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# Sonoff-Tasmota ( KNX MOD )
This is a MOD for [Sonoff-Tasmota](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota) to integrate [KNX Protocol](https://www.knx.org/knx-en/index.php) to its features.
Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX can be found [here](https://github.com/ascillato/Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX)
Basic KNX IP Functionality is Available. **( Work in progress )**
_Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX development branch is kept in sync with the Original Sonoff-Tasmota_
## KNX Explanation ##
The [KNX](https://www.knx.org/knx-en/knx/association/what-is-knx/index.php) IP Protocol is intended for smart home and smart bulding automation. It is a decentraliced system. Each device can talk directly to each other without the need of a central controller or server. Any panel or server is just for telesupervision and for sending requests.
Each device has a physical address ( like a MAC ) as 1.1.0 and that address is used for configuration purposes.
Each device can be configured with group addresses as 2/2/1 and that address can be used for sending/receiving commands.
So, for example, if 2 devices that are configured with the 2/2/1 for turning on/off their outputs, and other device send _Turn ON_ command to 2/2/1, both devices will turn on their outputs.
## Requirements ##
This MOD requires only the KNX Library [ascillato/ESP-KNX-IP_Lite](https://github.com/ascillato/ESP-KNX-IP_Lite).
## Next Version Menu ##
<img src="https://github.com/ascillato/Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX/blob/development/.github/Config_Menu.jpg" />
<img src="https://github.com/ascillato/Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX/blob/development/.github/KNX_menu.jpg" />
Further development will change the library to the KNX Library [envy/esp-knx-ip](https://github.com/envy/esp-knx-ip). Please, use the [async-udp](https://github.com/envy/esp-knx-ip/tree/async-udp) branch. Also, it is needed to change on the _esp-knx-ip.h_ file the following:
#define MAX_CALLBACKS 20
//#define ESP_KNX_DEBUG <-- comment this line
The ESP KNX IP library (async-udp branch) also requires the [ESPAsyncUDP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncUDP) library. Please, use ESPAsyncUDP library patched with the [PR #21](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncUDP/pull/21)
Copy of both libraries with the modifications needed are available at:
* https://github.com/ascillato/Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX/tree/development/lib/esp-knx-ip
* https://github.com/ascillato/Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX/tree/development/lib/ESPAsyncUDP
## Development Road Map ##
**For Sonoff-Tasmota_KNX:**
- [x] Add Web Menu (need improvement)
- [x] Add Feature to Receive telegrams and modify Relay Status
- [x] Add Feature to Receive telegrams from multiple Group Addresses to modify just one relay status (useful for scenes)
- [x] Add Feature to Send telegrams of relay status change
- [ ] Add Feature to Send telegrams of one relay status to multiple Group Addresses (useful for scenes)
- [x] Add Feature to Send telegrams of button pressed
- [x] Add Feature to receive telegrams to toggle relay status
- [ ] Add Feature to read Temperature, Humidity from Tasmota
- [x] Add Feature to send Temperature, Humidity by a set interval (tasmota teleperiod)
- [x] Add Feature to receive command to read temperature, Humidity
- [ ] Add Feature to recognize Tasmota config to show the same amount of relays, buttons, etc
- [ ] Add Feature to Save Config
- [ ] Add Feature to Load Config
- [x] Complete all the language files with keys
- [ ] Optimize code to reduce Flash and RAM
## Modifications to [Original Tasmota](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota) ##
* Adding the file _/sonoff/xdrv_10_KNX.ino_
* Add the entry `#define USE_KNX` on _/sonoff/user_config.h_
* Add entries to the file _/sonoff/webserver.ino_
* Add entries to the file _/sonoff/sonoff.ino_
* Add entries to the file _/sonoff/sonoff.h_
* Add entries to the file _/sonoff/settings.h_
* Add entries to sensor files
* Add entries to language files
Up to now, enabling KNX uses +18k of code and +3k3 of memory.
There is **NO CONFLICT** with MQTT, Home Assistant, Web, etc. Tests show fast response of all features running at same time.
## Contributors to this MOD ##
* Adrian Scillato [ascillato](https://github.com/ascillato)
* Sisamiwe [sisamiwe](https://github.com/sisamiwe) - Thanks for the guide on using KNX.
* Nico Weichbrodt [envy](https://github.com/envy) - Thanks for the patience and help with the modifications to ESP_KNX_IP.
## Sonoff-Tasmota
Alternative firmware for _ESP8266 based devices_ like [iTead](https://www.itead.cc/) _**Sonoff**_, with **web**, **timers**, 'Over The Air' (**OTA**) firmware updates and **sensors support**, allowing control under **serial**, **HTTP**, **KNX** and **MQTT**, so as to be used on **Smart Home Systems**. Written for Arduino IDE and PlatformIO.
