wifi Smartconfig if webserver is disabled or Wifi Serial input if Smartconfig is disabled
  • Change SHT1x driver to provide better instant results and fix I2C interference
  • Change DHT driver to provide better instant results and add decimals to DHT11 (#3164)
  • Change DS18x20 driver to provide better instant results (#3169)
  • Change CounterType 1 from milliseconds to microseconds (#3437)
  • Change scheduler for better sleep support using Uptime, Delay, PulseTime and TelePeriod, Blinktime (#3581)
  • Remove unused functionality from Sonoff-minimal to save space
  • Remove WPS and SmartConfig from sonoff-minimal saving 56k code space
  • Remove TSL2561 debug message and update library (#2415)
  • Remove forced restart when sleep command is executed (#3554)
  • Fix invalid response using more than 4 switches and domoticz
  • Fix sonoff-minimal not using default settings
  • Fix unsecure main webpage update
  • Fix DHT driver mixing values for different sensors (#1797)
  • Fix EnergyReset3 regression not clearing total energy (#2723)
  • Fix rules once regression from v6.1.0 (#3198, #3226)
  • Fix command Scale buffer overflow (#3236)
  • Fix possible WDT due to long MQTT publish handling (#3313)
  • Fix command TimeDst/TimeStd invalid JSON (#3322)
  • Fix handling of default names when using names starting with shortcut character ",0,1 or 2 (#3392, #3600, #3618)
  • Fix LM75AD I2C sensor detection (#3408)
  • Fix iFan02 power on state (#3412, #3530)
  • Fix some Pow R2 and S31 checksum errors using optimized re-sync (#3425)
  • Fix SDM120 reporting wrong negative values to Domoticz (#3521)
  • Fix MQTT reconnection detection when using TasmotaMqtt library (#3558)
  • Fix OtaMagic when file path contains a dash (-) (#3563)
  • Fix Sonoff Bridge data reception when using Portisch EFM8 firmware using in data buffer length (#3605)
  • Add read sensor retry to DS18B20, DS18x20, DHT, SHT1X and HTU21
  • Add user selection of Wifi Smartconfig as define USE_SMARTCONFIG in user_config.h
  • Add boot loop detection and perform some solutions
  • Add wifi and mqtt status led blinkyblinky to be disabled by SetOption31 1. Does not work when LedPower is On (deliberate) (#871, #2230, #3114, #3155)
  • Add support for TM1638 switch (#2226)
  • Add GPIO options ButtonXn, SwitchXn and CounterXn to select INPUT mode instead of INPUT_PULLUP (#2525)
  • Add support for APDS9960 proximity sensor (#3051)
  • Add support for MPR121 controller in input mode for touch buttons (#3142)
  • Add support for MCP230xx for general purpose input expansion and command Sensor29 (#3188)
  • Add default Wifi Configuration tool as define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID in user_config.h if no SSID is configured (#3224)
  • Add command Timers 0/1 to globally disable or enable armed timers (#3270)
  • Add support for CCS811 sensor (#3309)
  • Add Turkish language file (#3332)
  • Add command SerialSend4 to send binary serial data (#3345)
  • Add initial support for sensor MPU6050 (#3352)
  • Add rule triggers Wifi#Connected and Wifi#Disconnected (#3359)
  • Add option + to command Rule to concatenate new rule with existing rules (#3365)
  • Add message when JavaScript is not enabled in webbrowser (#3388)
  • Add build time setting of ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic (#3414)
  • Add iFan02 Fanspeed + and Fanspeed - command options (#3415)
  • Add Individual HSBColorX commands (#3430, #3615)
  • Add output support on MCP23008/MCP23017 (#3436)
  • Add modulo option to rules like rule1 on Time#Minute|5 do backlog power on;delay 200;power off endon (#3466)
  • Add RGB support for Domoticz (#3547)
  • Add all ruletimer values to command RuleTimer result message (#3571)
  • Add command Publish2 for publishing retained MQTT messages (#3593)
  • Add commands ButtonDebounce 40..1000 and SwitchDebounce 40..1000 to have user control over debounce timing. Default is 50mS (#3594)
  • Add RuleX debug options 8,9,10 (StopOnError) to control RuleX execution status after an exception restart (#3607)
  • Add rule variables %sunrise%, %sunset%, %uptime% and %time% (#3608)
  • Add optional MQTT_TELE_RETAIN to Energy Margins message (#3612, 3614)