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### Development:
[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota)
Current version is **5.12.0j** - See [sonoff/_releasenotes.ino](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/blob/development/sonoff/_releasenotes.ino) for change information.
### Quick install
Download one of the released binaries from https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/releases and flash it to your hardware as documented in the wiki.
### Important User Compilation Information
If you want to compile Sonoff-Tasmota yourself keep in mind the following:
- Only Flash Mode **DOUT** is supported. Do not use Flash Mode DIO / QIO / QOUT as it might seem to brick your device. See [Wiki](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Theo's-Tasmota-Tips) for background information.
- Sonoff-Tasmota uses a 1M linker script WITHOUT spiffs for optimal code space. If you compile using ESP/Arduino library 2.3.0 then download the provided new linker script to your Arduino IDE or Platformio base folder. Later version of ESP/Arduino library already contain the correct linker script. See [Wiki > Prerequisite](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Prerequisite).
- To make compile time changes to Sonoff-Tasmota it can use the ``user_config_override.h`` file. It assures keeping your settings when you download and compile a new version. To use ``user_config.override.h`` you will have to make a copy of the provided ``user_config.override_sample.h`` file and add your setting overrides. To enable the override file you will need to use a compile define as documented in the ``user_config_override_sample.h`` file.
### Version Information
- Sonoff-Tasmota provides all (Sonoff) modules in one file and starts with module Sonoff Basic.
- Once uploaded select module using the configuration webpage or the commands ```Modules``` and ```Module```.
- After reboot select config menu again or use commands ```GPIOs``` and ```GPIO``` to change GPIO with desired sensor.
<img src="https://github.com/arendst/arendst.github.io/blob/master/media/sonoffbasic.jpg" width="250" align="right" />
See [Wiki](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki) for more information.<br />
See [Community](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/sonoffusers) for forum and more user experience.
The following devices are supported:
- [iTead Sonoff Basic](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-wifi-wireless-switch-1.html)
- [iTead Sonoff RF](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-rf.html)
- [iTead Sonoff SV](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-sv.html)<img src="https://github.com/arendst/arendst.github.io/blob/master/media/sonoff_th.jpg" width="250" align="right" />
- [iTead Sonoff TH10/TH16 with temperature sensor](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-th.html)
- [iTead Sonoff Dual (R2)](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-dual.html)
- [iTead Sonoff Pow](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-pow.html)
- [iTead Sonoff 4CH](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-4ch.html)
- [iTead Sonoff 4CH Pro](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/sonoff-4ch-pro.html)
- [iTead S20 Smart Socket](https://www.itead.cc/smart-socket.html)
- [Sonoff S22 Smart Socket](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/issues/627)
- [iTead Sonoff S31 Smart Socket with Energy Monitoring](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-s31.html)
- [iTead Slampher](https://www.itead.cc/slampher.html)
- [iTead Sonoff Touch](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-touch.html)
- [iTead Sonoff T1](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-t1.html)
- [iTead Sonoff SC](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-sc.html)
- [iTead Sonoff Led](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-led.html)<img src="https://github.com/arendst/arendst.github.io/blob/master/media/sonoff4ch.jpg" height="250" align="right" />
- [iTead Sonoff BN-SZ01 Ceiling Led](https://www.itead.cc/bn-sz01.html)
- [iTead Sonoff B1](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-b1.html)
- [iTead Sonoff RF Bridge 433](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-rf-bridge-433.html)
- [iTead Sonoff Dev](https://www.itead.cc/sonoff-dev.html)
- [iTead 1 Channel Switch 5V / 12V](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/inching-self-locking-wifi-wireless-switch.html)
- [iTead Motor Clockwise/Anticlockwise](https://www.itead.cc/smart-home/motor-reversing-wifi-wireless-switch.html)
- [Electrodragon IoT Relay Board](http://www.electrodragon.com/product/wifi-iot-relay-board-based-esp8266/)
- AI Light or any my9291 compatible RGBW LED bulb
- H801 PWM LED controller
- [MagicHome PWM LED controller](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/MagicHome-LED-strip-controller)
- AriLux AL-LC01, AL-LC06 and AL-LC11 PWM LED controller
- [Supla device - Espablo-inCan mod. for electrical Installation box](https://forum.supla.org/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2188)
- [Luani HVIO board](https://luani.de/projekte/esp8266-hvio/)
- Wemos D1 mini, NodeMcu and Ledunia
### License
This program is licensed under GPL-3.0